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File 134361768744.gif - (1.95MB , 420x262 , Batarian soldier Heavy Melee.gif )
160310 No. 160310
New thread

So I learned some interesting things today
Specced right, the Batarian Soldier Power Fist is the single most damaging attack in the multiplayer at 5123 damage

Armor-piercing mods are generally better than extended barrels for assault rifles and pistols

I dropped two million credits this week to try and get some weapon upgrades. Practically fucking nothing.
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>> No. 164307
N7 Demolisher is my official Platinum Class.
>> No. 164315

as it should be.
>> No. 164328
I was having a shit day yesterday. I played so badly that I was getting washed up in Silver.

I decided to go into a Plat game because my solution to difficult situations is to make them harder. I saw we had one soldier on the team, so I decided to go support by picking the Demolisher. Suddenly, everyone else but one Geth Winfiltrator switched to Demo.

It was Geth on Firebase White. We cleaned the fuck up. It didn't even get hard until Wave 7, and even then it didn't feel out of our hands. Combine the grenade spam with disruptor ammo and we we got was a game where everything was exploding constantly. It was glorious.
>> No. 164332

Its a real good gimmick class, i never tired of playing her
>> No. 164333

Its a real good gimmick class, i never tired of playing her
>> No. 164337
Hopped back in for the first time in over a month to hit up the weekend challenge.
Level 6 Turrian Soldier V. Geth on Goddess at the Bronze level.
The game just felt awkward as hell to me and holy shit did they buff the Geth again? I was getting my asshole torn open if I so much as left cover.

I now have a grand total of... slightly over 100000 credits saved up. Which is just enough for a single PSP when the update comes. I'll just uninstall all of the other DLCs except for Earth and the new one... and get a Drell Vanguard and Geth Plasma Rifle card as per usual.

I'd probably play this game a lot more if unlocking things wasn't just a tremendous pain. Seriously, if there was a $5 DLC option what would just unlock stage 1 of all weapons and characters I'd buy it. It's killing me not having things I'm excited to try and use nor will ever get thanks to the way items are obtained.
>> No. 164338
Finally installed the patch. Was kind of pissed to see that they didn't give all of your characters a free respec with all of the changes they made.
>> No. 164339
I can't be the only person who thinks Geth waves are brutal. The one "basic" unit rarely spawns, the rocket troopers are a constant pain, and the hunters and pyros are pretty much mini-atlases.
A good deal of my adept builds are uneven now. :/
>> No. 164394
There really needs to be someone who does commentary for this game like http://www.youtube.com/user/Niichts does...
>> No. 164419
Adepts (in order shown)
Volus (Stasis, Biotic Orbs, Shield Boost)
Krogan Shaman (Barrier, Shockwave, Warp)
Batarian Slasher (Warp, Cluster Grenade, Lash)

Turian Havoc ( Cryo Blast, Havoc Strike, Stimulant Pack)
Geth Trooper (Hunter Mode, Flamer, Fortification)
Quarian Marksman (Marksman, Tactical Scan, Sabotage)

Volus (Proximity Mine, Shield Boost, Recon Mine)
Turian Saboteur (Sabotage, Sentry Turret, Homing Grenade)
Vorcha Hunter (Bloodlust, Incinerate, Submission Net)

Volus Mercenary (Decoy, Combat Drone, Shield Boost)
Asari Valkyrie (Tech Armor, Annihilation Field, Warp)

Turian Ghost (Overload, Tactical Cloak, Stimulant Pack)
Drell Assasin (Tactical Cloak, Homing Grenade, Recon Mine)
Asary Huntress (Tactical Cloak, Dark Channel, Warp)

Volus Protector (Biotic Charge, Biotic Orbs, Shield Boost)
Batarian Brawler (Biotic Charge, Blade Armor, Lash)

Volus are reportedly ultra rares
>> No. 164420
I saw a guy max two Volus already. The drop rates are reportedly pretty high for them.
>> No. 164423
and exactly how many packs did that take?
Ultra Rare characters is easily one of the worst ideas I've ever heard of for how to improve the game. And yet the Volus wouldn't make sense as anything but.
>> No. 164438
Hazard details:

Turian Infiltrator thread:

Volus Engi v. Collectors gameplay:
Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer - Vo…youtube thumb

Drell Dep talk:

Human Dep talk:

Female Quarian Engi talk:
>> No. 164450
So me and a friend tried out Hazard Reactor. It's a very interesting way to take down enemies, and fortunately for my dumbass friend who got stuck in there, it only broke down his shields. Unfortunately, The two Brutes we lured in there just clipped through the door and grabbed me, which I was somehow lucky enough to survive.

Does anyone know if Volus are immune to grabs? Considering the poor little guys have worse health than the drell, that might be a good thing. Also these new weapon mods are kinda retarded. Increasing your weight by 50% for thermal vision? Jesus Christ.
>> No. 164460
File 134988906995.gif - (1.45MB , 320x240 , xr7fh.gif )
I've seen Volus get grabbed by Banshees and Praetorians.

Story time!

>☣Firebase Reactor☣
>First day of release.
>Nobody knows what the fucking hazard is but me.
>Whenever the core reaches red, some retard rushes to press the button.
>Wave 10 on Collectors.
>We have to escort a drone.
>Me and this other guy are getting our shit packed in trying to hold off the enemies while the other two escort the drone.
>It passes through the reactor.
>Piece of shit teammate actually activates the core ventilation before escorting the drone in.
>They both die.
>Me and the other guy are pinned outside the reactor with no way of escaping.
>> No. 164466
I don't know I've seen people actually survive it. It's pretty godamn intense and I have no idea if that's a bug or not.

Also I feel for you, shit teammates... and the random number system are the bane of this games enjoyment. Did you at least manage to complete the objective if not extract?
>> No. 164467
>Did you at least manage to complete the objective if not extract?

That's the weird part; we did.
>> No. 164472
Tech Combos: Now 10000% less shit:

Cryo Explosion Power Combo
- Like Biotic Explosion or Tech Burst combos, this combo can now occur without killing the target.
- The target must still be fully frozen to be detonated.
- Damage increased from [50-125] to [75-200]
- Impact radius decreased from [3-5] meters to [2-4] meters

Fire Explosion Power Combo
- Like Biotic Explosion or Tech Burst combos, this combo can now occur without killing the target.
- Impact radius decreased from [3-6] meters to [2-4] meters
- Damage decreased from [150-375] to [100-250]
- Damage-over-time damage decreased from [20-50] to [12.5-31.25]
- Carnage power can now set up Fire Explosion power combos

>> No. 164473
your lives are now meaningless:
Team AreleX All-Volus Super De…youtube thumb
>> No. 164478
Hey, when are we gonna have a match, guys?
>> No. 164581
File 135015252462.png - (238.02KB , 523x496 , Screen shot 2012-05-20 at 1_10_00 AM.png )
>Uninstall all previous DLC in the hopes to get sometime new from Earth or Retaliation
>Save up all week
>Buy a PSP
>Krogan Soldier 'level 4' and Arc Pistol level 8

Ya, this is why I quit you ME3, you're nothing but fucking horse shit.
>> No. 164592
There is no possible way you have unlocked nothing since the game came out.

I mean, I spent six months getting dicked over trying to buy Miles Edgeworth, but come on.
>> No. 164593
I'm not saying I haven't unlocked anything.
Over the past few DLCs I've gotten a little of everything. Funnily enough, none of the things I wanted, but still.
I also haven't maxed out anything save a few character cards.
>> No. 164594
Then go smaller. Veteran packs so you can max out the blue and silver cards. Why do you keep uninstalling your DLC? Wouldn't that just fuck up your chances even more?

And if worse comes to it, I'd suggest going to Bioware and asking what the fuck.
>> No. 164596
Aside from the Mattock and Eviscerater I couldn't give a crap less about silver cards.
As for damaging my chances by uninstalling DLC, it'll actually up your chances as it has less options to pull from.

As I've said earlier though, I've pretty much quit ME3 due to the way packs are. Playing feels like a chore. Maybe if they give us a way to get specific things for real money or stupid high amounts of credits or something I'll come back.
>> No. 164618
Default Human Class stuff:

Paladin confirmed for Tech Combo god:
Energy drain + ice/fire =EB
Ice + energy/fire = IB
Fire + energy/ice = FB

Multiplayer builds, tips, tricks, advice, and guides:

Also Batarian Sentinel Hatesurfing
>> No. 164642
>Playing along site 3 Turien Sentinals
>The are all the same teal color.
Woah, trippy~
>> No. 164645
I hear people like to color code particular builds.
>> No. 164711
File 135045128430.png - (659.08KB , 1920x1080 , MassEffect3 2012-10-17 01-13-38-89.png )
Thanks for making my new build possible!
>> No. 165026
Is there a glitch with the krogan Shaman? He seems far too glassy for having the same stats as the battlemaster. On that note, any advice for a build? I'm having trouble setting up combos with shockwaves, and warp doesn't seem to combo with it very well.

Also scions look retarded. ME2's looked better.
>> No. 165042

youre doing it way backwards, warp sets up, shockwave should be used to detonate.
>> No. 165053

Shits so fun.
>> No. 165466
75K points Biotic Charging enemies
In my words just before the start of a Gold: "Money on who dies first, the retard charging the five Brute or the jackass charging the three Banshees?"
>> No. 165489
So how does one custom the backround on the thingy...
>> No. 165503
You mean banners? You complete the challenge then you press X.

On that note, having to leave the lobby to check out your challenges was not the greatest idea Bioware had. Especially if you're hosting.
>> No. 170580
>Last 99,000 credits
>Log on to play the last weekend mission
>Open pack
>Battlefield 3 Soldier (why is this rare?)
>> No. 170607
Fuck yeah, that thing hits hard.
>> No. 170610
Oh so that IS the last one then.

Oh well.
>> No. 174417
No idea how to build it still and the old thread is gone which means most of the build tools and samples links are gone with it.
>> No. 174423
>why is this rare?

Every new character was made Rare or UR. There are 6 common classes, maybe 9-12 uncommon, and dozens of "rares".
>> No. 174428
I know, it's more along the line that it's exactly the same as the soldier, but with carnage and no alt colors.
I know it was an exclusive for a while, but he should have been an uncommon tops.
>> No. 174432
File 136890936830.jpg - (8.63KB , 198x168 , beartastrophy.jpg )
I've been trying to unlock certain guns and the game just wont give them to me. I'm also wanting a good build to actually make using a damn gun useful or something in Platinum, where it seems I should only ever use my Siege Pulses at a distance and then keep them active when things get close, and then just wait ten minutes killing them all with the heavy melee hold. Seriously what do I need to do in order to pack an actual punch?
>> No. 174433
spend $400 on packs and pray to the RNG gods
>> No. 174434
Or you can just hack the game for credits. It's really easy.
>> No. 174435
If this secret can be done on the PS3 or 360, I crave your knowledge.
>> No. 174442
I doubt it.
>> No. 174474
It can be. It's not easy. Done wrong and they ban you.
>> No. 174478
You need help with a build for Platinum? Who do you have unlocked? Weapons?
>> No. 174479
I have some good weapons, nothing good I have above a IV, Game loves not giving me anything good. I just want to know a good combo to stay alive AND be useful beyond that tank that all the heavies run after while the rest of the team attempt to mow them down.
>> No. 174482
I have no idea what that last sentence means, but you have me on Xbox, right? I can make a lobby and help you set up a character. Do you have any respec cards?
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