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File 137957510782.jpg - (33.36KB , 600x338 , Untitled-1.jpg )
114088 No. 114088
President Raiko is just Tarrlok after some extreme plastic surgery. That hot little number next to him is Noatok.
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>> No. 114095
File 137963864092.png - (115.63KB , 333x250 , Sato_family.png )
I also think Tahno is Hiroshi's illegitimate son, but I don’t go around making threads about it.
>> No. 114105
File 137970076366.png - (590.01KB , 1024x768 , bloodbending_brothers_17_years_ago_by_freestarisis.png )
>Can someone please explain to me what the fuck Amon's motive was? I didn't get it at all.

You still haven't figured it out, eh?
After we ran away from home, Noatok and I became grifters, playing elaborate cons on gulible idiots.
We became really good at it. So good that we got ambitious.
We wanted to dupe Republic city, dupe the Avatar and dupe all four nations at once. The works.

It was a long and tedious process. I worked my way up the political ladder, while Noatok took on the new personality as a radical insurgeonist in Republic City.
When we both had amassed enough power and influence, we brought our two camps in conflict with each other and caused a state of emergency.
Played them like Tsungi horns, we did. Now comes the Clou:
During the time of the Equalist Uprising the Republic City treassury, the biggest in the world, remained unguarded. That's the funny thing about radicals, they don't really care about money. So we had some associated firebenders, disguise themselves as Chi Blockers, melt all the gold in there down and funnel it out of the city, behind Republic Forces lines.

The only liability was of course the Avatar, who could easily find out about our family history and deduce the connection. Truth be told, I panicked when she told me I was no better than Amon, since she was dangerously close to the truth. But seeing as how she was a little moron, I could make an advantage out of that.
Every great lie contains a bit of truth after all. So I dished her up some sob-story about dear old papa, which went well with the murder-suicide we later staged to tie up all the loose ends.
And the rest is history, at least the parts we didn't make up.

Still, I have to wonder if nobody noticed how swimingly everything went for Korra and how easily the Equalists were taken down, in the end..
>> No. 114593
Tahno looks more like he's related to her mum though.
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