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File 128569744893.jpg - (174.67KB , 900x652 , maiko___peacefull_by_gadani13-d2zfl2j.jpg )
86581 No. 86581
131 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 92014
That is the coolest looking alternate style of Zuko's scar I have ever seen.

I want to marry it.

And have little scar babies.
>> No. 92352
File 130720639964.png - (140.24KB , 480x640 , 130716355218-1120.png )
>> No. 92594
File 130864581267.jpg - (228.45KB , 900x1629 , maiko___pure_love_by_gadani13-d3ij8l5.jpg )
>> No. 92595
File 130864602324.jpg - (393.82KB , 580x6480 , maiko_for_bonjovichicka_by_vick330-d3hk7wx.jpg )
in this strip, Zuko is possessed by the spirit of Tim The Toolman Taylor
>> No. 92596
File 130864652292.jpg - (278.73KB , 900x1134 , ala__short_term_memory_by_rice_claire-d3h9zb2.jpg )
Ha ha!

Traumatic brain injuries!

/phil ken sebben
>> No. 92597
I can definitely see this happening.
>> No. 92728
File 130937951833.jpg - (488.71KB , 900x2952 , the_awkward_christmas_card_by_arelia_dawn-d35799t.jpg )
>> No. 92729
File 13093795688.jpg - (90.71KB , 900x675 , mai_playes_with_zuko_by_msfibi-d3k5l85.jpg )
>> No. 93008
File 131053884038.jpg - (914.42KB , 713x2448 , banished_by_cricky_vines-d3hqo9d.jpg )
>> No. 93010

>> No. 93020
Ow, what the fuck? His hands are held up there by... the edges of her very sharp knives? And he looks like he's enjoying it!

Jesus Christ Mai, that's too kinky for anyone with flesh to cut and blood to spill. Get a zombie boyfriend. Jet's available.
>> No. 93021
maybe the knives are positioned so that if he moves, they'll cut him.
>> No. 93022

It looks like the flat sides of the kunai are pressing against Zuko's wrists. Safety first!
>> No. 93025

I have heard some horror stories on knifeplay going terribly wrong so this does not really surprise me>>93022

also kunai are not actually sharp they are basically a variety of garden trowel
>> No. 93035
The pic in question is hot. And you guys clearly underestimate Mai. Remember what happened to the last person who did that?
>> No. 93809
File 131180496716.png - (158.01KB , 415x309 , lolcrap.png )
>> No. 93849
Sage for off-topic but I hope I'm not the only one here whose inner Chinafag/Japanfag gets irrationally angry that they pronounce her name "May" instead of "Mye" like they should.
>> No. 93852
You're not. This was a constant source of confusion to me, too. I spelled/pronounced her name wrong for ages because of this.
>> No. 93854

From a raw, technical/language standpoint, it's not "wrong," per se. We have words spelled using "ai" that give the "ay" noise instead, "wait" being one of them. At the same time, these are non-English/Western names being translated or appropriated, so there isn't a fully standardized way to spell them in many cases. I'm not saying it didn't confuse me a little when I first ran into it, but we can't really say it's "spelled wrong" or "pronounced wrong." Her name sounds like "May" when we say it and the staff spelled it "Mai." Not much else to it, and trying to claim a more authentic path to it is step one in "Thinking Like M. Night Shyamalan: 101."*

Then again, I can be kinda strange with it. I still pronounce "Maiko" using the "m-eye" sound, ruining any hope for the joke name "Maikout" sounding like "make out," and I pronounce Mai Shiranui's name with the "May" syllable.

*I am not calling anybody M. Night Shyamalan, that's one of the worst Avatar-related insults I can think of, and few deserve it.
>> No. 93863
File 131190432288.jpg - (108.49KB , 600x436 , 4f93989e80f26d994aaef3da32f57fec.jpg )
There is not enough Maiko art.
>> No. 93878
It used to bug me too. Now I run into the reverse problem and pronounce the Japanese name Mai as "May".

I'll agree with you, but I do have to point out that "Kyoshi" was always pronounced wrong/Americanized in the show, except by Oyaji, who said it right. This bugged me more than the pronunciation of Mai's name, but less than the pronunciation of Kya's name, but that's personal preference. I also heard they were saying "sifu" kind of wrong, but I don't know Chinese. So I guess my argument is that they occasionally may have pronounced names or words wrong, but Shyamalan can still shove it.

Back on topic: These are cute! Did you draw them yourself or are you just finding them online somewhere?
>> No. 93879

Also, it should be pointed out that Mai is pronounced "May" in some South-East Asian languages.
>> No. 93899
File 131199386867.png - (544.62KB , 800x600 , 16371122.png )

>>93809 DS Hina
>>93863 Windy Asylum
>> No. 93942
File 131206797567.jpg - (163.23KB , 700x1028 , maiko__first_modern_party_by_kelly1412-d425dp9.jpg )
>> No. 93943

Yeah, but if we get all super-technical (again) Iroh's name shouldn't have really been possible in Chinese, either (and Iroh *was* culturally Chinese, the whole Fire Nation basically was.) I used to be really really hard on the names I find in fanfics, until I realized something: aside from authentic names that were pronounced all Americanized, the writers just went with a sort of vague cultural aesthetic for many of the names. The cultural influence is a lot stronger with the visuals, environments and mythology. A lot of the new names for Korra didn't strike me as very authentic either, mostly for Tenzin's kids and Amon.

...That said, if I run into a fanfic with odd or obviously Western names, I still rage. Worst offender of that was a fic called "The Silk Fan" one that tried to give Suki backstory. It made Suki from some other Earth Kingdom village who was recruited to the Kyoshi Warriors (which made *no* goddamn sense) and worst of all...was the fucking names. OhhughUGHGHGHGBBLELE...the names make me do my best Brian Blessed impression, I swear.

She had a family, born to her parents Amako (can kinda see that name in Avatar) and Fonil, with sisters Ritu, who is described as having "gold curls" (b-blonde hair?) and Niya. (What) She encounters the Kyoshi Warriors for the first time in the second chapter and their names are Burin and Duree. (WHAT)

I stopped reading it. Stopped cold. I was completely broken out of the story. 12 chapters, plus prologue and by the start of the second chapter, the story shot itself in the head and sprayed me with all the residue. The Universe was officially broken. Suki wasn't a girl with a culture based off Japan in a Pan-Asian world anymore, she was in fucking Hyrule, that's what these names did to me. Suki could have mounted up, dressed in green, picked up an ocarina, and become the Hero of Time, and these names would have all made perfect sense.

Sage for off topic.
>> No. 93975
File 131215169935.jpg - (171.03KB , 700x1029 , maiko__first_modern_party_by_kelly1412.jpg )
>> No. 93995
I always put a lot of effort into character names in my fanfics, sometimes to distraction. I'd scout baby names for Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, sometimes Indians if I'm feeling feisty, and often would bring the story to a halt until I settled on the right one. They always had to mean something. I've kinda lost the capacity to just give characters whatever name first pops into my head, which I used to be fairly good at.

I've often found that when fanfic writers at least try to inject some oriental flavour into their stories, they stick almost exclusively to Japanese names. I'm guessing because of 'small reference pools'. Of course, it gets even worse when they just settle on whatever gobbledigook comes to mind.
>> No. 94008
I go 50/50 on names. Normally I just go with whatever- a person's name doesn't really have any bearing on who they are unless it's something really unusual, and oftentimes it's just an excuse to look clever.

However, it *is* fiction, so people tend to suspend their disbelief in stuff like Remus Lupin who's a werewolf, so it isn't something I forswear. I just look for a name appropriate for that person's culture and country.
>> No. 94115
>Suki could have mounted up, dressed in green, picked up an ocarina, and become the Hero of Time


why do i want so badly
>> No. 94171
File 131275308888.jpg - (151.55KB , 700x778 , never_break_up_with_me_again_by_kelly1412-d45nn98.jpg )
>> No. 94173
File 13128189392.jpg - (117.01KB , 900x840 , handsome_firelord_and_lady_by_arelia_dawn-d45p07u.jpg )
>> No. 94180
Oh god dammit I shouldn't have laued that hard at that.
>> No. 95000

What is this, I don't even...
>> No. 95002
the artist drew a maiko pic, but people said Zuko was ugly. So she made a handsome Zuko version.
>> No. 95122
File 131847804241.jpg - (539.10KB , 675x900 , zuko&mai342.jpg )
>> No. 95123
File 131847813339.jpg - (110.24KB , 800x1018 , zuko&mai329.jpg )
>> No. 95124
File 131847815282.jpg - (119.33KB , 780x1024 , zuko&mai333.jpg )
>> No. 95126
>> No. 95958
File 13232113983.jpg - (480.20KB , 800x960 , new_fire_lord_by_akszirules-d4icrfr.jpg )
Maiko bump
>> No. 95959
The hells up with Iroh?
>> No. 95960
He ships Maiko really, really hard and is thrilled his OTP got together.
>> No. 96051
File 132357132966.png - (349.85KB , 900x802 , demonstration_by_nume_one-d4hjpcj.png )
>> No. 96052
File 132357135350.jpg - (313.27KB , 721x531 , avatar___zuko_x_mai_by_yakimochi-d4ftjva.jpg )
>> No. 96053
>> No. 104926
File 133989072681.jpg - (29.70KB , 414x303 , 127353622829.jpg )
Rescuing this thread.

And since we know Zuko is still alive, Old Lady Mai damn well better be alive too.
>> No. 105020
Unless he gets with Suki in the promise part 3.
>> No. 113366
File 13758312603.png - (553.46KB , 500x500 , Mai__Zuko_by_la-vaniteuse.png )
Zuki never had a chance. It was never even a player.
>> No. 113373
I can still hope, damn it. I just want to annoy Sokka's more annoying fans.

That said, Ty Luko is the far more amusing alternative. That'd mess with everyone.
>> No. 113374
Spite-based shipping is ugly
>> No. 113378
Maybe, but it doesn't lessen the sense of amusement I get from it. Pushing for a certain ship to be "end-game" with that reason is pretty silly, though.
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