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112742 No. 112742
Was Korra good?
I just watched all of it in marathon.
>> No. 112745
Can't you decide that for yourself?
>> No. 112759
Korra the person - yeah.
Korra the show - not really.
Korra the idea - hell yeah.

Discussion is slow here, best go ask 4chan /co/ itself, especially if you want to watch the fur and feathers fly.
>> No. 112761
Seriously, though, at least put up your own opinion.
>> No. 112795
It was okay. Lots of a potential.
>> No. 112827
The Thundercats reboot pilot had lots of potential, it doesn't really matter if the writers then go on to squander it.
>> No. 112840

It does matter whether the show still has the potential in spite of the fuck ups of its writers in the first season. There's no reason to just give up on Korra. Its first season, while weakly written, was way more entertaining than all the Thundercats reboot.
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