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File 132176786390.jpg - (470.77KB , 800x500 , the_lover_behind_mask_yaoi_by_a1040280-d4go99w.jpg )
81056 No. 81056
>>58210 Last one finally autosaged.

This artist, all my hnnnnggggs
Expand all images
>> No. 81232
oh yes thats marvelous.
>> No. 81260
File 132212028322.png - (376.46KB , 812x443 , indignant.png )
suavebastard art hooray!

Just stick your thumb in the waistband, Clark, almost there...
>> No. 81267

does anyone know if suavebastard does commissions?
>> No. 81270
Their ygal says "Commission Status: Closed Message me for details."
>> No. 81494
File 132261895115.jpg - (117.00KB , 845x608 , 1315977458002.jpg )
Ok so me and the person above was thinking the same thing just now. I'm going to buy some commissions off of guys I know could use the extra cash before christmas. Right now I have a few lined up and excited to go, provided they are ok with illustrating adult material of course.

I hope to make this a win/win present for everybody but here's the thing, I need ideas for them to draw! So please let me know your ideas/wants for Bruce/Clark I should have those guys draw for us so those guys can get to work.
>> No. 81506
Tangled capes?
>> No. 81516
Messing around with Diana's lasso.

I would totes pitch in if SB would take commissions only for a high price. Such lovely art~ I can hope...
>> No. 81540
File 132280693041.png - (307.70KB , 500x975 , suavebastard - Anytime.png )
"Prompt A1: A1 Jeans-wearing Superman from the new Action Comics hanging out with Bruce Wayne in some way."

I love thisssssss
>> No. 82086
I just want to see some dick (not Dick). Everyone is apparently afraid of making explicit drawings of Superman doing Batman and instead strategically places a cape or something in the way.
>> No. 82573
File 132549151882.jpg - (307.11KB , 595x842 , kilboz-Bat-love.jpg )
Hey! Here's a PWP I read years ago but I found it again! It's gloriously detailed.


Also, thread needed this.
>> No. 82670
hot fic like that deserves hot fic in return.

>> No. 82729
Fic like that is why I can't get into regular porn. Goddamn.
>> No. 82765
File 132578351846.png - (256.60KB , 720x400 , vlcsnap-2012-01-05-12h10m26s6.png )
Dat ass
>> No. 82799
File 132582410311.jpg - (199.32KB , 528x800 , BUTT.jpg )
Clark has a rather nice ass also.

Ricken has magic butt-drawing abilities.
>> No. 82843
File 13259123775.png - (391.93KB , 720x400 , vlcsnap-2012-01-05-12h00m54s177.png )
guh... Clark = most pleasant heart attack

moar fic guys, moar moar!
>> No. 82862
Okay other sole inhabitant of this thread, hopefully you haven't read all these.

>> No. 82916
Heh yeah I devoured those, but have you read this?

>> No. 82921
Yep, it would probably be hard to find a fic of these two I haven't read. May have to dig through some old archives for something that looks fresh again.

Sage for no content.
>> No. 83002
Same here, perhaps there will be a pick up when the movies come out? I hate to think that the comm is dying before then.

There's always cap/iron I suppose. I just can't read them without thinking about what big bitters those two are. >:o
>> No. 83007
File 132642216820.gif - (137.57KB , 320x230 , 9c7f3510.gif )
I'm so jealous of the other fandoms that constantly have new content. We're left to quietly wither away and wish we had more people with artsy talents ;_;

Especially since the upcoming World's Finest title will feature Earth 2 Power Girl and Huntress if I understand this correctly. Not, you know, the actual World's Finest. What the hell, DC.
>> No. 83067
Fans will just bitch about it, like the New 52 and DC will scrap it and go back.

Well having more artists would be nice - if I had money to throw around I'd commission writers instead. tmlange, romanyg, ava_jamison are definitely a few. And speaking of tmlange there was a journal of hers that had monthly round ups of fic but I think it died awhile back ;/

>> No. 83184
File 132669838689.jpg - (385.79KB , 1154x926 , duookami - Mr Wayne & Mr Kent.jpg )
hey look what i found. Preeeeeetty sure that Clark's the one being laid on.

actually i have no fucking clue
>> No. 83185
File 132669876262.jpg - (301.37KB , 700x587 , jiro220 - CLARKBRUCE.jpg )
>> No. 83186
File 132669880381.jpg - (470.78KB , 1500x1908 , kinnhell - [ClarkBruce] Yours.jpg )
>> No. 83238
File 132677048157.jpg - (213.96KB , 500x700 , tumblr_lxgf0wdBJB1qcdgzyo4_500.jpg )
Do you guys want pics or fics?
>> No. 83242
Either. The newer or more obscure, the better.

That pic is the most compelling case I have seen to dislike panties on the outside. Homina homina
>> No. 83247
File 132678674830.jpg - (263.32KB , 500x716 , 12284354.jpg )
alrighties then ill see what i got!
>> No. 83248
File 13267869062.jpg - (549.50KB , 480x1200 , tumblr_lxgf0wdBJB1qcdgzyo1_1280.jpg )
i think this is clark/bruce? might be that guy from the new 52 batman comics though...
>> No. 83306
The correct answer is: all of the above.
Bruce most definitely. Or Damian ...ack! Cannot unsee!
Or Chris Redfield
>> No. 83319
File 132709198996.jpg - (155.71KB , 494x700 , tumblr_lj93yoNLdJ1qhive8o1_500.jpg )
>> No. 83320
File 132709209737.jpg - (47.38KB , 500x388 , tumblr_luj1iwSCTl1qakwwxo1_500.jpg )
FINALLY I'm contributing!!!
>> No. 83321
File 132709213525.jpg - (55.56KB , 500x583 , tumblr_ly3ia8iFEQ1qcdgzyo1_500.jpg )
>> No. 83336
File 132716462872.png - (374.10KB , 724x1280 , tumblr_lwj6jzb8L01r46hnh.png )
I found a tumblr aaaaall about Clark being a sweet li'l dorkus. And this is the first thing I saw.

>> No. 83588
File 132724589867.jpg - (318.38KB , 1339x1890 , wallyrainbow - Superman.jpg )
also have more dick.
>> No. 83641

>> No. 83642

>> No. 83643
It goes down once in a while, hopefully it will be back!
>> No. 83646
Hopefully. And I also hope that the wayback machine will work on some fanfic...
>> No. 83657
File 132756026751.jpg - (159.72KB , 685x1000 , fukss - No Shaving.jpg )
I'm upset. So upset in fact that I suffered through trying to get used to nothing but art. Such tribulation.
>> No. 83658
File 132756045760.jpg - (372.04KB , 939x900 , Batman_cooking_eggs_by_NeMAfronSPAiN.jpg )
Juuust terrible.

Robin probably got him those boxers as a joke.
>> No. 83659
File 132756091053.jpg - (122.87KB , 593x551 , tumblr_lvt16gi9sL1qkz9yn.jpg )
>> No. 83661
File 132756162985.jpg - (46.29KB , 300x283 , tumblr_luxwq8WInO1r15gkz.jpg )
wait never mind I found a fic.
>> No. 83711
Yoooung here. I remember this arc well. He's awoken out his sleep by a wife beater, in his building...beating his wife in front of their kids. It was interesting to see Superman handle it the way he did.

It was a terribly good arc and demonstrated well how a super powered god in some form can still be utterly powerless.
>> No. 83714
I only got into comics in the past couple years so I didn't know the source. I'd be interested in reading it if you know the issue numbers.
>> No. 83716

>> No. 83733
File 13278868567.jpg - (461.62KB , 1291x708 , 1327795491784.jpg )
>> No. 83735
It's back up!
>> No. 83803
No problem. When I find them I'll post them here.
>> No. 83805
File 132815963589.jpg - (46.20KB , 819x579 , 0009fqab.jpg )
Since the archive is up, I went and reread a bunch of stories from my favorite author there.


Oh god this one made me bawl like an idiot. Character death warning, kind of? This fic just needs a warning for the FEELINGS it invokes.
>> No. 83808
Fuck yes, more recs! The Top Tens aren't enough to satisfy my hunger
>> No. 83811
Okay, that author in particular writes slash that will make you laugh and then twist you up inside. And then fap. You should read every last one of their stories, but they aren't completely organized.

Fic listing, most fic is here

Other fic listing, a different one or two here

And a fic listed nowhere but the tags page
>> No. 83812
Oh, also, the fics named "Established" on the different pages are actually different stories.
>> No. 83816
Found it -- Man of Steel #16 and Superman #72 . And I can upload or storytime it if you can't find the issues anywhere.
>> No. 83817
File 13282496606.png - (14.51KB , 350x300 , 1269488420722.png )
ok you girls/guys want fics rigth?


She have a good bunch I love her style is so humorous



if you donĀ“t like a Ironman xover stay away buy I love her bruce
>> No. 83822
I can probably find it, there are collections all over the place. Thanks for finding the issues!

I haven't been able to read cyc's fic since I decided to start reading her personal posts. She may be the most self-centered person I have ever seen on the internet and it totally ruined the stories for me. :/ Now it seems to me like her Bruce is based on herself.
>> No. 83850
Glad to see I'm not the only one turned off to Cyc. Her Bruce is a prick and vile sociopath and her Clark is a hopeless masochist. For me that quickly got old but to be fair I think being with Lois already quantifys Clark as a thristy masochist and that interpretion of s and b's relationship is to be expected within the fandom. Though that's only the case if you don't read superman.

>> No. 83854
File 132845343584.gif - (287.75KB , 600x886 , 1273544473311.gif )
Bruce and Lois don't try to make his life miserable, though half the fandom seems to think Lois hates Clark's guts for some reason. They're his friends and actually, y'know, like him. They tease Clark in their own ways but it's not malicious. Anyone who has ever read a single page of them interacting together should be able to figure that out...

wah wah wah the Goddess of Truth has boobs while she tells Clark the truth waaaah
>> No. 83866
Lois does hate Clark, she loves Superman. In one of the comics Superman and Clark are split into 2 different people. She ignores Clark totally and just stares out the window the whole time waiting for Superman, going on about how she wants Superman.
>> No. 83869
File 132849931771.jpg - (81.75KB , 448x750 , romancefortheages.jpg )
Has anyone who thinks that even read any comics made in the past 30 years oh my god.

DIVERTING ATTENTION WITH SILLY and fic that makes me feel better.

>> No. 83870

lol what the fuck even prompted you to post that here?
>> No. 83874
File 132853377914.jpg - (37.96KB , 538x496 , 0001zxp2.jpg )
I was responding to something, I guess I misread, oops. I'll make it up by sharing some porn.
>> No. 83885
File 132858171967.jpg - (337.18KB , 800x800 , superheroes_in_a_box_by_a1040280-d45g7tm.jpg )
>83733 Does anyone know who the artist of this is? Also complimentary pic
>> No. 83888
balukalulu! Unfortunately google can tell you as much as I know about her. :/
>> No. 83889
File 13285893093.jpg - (110.38KB , 809x583 , tumblr_ljx60zCCXV1qbejk5.jpg )
>> No. 83945
File 132876185136.jpg - (267.82KB , 689x1000 , halcyon6.jpg )
I just read a Cycnus39 story again and I realized how much I hate it when people portray Bruce as an exclusively gay manslut. For some reason I don't think that Bruce would have time to date and bang every last man he has ever met (let alone Ollie what the fricking hell); he hardly has enough time to spend with canon female interests. Not to mention I can't really see him willingly bottoming for anyone but Clark. Really, they're the only ones I can see either of them going gay for...

I will say that Cyc's stories are wonderfully illustrated when eve_k decides to do draw them, but she's as crazy as Cyc. "I posted my art on the internet for all to see! HOW DARE YOU POST IT SOMEWHERE ELSE FOR PEOPLE WHO WOULD LIKE IT, I'M NOT LETTING ANYONE SEE MY PICTURES EVER AGAIN"

And then they both start foaming at the mouth.
>> No. 83950
File 132876799837.jpg - (149.73KB , 495x768 , 1269500135518.jpg )
ok, ok I get it Cy is a bitch geez relax people is only fanfiction



I liked this one, not smut just some fluf romance thing
>> No. 84008
File 132902696010.jpg - (81.00KB , 348x470 , thiscanonlyendinsex.jpg )
Hey. So. Identity poooorrrrrnnnn.

>> No. 84034
File 132924377529.jpg - (85.80KB , 500x373 , tumblr_lgb5ffA6MM1qcisvho1_500.jpg )
Feel the love.
>> No. 84035
File 132924383889.jpg - (359.51KB , 789x758 , mybodyisready.jpg )
What are the boys doing tonight besides crazy chocolate-covered sex?
>> No. 84350
File 132975872542.png - (114.56KB , 169x335 , tyejtjyt.png )
I might have a problem. I've started collecting butts.
>> No. 84351
File 132975880014.png - (223.44KB , 362x295 , eagrwt.png )
>> No. 84352
File 132975881859.png - (94.81KB , 219x177 , nb gfhm.png )
>> No. 84453
File 133030137923.jpg - (171.07KB , 598x610 , tumblr_lu68nshocD1qcdgzyo1_1280.jpg )
Not a problem. Actually quite nice. Please moar?
>> No. 84464
File 133036499484.png - (187.69KB , 256x509 , tumblr_ly8v4tj9bA1ro1uuco1_400.png )
Yup ok

Don't have any Brucebutts, though. Must remedy this.
>> No. 84465
File 133036538118.png - (437.84KB , 500x468 , tumblr_lyc7imCGRj1ro1uuco1_500.png )
>> No. 84466
File 133036551648.png - (384.11KB , 383x570 , tumblr_ly8u2gO7c61ro1uuco1_400.png )
>> No. 84467
File 133036561271.png - (704.66KB , 740x578 , tumblr_lylasixwzf1ro1uuc.png )
>> No. 84500
File 133074546142.gif - (851.81KB , 350x197 , tumblr_lz9i7hCGyP1qirsuqo1_400.gif )
Some gifs.

So close. Soooo clooooose.
>> No. 84501
File 133074551433.gif - (465.24KB , 250x191 , tumblr_lxjfjdcvdj1qirsuqo2_250.gif )
>> No. 84502
File 133074554654.gif - (273.00KB , 500x346 , batmanlikesthat.gif )
>> No. 84503
File 133074559289.gif - (235.84KB , 400x243 , 1329783687099.gif )
I need a dick shoved in there to complete my life.
>> No. 84518
File 133082730110.jpg - (165.54KB , 700x630 , tumblr_m0b89fnEKK1qcdgzyo1_1280.jpg )
>> No. 84519
File 133082740123.jpg - (192.54KB , 640x788 , tumblr_m0b89fnEKK1qcdgzyo2_1280.jpg )
I would die if a fic came out based on this picture
>> No. 84525
Aaaaah, angry Cat!Bruce will never not make me happy. A fic written last year about a magically-transformed grumpy catboy sulking in the Cave while all of the boys snicker at him comes to mind but I cannot find it anywhere. He even had stripes! I must find it again for posterity.
>> No. 84530

Here ya go:

"I'm sorry, Master Bruce, but I cannot explain it. I have no knowledge of this."

"Dammit, Alfred!" Bruce was almost panicking. No, this was not... no. NOT normal.

"Perchance one of the villians you fought recently injected you with something?"

"I don't know, Alfred!" Bruce knew this was abnormal for him. Just... take a deep breath. Deep... breath. Deep- "What was that?"

"What was- I did not see anything, Master Bruce."

"No, no, no, no, no. I definitely saw something. Check the cameras." Bruce was frantically searching the distant cave for what he'd seen.

"Master Bruce, might I suggest a minor tranquilizer? You're rather quite exitable right now."

"No! I must... find it..." Bruce was now standing, half crouched, gripping the edge of the operating table and staring out into the depths of the cave.

"Find what? The scanners picked nothing up." Alfred said, triple-checking the cameras. He was beginning to get worried.

"But... I know I- THERE! There it was again!"

Alfred saw it this time. A glimmer. "Master Bruce?"


"That was the light in the cave reflecting off the lake back there."

There was silence for a moment. Bruce twitched. "Really? Are you sure?"

Alfred did not respond. This behavior was quite worrisome. "I'm calling Master Kent."


By the time Alfred got back to the cave, Bruce was acting aven stranger than before.

"Uh... Ma-Master Bruce?"

Bruce spun and looked at Alfred. He was sitting on the operating table. Crouched, rather. His eyes had a bit of a glow. "Yes?"

"Is that a... is that a TAIL, sir?"

"Tail? Where?" Bruce looked around in jerky movements for a moment before spotting it. Yes, it was a tail. Roughly 4-5 feet long, and growing from just above Bruce's ass. It seemed to be growning straight out of the tailbone.

"Oh, dear" Alfred said to himself. Then, in an effort to calm Bruce - or perheps himself - he checked the computer. "Master Kent should be here soon"

Bruce paid no heed. His tail was twitched, and he sat there, mesmerized. "A second later, he swatted at it.

"Oh, lord. I wish he could get here faster" Alfred said. There was a crash as Bruce fell off the table, tail in mouth and growling strangely.


By the time Alfred had finally gotten Bruce upstairs in his room, where there were less breakable things, the doorbell had rung three times. He rushed to the door and found Clark there, dressed in his day-to-day clothes, sans glasses.

"Good evening, Alfred" Clark said, ever the gentleman.

"Is it?" Alfred responded as he led Clark to Bruce's room at a rather fast pace.

"What's the condition? You weren't very specific over the phone."

"Well, sir. That's becuase... er... well, I suppose you should see for yourself, sir"

They walked the rest of the distance in silence. Alfred stopped him outside the room before opening the door. "Now, don't be too shocked. It is... surprising, but..." Alfred seemed to be searching for words, but came up with nothing. "Hell. Here, see for yourself" He opened the door, and stepped out of the way.

Clark stepped in cautiously. "Bruce?" There was a gutteral sound from somewhere behind the bed. Clark cautiously walked toward the bed, and peeked around it. "Bruce?" He stopped short. "Are those.. ears?"

"Cat ears, to be specific, sir" Clark now knew why Alfred had been so on edge. "He has developed a startling number of catlike characteristics."

"I see that" Clark responded. Bruce was... somewhat curled, somewhat sprawled out in the corner. For a human, it looked agonizing, but Bruce looked quite content, wearing... well, nothing. Nothing but skin and "Cat ears, cat tail, cat eyes, claws..."

"He also has feline teeth, sir" Alfred added. Clark nodded.

"You took a blood sample, I trust?"

"Of course, sir" Alfred sounded a bit miffed, but Clark went on.

"I assume you have blood samples of him in a normal state as well" Alfred nodded as Clark continued, "Compare the samples and see if you can come up with an agent to reverse it."

"Yes, sir" Alfred hurried for the door.

"And Alfred?"

"Yes sir?"

"Could you get me a... collar?" Alfred wordlessly pulled a collar out of his pocket and tossed it to Clark. Clark didn't question it. "Good man."

"Very good, then. I will... check on you later." Alfred said before closing the door and hurrying off. Bruce was batting at his tail again.

"Bruce?" No response, as if he didn't hear it. "Bruce?"

There was a snap of recognition. One second, he was half curled in the corner, looking at Clark - the next, he was in front of Clark, as if examining him.

"Bruce? Bruce, are you in there?" No response for a moment, but then there was a flattening of the ears, and Bruce backed up.

"Hey. Hey, boy, hey" Clark didn't know why he was using these terms, but it made Bruce stop for a moment, and his right ear twitch. Clark moved to put the collar on, and Bruce dodged him.

"Hey!" How'd he get so FAST? Bruce was now on the bed, tail twitching. "Bruce..." The ears flattened again. "... come here, you." Clark pounced.

There was a tussle. Bruce was making sounds unlike a human, thrashing madly underneath Clark, as he tried to put the collar around the neck. As hard as it was, he managed to fit the collar around. Latching it was quite a bit harder.

As Bruce buckled beneath him, Clark couldn't help but think that - had circumstances been different, he might have been quite turned on by this... ah, who was he kidding? He was already developing a hard-on.

"THERE!" He practically jumped off Bruce, and back to the floor, still holding the collar, of course. Bruce's tail was between his legs, and he was sitting back in a defensive position.

"Master Clark!" Alfred rushed in with a syringe. "I believe I've got it!" He stopped and blinked.

Clark looked down. Bruce's claws hadn't scratched his skin, of course, but his clothes were in shambles. "Oh"

Alfred moved on, ever... well, Alfred. He positioned himself behind Bruce. "I need to inject him, but any of the normal arteries would be... "

"Hazardous for your health?" Clark suggested.

Alfred nodded. "Hold him still?"

Clark gripped the collar tighter "C'mere, boy." Bruce resisted. "C'mon, Bruce. Just want a-" he tugged harder. Bruce was surprisingly strong. "Just want a hug...!" He finally got his arms around bruce. There was a moment of stunned shock. Thankfully, Alfred took adventage of it.

Bruce went wild. Clark couldn't blame him. He imagined a needle to the ass wouldn't be very pleasant. Bruce bucked and growled, scratching at Clark's already-tattered clothes, before slowing, and eventually stopping.

Clark opened his eyes. He was laying on Bruce, who was looking up at him with... normal eyes. "Clark?"

"Hello, Bruce." He seemed to be back to normal. Clark was surprised to realize he was... disappointed. Then he noticed the ears.

He sat up, and Bruce slid out from underneath him to assume a seated position at the other end of the bed. Clark looked around. Alfred seemed to have taken his leave already. The door was closed, too.

"Hell" Bruce said. Clark looked back to see he inspecting his claws. So... only the eyes had changed. And the inside. Bruce looked up. "Why am I naked?"

"Because you tore off your clothes. They're in ribbons right now."

Bruce nodded. "As are yours."

Clark grinned. "You tried to tear them off, too."

"Was it working?"

Clark was surprised. Was it not fully Bruce? No, that was definitely Bruce. He had on the same look he always had when he was flirting. Clark's stomach jumped. As did- well... "The job was rather unsatifactory. Care to try again?"

Bruce grinned. His tail twitched. "Don't mind if I do."


Might write more. I'll see what you guys think, first.
>> No. 84549
I love this. I love you.
>> No. 84553
please please please please please more!! its absolutely delicious!!!
>> No. 84609
File 133122722273.jpg - (277.94KB , 1024x1334 , balls_of_steel_by_stryfers-d4rg5qn.jpg )
That fic reminded me of my love for Clark's invulnerability. I wonder if he gets off on stuff that would normally harm anyone else during sex? The tattered clothes don't hurt, either. Mmm.
>> No. 84611
So what's up with the comm's? There's no activity there or the archive. It's totally dead.
>> No. 84676
File 133165409052.gif - (467.62KB , 325x204 , 1331387734065.gif )
It's just a lull. Things will pick up once we get more movies and the comics establish themselves a bit more.
>> No. 84677
File 13316901224.jpg - (170.57KB , 500x500 , a0047078_4f5e0ec578209.jpg )
Love this comm to pieces so ah I hope that's the case here. Here's alittle something.
>> No. 84685
File 133181453586.jpg - (436.15KB , 517x900 , utenabaron - Post-Shower Bruce.jpg )
There's still some stuff out there all of us probably haven't seen, also. Just have to keep looking.
>> No. 84697
File 133195733940.jpg - (321.89KB , 572x800 , 25673667_p1.jpg )
Holy crap. The person who made>>83185 >>84518 and >>84519
is releasing a book.


>> No. 84758
omg that is awesome! but where did you find such a beautiful image? it's not in the link you gave us.
>> No. 84760
You have to be logged in to see it! Having a pixiv is worth it, though.
>> No. 84784
File 133219627227.jpg - (203.58KB , 500x700 , tumblr_lxgf0wdBJB1qcdgzyo3_500.jpg )
Love this artist. Premium quality.

But we may have lost another. Suavebastard's LJ has been deleted recently -- does anyone know about it?
>> No. 84913
File 133244747548.jpg - (280.88KB , 749x700 , 26006984_p1.jpg )
>> No. 84914
Oh my god I didn't know sb's journal was gone until you said it and now I am sad. I feel bad for posting some other excellent art right after the news, too. :( I hope sb isn't gone forever! I'm gonna keep an eye on their ygallery for now.
>> No. 84970
File 133264342895.jpg - (190.78KB , 700x613 , 26059844_p1.jpg )
Ah, amazing, Bruce...

I wish I knew more kanji. :(
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