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One Piece

 Posting a reply to post #8689

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8689 No.8689

18 posts omitted. Last shown. Expand all images
I can see it.

"Weakness" being relative, of course.

That is a possibility. They were on Zoro's island, maybe that badly hurt person isn't who we think it is, and this was the night Kuina 'fell down the stairs'.

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This is the best panel

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Oh. Yeah it's been a while since I read that. I only remembered the anime that didn't show her body at all.

Possibly that's what Rogers did, so it's possible.

Spreeses for fuck's sake are you going to say that every single person dead in a flashback is a Revolutionary

First, I was corrected on that already, and have changed my mind on it.

Second, and this has been bothering me a good while. Why is it that every post I've seen you make is talking about how much you hate an idea or an opinion, or complaining about a particular post? For God's sake, the one thread I've seen you make was all about ranting about Sonic for the past decade.

And it's not just that you don't like this stuff, it's the tone. This bitter choice of words you use just really bugs me. Do silly fan speculations and bad choices make you that angry? I mean, I'm not saying you can't not like something, or even not like it to an excessive degree, but it's just comes off in your writing as... dickish.

I'm just saying calm the fuck down. It's okay if you disagree, even fervently, but try and express it in a way that doesn't end up make you come off as a asshole.

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Typical Anonymous syndrome. I don't really mean to speak for him or anything, but when people spend so much time on places like 4chan it just kind of gets embedded and they forget that being judged comes with having an identity.

That's a pretty TLDR way to phrase 'chill bro', it kind of annoys me.

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I'm glad the flashback is over. The next eleven chapters are going to be a wild ride (hopefully).

I am so sick of the flashbacks. We're going to have to put up with at least 3 more chapters on Amazon island before Luffy finally gets back on the sea.

I smirked.

I lol'd at myself, totally expected it anyway

As for the chapters lately, I don't really mind the time it is taking. Because in a few years looking back on these it'll seem like nothing. And once the crew is finally back together, and once Luffy smiles again, I will be so endlessly happy that I'm sure the wait will be worth it


you don't think that Jimbei will just give luffy a big special speech about Ace(they were close enough, I guess) and how he has a new family to look after that's going to be waiting for him back at Shabody? Cause that's what I suspect will happen.

>>8743 >>8746
Fools! Luffy will never smile innocently again!
We are now entering the New Era of Darkness Luffy! DARKNESS IS THE PATH TO TRUE STRENGTH! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Wish the next chapters came out faster, seeing Luffy so broken is hard, though it's more than justified....

He was pushed WAYYYY past his limits. When you think about everything he went through in a mater of a few days... physically and emotionally. He deserves a good cry

-being separated from his crew
-being chased around by amazons (okay that's not so bad)
-infiltrating the toughest prison in the world
-being poisoned and losing 10 years of his life via Iva's healing powers
-given energy boost hormones just to keep him standing
-getting to his cell to find him already gone, so now he has to escape
-fighting through several people in the middle of a war, to free his brother and then have him die in his lap minutes later

And people wonder why he went unconscious from the stress?

Good point, maybe it won't be a WHOLE year, but he's gonna have to stay there long enough to fully heal. Besides, his current fit of crying seems close enough to what we saw in his flashback to make me think that he'll go into his "I've gotta get stronger" mode.

oh sorry, post deleted. Thanks for calling me out on it though.

Yeah, the poor bastard just needs to take some time and chill. Maybe >>8746 will happen and Jimbei will talk some sense into the kid.

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Also, seeing Dadan cry when Ace and then Luffy said thanks for everything was pretty sweet. I hope we get to see her again in the present time just to see her reactions to how those two ended up.



*pinches nipple*


Japanese onomatopoeia would pronounce it Eski-moh.

I don't mind him healing up. But I'm hating all the people going "Timeskip" just because everyone and there mother is doing it. mostly because One Piece always skips time, between islands they always go "X months" later or so. also I would rather have something significant be showing in manga, not skipped over "Oh yeah he knows Haki now and he's stronger, huh? oh that happened off screen"

Yeah, I can see how that might annoy you. Honestly, I'd love to see a few chapters skipping around throughout a timeskip at significant moments in the skip.

Yeah, that part and the part where Luffy and Ace both have that double with the Sabo rock were really nice.

my prediction: Luffy gets a pep-talk from jimbei next chapter, then he sets out at the end, or says he's ready to set out.

Next chapters is Luffy's crew getting back, or atleast setting out for it. Then finally a chapter where tehy're all together again and then Luffy arrives and he's just walks up on the Sunny and it's empty. Then Rayleigh walks up and says "Your ship is done, come with me back to shakky's bar so nobody spots you" and then he does, and they're all there.

and they all hug and there's a touching moment, and then they jump back and are like "luffy what the heck is wrong with you" and Chopper does the "Doctor! we need a doctor for luffy please!" joke. Then they set off and have a relaxing arc in fishman island where luffy is out of commision and the crew deals with any problems so Luffy doesn't go crazy with MUST PROTECT EVERYONE MYSELF OR THEY'LL DIE nonsense.

We need a cooldown arc seriously because tension is just so high and if it gets any higher it will overload.

I imagine they'll all have to arrive at Rayleigh's given that they all have Vivre cards, but I still have trouble understanding HOW they'll all get back. You might say I'll be surprised as hell if the Crew makes it back in ONE PIECE.

But I like the idea of the crew covering a bruised and bummed out Luffy's back for a while.

but considering the episode about chopper and his potential ticket back home - a very young bird - then that might mean a good number of years of waiting before the whole crew gets back together.

I'm just going to say it right now, there is no way in hell One Piece is going to end in under 10 years. This shit's going to last 15+ more years at least.

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No complaints here either.

We have no idea what the Birds lifecycle is, it could take as little as weeks to become full grown.

Though I get yer meanin'.

Well we don- >>8790 this.

Yeah, that'd be awesome. It'd also make for comedy gold when Chopper has to stay back to try and restrain Luffy because he doesn't want to sit still while the crew takes care of business.

I think the Strawhats are gonna come back in the order they were "Team Rocket'd". Zoro will get there first, as all that he's got to do is find out some information about where they are (which he won't pay attention to) defeat the shadowy guys with swords, (which is gonna be REALLY easy) and get back to Shabondy on a boat on his own with an easy to follow homing beacon. (...okay maybe this'll be tricky, but he still might get there sooner than the others.) On the other hand, Chopper and Nami have tediously long return routes, Nami taking a slow sky island, and Chopper waiting for a bird to potentially fly him back.

I'm still hoping for reverse original order or all at once return.

I wonder what Garp is doing.

Luffy will probably realize that crying isn't going to bring his brothers back and that he has to become stronger, least I hope so, it's hard seeing him like that.

Also, the part when Ace and Luffy heard Sabo's voice. Could it be related to Mantra and the "voice of all things" or whatever it's called?


All he has to do is decide never to go back to the Strawhats and he'll walk straight to Luffy.

alternatively; he overhears her little plan to get back to thriller bark and say 'that's right along the way anyway, i'll drop you off and get right to shabody on my own'
next panel

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Sabo is so not dead.


yeah, I mean it's not like there was a huge fire that burned alot of people that he took on his ship.

Yeah, but this was the night of the day when the World Noble came, the fire had been finished.

plus the dialogue seems to indicate that Dragon brought an injured person along with him (or that he's injured himself).


they rescued people out of the fire. So they were already burned. Also Dragon and company arrived ther at atleast noon the next day, so either zoro and luffy grew up three hours apart and Dragon and co sleep in or Oda is pulling some serious shenanigans.

It seems people are having trouble with the "Sabo" thing. The day that Dragon picked up the people from trash mountain happened 2 days before the Tenryubito arrived and shot Sabo's ship. For some reason, Dragon was at Goa without his crew that day, and he returned to his ship later that night with someone who was heavily injured. It wasn't Dragon himself, since he was perfectly fine and making final preparations to leave in the next panel.

Also, yeah, Luffy and Zoro lived about half a day of sailing away from each other.

>Also, yeah, Luffy and Zoro lived about half a day of sailing away from each other.
That's kinda cool.

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I am not sure where to post this, so I post this here.

I clapped.

god damn you I chuckled

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