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File 13858831949.png - (566.75KB , 800x600 , hellrisinghand.png )
183328 No. 183328

Hell Rising is a post-apocalyptic browser-based MMORPG inspired by Urban Dead. The game is set within a quarantined city of which the inhabitants have been mutated by a special type of fungal infection. You can play as either a human, zombie, or a unique infected type known as a vampire. You may choose to attempt survival as a human, or hunt those that do as one of the undead, but death only means you continue your existence as a different kind of monstrosity.

A set of work-in-progress beginner's guidelines can be found here:
And maps of the quarantine zone can be found here:
>> No. 183331
Vampires suck
>> No. 183333
>> No. 183346
No really they're terrible
>> No. 183347
And I actually agree.
>> No. 183369
Vampires as a basic concept are still awesome, and around the globe there's some wonderfully twisted variants of the myth.
Their public image has just suffered horribly due to increasingly romanticizing them and stripping away what actually made them scary.
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