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File 136802392484.jpg - (56.48KB , 570x300 , Wolfenstein-The-New-Order.jpg )
173898 No. 173898
Let's kill some Nazis!

>This sequel takes place in an alternate 1960's, where Nazi's won World War II. You play as character B.J. Blazkowicz. Your mission? Stop the Nazi's and their new order.

>> No. 173926

nowadays lack of multiplayer is usually better then trying to include it.
>> No. 173927
Poor multiplayer has always been due to shoehorning it or being completely out of context (for instance, Bioshock 2.)

I haven't played a Wolfenstein title in a while, but it seems like a game that would lend itself to multiplayer. The question would be if they could pull off a solid one.

Another problem, with all multiplayer modes (relevant or not), is getting enough people on to keep others on. Easy for Call of Duty or Battlefield, less so for, say, Ricochet.
>> No. 173971
I am so glad I was right in thinking this would be set in the 60s.

I'm wondering how the aesthetics would look like, though.
>> No. 173980
I don't see Hitler's head on any of those robots.
>> No. 173984
Robocop 2: Caine snapsyoutube thumb

He's in there Kaine style.
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