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33149 No. 33149
Anon on /co/ earlier came up with this idea and we expanded on it:
(And anon, if you are here, give us a name or something if you want. You deserve some credit.)
Two rivaling Collages.
Two competing schools.
A rivalry between the two biggest schools on Coe Street.
Marvel University and DC University

Moonstone - School Psychiatrist
Spiderman - P. Parker - Chemistry, Photography 9
Mr. Fantastic-R. Richards-Physics - 2
Iron Man-Tony Stark-Principal/Mechanics-8
Professor X-Charles Xaivier-Psychology teacher-8
Antman-Hank Pym-Biology Teacher-8
Daredevil-Matt Murdock-Law/Ethics Teacher-10
Captain America-Steve Rodgers-Physical Education teacher-7
Deadpool-Wade Wilson-Random Hobo/Arsonist-10
She-Hulk-Jennifer Walters-Lunch Lady/Law-10
Punisher-Frank Castle-"Disciplinary" Teacher-0
Nick Fury-Nick Fury-Security/Kickassery-12
Beast-Hank Mccoy-Math-8
Captain America-Steve Rodgers-Physical Education teacher-7
~And he would have them play Frisbee all year
~(Possibly Ethics/American History teacher)
Iceman-Robert Louis Drake-Thermodynamics
Cyclops-Scott Summers-Optics
Hawkeye - Archery

**Any graduate of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters will recieve a letter of recommendation and are almost guarranteed admission**
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>> No. 33150
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Max Lord - Principal
Guardians of the Universe - Board of Education
School Psychiatrist - Harley Quinn.
The Specter - Hall Monitor
Larfleeze - School Store
Harvey Bullock - Campus Security
Barbara Gordon / Orcale - IT
Edward Nygma - Dean of Graduation
~And as in all colleges you have to write a dissertation to graduate. All department chiefs must approve of and pass your paper. After it's been reviewed and passed by all the dept. heads, it's submitted for approval to the Dean of Graduation, with whom you must have an in-depth interview.
>"Why do you deserve to graduate?"
"Because I said so. And also I had to sit through YEARS of your Goddamn riddles."

Batman - Bruce Wayne - Forensic Science - 10
~Bruce Wayne teaches GODDAMN EVERYTHING
~He has 12 classes, 4 weekly night classes, and is the chairman of the school film club.
~Do not ask him why "The Mark of Zorro" is on the banned film list. Ever.
Wonder Woman - Ancient History, Phys Ed (Pankration), Women's Studies, Classics
~She invents a new class - Female Oil Wrestling.
Poison Ivy - Pamela Isley - Horticultural Biology - 7
Aquaman - Marine Biology, Oceanography, Swimming
Martian Manhunter-J'onn J'onzz-Foreign Relations, Astronomy
Superman/Clark Kent - Journalism
The Atom/Ray Palmer - Advanced Physics
Green Arrow - Archery
GL/Hal Jordan - Fligh Sim/Aerodynamics/Advanced Aerial Tactics,ROTC
Booster Gold - Marketing 101, Temporal Physics
Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz) - Astronomy
Lex Luthor - Everything fucking business class ever. Also ethics.
John Smith/ Red Tornado - Applied Aerodynamics
Buddy Baker/ Animal Man - Ethology
>> No. 33151
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Metamorpho - Archaeology, Palentology, Chemistry
Flash - Forensic science, chemistry, Kinematics
Lobo - Why Lobo Is Completely Fraggin' Awesome, How to Take A Punch to the Face
~Hey, he has tenure, what can you do?
Kyle Rayner - Art teacher
Black Canary & Wildcat - Physical Training
~Canary for tactics
~Wildcat for submissions and physical interactions
~Would have tons of field trips and special guests.
Hitman - Marksmanship
The Question - Investigative Journalism
~Renee as a TA
~That would be the best most hands-on Investigative Journalism class ever.
"So, tomorrow our class is at 1 am behind the service entrance to the cafeteria?"
"That's correct. We're going to find out exactly what goes into the 'mystery meat.' "
~There are severe penalties for wearing aglets to class:
First would be a warning, he'd make them go outside and remove their shoes.
They'd have to spend the rest of the class barefoot
Second would be a ban for that day
Three times would be a permiban
~Sorry I'm late for class, professor, I was
>What have I told you about those laces
Oh. Oh god! I'm so sorry, it won't happen again, I
>No. Get out. Don't ever come into my classroom again.
~Don't worry. you'll be back in his class by the end of the week.
Just wait for Renee to talk some sense into him.
~Question would have the easiest final ever.
You have to write article exposing some sort of covert group or hidden truth somewhere on the campus.
It's one of the only essays at this school that you can just make up and get a great score.
>> No. 33152
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Third College:
~Smaller and Seedier
~Local Community College where the dropouts from either DC or Marvel go when they flunk out or run out of money

The Comedian - Edward Blake - Ethics - 5
Dr. Jon Oserman - Doctor Manhattan - Physics - 10
Nite Owl - Daniel Dreiburg - English Lit - 6
Ozymandias - Adrian Veidt - Economics - 8
Rorschach - Walter Kovacs - Criminal Justice - 10
Silk Spectre - Laurie Juspeczyk - Career Counselor - 6
Spider Jerusalem - Journalism

The two colleges are across the street from one another and that leads to some shenanigans
~Like, imagine there's a bunch of prospective student showing up and both schools are trying to one up each other to get the new students to apply.
~Brainiac and Luthor try to kidnap students into their school. Marvel U's Dr. Doom and Ultron call bullshit and both sides force Clark Kent to unravel what happened to the missing prospies.
~I was thinking one student, trying to apply to one of the colleges. The student would take very 'Rorschach-esque' notes on all of the teachers and try to decide what school to go to
~School Mascots and what happens when one gets stolen by the other university? Also, what are some typical hazing shenanigans? (Booster Gold and Blue Beetle better damn well be in on the hazing)
~College Football Rivals. What would the team names be?
And DC would have star quarterback Michael Carter.
Team Name Ideas:
The 'Mazing Marvels and the Dashing DCs
>> No. 33153
OP of the thread on 4chan here, I guess I can namefag If you want me to!
>> No. 33154
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Here we are! Hi, I came up with the Idea and I think it's great that erebody's contributing!
>> No. 33155
I shall continue to take obsessively creepy and accurate notes on this.
>> No. 33156
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Eh, isn't Diana like 19 now?

If anything she would be a student.
>> No. 33157
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I think she's considered an original member of the Justice League
Plus she was made out of clay AND is an amazon.
>> No. 33158
Clark Kent - Humanities/Journalism; why isn't he the principal? He'd be they guy that would let you get away with everything in addition of a well cooked lecturing.
>> No. 33159
Young new coach, still getting her Classics degree.
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