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110247 No. 110247
Slow days uh?

Any idea when we should get some news?
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>> No. 110248
Who can say?

I'm concerned, though, that it wouldn't matter if we got any new info or not. All I ever hear of Korra these days on any other board is poison, and the slowness here probably reflects that attitude; whenever we do talk it's rarely to do more than condemn it for its few faults, so we've learned just not to say anything.

I certainly haven't see as big a buzz over fan-projects or anything than with AtLA...I'd like to think this is because Korra hasn't actually finished yet, but even then, Korra SHOULD have had a lot more done and a lot more to talk about even with only 12 episodes behind it due to having the benefit of some of AtLA's audience. But apparently not.

Well. Anyway, we'll see.
>> No. 110249
Reading this made me sad.
>> No. 110250
>>few faults
Have you ever wondered why people talk about them so much is perhaps because LoK's faults aren't so few?

You started up the same thing in the Naruto thread in /jam/, it seems more like you get defensive of series that are being talked of in a less than flattering manner.
>> No. 110251
>You started up the same thing in the Naruto thread in /jam/, it seems more like you get defensive of series that are being talked of in a less than flattering manner.
He's not the only person on the board who feels like the relentless negativity makes for a toxic environment for fandom. We're turning into 4chan.
>> No. 110253
Honestly, I think LoK was trying too hard to make lighting strike twice.
>> No. 110254
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Different guy.

I don't think you guys are relentlessly negative, you just don't talk enough period, positive or negative. What's the point of having an avatar board if you don't use it.

I come here every day so I can talk about my waifu Toph, but no one ever posts.
>> No. 110255
Really? I think the one thing everyone can agree on about Korra is that it wasn't afraid to experiment.
>> No. 110256
Experiment with what?
>> No. 110257
Everything it could? The show had ADHD.
>> No. 110259

I'd actually say that though the difference in faults between the two shows is greater, the overall problem when people discuss them is the same: An ignoring of positives. In this, both shows are treated are alike.

I should also say that just because I don't demonize Naruto means I think it hasn't outlived its credibility.
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