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31775 No.31775
And now I shall attempt posting a new thread while p4c is being slower 'an a bitch!

4 posts omitted. Last shown. Expand all images
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Also, this is sort of just, uh... A dump thread/sketchbook thread/request thread. A little something to mess with to keep my skills up and maybe occasionally get some advice on any works I'm spending more than twenty minutes on.

wtf. How did I not know this one was yours? It's signed by you and everything. Shit.


Probably because I was messing around a little with the style. I never do noses like that.


Maybe at some point. I get asked for a lot of cheesecake, though, ever since I drew that other Monica Rambeau image. D:< This character's from Iron Man: Armored Adventures, right? The style's unmistakable.


I don't think I've ever seen someone else draw Rambeau outside of actual official art, now that I think about it... Someone else draw Rambeau. Just so there's more stuff of her.

>>31803 Maybe at some point. I get asked for a lot of cheesecake, though, ever since I drew that other Monica Rambeau image.

Someone really needs to color that thing. Hint. Hint.


i am so damn bad at coloring you have no idea.

MIGHT give it a shot. Don't expect results.

Actually that was more an open request than one directed specifically at you.

YOU need to be doing Nextwave poledancing. Equal opportunity poledancing, maybe, Nextwave, definitely, sexy, but of course =P


Liiiike I said, maybe. I really don't wanna peg myself as a purely cheesecake drawfag.

... Even if I did agree to do a cheesecake trueform Miss Martian front-shot in /co/.

>I really don't wanna peg myself as a purely cheesecake drawfag.
>Even if I did agree to do a cheesecake trueform Miss Martian front-shot in /co/.

Ah, hypocrisy, something you get used to when it comes to drawfags on /co/

Easiest way to avoid being pegged as a cheesecake artist is to do beefcake.
...That might not be what you want either though.

Joking aside, you do have a lot of talent when it comes to drawing "teh hawtness", which, let's face it, is always in demand. But you're also able to do some interesting cartoony styles like >>31775 , and going by >>31779 and >>31781 you can do seriously funny stuff. Hope to see more from you in all categories.




How is that hypocrisy?

He recognizes that he's done some cheesecake, he just doesn't necessarily want to be known for that/draw it all the time.

It would be hypocritical if he said that, and drew nothing but. Or at least, didn't try to branch out after that statement.

>>31842 I really don't wanna peg myself as a purely cheesecake drawfag.

Easily fixed.
Draw porn.

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I honestly don't understand you whiny bitches who can't grasp the concept that artists only want to draw free requests for you if you're asking for things that they think are going to be fun to draw.

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Admittedly, I lol'd.


I don't think "hypocrisy" means what you think it means. As was stated above... I do other stuff. And I've absolutely no interest in drawing a whole lot of cheesecake, as fun as it can be at times. Only reason I've drawn two quite recently [and will probably do a third, which was requested before I started this thread] is because I happened to have a short-term itch for it. Might not even get to that third til the inkling strikes again.


Well, thanks! Hopefully I won't disappoint.




Entitlement issues. Or something. I don't know. It's why I try to ignore it.

Anyway! Here's something I did instead of notes on Nikola Tesla vs. Edison. Luckily, already told me everything I needed to know. Thank you, humorous history writings. It's one of an unreasonable amount of characters in a fictional world I half-created I like to mess with. Might do more straight-from-sketchbook posts, since they're usually a great deal better... Just a pain since my scanner is fussy a lot unless I physically cut the paper to smaller than the tray.


I strongly prefer a traditional pencil over a stylus, if only because I don't have an actual tablet PC/monitor like a Cintiq. I can clean my stuff up more easily and with less stress. Getting better with digital, though.

[I also have a bad habit of not zooming out to see how an image is coming along, instead just staying zoomed in while I ink. There's a lot of instances of "My god... That's a really tiny hand" with this method.]

Unless this is some kind of one of those asshole responses that have been popping up on the board implying the artist is getting really bad or whatever. Hard to tell. I'm paranoid.


Ah! Okay. Sorry, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't just falling for a troll.

Your reasoning's definitely understandable. There's a lot of people who prefer the inked, "finished" drawing. More often than not for me, though, my inking comes off really poorly. Save for a few in this thread, I really, REALLY disapprove of the way I ink them.

Then again, I'm also the guy who's more interested in the pencils of a comic than the inks, which is why most trades I buy are based only partially on whether I actually like the comic and more on whether there's a whole bunch of concept work in the back. I love me some concept work.

>claim not to want to draw a lot of cheesecake
>proceed to draw a bunch of lesbians


>implying lesbians can only be drawn as cheesecake
>implying there's more than one image

>posting lesbians somewhere that's not this thread


>Implying implications


>implying implied implications which imply implications implied by the implied implier

>Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

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oh, man, you guys, i just discovered the best guy ever to draw

his name is crabfaceman

your assignment:

draw crabfaceman bein' cool. like payin' bills. checkin' out ladies from behind a coffee cup awkwardly. or finding a book at the bookstore really interesting.

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... sometimes i draw really weird shit when i run with an idea.

i have no idea if i should even do more of these. sort of my take/a parody of hipster comics.

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And so crabfaceman was saved from the terrible wonder known only as the interwebs. His inability to properly function in life is still a problem.




oh no this is me

You have a really neat style going!

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A few things I've done in between projects.

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Oh my God. Seconding that this is me. Crabfaceman is strangely endearing and amazing. I would totally encourage more of it.

Also adorable! I love your style.


What's funny is that nearly everyone that I talk to about that particular strip responds in much the same way. I'm just not sure what to do with it. I was thinking very loose continuity, but largely gag-based. [Well. As gag-based as you can get with hipster slice-of-life stuff.] Just feeding off responses since these are pretty fun to do.

<3 <3

I think that's the best idea. It doesn't necessarily have to be anything too fancy. You should just roll with what comes to you. I wouldn't mind crabfaceman having equally endearing co-stars.

While I'm being bold enough to actually speak here: are you still taking suggestions or did the ridiculous hoard of anons drive that option off? ):


Oh, I'm still taking suggestions. I'm still planning on knocking out one that was previously suggested in this very thread, but keep in mind that unless they tickle my fancy in a serious way, it takes me a little time to drum up the interest in doing them.

And thanks for the feedback on Crabfaceman. I've been stuck on this guy for so long; one of the first characters that just kind of sits in my head. Probably because he's so simple, there's no real bullshit attached to him yet.

Oh, I totally understand that. Are there any particular characters or themes you lean towards? Or, the other way around? I'd hate to suggest something you... well, hate. I really just want to see more of your stuff.

I can see why Crabfaceman stuck around! I hope you figure out where you plan to take him.


Damn, man. I don't even know. I'm really all over the place, still finding out which niches I can fill. I've got generally broad tastes. About the only things I don't draw are straight-up porn [what little I've ever drawn, I don't care to show], a fair amount of crack pairings [flexible on this], scat... There's very little I "hate" to do outside of that. If it's a fairly unique idea and pretty interesting, there's a good chance I'll do it.

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Ooh, well, I always feel meek when I do this, but I will just have a try. Considering recent events in Marvel, can I suggest Phobos/Alexander in his father's God of War armor? If that sounds all right? I'm posting the page that inspired the thought, but if you don't want spoilers I can find other references if needed and... yes.

Hiding in my own meekness now. Yes.

This is a patient and grateful reminder about that Ms. Martian pic...

Thanks for your time.



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I haven't forgotten this one at all! Just so you know. And I like the idea. I've just been insanely busy.

With what, I can finally say.

Pic related, it's an older image of a character whose going to star in his [her?] very own animated short. I have a production team that's going to be starting on it in a couple of weeks. I've been hunkering down with storyboards, concept work, and so forth, sort of as a one-man team so when the full team is finally ready, we'll be able to hit the ground running.


I am in love with this picture. If it were a beautiful woman I would marry it.

Oh, I don't mind. I know all artists have more than enough on their hands. What you've had on yours looks absolutely amazing. I love that design, and the project sounds amazing, and like it's quite the undertaking. I wish you luck! Do you plan to share your progress? I'm very interested.


I'll likely post a link to a blog space I have somewhere once I actually start posting. I'm gonna need feedback on as much as I can no matter what, so it'd be nothing short of helpful to me.


... I have yet to establish if the character's age would be considered legal yet. Just a head's up.

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A possible redesign of the character. I'm trying to nail down a cleaner look for Ned. Bandages might be simplified to just a few straps on the forearms and the legs, but hoping this is a more pleasing design. My color choices aren't final, hoping those will get picked over with a fine-tooth comb by some of the color people on the production team.

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