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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 130567385790.jpg - (18.31KB , 300x300 , The Eye of Argon.jpg )
39135 No. 39135
Proposal: A /coc/ comic adaptation of Jim Theis's The Eye of Argon, or an illustrated digital edition of same. Yea or Nay?

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>> No. 39168
Why? Why in the name of Jesus H. Christ would you give that book an adaptation?
>> No. 39169
I'm interested to see how artists interpret Jim Theis's, ah, unique approach to descriptive imagery. Case in point:

>The barbarian seated himself upon a stool at the wenches side, exposing his body, naked save for a loin cloth brandishing a long steel broad sword...
>> No. 39175
And how is that significantly different from drawing a snippet from any given fan-fic, written by horny 13 year olds?
>> No. 39183
Point me to a fanfic that won Worst Story Award at the Bay Area sf convention for 15 years consecutively. I mean, seriously. Read the thing.
>> No. 39185
I would think that would be merely due to the fact that the fanfiction is not eligible to compete.
>> No. 39190
So like...in that panel, there would actually be a loincloth brandishing a longsword?
>> No. 39192
You begin to appreciate the challenge, I see. ;)
>> No. 39296
File 130654184047.jpg - (15.62KB , 400x283 , Giggle.jpg )
>Glaring directly down towards her was the stoney, cycloptic face of the bloated diety. Gaping from its single obling socket was scintillating, many fauceted scarlet emerald, a brilliant gem seeming to possess a life all of its own. A priceless gleaming stone, capable of domineering the wealth of conquering empires...the eye of Argon.


>"Help me ... please ... I can make it well worth your while," pleaded a soft, anguish strewn voice wafting over Grignr's shoulders as he plucked the dull red emerald from its roots.
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