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111934 No. 111934
Well there isn't one so.. 

Basic idea: Azula is born Sokka's sister and Katara is Zuko's. 

>Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/8rhSbtpQ 
>First Episode:http://pastebin.com/Z24zxKEk 
>Second Episode: http://pastebin.com/54cRFcHF 
>Art: http://articorse.imgur.com/ 
>Forum: http://azaraandayaproject.freeforums.net
>> No. 111938
Ahh, I was wondering what happened to this.
>> No. 111957
Sounds kinda dumb. No offense. I guess this is to get the incest and the Zutara fans all in one go, eh?
>> No. 111958

Not OP, but I was on /co/ when the threads for this were around, the story would play out pretty much the same with Water Azula being Aang's main love interest and Fire Katara playing the role of the antagonist in Azula's place. Guess the idea was that the character's spirits were switched and born to the other's parents.

If I remember correctly:

Fire!Katara is a friendly yet passive aggressive cunt with white man's burden. She sincerely believes the Fire Nation is spreading its glorious civilization throughout the world and wants to convince everyone the FN is doing something good. Meanwhile, Water!Azula bugs Aang with her "can't trust anybody" and "survival of the fittest" logic.
>> No. 111963
I agree that this fanfic concept sounds rather lame.
>> No. 111965

gotta admire the effort though. kudos for that.
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