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File 129463020946.jpg - (227.45KB , 1600x746 , GothamHigh.jpg )
34608 No. 34608
The original premise: Bruce is in high school and all his villains happen to attend the same school. Done completely straight.

The new premise: Fillmore! starring Batman.
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>> No. 34609
File 129463031476.jpg - (247.30KB , 1600x960 , GothamHigh2.jpg )
-Gotham High is huge. VERY huge. It's essentially its own city.

-Bruce and Barbara are schoolyard vigilantes who can get away with a lot because Babs is the principal's daughter
>> No. 34610
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-Edward and Oswald retain their roles as neutral agents. Some episodes they're working with Bruce and Babs, others they're working with the villains.

-Everyone is referred to by their public name. Certain identities could be used as nicknames. (IE: Waylon "Killer Croc" Jones)
>> No. 34611
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-Villains retain their shticks as closely as possible in a high-school setting. Pamela is an ultra-mega-super vegan, Jonathan is a little TOO good in chemistry and psychology, etc.

-Harvey's disfigurement is the result of a skin condition, maybe?

So, go crazy! Character relationships? Story ideas? World-building? I know I've been thinking about this a lot!
>> No. 34615
>-Harvey's disfigurement is the result of a skin condition, maybe?

Really bad acne.
>> No. 34617
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>> No. 34626
File 129472976097.jpg - (21.36KB , 442x331 , five.jpg )
"All she's doing is laying out her workout plan!"
>> No. 34634
Ideas from a thread on /co/ last night

-Jackass hanger-on middle-schooler Tim Drake.

-Professor Pyg is a substitute teacher from hell

-Jervis needs to teach Brit Lit

>> No. 34654
Wait. Found out.
Yeah, cool concept if played at LEAST a tad cynically.
I'll see what I come up with.
>> No. 34681
This could work if Gotham High was a special school for youths who have the potential to greatly affect the world, positively or negatively.
The fact of that it's a special school could also be a public secret in that students are never told about the purpose of the school.
>> No. 34689
Hrm...first season ends with the formation of the security patrol but something causes Bruce to continue his vigilante activities due to the patrol being too tied to procedure.
>> No. 34747
From a /co/ thread a few days ago

Clayface and Scarecrow confirmed for artfags. So far we have:
Babs: model student \ crimefighter
Bruce: the straight man \ crimefighter
Harvey: activist
Nygma: kid genius everyone hates, wants to be bros with Bruce. Runs the school paper that no one reads
Penguin: mother drives him to school and won't let go of him until he says "I love you"
Harley: Cheerleader
Ivy: Cheerleader, but really wants to be left alone with her plants?
Croc: On the football team, his crocodile appearance is never acknowledged by the cast
Bane: Bully, but nice about it. Breaks Bruce's leg and then sends him a card
Victor Fries: won't shut up about his long distance girlfriend. No one believes she exists
Selina: Kleptomaniac, crush on Bruce
>> No. 34755
Zsazs, that kid who sits at the back of the class who's always trying to find a new way to play with his zippo lighter. And is very creepy.
>> No. 34771
Ivy: Hippie chick. Grows and sells weed.
>> No. 34774
That's Crane's bit. He's a tweaker.

Pamela and Harvey used to date, broke up, and now do everything they can to make the other's life hell.
>> No. 34970
Jervis Tetch (aka Mad Hatter). Friends with Victor Fries (science nerds unite!). Has a crush on a girl named Alice, but is far too chicken-shit to actually ask her out on a date even though she does talk to him and he helps her with her Physics homework. Jervis and Victor spend a lot of time in the robotics lab, playing Magic the Gathering and talking about the awesome double-date they'll take their girlfriends on once Victor's girl comes to visit him and Jervis asks Alice out.

Every once in a while, Edward and Oswald join in the MtG game, but only if they can get to the robotics lab without Bane or some other bully chasing them.

Also, Jay (The Joker) confirmed for Juggalo unless somebody explains why he's an albino that chooses to wear dark-red lipstick and dye his hair and eyebrows green.
>> No. 44636
Orca: Captain of the swim team.

Robin: Richard Grayson has joined the Gotham High practice squad hoping to get a leg up over his Junior high opponents. While he doesn't participate in games, Bruce has convinced the other team members that he's Ok just as long as he doesn't try to get in on the big game he's practicing. He's a terror in the junior varsity games.

Superintendant Ras Al'Ghoul: Though in his 50s, doesn't look a day past 35. He has taken an interest in Bruce Wayne, whose academic record is impeccable. Constantly trying to steer the young man towards powerful careers on the few occasions they meet.
>> No. 44639
Maximilian Zeus: Tries too hard to act cool.

Amadeus Arkham: The school psychologist.

Talia al Ghul: Ra's al Ghul's daughter. Her father's parenting has guided her to become intellectual and athletic.

The Red Hood: A legendary school prankster persona. Every year, on senior prank day, someone will wear the mask and pull something big.

Zatanna Zatara: Really into magic and illusions and stuff like that.
>> No. 44640
>senior prank day
Know what, that actually sounds kind of gay. April fool's day would probably work better.
>> No. 45011
My Ideas

Commissioner Gordon is Vice-Principal, the Principal is Bat-mite in disguise

Clayface should not be a art nerd, but a drama nerd with a talent for making latex masks

Black Mask would be a spoiled rich jerk, a Delinquent or the leader of a gang

Blockbuster would be a chemistry geek

The Cluemaster would be Riddler's rival or bro

Deadshot would be an emo

Firefly would be an pyromaniacal arsonist

Hush would be the president of the chess club

Maxie Zeus would be a role player

Man-Bat would be a furry

The Ten-Eyed Man would be a blind student

Poison Ivy would flirt a lot with Freeze, but unfortunately for her, he is very faithful to his Girlfriend

Ted Grant (Wildcat) should be the P.E teacher

Huntress should be in it

The Phantasm is a merciless Bully Hunter who uses the bully's own tactics against them (like flagpole wedgies)

And speaking of wedgies, the Joker gives Wedgies that are so painful they leave the victim smiling.
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