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File 133720576847.png - (267.20KB , 794x1000 , Gavin_Hawke_&_Maggie.png )
44997 No. 44997
Sparked from discussions about Care Bears, a bunch of comrades decreed: "You know what'd be better? Carebirds." and lo was it so.
However, the avian-based affection was so much that the concept has broken away from being a knock-off and is now a more fantasy-based adventure.

Google Doc for group editing/suggestions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19BK6fdVRAVyNU9YO4jHXb9QzrA3LpchBEaK-5f4JAZ0/edit?pli=1
7 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 45005
First archived thread.
>> No. 45006
Second archieved thread.
>> No. 45007
Both of them need to be voted up so they don't get deleted in 7 days.
>> No. 45008
Aaaaah, I love birds. I've been devising an original story involving a heavy amount of birds for the past year, and now this comes up and I feel like I'm ripping IT off!

Love this concept! I'm still not 100% on board with the idea of owls being the villains (they're my favorite avians) - but I'm pretty sure I'm outmatched on that one. Maybe a rogue owl who wants to help the feathered friends?
>> No. 45012
My ideas from the second thread

Ostriches: Big and Dumb but good natured, may have an obsession with smallers birds like the Abominable Snow-man in the Looney Tunes cartoon The Abominable Snow Rabbit

Roadrunners: Talk and act like Texan Hicks

Toucans: Fun loving partymakers

Hornbills: sterotypical construction workers

Quetzals: live in a lost Aztec-inspired civilization

Kookaburras: Offensive Australian sterotypes

Frigatebirds: Pirates

Albatrosses: The Navy

Sheathbills, Bustards and Ospreys: Not sure what their roles should be, but they should be in it
>> No. 45013
File 133725122948.jpg - (292.12KB , 1572x2708 , 1337203510094.jpg )
This is Rufio, an occassional rival to the team and leader of a sort of "biker gang". He's been descirbed as a cross between the Fonz and Alexander and the Great.

Ahere, the kiwi, has a crush on him for whatever reason.
>> No. 45015
Google doc is currently attacked by twelve-year olds trying to be funny. We should have it back in no time.
>> No. 45016
Why Owls as exclusive villains? I mean, the name is cool, but it pretty much makes the villains rather one-noted.

How about the Court is only one specific families of owl
>> No. 45017
I'm pretty sure there will be other villains allied with the owls. Also, I'm not sure if the owl motivation has been worked out more, because they could have more purpose than being eeeeeviiiiiiiiiiil
>> No. 45021
Frogmouths: the Owls Dim-witted henchmen
>> No. 45027
File 133731956473.jpg - (17.81KB , 295x214 , 1335582414789.jpg )
Hey guys.
Just wanted to stop by.

...And say I'm diggin' the idea.
You got me for whatever, aight?
>> No. 45029
File 133732258082.jpg - (1.21MB , 3266x2531 , Careburd.jpg )
I may be too late for this, but... this project of yours inspired me to draw a burd character.
>> No. 45030
File 133733681874.jpg - (779.15KB , 4534x1538 , group shot.jpg )
I can't draw hawks, damn they're hard
I need to add Ahere, police hat for Gavin and make some kind of rapier for Atticus
I used Quills pics for reference since everyone liked his/her design and of course real fotos of birds
We need more people
>> No. 45031
This looks really good.
>> No. 45032
File 133736464878.png - (737.27KB , 1243x922 , 1337333187110.png )
>> No. 45038
Hoopoes: they have yiddish accents (The Hoopoe is the national bird of Israel)

If you use my Frogmouth idea, they talk like Froggo from Histeria!
>> No. 45041
Requesting editorship here. I want to be a part of this, any way I can. I could help with the grammars and stuffs.

E-mail included.
>> No. 45042
Fizz’s basic plot idea. Just throwin’ it out there. Lemme know if I’m forgetting anything, or if things don’t make sense. All details are subject to change.
Long ago, in the time of the Dodos, the world prospered on a technology fueled by the power of the Phoenix, a mystical energy that could be harnessed into almost anything the Dodos could create. For generations the Dodos prospered, and the technology was spread throughout the world so that all birds could live in this “Golden Age”. However, one small group wanted to control society. The Owl Council, also known as the Owluminati, elected to use their wisdom to seal away the Phoenix that powered all, and purge the Dodos who had discovered it. They succeeded, and as all of Dodotech failed, society fell back to simple life. Ever unseen, the shadowy Owluminati could pull the strings...

Atticus Finch, our hero, lives in (INSERT HOMETOWN DETAILS HERE). He trains as a swordsman, always yearning for an adventure that never seems to happen. One of his best friends is Charlie, a scientist/archaeologist. Charlie has developed much machinery for the town, and while he too is satisfied with his life, he hides a passion for the legends of Dodo Technology. Every time he seems close to a discovery, nothing he does seems to work.

In another part of the world, a scroll is discovered in an old Dodo dig site. The scroll speaks of “The Prophecy of the Phoenix”; it seems the Dodos found a way to undo the Owls’ seal before they were driven to extinction, something the Owls lacked knowledge of. Gavin is a member of the team tasked with bringing the scroll to the bird capital (or something) where scholars can study it. As his formation is passing near Atticus’s town, the current Owluminati sends someone to retrieve the scroll, so the last loose thread can be taken out and the string-pulling can continue unthreatened.

Gavin’s squadron is attacked, leaving only Gavin alive guarding the scroll. Before he, too, is killed, [MYSTERIOUS FEMALE THIEF OOH I WONDER WHO] manages to snag the scroll for herself. Everyone seems to want it, after all. The Owls are FOILED AGAIN, and Gavin manages to get himself to the nearest town.

It is here that he runs into Atticus and Charlie. They listen to Gavin’s tale; Charlie’s interest is piqued as he hears of a Dodo Prophecy, and Atticus is raring to finally go on an adventure. So, with some pushing by Atticus and even by Charlie, Gavin decides to take them with him to go off in search of Maggie- I mean, [SECRET FEMALE THIEF] to recover the scroll. Also Ahere can come too. Maybe not yet. Dunno.

Even in the daytime, the Owls are always watching...

FIZZY NOTE: Jabberjay described the Phoenix as this: “The Phoenix is a cold-fusion reactor similar in function to the giant-floaty crystal in the Atlantis movie Disney did, but more SCIENCE and less magic and dead Atlantean souls. It wirelessly powers all Dodotech worldwide, big and small. Dodotech and copycat Dodotech (if it is in good enough repair to function or is built properly) can be powered by other means (ex. steam, internal combustion, windmill) but such means are usually either ungainly, provide insufficient power, or both. The owls want to get their private hoard of non-functioning Dodotech working and to seriously upgrade their functioning copycat Dodotech. The Carebird squadron/Swan Government wanted to claim the Phoenix for all birds, but they don't know what it really is. They think it is a real mystical bird that will somehow bring about a golden age without knowing how.”

My response: “Hmm, my initial thought was that the Phoenix was intangible, that the worldwide powering force field thing could be "released" and then everything would start working again. The Phoenix itself would be the sorta mystical form the energy took for moments at a time, especially when freshly unsealed.

Now I dunno which I like better, as having a material, solid Phoenix fits with the science theme more. So cold-fusion reactor with Tesla-beaconing is sounding pretty good.

There is another point I'd like to question; I thought the Owluminati were trying to prevent the Phoenix's release altogether? I figured they had mastered small-scale functioning of a few Dodo artifacts, and that was their edge in terms of power. If the Phoenix is released, yes, their artifacts would return to full power, but so would everything else, so they would rather the Phoenix remain dormant, which is why they sealed it in the first place.

The Titanis isn't the grand plan, but rather the Owls' contingency plan for if the Phoenix DOES get released. A god-golem brought to life by the massive influx of energy.

"You may have bested us and brought your precious 'Golden Age' back to the world... But you've unleashed something far beyond your control...! BEHOLD OUR GREATEST CREATION, BROUGHT TO LIFE BY YOUR OWN WINGS!! A-HOO-HOO-HA-HA-HA!!"

Just saiyan, I don't think the Owls would have sealed away the power of the Phoenix if they wanted to unseal it again later.
- Posted all this ‘cause I figured it’d be good to record the discussion.
>> No. 45056
File 133758729629.png - (99.34KB , 1030x341 , Picture 29.png )
An anonymous post claimed the document was open to public editing. Somebody needs to close it NOW!
>> No. 45057
File 133758936379.jpg - (110.21KB , 958x564 , supreme monkey.jpg )
Calm yourself.
>> No. 45065
File 133769796329.png - (264.90KB , 450x507 , rf okay___.png )
>> No. 45083
File 133785212580.png - (726.91KB , 800x569 , Picture 1.png )
Wrote the first part of chapter 1.
>> No. 45113
Anyone have the absolute first thread saved/screencapped?
>> No. 45114
Is that important? I thought all the important things end up in the doc.
>> No. 45119
Might help:
>> No. 45130
Apparently, the doc has been updated with date & time of the usual meetings.
>> No. 45133
Nah, that's just for the big meeting coming up.
>> No. 45139
File 133836813392.jpg - (1.27MB , 1920x2560 , how a burd fights with a sword.jpg )
Drawn by revenir (posting name)
>> No. 45142
Done some drawings of Helmi and Atticus, will upload after zleep.
>> No. 45147
File 133849339331.jpg - (1.29MB , 2492x3363 , Helmi and Atticus concept art.jpg )
>> No. 45159
Wrote second part of chapter 1 based on your outline. Part 3 will follow... eventually. FEEL FREE TO IMPROVE UPON MY CRAP. Just don't rewrite completely; I worked hard writing it.
>> No. 45169
Google doc for those who didn't bookmark:
>> No. 45187
Got kicked to "assistant" writer position. I don't really complain.

Also, why no one else posts here?
>> No. 45204
File 133919807180.jpg - (890.10KB , 2277x2518 , Helmi.jpg )
Drew some Helmi.
>> No. 45205
why does she look like a boy
>> No. 45207
File 133926181382.jpg - (32.95KB , 635x424 , kells cell.jpg )
Thick eyebrows. I used GreenGear's original design.
>> No. 45208
But Aisling at least still has feminine qualities with the eyebrows, as well as GG's original Helmi. Yours lacks such distinction.
>> No. 45212
File 13393364342.jpg - (19.84KB , 320x240 , lightsaber bird.jpg )
What exactly did I do wrong? For the record, bird anatomy:
>> No. 45278
Is this still alive?
>> No. 45283
Yes. But for some reason the team prefers not to post it anywhere. I am still an editor (grammar and stuffs), so I will make an update when anything major happens.
>> No. 45784
...what happened with this
>> No. 45785
too much disorganization, too much writfaggory without the drawfaggory to back it up, too much arguing, etc etc.

a lot of too much in the wrong places.
>> No. 45788
File 134766378086.png - (97.54KB , 748x306 , whynow.png )
Got banned from 4chan. During an AA or Feathursday thread, I'd presume.

The question is: why now? We've had tons of these threads before, and I've never had this happen. Do /co/ mods want these projects to be destroyed?

Pretty much what >>45785 said, but I wouldn't say the project is completely dead yet. I want to see something come out of this eventually.
>> No. 45789
So, whoever is the character designer now, please send me the... err... designs. I think I got better over the summer, and I want to try to draw some burds. Trying does not hurt, right?
>> No. 45807
Any plans for doves or pigeons?

Also, maybe the dodos and quetzal could be former buddies. Atticus goes to investigate the jungle, hearing the dodos died out, and the quetzal erroneously blame it on the fruit bats. Turns out the bats are innocent, and the dodos just moron'd themselves to extinction.
>> No. 45817
File 134830202538.jpg - (515.52KB , 1100x2167 , birds1.jpg )
I got interested in this project the moment I saw the first threads on 4chan, but I didn't have time to draw about it until recently.

My drawings here are a little more towards realism than standard cartoon style. I'm kind of a bird fan, and I wanted to draw the characters a bit more closely to their species. For the same reason I tried to draw Charlie with the weird fish-eyes that jackdaws have, and the kakapo is sad and lonely rather than a jolly fatty. Also, since there are tons of different finch species in the world, I drew multiple alternate versions of Atticus.
>> No. 45818
File 134830210483.jpg - (693.25KB , 900x2143 , birds2.jpg )
>> No. 45821
Well, shit. I was told if I improve over the summer, I may be an artist on the project. But what is the point in trying, if you are that good?!?
>> No. 45888
File 13491689708.jpg - (242.02KB , 770x1024 , AAHelmi.jpg )
Not very good at drawing, animals especially, but I felt I had to draw Helmi, seeing as so far she's my favorite character in AA. I'll probably be drawing Maggie too later on.

Just gotta say I support and love AA.
>> No. 45913
I see you like Revenir's style.

You remind me I need to draw the birds regardless of not having character designs.
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