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114014 No. 114014
What would it be like when Korra becomes a fully realized Avatar and matures passed her aggressive pre-conventional morality?

I am still adjusting to an older more wiser Aang when I continue to think of him as that goofy little 12 year old who was forced to mature quickly due to the world being endangered by a war tyrant.

Yet this flashback alone has still managed to give me goosebumps like the original series did during big Aang moments.

I'd imagine it'll feel the same way for Korra when she's a woman instead of just a young girl.
>> No. 114053
It's hard to say. We've seen hints of Aang's early maturation in the comics, where he's belatedly become a bit... not Machiavellian, but he's starting mixing realpolitik into his friendship with Zuko. That's not something I would have guessed would happen.
>> No. 114389
Why does this song's lyrics appear to fit Korra's core personality?

>> No. 114397
Well her uncle cutting her Vader path off the pass by arresting her parents on trumped up charges. I do see a possibility of her building the Avatar as more the head of a unified bending group if we go down a road where she decides its best not to align herself with any nation.
>> No. 114468
What could they do for the next Avatar's personality when Korra expresses one that an earthbender or firebender might have?
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