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35151 No. 35151
Setting: Alternate history version of Mike Mignola's BPRD world. The time and place is Victorian London, with a dash of Steampunk thrown in for good measure. The Empire faces threats on all sides: changelings and faerie folk stirring up Luddite mobs in the streets, mystics and demons attacking troops in India, and the Bunyip feasting on Australian colonists. In order to deal with this, Her Majesty has formed the Irregular Regiment, a group of individuals who have ties to the paranormal, supernatural, and unusual, in order to deal with the threats to the Crown.

The Irregular Regiment includes some of the following:
Addison Ulysses Roderick Bruttenholm: "Son" of Lord Bruttenholm, Addison Addison serves as something of the field commander for the Regiment. His bright red skin, stone hand, tail, and inhuman orange eyes make it obvious he is of a demonic nature, but his personality of that is simple, kind (but quick to righteous anger), and just. While he is considered a member of the aristocracy, he feels much more at home with soldiers and with the common man.

Langdon Everret Caul: A British inventor, years ahead of his time, with a specialty in maritime and undersea travel. While testing a self-contained underwater breathing contraption one day, he was swept up in some unusual currents and lost at sea. Years past and he was presumed dead. It came as a shock to all when, 4 years after his disappearance, he washed up on the beaches of Spain. Even more shocking were his tales of a deep hibernation in the depths of the sea and his "awakening" to his past life as Abur Hem, last King of Atlantis! Caul now possesses technical knowledge that surpasses even current scientific theory. Some speculate his works are as much magic as science now.

Elizabeth Anne Sherman: Elizabeth's life was that of a normal young girl until her Débutante Ball. As she descended the long staircase, her gown became wicked with flames, which slowly crept over the mansion, consuming all. There were only three survivors from the event, none of which were family. She was taken in as a ward of the state, and given to the Irregular Regiment rather unceremoniously. Professor Bruttenholm, however, took kindly to the girl and has done his best to make her feel like a true daughter to him.

Reginald: A clockwork man found in the ruined basement of a mad inventor. His creator died of a massive heart attack because Reginald could be complete. The machine's "brain" is a series of complex, self feeding punch cards. Reginald, however, feels incomplete and has begun to make new punch cards based on human observation, hoping to make himself truly human in spirit, if not in body. Reginald does not wear pants, as his brilliant but insane creator hated pants.
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