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File 137108170516.gif - (843.91KB , 500x292 , tumblr_mo42ejz3Ub1rr8o7ko1_r2_500.gif )
175936 No. 175936
So I finally picked Ni No Kuni back up and got into the swing of it, Goddamn what an amazing game.
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>> No. 175940
Eh, 6/10. Great visuals obviously, but has story problems and gameplay is clunky at best.

Also Oliver is canonically 13. What the hell?
>> No. 175943
File 137108639621.gif - (962.82KB , 500x270 , tumblr_mnb24xhpU71qaib74o1_500.gif )
JRPGs have never been great with Age or weigh, I've seen a few flaws in the story but the characters really carry it through.

Gameplay is no more clunky than a Tales game but I could understand seeing that as clunky.
>> No. 175944
One of the best games of this generation. I've been aching for something that hearkened back to the jRPGs I used to love, and Ni No Kuni delivered.
>> No. 175946
>no more clunky than Tales games
Infinitely clunkier actually.

And the issue with JRPG ages is usually shit like "super veteran treated like old man is just 30" not "boy who acts and seems 8 is a teenager"
>> No. 175948
File 137108929276.jpg - (125.05KB , 500x667 , tumblr_mmwsq5GC3P1sp9o08o1_500.jpg )
Delivered so hard.
>> No. 175950
I always thought this scene was hilarious. Howl, you are an anime bishounen, a British fantasy novel hero, and you are voiced by Christian Bale in the dub. It is impossible for you to be ugly.

Nothing is more inaccurate with weight when it comes to JRPG's than Pokémon. I don't believe the trainers are putting the wrong weights in, because that would seriously fuck up the research, I just think Nintendo has no sense of scale.
>> No. 175951
That's actually the Heartbroken Prince Morcassin from the game, but the scene is very similar.

And OH MAN, Pokemon weights are the funniest.
>> No. 175952
The information in Pokedexes are recorded and reviewed by 10-year-olds, what do you expect.
>> No. 175953
...Dammit. Ghibli, I love you, but you are sameface as heck.

Scientific integrity kinda mandates they wouldn't lie, though.
>> No. 175954
They have a system like Tezuka where they have "actors" who appear in several different roles. They even have names for them, though I've forgotten them--the same little girl that "playes" Chihiro in Spirited Way plays the older sister in Totoro, and the one that plays the younger sister in Totoro also played Ponyo, etc--but you can clearly tell the difference between the two sisters themselves, despite having a family resemblance. Howl and the Prince in this one happen to be played by the same guy--but it's not like you'd ever confuse either for Oliver or Swayne.
>> No. 175956
That's really cool.
>> No. 176005
I'm about 60% through it.
It's beautiful and somehow makes me do all these sidequests I usually find annoying, but the game itself lacks.

The initial charm doesn't carry through, The world is very vivid but seem shallow under it's colourful coat. The whole Hamelin part just falls flat, when you first get there you see this awesome city street shift mechanic taking place in a cutscene, and that's it, there's no other use for it. The plot there is done oddly and the writing is pretty shallow, characters only seem to interact off screen.

Castles consist of a single square room.

Most of it's problems probably comes from being a DS remake.

Look, I'm a guy that's really into JRPGs in theory but I get tired of them really quickly nowadays and I can't and don't want to invest that time in them anymore. Ni No Kuni breaks through it and that counts in my book, game is worth it.
>> No. 176016
The best message in this game.

Get on with your life.
>> No. 176089
Ahhh, I really need to build a shelf so I can put my PS3 in here!

Can anyone tell me how well it performs standing up? Will it mangle my discs like the 360, or have ventilation problems?
>> No. 176103
Flawlessly, I've had my Ps3 standing up since I got home and it is completely fine, was running for 3 days like that and didn't even over heat.
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