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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 131589211135.png - (141.58KB , 500x500 , gayass logo.png )
40709 No. 40709
Just a little fun thing I did on /v/. I like the idea of coming up with all sorts of different interpretations of these boards. Hope no one minds if I put this here.
Once upon a time in a faraway, peaceful land known as 4chan, the people prospered. One day, an evil, ambitious individual named The Cancer King acquired an ancient and powerful artifact known as the Cancer Crown. With the power of the crown, the king quickly spread a cancerous miasma that corrupted anything it came in contact with. In a matter of months, many of the lands had been conquered, as had it's inhabitants, who were really fucking defenseless against this new threat. Just as all seemed lost, brave warriors emerged from the 4 corners of the world to punch this faggot square in the jaw.

This is their story.
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>> No. 40710
File 131589234142.png - (113.76KB , 500x700 , v2.png )
Also, if you guys have any better ideas for these tans, lay it on me. Last thread I got a lot of good suggestions, probably work on it later.

An angry brawler spawned from all the hatred of the world. His only wish is to spread rage and anger to everyone he meets.

Weapon: Bare Fists

Signature Move:
Anathema Fist: A king hit of concentrated hatred.
ALL OF MY RAGE: /v/ temporarily amps himself up and gains a power boost.

Fighting Style:
Quick and strong, with low HP and low defense.
>> No. 40712
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A samurai warrior/crossdressing trap with a deep, deep love for all things anime. He desires to kill the Cancer King for stealing his waifu. His collection of manga is unmatched in all the lands.

Weapon: Samurai Sword purchased on eBay.

Signature Moves:
Bliss of Midnight: /a/ turns the foe into a girl, which he promptly rapes to death. (this could end up going to /d/ but I'm not sure yet)
[free space]

Fighting Style: Up close and personal. Kind of slow but a total combo machine.
>> No. 40713
File 131589250556.png - (15.59KB , 500x800 , x.png )
A paranormal investigator/ paranoid conspiracy theorist who was living in her own bubble of delusions until one fateful day she was possessed by the vengeful ghost of the previous wearer of the Cancer Crown. The only way she can release this restless spirit from her mortal vessel is by defeating The Cancer King.

Weapon: Cancer Ghost (Can change shape and transform into various different forms)

Signature Moves:
Wiccan Slash: Cancer ghost transforms into a million swords that slice the foe into pieces.
[free space]

Fighting Style:
Zoning expert with low HP and defense.
>> No. 40714
File 131589253262.png - (14.92KB , 500x700 , co.png )
A private investigator who receives an anonymous tip that the key to solving his biggest case ever lies in The Cancer King.

Weapon: Gumshoe Streetbrawling + Custom Web Shooters

Signature Moves:
Retcon: /co/ retcons his foe out of existence.
Pony Panic: /co/ summons a herd of ponies.

Fighting Style:
[free space]
>> No. 40715
File 131589257297.png - (10.44KB , 500x800 , Hr.png )
An alien from a far off universe who sees the world entirely in HD. It has the unique power of being able to augment the any part of its body to grow extremely large. /hr/'s species requires the power of the Cancer Crown to stage a hostile take-over of the planet.

Weapon: Extreme Elasticity

Signature Moves:
[Special move 1: Bloated Combo

Hits the enemy over one-hundred times before the expand to 5000x5000 dimensions and explode into pixels.

Special Move 2: Bandwidth Breaker

Stabs the enemy with a digital sword and overflows them with data, electrifying them and crashing them.

Fighting Style:
A few close-up combos, but mostly zoning.
>> No. 40716
File 131589259998.png - (20.75KB , 500x800 , b.png )
A mysterious and awful creature constantly muttering old memes under his breath. He exists only to try and trick and manipulate others, although most of his peers are weary of his illusions. He embodies chaos and horror, constantly changing shape. His motives for going after The Cancer King are unknown, but some suspect it was /b/ who created him. /b/ also wears a retarded Guy Fawkes mask despite not really even knowing who Guy Fawkes is.

Weapon: [free space]

Signature Move:
Dubs: /b/ creates a clone of itself which attacks the enemy. Afterwards, the clones will fellate each other for several hours.
[free space]

Fighting Style: /b/ is a joke character. His effectiveness is completely up to you guys.
>> No. 40717
File 131589263136.png - (10.68KB , 340x617 , cm.png )
An adorable little androgynous boy and /y/'s younger brother. Although he isn't very strong, he always tries and act tougher than he really is. He wishes to defeat the Cancer King to impress his crush, /c/.

Weapon: Giant Boomerang

Signature Moves:
[free space]
[free space]

Fighting Style: Aerial specialist who is pretty balanced aside from his low HP and defense.
>> No. 40719
File 131589265396.png - (17.47KB , 500x800 , iandic.png )
/i/ and /ic/
A little girl who loves to draw and her perfection obsessed mentor. /ic/ is constantly berating the work of /ic/ and pushing her to do better, even though /i/ mostly just shrugs it off. Even though he often insults her, he will not tolerate anyone else insulting his pupil. /ic/ mostly hangs around in the background, critiquing /i/ as she fights. Ironicly, /ic/ has no drawing talent of his own. /ic/ is pushing /i/ to defeat The Cancer King, who once insulted one of /ic/'s awful paintings.

Weapon: /i/ attacks with her drawings, which come to life and attack the enemy. Most of them are pretty childish though. /ic/ is mostly passive, hanging out in the background, but will occasionally join the fight by throwing paintings and art materials at the enemy

Signature Move:
/ic/ Hustle: /ic/ becomes enraged when /i/ starts crying and throws a tornado of art materials and unfavorable art critiques at the enemy.
[free space]

Fighting Style:
Eh, dunno. Gimmicky I guess.
>> No. 40720
File 131589368291.png - (36.05KB , 311x411 , kotherguy.png )
Someone else drew this but it was awesome.
>> No. 40734
I think /tg/ has worked on stuff similar to this before, albeit not in a fighting game context. You might wanna check out 1d4chan.

Also, great concepts.
>> No. 41176
I love these, and the weapons/attacks are pretty funny!
>> No. 41351
File 131912961333.jpg - (213.24KB , 450x350 , 1262876323179.jpg )
Nice except there already were several somewhat consistent designs for a few boards, and you totally ripped off 3AngledBlue's /v/ and /b/
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