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375420 No. 375420
I was gone for a long time, but who misses a random anon anyway? Then when I decided to come back, the site was having problems, go figure. Now that it's fixed, tell me what you've been up to lately, plus4. What's new around here? How are you doing? Did I miss any drama or anything fun?
>> No. 375421
You missed the 'welcome back' thread, but it's no big deal.

I've been studying.
>> No. 375470
Anyone else?
>> No. 375497
I've been fine.
Enjoying my Holly Week free time.
I not sure of make a Holy Week General, while I'm not catholic (or religious, and I'm not an atheist as well), I do really enjoy some of the usual stuff like the processions and the usual canned shows on my local tv, half of them being Sword and Sandal films.
>> No. 375508
I'm not sure if there's any use in another random anon responding but what the hell, I have some good news. While this place was down I've been accepted into a character animation program. So, maybe one day I will be creating cartoons you folks might watch and possibly enjoy. Or hate. Or maybe I'm dooming myself to perpetual unemployment and inevitable starvation. We'll see, I guess.
>> No. 375789
>I've been accepted into a character animation program

Care to elaborate?

>So, maybe one day I will be creating cartoons you folks might watch and possibly enjoy. Or hate.

I guess it depends on what your ideas are. Want to share?
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