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Japan, Anime, & Manga

 Posting a reply to post #46641

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46641 No.46641
Mangashotokan and One manga to be partially or fully taken down. More bound to follow


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And it's mostly 'meh'.

Shoot, I gotta find a new place to find updates of Yankee-Kun now.

Hell Dark Horse has been doing it longer than anyone else barring maybe Viz. Tokyopop is the company that showed up late to the party and fucked everybody over by importing quantity over quality.

Shit, Dark Horse was the company doing Gunsmith Cats, GitS, and Blade of the Immortal when I was still in Elementary School for gods' sakes.

Anyways, I've noticed that Mangafox is also getting gutted pretty healthily, which I mostly find vexing. Most of the stuff I was reading isn't licensed in the first place.

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I'd buy Anime and manga if my money went to the creators.

I buy music when I feel a band I like could go under.

I buy comics to keep them going because it's an industry where things that don't sell die. Fast.

I buy movies to show my support, especially for companies I like, such as Troma.

Etc, I will continue to not buying Anime and Manga because it doesn't support the series I care about, hell by the time most shit gets officially here, the series is over with the exception of the stuff that lives forever.


>Anyways, I've noticed that Mangafox is also getting gutted pretty healthily, which I mostly find vexing. Most of the stuff I was reading isn't licensed in the first place.

Aw maaaaaaaaan....

As long as Mangafox doesn't go down. Because I don't know anywhere else I can get Kongoh Bancho and that shit is wonderful. Just needs to update more.

I have discovered that a lot of links have returned to life!

But OTHER ONES went down now! D:
Including Alita and Pokemon Special dammit!


This is stupid. I'd be fine with purchasing manga as long as I'm interested in it. But that's the problem. Most of the time the shit that gets translated I don't find worth buying and seeing that there are so few companies the shit I do want to buy isn't ever going to be released here. So I find myself unable to support the people I want to and am instead stuck with random batches of releases that I don't feel like supporting. If a company went through the trouble to buy a license to sell some stuff then I think it's fair for them to ask scanlators to stop. But they aren't just effecting their series; the manga that nobody will ever pick up ends up in the crossfire.

Disinterest. I don't waste my time on manga that I'm not willing to waste my money on as well.

Eh, I could really care less about all of this; sure I read shit online, but it's really not much at all and the only ones that I won't be able to buy are Kinnikuman (and I'm in the middle of the final arc too) and Yankee-kun to Megane-chan, which I've only read a few chapters of to begin with anyways.

Viz only JUST decided to catch up in One Piece, after years of letting it slack. And they're still using the bullshit 4kids terminologies.

And I'm supposed to support this?


Apart from 'Zolo', which are you referring to?

Also Viz is literally the only translation I've seen that did Montblanc Cricket's parting speech correctly.


Wait, including the new Funimation translation?

I haven't seen that one yet.


Yeah, including the new funimation one (or at least the one they went with for the dub back when they were broadcasting it).

Yes, translators, I realize that Cricket literally is saying 'romance'. But what he MEANS is 'adventure'.

The whole "Zolo" thing is such a non-issue to begin with. It's a legal thing--Zorro's under trademark in the US, no one who releases One Piece officially is going to want to tangle with the legal red tape to get away with calling their expert swordsman Zorro. Especially when changing it to another, still valid transliteration of the name means not having to do that.


Except that in Viz' initial release, they DID spell it Zoro.

1. Funimation keeps it accurate as well in their dub.

2. It's NOT an issue of transliteration as Oda is at least literate enough in English to not screw up with L and R like other mangaka,

3. There's no concrete proof copyrights were even and issue.

4. Even if copyrights are an issue they're avoided by the fact that Zoro has a surname. Capcom had a similar clash with Mattel over Ken of Street Fighter fame. They got around it by giving him a surname, which is why he's one of the few characters in the franchise to actually have a full canon name.

Viz screwed up, plain and simple.

Will I be lynched if I say that I actually prefer, "Zolo?"


Miss April Fool's Day and Miss Groundhog Day were much better names for those characters.


If by "Viz" you mean "4kids".

Look it's simple. Viz spelled it Zoro. Then 4kids came along, infected their stupidity into OP with their dub and called him "Zolo". Then they tell Viz to change the name so as to prevent confusion among the kids and Viz, understanding that kids will most likely see One Piece from the TV show before they buy the manga, wind up caving in and turning it into Zolo.

Once Funi got the rights and tried to set everything right Viz had already been calling him Zolo for too long so they kept the name. It's stupid but it's not entirely Viz's fault.

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I always assumed they just didn't want legal trouble...


No 4kids didn't want Legal trouble. Because 4kids are such pussies they take NO chances with their films and even the most remotely suspect subject will be eliminated from their broadcast.For anime anyway.

This is why they removed almost anything vaguely resembling a cross in their Dub Piece. Because they believed that if they pushed the envelope even slightly that soccer moms would crash down on them. They were basically playing it safe so much with One Piece that I wouldn't be surprised they changed a guy's name all because of the vague possibility they might get sued over it, even though as mentioned before, Zoro has a surname so most legal action would be void.

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This is pathetic. Look at these fucking kids BEGGING for them to not shut down One Manga. Just look at some of the petition comments.

>plz dont take online manga away
>online Manga websites banzai!!!! T^To
>In the UK, the only places that I can read manga are on these websites! Please keep them online!!
>Please, don't close the web..
>we really want manga sites to continue for this is where we get up to date
>don't be so greedy let us people have a freedom to read a manga when were bored I'm just 12 years old and I'm reading manga on internet for 4 years!!
>do. not. eradicate. the. mangas.
>why can't the Authors understand that there are millions of fans out there who don't understand japenees! if the online manga gets canceled what on earth are we going to do!? it's not like there are many english manga printed!!

>225. Sunit What you are doing is wrong!!
>223. Jason diggins This is the only way for people overseas to read manga, removing these sites is going to cut the mangas fanbase drasticly :(
>209. anna Many people that lives in small towns has no chance to buy manga, I think it's not fair!
>261. daniel turner hope this works plz work!

Those comments mostly sound like trolls trolling trolls, to me.

Looks like I have to learn to IRC.

I really wish this hadn't happened at the same time as #lurk running out of monies.

I'm not too surprised, and I truly don't mean that in a vindictive, "Ha-ha, I told you so" way. I just didn't think that the big sites would get away with it for too long. Illegal manga distribution is sort of like illegal fireworks where I live; everyone knows you're not supposed to set them off, everyone does it anyway.
My question is, can some legitimate manga license holders put up a site like Onemanga, monetize it and make it work? Or does a site like that only prove profitable when you pilfered all your merchandise in the first place?

The existence of hulu and crackle prove this wrong.

Huh! Can you give me more details? All I know about Hulu is that they had a funny ad on TV, and I never even heard of Crackle. I'm not sure whether you're saying it would work (Hulu is doing great!) or it won't work (Look at Hulu, they tried it and they're going broke).

Oh, and I forgot to tie up my fireworks analogy: It's illegal and everyone knows it, but the only time anyone got arrested was when these people put up flyers saying "FIREWORKS SHOW AT BLAHBLAH STREET", politely informing the cops exactly where the illegal activity would be.

Hulu and crackle are websites where you can watch tons of recent and off the air television programs with no membership fees or the like. For example I watched all of Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, subbed by funimation, on Hulu, and also watched all of Big Guy and Rusty on Crackle's Youtube channel, they had better quality than the TV rips I had been relying on to watch it!

There's some little 30 second commercial breaks thrown in but they're so short you won't even mind.

I'm not sure how they're doing financially, but man are they awesome.

I like how they've announced that they're shutting down, but are still updating in the meantime.

Hulu is not making as much money as the content-owners would like, but it's not doing that poorly, either. They've recently launched the Hulu Plus plan as a closed beta that allows access on devices like the iPad, PS3, and eventually Xbox 360 I believe, and give much quicker access to currently running shows and a larger back catalog. But who knows how much money that'll make them--especially considering the number of complaints about how you still get ads even though you're paying a subscription fee.

Which is admittedly bullshit, but the ads are still far less frequent and less lengthy than you'd be getting on basic cable, and it's a lot cheaper than basic cable, too.

Crunchyroll recently got a lot of money from various content holders to expand their offerings, and are apparently planning to launch a digital manga offering similar to their streaming anime and J-drama service, so it will be interesting to see how that does.

>especially considering the number of complaints about how you still get ads even though you're paying a subscription fee.
I wonder if people using mobile devices are less tolerant of ads? You might be trying to watch TV while waiting in line at the store, standing up on a crowded train, something restricted like that. It's not like you're at home, and can blow off the next 30 seconds by getting a soda. I know 30 seconds isn't much, but when you're waiting for a bus and it's late and you need to pee, and you want to watch some goddamned Starsky & Hutch to take your mind off it all, an ad is probably the last straw.

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Then there's this thing:
It'll be free registration for however long that lasts.

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eugh. everything about that was just flat out annoying.

I get the point, by reading scanlations I'm breakin' the law and I've convinced myself that by reading things that don't begin to exist in the prevalent American market I'm not taking one red cent out of someones hands since there'd be no way for me to spend it in the first place and that the manga purchases I do make balance out my karma but yeah breaking the law.

I'm gonna shut up now before I dig some argument hold deeper than I would have liked.


>publishers never approved of scanlations

hahaha oh how naive this spastic is.

She never wanted to talk about it in the first place because she new you guys would get buthurt about it.
She was right about the insults.

I'm sorry, but I can't really agree with her.
Specially since said companies only cares about the US market, and you know, forgetting about Latin America?
While Mexico, Chile and Argentina luckily has some more promotion, the same can't be said from the rest of hispanic countries. ;_;
I would like to know her opinion about that point.

Hold it there, nobody's insulting her. At least in this thread.

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>implying I'll ever pay for manga while the internets exist

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All the shit I read is on OneManga. Pic related; my faic.

I think my big problem is that I'll just FORGET to read some of my series if I'm not watching the updates list on some reader. Bakuman, for example, I already forget to read for several weeks at a time.

I hold the faint hope that the publisher crackdown on scanlators might lead to them giving some attention to the series that will never ever be licensed in English-speaking countries for various reasons, such as lack of marketability (like Fukumoto's unappealing art style) or potential controversy (like Saint Young Men). The newest chapters of Naruto and such are going to be officially released anyway, but there ain't no chance I'm going to get my hands on a licensed Fukumoto work any time soon.

I'm curious as to why Onemanga is keeping their site up if the actual manga is being removed. Are their forums really that active? Aren't people just going to go back to their individual fansites now, if not alternative sites that haven't decided to kowtow to pressure?

I mean, EVERYTHING is going. Not just licensed stuff. Why bother even having a site?

And on the other side of the equation, how badly does fansubbing hurt anime sales? Because that's the equivalent situation, and guys like Funimation have been smart enough to work with that movement rather than put a complete stop to it. (granted they still have regional lockouts, so obviously if you're in the UK you're still stealing, but its a start).


I've only ever been able to find Kinnikuman up to the 7 devil chojins where they tore Meat's body apart to pieces. e-mail in e-mail field,

I think Onemanga are keeping their site up for the time being, not just for the forums, but because they have some legal treats they were going to offer:
"We had some features planned for OM even before we decided to shutdown the online reader. Some of them were being rolled out on the beta site. We will finish rolling out these features as some of them are pretty close to done." For their sake, I hope that these new features are real doozies.

Also, while they've taken everything down, they don't seem sure that they have to KEEP it all down:
"It is not clear at this point whether or not publishers have a problem with unlicensed manga scanlations. We have decided to remove the content until we have a better sense of what their stance on this is."

OneManga had up to the middle of the Throne Arc posted before they took everything down. Sucks because they're in the middle of Kinnikuman and Kinnikuman Zebra's match.

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