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33319 No.33319
Point those fooking tentacles at me ^,,^

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Also desperately waiting for moar Stranger :3

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Hurray! A new thread! Here is a picture of some Prawns to celebrate!


THIS. It's been like, more than a whole week now. I need a fix. o.o

I concure. I need more Stranger chapers like WHOA!!

And Knight!Christopher. I have a serious addiction to that story.

I need my fix of the Finding you There fic, with adorable baby prawn Barry. Worst thing to do is to get addicted to a story that never gets finished O.-


I just have to say that I adore that picture.


Seconded :)

Anyone have any more prompts?

Anyone have any more prompts?

Anyone have any more prompts?

I would totally die if somebody writes this hilarious prompt I read before, a Christopher trying to court Wikus human style including puns!
Or this really sexy prompt where Chris tries to introduce Wikus into the joys of hermaphrodite double genitalia.
PLEASE! Don't make me bring out the puppy dog eyes!


I'd love to see BOTH of these! Especially if the second one involves Chris trying to convince Wikus to not change back.

Guys, I just want to read some awkward-first-time-teenage Wikus and Christopher pr0n. Been waiting for that since thread #6.

Also, I NEED some moar knight!Christopher like NAO.


'This'ing both these. Seriously, Knight!Christopher is like crack and the awkward-teenage sex sounds awesome.


And adding my support to these as well.

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Pic related.




How about this for a request, A Highschool AU?
Like Wikus is a nerd, Koobus is a bully, Tania is there just cause Wikus has a giant crush on her, and Christopher is there as he is the only Prawn to actually filled out the paperwork to gain a scholarship into a human Highschool. Wikus and Christopher end up working together since Wikus thinks that working with the Prawn would impress Tania, but ends up having a growing but strained friendship with Christopher...
And what not...


Sounds like it has potential.

Make that a college au so that we don't have the same riiidiculous amount of cliche baaaw teenage hormones, and I think the idea has promise.


I just don't understand the facination with highschool AUs.


Neither do I, but some people really love it.

Prompt: Tender bath sex. I really want to see them offer to scrub the other one in hard to reach places, and end up becoming aroused by the other.


Oh I second this big time!

To the person questioning the release of District 9 in Japan, here is a present for you...

Someone should write a Mass Effect cross over...juuust saying.

MGM? What happened to tristar?

Also: You people made me gay for prawns, god damn it.

SOMEONE should post a fic update.

Just saying.

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This. Stranger would be nice. Or general Prawn Porn.

Okay, okay, you guys have convinced me. I was going to try and get the last part of this done and post both bits together, but between real life and slightly lacking inspiration it's been coming very slowly. So I just have one piece for now. I'm really hoping that it turned out okay(I've really been agonizing over this bit) and that everyone enjoys it. Thanks as always to everyone who commented and please let me know what you think.

Stranger Part 25/?

The rising sun had not yet driven the dawn chill from the canyon when Kkrokpe made his way to the open stone shelf where he would face Nkosi. Nearby ridges and paths were already lined with his people. They watched him pass, the soft clicks of private conversation a steady hum in the background.

Nkosi had not yet arrived and Kkrokpe took a few moments to walk the perimeter of the arena, watching for uneven patches of earth, stones which could turn beneath an unwary foot. Satisfied, he perched on a rock.

He did not have to wait long. Nkosi swept up the path, several soldiers in his wake.

Kkrokpe rose from his seat and moved to stand a short distance away, making a sign of respect as he did so.

Nkosi did not acknowledge the gesture. His posture was stiff with irritation, antennae twitching.

An old soldier let out an extended trilling call and they walked closer, stopping within arm’s reach of each other. From this proximity Kkrokpe was sharply aware that Nkosi topped him by at least half a head. Black exoskeleton gleamed in the pale light and large mandibles, the vivid red of a Qadi’s wings, clicked against each other; marks of a leader in his prime.

He would have to take care and stay out of reach.

The spectators were silent. The air was tight.

Kkrokpe half-expected the leader to offer him another out, half-hoped that he would, but Nkosi was silent. Momentary cowardice rose, to be crushed beneath thoughts of his mate and son.

They were counting on him. He must not fail.

The soldier cried out again.

Kkrokpe leaped away just in time as large black arms shot out. Fingers brushed his plating as Nkosi tried to pull him in close. Dancing back, he dodged to the side and lashed out. His blow glanced off Nkosi’s side and he retreated as the leader turned to strike him. Darting in, he risked another swipe as Nkosi tried to turn and face him head on.

Too slow; Kkrokpe’s claws caught him on the shoulder, gouging into a seam where exoskeleton came together. The leader grunted in pain and whirled, grabbing for him.

A cacophony of clicking shouts rose around them as Kkrokpe ducked and leaped back, away.

Their eyes locked.

Red trickled down Nkosi’s arm, nearly invisible against the dark plating.

First blood.

Nkosi shifted his stance and Kkrokpe lunged forward to meet him.

The struggle dragged on, an endless cycle of strike, feint, parry as they circled each other. Kkrokpe tried several times to goad Nkosi into attacking him, pull the leader off balance, but he was too cautious, relying on his bulk to keep Kkrokpe at bay. He could feel himself beginning to tire. The sun was at its zenith and the canyon walls provided no shade.

He would have to end the fight soon; he couldn’t keep this up indefinitely.

There: an opportunity. The forelimb he’d injured at the start of the match was being favored. He lunged forward, trying to get under Nkosi’s guard, zeroing in on the weak spot, but then Nkosi was moving towards him, into the blow. Kkrokpe’s claws bit into black exoskeleton even as he realized his mistake and tried to withdraw.

Too slow! Arms wound around him with crushing strength and he was dragged forward. Nkosi wasted no time in bringing his superior weight to bear.

They grappled, Kkrokpe struggling to break Nkosi’s grip on his shoulders, pushing and scratching against the leader’s abdomen even as he was borne to the ground.

Kkrokpe could feel his legs beginning to buckle. Desperate he reached up and struck at Nkosi’s throat, tearing at the delicate gills. Fragile tissue parted beneath his claws and he heard Nkosi cry out in pain.

The leader’s grip loosened and Kkrokpe wrenched himself away. Staggering back a few steps he looked for his opponent. Nkosi was bent over, curled into a defensive position, hands at his throat. Blood dripped between plated fingers into the dust.

He’s weakened, distracted. Now is the time to strike.

Kkrokpe hesitated. Nkosi was not moving to attack.

Could he end this without more bloodshed?

He took a cautious step forward, “Nkosi?”

The leader curled further into himself and did not answer.

Another step.


Pain exploded against the side of his head, knocking him from his feet. Weight crushed him, his arms were pinned. Mandibles clamped around his throat.

Kkrokpe struggled, clawing at Nkosi’s back and sides, but the mandibles were immovable, biting into his flesh. Strength drained from his body.

I failed.

I am sorry, my son, Wikus.

Nkosi’s mandibles tightened further.

The shrieks of the crowd were deafening.

Kkrokpe closed his eyes.

The mandibles opened and released his throat. The leader’s weight lifted off his body.

Startled, Kkrokpe opened his eyes. Nkosi was standing over him. He planted one foot in the middle of Kkrokpe’s chest and looked out into the crowd.

Kkrokpe attempted to raise his head, but warning pressure from the leader’s foot told him to stay down.

“You are all witness,” Nkosi announced, “the challenger has been defeated. I am still your leader and, according to law, I will remain so until I am overthrown.” Red mandibles clicked together, “And my first order of business is the revocation of the execution order placed on the alien creature.”

Nkosi stepped off Kkrokpe’s chest and offered his hand. Hesitant, he reached out and was pulled to his feet.

“I realize there has been some uncertainty in regards to the creature’s presence,” Nkosi said, “but let it be known that Kkrokpe has taken the creature into his nest and has full sanction to do so. Wikus is hereby accepted as a member of the Hive.” Nkosi made a commanding gesture, “Dismissed.”

Kkrokpe stood, dumbstruck as the crowd began to disperse, the rapid clicks of conversation a dull buzz in the afternoon heat.

“That went better than expected.” Nkosi said.

“I do not understand. Why did you revoke the execution order?”

“Because the threat to our Hive is gone. The ship left during the last solar cycle.”

“Then why not tell me?” Kkrokpe said, bewildered, “I would have retracted the Challenge.”

“You think that I retained my leadership through brute strength alone?” Nkosi made a noise of amusement, “There is more at work here than you can see. And you played your part perfectly, Kkrokpe. Though,” he raised a hand and gingerly felt along the torn edge of a gill, “I didn’t expect you to be quite so quick.”

“I am sorry.”

“It was a necessary risk. I thought that I could subdue you easily.”

“But why allow the fight to go on?”

“Conceding prior to the fulfillment of the Challenge would have been seen as a sign of weakness.” Nkosi said, “But appearances are also something to be manipulated. It takes more courage to defeat an opponent and allow them to live; my peers now risk appearing as cowards if they kill drones, particularly as infants,” he hummed in satisfaction, “The changes may be slow, but they will come.”

“And if I had won?”

“Then you would be the new leader,” Nkosi’s expression was mild, “And I would have trusted you to spare my life.”

Kkrokpe could think of nothing to say.

Nkosi glanced up at the sky, “It is growing late. You should return to your mate and child.”

Dazed, Kkrokpe made a respectful gesture and headed down the path. He passed Khiwa, walking in the opposite direction, but did not turn to watch, allowing Nkosi privacy to reunite with his own mate.


Thank you so much Zuzuca, I do miss hearing about Wikus in this chapter but can't wait for the next chapter.

Could I ask for the name of the artist who is doing all these awesome sketches? I like to know the artist instead of labelling all the awesome stuff "unknown", you know?

Don't know if anyone has seen this yet, a post on -cm- with Wickus, some prawn art.



Yay! More Stranger!

Oh Nkosi, you smart bastard - I knew you had something up your slee.... err exoskeleton XD

Can't wait to see Wikus and Christopher's reunion!


Yay! This was lovely. <3


I still love Nkosi ^^ The Challenge went a lot better than I expected it to, and now I see what you meant about Nkosi. He is very intelligent and he's definitely not leader for nothing. I can't wait for next chapter!


YEAH! WOO! ♥ Soooo Happeeeeee :D

Okay, thanks! I know gantzcraziness, I have a lot of his (?) stuff faved on DA, but it seemed that there was a link to a blog with art way back in one of the other threads, and I can't find it. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Someone draw Wikus as a headcrab zombie, with the claws and ugly.

Here it is, I really love her work ♥


*gawps* YOu left it at a part where I NEED more NOW!!!!! *rages* This was absolutely wonderful and somethign I totally didn't see coming. As always, you never dissapoint.

Yes, that's it! Thank you! I didn't realize they were the same person, that's awesome!

I have a serious need for more Knight!Christopher. She just had to leave off at such a good part!

I have good news!

I just need a moment to format it for posting and you'll get your wish.

Also, prepare to fap.

So yeah. Sorry it took so long. It will probably take some time between chapters from here out, but I think I can manage to finish.

Also, uh... I am not confident about this chapter at all, so I hope its okay. Perhaps you'll see my reservations in the second half. Either way, enjoy.


Chapter 10: In which the magic of the renegade camp is revealed.

It was not entirely unexpected to Christopher to hear the words leave the Leader's mandibles, but it had been a long time since there had been a Devil brave enough to confront his position, and smart enough to figure out why he, Christopher, was different from other Devils.

Wikus' eyes widened in surprise. Still bound by the strong grip of the leader he could only repeat the words he had heard, "King? Christopher, what...?"

A rough mishandling caused his fearful silence before the leader went on, "I'm flattered that you finally recognized me, my liege. It was, after all, your charismatic presence that rallied the prisoners on the ship, and it was my scientific prowess that allowed us to commandeer the dropship and make first contact, for what good it did us. We owe each other our live, my liege, why do we instead point weapons at one another?"

"I am honor bound to defend this human and deliver him back to where he belongs."

"'Honor?' Honor given over to you by human bosses. You would languish in servitude while here we have a culture of our own to preserve and celebrate?"

"You gain your culture at the expense of innocence. I saw the terror of that town."

"It was not by our hands, but other human.."

"Guided by you. Human or no, it is inexcusable to hold a village under the sway of violence in the pursuit of mere survival."

"Revenge, then. You can respect that, surely. After all you were betrayed yourself. Your brother the now crowned prince of our country did, for example, spirit you away in the middle of the night under the influence of drug and disguise of face and scent. He made sure you were given a cell in the prison mothership on the way to the dungeon planet never to return. It was only by grace of our cooperation that you and I are not now trapped in a slightly less stringent prison."

"You attempt to endear yourself to me, appeal to my baser nature. I do not forget that you were a part of that prison not through treachery but through sheer deservedness, for your heinous experimentations on foreign species with the fluid. You and I may have been allies under duress, but we are not nor ever will be friends."

The Leader gripped Wikus tighter, "You... you feel nothing then, for the humans? The humans who restrain us, whip us? Send us off to die in droves in wars we cannot understand? After such an inspirational speech denouncing me and my radical ways surely you cannot then excuse the human race for their crimes."

"I lay their blame upon their leaders and lords who have the power but do nothing to stop it."

"Like this lordling here?"

"I say I have given them blame, but I will not act upon it in cold-blooded murder. I wish not to be a warlord to these people, but a teacher of ways. I want to bridge our cultures, so further bloodshed will not be necessary."

"And you plan on this from the position of slave?"

"It is... the only position I have where my honor can remain. I am skilled enough to keep myself alive, and I cannot leave the side of the people who need me most."

"I cannot conceive of you, my liege. You speak like a pregnant hen, gone all soft, but your skills are as sharp as ever. Where is your hate? These creatures did enact horrors upon us. All of us. My campaign in the middle east saw my people cut down as the humans laid back to watch from a safe distance. You cannot say that is fair, or honorable. So I ask again," The leader's speech was rising in passion now, as he came to a crechendo, "Where is your hate? Why do you not despise these creatures as we do?"

Christopher was silent for a moment. He straightened up his stance before re sheathing his sword, knowing that there would be no further combat today, "I have neither the time not the patience for such a weakness as hate. Let the human go, he is under my protection."

The Leader made a face of astonishment. It was somewhere caught halfway between anger and amazement. He looked around at his people and realized that they were all firmly on the side of their king. Their eyes were wide in rapture as they looked towards their new leader, and the current leader found himself growling as his position was usurped.

He released the lord Wikus. The man fell to the ground before crawling on his bound wrists and legs like a worm towards Christopher, calling out the name of his protector. Christopher rushed forward and, using his hard claws, cut the bindings and picked up Wikus, who leaned against his savior, arms wrapping themselves around the devil's waist. Soundlessly, Christopher and Wikus began to walk out of the camp. Several devils made motions to follow.

"Stop!" cried the leader, who would not be deterred, "You do not know what you walk away from, my king."

"I walk away from a murderer and usurper, if the stories of your incarceration are to be believed, former grand advisor to my father the king."

"You also walk from the only hope of salvation for our people."

"More treachery?"

"No. I am more than happy to see the error of my ways on this point, my liege, in favor of showing you what we have gathered together in these two decades."

As Christopher heard the word, 'gathered' his antennae perked up, "You cannot mean..."

Wikus looked from one devil to the other, "Christopher, I don't think we should listen to this devil."

But he did not hear Wikus. He squeezed the human tighter to himself, strengthening his protection, but solidifying his position as he stayed within the camp, "Where...?" he stopped, not quite believing what his hopes said.

"Yes, my liege?"

"Where is the fluid, Advisor?" said Christopher.


The commotion within the renegade settlement was not lost upon the Black Knight, who had finally closed in upon the position of the cart. His knights had come upon the site of the cart's fiery demise and found nothing there except hoofprints leading away towards the camp. From this high position on the hill, the Black Knight raised the visor of his plate armor and looked into the camp, counting the devils residing inside. They all seemed to be surrounding a single devil.

Soon, he saw a human pushed into the circle. The Lord Van Der Merwe. The green-colored devil seemed to kneel towards him and freed his arms, grasping him tightly.

"What do you see?" asked one of his men.

"I see the betrayer has reclaimed the Lord. He does not, however, appear to be leaving the camp."

"Shall we attack?"

"Not yet. There are too many. It would be an empty sacrifice. We shall stay back and gather information about the camp. If the worst comes we shall send a messenger back to the castle, saying we have found the Renegade camp."


A night of celebration ensued from the arrival of the one true king of the devils. Neither of the devils in power had sanctioned it, but the party broke anyway. For their part, they did not join in, instead taking a tour of a large shack, Christopher, the leader, and with Wikus not far behind.

"The human is coming along? Really?"

"He is under my care. He comes along."

Wikus could barely understand what the two devils said. He had thought the language of the devils Christopher had spoken before to be difficult and complex, but this tongue the two spoke between one another was impenetrable. He had managed to follow along enough through inference and every third word. Christopher was some sort of returned leader, his captor had tried to negotiate something, and failed, being forced to release the human. Now, before their escape, Christopher hummed with excitement to see something in this shack. He followed the two devils closely, entering the shack as he did.

When he entered he gasped. The inside of this room had not been made from wood as it had been disguised with on the outside, but from a strange metal. As he entered he found himself inside of a large metallic box with several devil gadgets around. Many weapons were strewn about, including a few golem suits and magic wands. At the center of the room was a table, bearing a series of glass tubes and bottles which bubbled upon lantern fires and zipped around this alchemical set up, mixing themselves and stewing in their own heinous juices.

"Alchemy?" he said, as his understanding dictated.

The leader ignored him, "Here we are, my liege."

"It's... amazing. You have so much. This must be two full cylinders here, enough to get us back to our home planet and into the next solar system. How...?"

"The perks of freedom. We were able to spread over the whole of this country, finding the odds and ends containing traces of the fluid. We've found more than enough to return home... but..."

"But what? Why not leave? This changes everything. I could finally see my people delivered from servitude..."

"It is the dropship my liege. We cannot get back to the prison ship without the dropship, and I'm sure you know exactly where the ship is I trust."

He did, Castle Smit had taken the dropship as a trophy after taking the emissary that came out hostage. Shortly after, they realized there were more, and forced the emissary to go up to receive as many refugees as possible. Half the ship had been emptied in this back and forth before the devils realized something was wrong, that they were not being treated with sympathy but by the cruel hand of opportunity. The devils who had come down were soon chained together and driven over to Novem, and the emissary was killed when he refused to retrieve any more slaves. A full half of the population of the prison ship must have died of starvation and of the diseases which ran rampant on the prison ship. Christopher sometimes wondered if they were the ones who had been lucky.

Christopher made no sound, but he understood perfectly what this all meant.

"You really do want me to stay, don't you?"

"Of course," He picked up one of the silvery cylinders and handed it over to Christopher, "you have more chance of freeing us here, then you do while kow-towing to the humans. That is what I tried to tell you."

Christopher took the cylinder in his hands, gingerly, inspecting it. It was full, more than enough of the genetic fuel to power their weapons, move their vehicles, and ultimately to send them all home in the depleted prison ship within a year and a half making all speed.

Wikus, in his curiosity, stroked his own moustache and leaned his face close to the cylinder. Christopher gasped lightly and pushed the human away from the fluid firmly.

"Please, my lord, it is dangerous."

"You may not want to do that, little human," said the leader in the clear language of the devil slaves. He looked at the true concern in his king's eyes as he protected the human from the canister of liquid, and smiled inwardly, going on in the language of the nobles, "Of course, my liege, with how much you obviously care for this creature, perhaps it would be better..."

"N-no..." he turned to the human, "Wikus, take this sword." He took the sword off of his belt and rubbed the scabbard slowly along his mandibles. Wikus could sense a sudden, pungest tang to the air as his bodyguard seemed to lick the sheath. As it was given him, he was surprised at its dryness. "The scent will mark you as an ally and friend of mine. The others of my kind will not harm you as long as you hold this. Go find the little one and bring him into the camp."

"But, Christopher..."

"Please. Do this?"

After a moment of the intense look the devil gave him, the lord nodded his head and walked out of the shack.

"He seems nice," said the leader, with a lilting smirk of a tone, "I hope you aren't seriously..."

"What? Aren't seriously what, advisor?"

"...considering mating with it."

"I... I don't know," Christopher seemed to lose a portion of his self-assuredness as he spoke of Wikus, "I get mixed signals, but on the whole, it seems that he... he made the first move, you see, and I understand human politics enough to know that mating is more a gesture of peace between two peoples than an expression of..."

After a moment of the leader scowling and Christopher looking unsure of himself, the leader grasped the devil king's hand, using the other to take the canister from Christopher's fingers, placing it back on the table.

"Come, my liege. I'm sure it's been a long time."

They exited to shack, slowly.



"Oliver!" cried out Wikus as he looked around the forest outside of the camp, "Oliver! Where are you, you bloody kid?"

Grasping the sword tight, Wikus wandered towards where he had remembered the cart to be. True to Christopher's word, the thick smell upon the sword had placated the devils around the camp, causing them not to attack. A few had even given little respectful nods as he had passed, gestures the devils did not give to their human masters normally.

"What am I doing?" he suddenly began telling himself, "I should get away. This is bloody dangerous Wikus. You need to get back to the castle. Go to meet the lady Tania. Christopher can handle himself, and the kid..." He paused, before crying out, "Oliver! Come here!"

Wikus suddenly jumped at a noise behind him. By reflex, he turned and brandished the still-sheathed sword towards the perceived threat, "Who...? Oliver?"

"No, my lord." It was a human, clad in all black plate mail. He had fallen to one knee in the lord's presence, "I am the Black Knight. My master Duke Smit has sent me to retrieve you."

"The Duke?" Wikus lowered his weapon, and was suddenly smiling, "The Duke! I could kiss you my good man. Let me go to get my servant and I..."

"No, my lord. We must leave now before we are found by the devils."

"But... Christopher..."

"He has obviousely betrayed you, my lord. Taken you to this devil encampment. It is miraculous that you have escaped with your life."

"Es... escaped...?" He looked down at the sword, "Wait... Wait. I can't leave Christoph... My devil servant behind."

"Why not, My lord?"

"Because... Because he didn't betray me. He saved my life. And furthermore, he's important somehow... to the devils here that is. I think... If we leave him here the renegades will be that much stronger. And Of course..." He stopped himself before mentioning Oliver. Many humans did not look kindly upon the Devils breeding.

"Important? How so?"

"I don't know. They began to speak this... complex tongue I did not understand. And the devils were willing to walk off with I and my devil until... Until the leader here told Christopher about what I think may be the source of their power."

The Black Knight's head perked up, "The source...?"

"Yes... I don't have the details, but I recognized some words. There is this water in there in an iron tube. I think it somehow grants its user the ability to use devil weaponry."

"Where is this tube?"

"In... That shack over there."

The Black Knight very nearly looked as if he would go to steal it right then, such a thing could make the wretched devils irrelevant. However, his duty to the Duke stayed his hand. "If you shall not go without the Devil, then we need a plan."

"Simply leave me," said Wikus, "Leave me here and I shall return in my own time and I promise I shall come back with information on the renegades."

"It may take too long for the Duke. He wants you to meet his daughter soon."

"Yes, but what better gift would there be than to wipe away the taint of the renegades. This is an order from your betters, Black Knight. Heed it. I must away."

The Black Knight nodded slowly as Wikus turned away, asking himself frantically why he had decided to stay. As soon as he thought himself out of sight of the Black Knight, he continued his search for Oliver.


The Leader's shack was not so different from his shack back in the bandit's camp. Upon the walls he had hung, as was his fashion, human cookware. The walls were shingled with pots and fine, broken, china and silver forks and knives. Alongside these dainty things he had hung the bones, some of them full skeletons, of the various beasts of the Earth, including a few skulls of people he had slain.

Christopher looked around the shack as he entered, his hand surrounded by the leaders. He asked himself what he was truly doing here, why he had allowed the adviser to wordlessly lead him here. "A long time" he said it had been, and that was correct. Since the birth of his son he had seen little in the way of lovers fruit, and had not even tasted of it in the meanwhile.

"I imagine," said the leader, as he closed the door of the shack behind them, plunging them into darkness, "You have had your share of conquests beyond the battlefield... and of course this human..."

"The Lord and I... it is not like that I'm sure. How could our two races ever feel that way for one another?"

"And yet," In the dark of the shack, Christopher could suddenly feel the three fingered hand of the leader sneak their passage down the front of his chest, "I could smell what he did to you. That trick with the sword was a rather ingenious solution. None of us would dare disturb one who is betrothed to the king."

"I just wanted him to be safe," his voice wavered a bit, as the hands of the advisor snuck down to wrap themselves around the small limbs at his belly. The small hands grasped onto the other devil's fingers and gripped as hard as they could. "I want him... to be safe."

"You can't have him, my liege, in anything but an official capacity I'm sure. It would never work."

Christopher pushed the devil away and turned, "I do not know why I came here. I should leave."

"Please, my liege. You are frustrated." Arms wrapped around Christopher, and he, for his part, did nothing to stop them, "Let me help."

Christopher's breathing quickened as he felt the warm body of the other devil at his back. His scent intensified, entwining with the leader's as their arms entwined around each other. Christopher turned around, throwing his arms around the leader.

"You... are still a betrayer and a scoundrel. This does not absolve you of your former crimes."

"No, it does not. That doesn't matter."

The tentacles of the leader's face seemed to reach forward before wrapping themselves around Christopher's. Both sets of mouthparts waggled and lolled against one another as the two devils pushed their faces together into a kiss of empty passion, filling a hole which had formed in Christopher's heart.

The leader's hands fiddled with the snaps of the prince's robe, allowing it to fall to the ground, before he gently pushed Christopher towards the bed. The prince sat, slowly, his sex inconspicuous behind cloacal walls, as the leader's own seemed to rise out of its black expanse.

The two devils came together, embracing upon the bed. Their mandibles came together in another tangled kiss as the leader began to push against the lips of Christopher's immodesty. As he did, his green pole rose from within, allowing the black one to enter, sending pulses of pleasure into Christopher. He cried out, a low humming purr, and squeezed himself closer to the devil who pleasured him. Their twin secondary arms seemed to play at their own intercourse, grasping each other and rubbing against the body of the one across.

The hard shaft of the leader came in and out of the prince in a steady rhythmic song which rose in tempo slowly. Their voices grew to match the beat, harmonizing in pleasurable exercise, even as their mouths were otherwise occupied in becoming one.

The leader was frantic in his pounding now, giving the prince his hardest. He took his hands from the body of his partner and laid them against the wall behind them, using it as leverage to force himself deeper inside. The Prince grasped the leader with one hand, and with the other took himself into grip and stroked, intensifying the pleasure of the coupling.

The prince gave a scream, no longer content in keeping their congress demure, and released his black torrent upon himself and his partner. The leader, emboldened by the gesture, himself released his essence deep inside the prince and, with the last of his strength sapped collapsed on top of him.

After a moment of deep breathing and laying out limp upon the bed, there came a knock.

The Leader, enraged at the interruption, cried out, "I am not to be disturbed."

However, the devil on the other end said, "Leader! We have seen humans on the outlay. Come quickly."

Both Christopher and the leader were suddenly alert. The leader because humans had finally found the camp, and Christopher because his child was still unaccounted for. Both devils rose up and hurriedly wiped themselves down with a dirty cloth before Christopher re donned his robe and rushed out, followed closely by the leader.


The sight that greeted them was of a group of devils huddled around a corpse. The armor of the knight was a sullied white, which was quickly draining blood from the faceplate where he had been impacted by a hard concussion from a magic wand designed to push and slam enemies to the ground.

"Where was it found," said the leader.

"Outside of the camp. It was skulking around. We shot it and it rammed against a tree and died."

Christopher spoke up, "There are most likely more."

Another devil suddenly ran up, "The fluid! The Fluid!" he cried.

The leader walked up and grabbed the frantic devil, "What is it? What about the fluid?"

"It... One of the canisters is gone."

"The humans must have made off with it!"

The leader's eyes went wide, "Damn!"

"Where is the Human Lord?" said Christopher, calmly.

The devil spoke up, "He came back with a child not long before we found this human."

At the mention of a child, Christopher rushed up, "Where?"

He walked with purpose in the direction he had been pointed, followed closely by the leader. Once he saw the small frame of Oliver, he began to run.

"Father!" the boy cried, hugging up against his dad, "The Lord found me. I gave him back his Skrimshaw."

The lord sat a little ways away, looking at the Skrimshaw. He looked a little forlorn. Christopher walked up to Wikus and knelt down, "My lord..."

"You're some sort of high rank yourself, aren't you, Christopher. I think you may drop the pretense. Wikus is my name for now if you can pronounce it."

Christopher paused, and did his best to approximate the sound of the lord's name, coming up with a whistle to stand for the 'W' and a gurgling round of consonants for the rest, "Wikus, then. I must ask. We found a human knight on the outskirts of the camp and now... a can of the fluid has gone missing. I sent you to find my son. I must know. Did you see anything unusual in the wood?"

The human looked up at Christopher, then up at the devils who were beginning to pour in. They appeared to be looking down at him as if he might have the answer. He looked down at his bit of white bone and sighed.

"I saw nothing, Christopher," he said, "I'm sorry."

Christopher spoke, "It is fine. Come, we shall solve this mystery together."

Wikus was ashamed of himself for having lied, and even more ashamed at how easily Christopher had trused his lies, but he walked alongside Christopher anyway, who, for his own shame, hoped that human senses could not discern the smells of devil sex.

Hey there everyone; thanks so much for the lovely comments. I finally managed to finish this monster. Turns out all I needed to do was post the other piece to make the Muse sit up and pay attention. I’m not quite sure how to feel about it; the story ended up taking a slightly, er unexpected turn and I don’t know if it quite worked. I tried leaving it alone for a couple of days and looking at it again, but I’m still not sure. So I thought I’d just post it and see what the general consensus was. Hope that everybody enjoys this and please let me know what you think.

>>35063 >>35064 This just keeps getting better, the emotions are intense and I love the way you’ve managed to fit the prawns into a world so different. Also, at the risk of sounding completely incoherent: hdfkadsjfksdfhj.

Stranger Part 26/26

Xesibe was waiting for him at the base of the path, Deyi tucked in his arms. At the sight of Kkrokpe his hatchling immediately began to squirm.


Xesibe put him down and Kkrokpe knelt to gather his son into his arms. Deyi chirred and clicked and Kkrokpe purred in response, stroking back short antennae.

Deyi buried his face against Kkrokpe‘s shoulder, “I was frightened, Father.”

“I am sorry, little one. But there is no reason to be frightened any longer.”

“Xesibe would not tell me what was going on. There was so much shouting and Wikus was gone and you were gone—”

Kkrokpe hushed the hatchling.

“I will explain later, my son. For now we must retrieve Wikus. Don’t you want to see him again?”

Deyi clicked in agreement.

Kkrokpe rose to his feet, his son’s hand clasped in his own.

“Thank you for looking after him, Xesibe.”

His friend waved off his gratitude, “Thank me later, when I am feeling less inclined to strangle you. When I heard the crowd screaming I feared the worst,” he shook his head, “You took a good ten revolutions off my life with that stunt.”

“I apologize.”

Deyi tugged on Kkrokpe’s hand, “Father…”

Xesibe clicked in amusement, “Go on, Kkrokpe. You can make it up to me later.”

His son at his heels, Kkrokpe hurried off to find his mate.

Though both he and Deyi were eager to find the human, neither Kkrokpe or his hatchling knew exactly where Wikus was. Returning to the prison only produced an empty cell and the soldiers had changed shift since Wikus had been removed, which left the two of them wandering about, searching high and low until a passing worker took pity on Kkrokpe and informed them that he’d seen the human being carried off to the infirmary.

The medical center was bustling with activity and Kkrokpe scooped Deyi up to keep him from underfoot. Reaching out, he snagged a passing worker.

“Excuse me; I’m looking for the alien creature that was brought here?”

The worker raised one brown arm and gestured to the far corner, beyond a fine mesh screen.

Kkrokpe pulled the screen aside.

A green shelled individual lay on a metal table, mostly covered beneath an insulating layer, eyes closed. An orange shelled worker stood nearby, adjusting a monitor.

Kkrokpe approached the table, hesitant. His antennae waved with anxiousness; the scent was different, the body changed.

Was this really his mate?

As if he sensed his presence, the individual’s antennae twitched and eyes opened, squinting against the light of the lamps. One was the sharp gold color of his people.

But the other was a soft blue.

Kkrokpe breathed again.


The sight of his mate and child had Wikus jolting off the examination table, a mangled group of nonsense syllables spilling from him.


Deyi chirped with delight and reached for him. Wikus lifted his arms, the right one still human near the shoulder and accepted the hatchling, allowing the little creature to nestle against his chest. Deyi chirred in contentment.

“Is he alright?” Christopher asked the orange alien, who’d introduced itself with a double click-chirp.

The orange alien gave a buzzing laugh, “He is not used to his new mouth; he will need to learn to speak again, that is all.”

“Then you are not capable of changing him back?” Christopher sounded alarmed.

“We are, but—”

“Well then do so!” Christopher clicked sharply, “This was not his choice. I promised he would not be trapped like this.”

Wikus grabbed for his mate’s arm, clicking loudly.

Christopher started and stared at him.


Certain that he had the alien’s attention, Wikus shook his head slowly.

“I…do not understand. This was unwanted…”

Wikus pressed a hand to the fronds of Christopher’s mouth.

Silently grumbling over his inability to express himself, he stroked the alien’s face. His new fingers were not as dexterous as they had once been, but he could still feel the ridges of Christopher’s plating. The alien trembled beneath his touch, a flicker of uncertainty in his gaze.


Sliding his hand behind Christopher’s head, Wikus pulled the taller alien down, allowing their foreheads to press together. Long labra, which he was just beginning to learn to control, reached out to touch Christopher’s primary mouthparts.

Christopher shuddered. Slowly, short tentacles lifted and entwined with Wikus’ own.

It didn’t feel anything like a human kiss, but as Christopher’s antennae dipped down and brushed against his, sending pleasurable tingles down his back, Wikus thought that it might be just as good.

He withdrew, bumping his head lightly against Christopher’s as he did so. Tension had drained from the alien and he looked peaceful, if a bit dazed.

Fokking alien. Wikus thought fondly.

Christopher turned to the orange alien, “Can he come home soon?”

The creature unclipped a wire from Wikus’ hand, “As long as you make sure to keep the parts still changing clean, I don’t see why he can’t return now.”

Eager to see the last of the cold infirmary, Wikus struggled to stand, Deyi still tucked against him. Christopher caught him as he wobbled for a moment on unfamiliar feet, tugging aside the blanket.

“Are you sure he’s alright to leave?” Christopher’s tone was concerned.

“What he needs is rest and he can get that more easily in your nest than here,” the orange alien made a sound of amusement, “now go; and don’t let me see you back here until that new hatchling gets a bit bigger. It would be smart to keep an eye on the development.”

Wikus froze, staring at the orange alien.

Christopher went rigid beside him.



The orange alien continued blithely on, “Congratulations, by the way. I was a bit concerned to see that the embryo had taken so soon, but it’s impressive all the same.”

“Of course. Ah, thank you,” Christopher replied, his clicks rapid, “It’s getting very late and we should get back home.”

Stupefied, Wikus allowed Christopher to tow him all the way through the infirmary and outside before he pulled himself together. Throwing his weight in reverse he pulled away from the alien. Christopher looked intently at the ground, embarrassed.

“I am sorry, Wikus. I did not anticipate that this would be a problem, but I should have been more careful,” Christopher hesitated, “it might be safer, if you would prefer not to carry it to term.”

Deyi squirmed against his side and Wikus automatically hiked the hatchling up before he could slip from his grasp. He stared at the alien. Christopher was silent, his posture hunched.

Wikus gave an internal sigh.

He stepped up to Christopher. Slipping a hand beneath the base of his jaw, he tilted the alien’s head up until their gazes met.

Then he grasped one of the long tentacles and gave a sharp tug.

Christopher yelped in pain.

That is for getting me fokking pregnant, you bastard.

Wikus stroked the labra, soothing it.

And that’s for giving me a home when I thought I’d never have one again.

He reached down to grasp his mate’s hand, tugging Christopher in the direction of their nest.

Let’s go home.

Knight!Christopher and Stranger updating all at once? I'm in heaven ^,,^


Hurrah! I was getting antsy last night (like I said in my post), and now I am all shiny! This is getting serious twisted, with a Scheming Adviser trying to seduce our Hero and Wikus narrowly averting transformation. I kind of want him to remain human, so that the issue of a prawn and human living together isn't magically solved by the fluid. You've got me interested in the politics and how they would have to work to bridge the gap between them and their people.


That was a very satisfying ending to a brilliant story. It's so fluffy and heart warming, and I could wrap myself up in how warm and good this is. :)

This is turning out to be the best day ever, on top of all the other brilliant things going on in my life. Thanks for being the cherry on my sundae/y, my dears. <3


Love it!! ^^ And I was wondering if Wikus was going to get pregnant too. I'd LOVE to see an epilogue with smut, love, and Deyi/sibling cuteness and interaction.

*Wraps himself in fluff* :)

Thank you for the heartwarming ending.

You should know, I got distracted from working on my Thesis and came here in high hopes of a new chapter of Stranger. I stopped everything I was doing and armflailed when I saw this posted!

And I have to say, that absolutely made my day. I would love to see an epilogue as some people sugested -- Wikus dealing with the new hatchling -- but you did conclude this well, much better than I expected it to! Bravo, and I can't wait for anything else you write -- be it D9 or otherwise. You need to post a link to your fics so I can stalk you!!!

I'm so glad to see the response to the end of Stranger was so good. Sadly I have no plans plans for an epilogue or a sequel at this point; I think I may have written myself out. However, I do have a question. I've got a couple of other ideas for D9 fics gestating(although slowly), one of which will probably not involve prawn pr0n at all(though it may). Would anyone like me to link to the fics if and when they come to pass, even if I don't post them here?

>>35163 Most of my fanfiction is posted or will be posted here: If people would prefer I can try to enable anonymous commenting on some of my stuff, if I can figure it out. I'm still trying to get the hang of the lj thing. >_<

Sure I'd be down.


I am totally thrilled about getting more stories from you. :D

So, I'm looking to do a D9 fic to rejuvenate this fandom (as this board seems to be slipping into the second and third pages frequently now). But, I'm looking for ideas and suggestions -- prompt suggestions, ect. Only requirement is I will be using Wikus and Christopher not OC pairings/characters. The kinkier the better -- we've been missing the Prawn Pron for awhile now.

So, suggest away! I'll be starting sometime this week.

MNU interrogation of christopher involving prawn fucking machines, designed in part for artificial insemination of hybrid DNA (The film suggested DNA hybridization took place). MNU's information regarding prawn reproductive system means they might be capable of constructing such devices.


Bondage. Lots and lots of bondage. And hate!sex. I could see these two having really brutal, really frustrated fuckings, hating each other and themselves for wanting each other so bad.

As for a plot(!), I really liked that one from the last meme: Five times that Christopher and Wikus fell in love, and the one time they fell in passionate hate (foe yay).

Anything involving Christopher being very dominating toward Wikus.

Wikus: "What the fo-"
*slap* *Rams into wall of shack and fucks him*

These are FANTASTIC!


....this is what happens when I explore this thread, read the prompt ideas, and share it with my evil side kick odd_stick.

Cue an IM chat that gives me ideas...but I wonder if it will give other writers ideas too?

Copy and paste is a wonderful device. LOL

dreamerchaos says:
.....You know, I don't know from where or why, but I had a weird thought about Christopher and such. based off a prompt idea from queer/co/promotions..
odd_stick says:
Which one?
dreamerchaos says:
uuuuuuuuhhhh.....oh crap, it's a mixture of the 'five reasons' thingie, and Christopher being all agressive and pouncy. LOL
odd_stick says:
Oooh! I don't know if you've seen LJ yet, but I posted on one of the D9 comms about a screenshot from the end of the film
X3 and what's you idea??
dreamerchaos says:
where!! where!!
wellllllll....Christopher seems a bit TOO good to be true.
...Intelligent...controlled.....CONTAINED, if you will, compared to the other 'worker' prawns.
....but what if he is far, far more dangerous?
Is there some sort of catalyst or something that could set him off?
odd_stick says:
dreamerchaos says:
I guess I've had a nigging idea of 'WTF, what if Christopher is a PRAETORIAN, but hasn't evolved because there hasn't been a NEED for him to be dominant/aggressive/grrr!! until Wikus was transforming...and Wikus' pheremone scented marked the poor guy as Christopher's intended mate?!?!
odd_stick says:
XD That would be awesoooooome!!!!!!
dreamerchaos says:
oh god, but i came up with the idea, but brain goes 'duuuuuur' 'Error' when I try to think of writing such a thing. XP


That idea sounds so good, I hope you do write it. That would be incredible!

OMG! Dreamerchaos! When are you going to update the Finding you There fic? Just tell me you gave up so I wouldnt cry myself to sleep at night!
Aggressive Christopher sounds hot! Especially with a maybe submissiveWikus or try-and-fuck-me!! Wikus. XD. Or maybe the other way around. !!!


Nope! Haven't given up on the fic at all! ^_^

Just....working through some drama in life and work, sadly. Also have the Queen!Wikus fic that is being annoyingly difficult too. LOL

Transformers and Silent Hill fandom are also capturing my attention lately as well. But slowly yet surely, I shall prevail!

Here's an idea for a fluff fic - I noticed that Chris had a lot of modified "beige-box" computers in his shack. What if one of them still had Dr. Sbaitso ( installed and CJ discovers it?


Aww! Must have! :D

Gets deleted so the machine can run OS Prawn.

File: 127138490637.jpg-(70.81KB, 350x704, 10004313.jpg)
welp! I'm just gunna leave this here...


EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Sho cute! Who drew that?


We-ell, perhaps somebody could have found it before the OS was completely developed.

Prompt: I would like to read Christopher cum marking Wikus as part of making a claim on him.


I second this, especially if it involves biting Wikus to mark him, as well.


I love the awkward dance.

How much of it was improv and how much was scripted? Shalto makes it difficult to tell.

File: 12718858006.jpg-(510.71KB, 566x800, 10134126.jpg)
bumping with flying peeeeg

File: 127190382129.gif-(43.06KB, 200x300, andy.gif)
I know that pig!

fuck I lold heartily

you are fucking awesome

I love you andy ;_;

*starts getting itchy for new Knight!Christopher* :D


*is now getting itchy too*

File: 127218682693.jpg-(44.70KB, 624x336, fookingprawns.jpg)
This is what you get for risking it.

Prompt: I'd like to see a situation where Wikus is given to Christopher as spoils of war (an AU, I guess), and Christopher finds that while he wants to show this scared creature mercy, he also finds he desires Wikus as well.


That's a really nifty idea.

AUs are always fun....especially when I ponder the idea of if the prawns had arrived to Earth the first time, their ship intact and Queen unaffected by the sickness. Wonder how that would have changed events...


*totes hopes you pick up on it*

*tries to pump some life back into the thread*

Story idea - what if the mothership landed in America in the middle of the Cold War? I was thinking that one of the higher-ups in the military could offer the aliens a deal - if they agree to join the fight against the Soviets, they'll receive protection and equal treatment under the law.


here's a request for a drawfag:

I just want a Prawn looking "sexy" or with a look of lust on the face.

Be imaginative with the pose.

Sadly I have no fic, but in the interest of not letting the thread die here's a prompt. Please forgive the utter crack and nerdyness.

Prompt: In a certain species of crab, mating takes place immediately following the female's molt, while her shell is still soft. What if prawn reproduction worked the same way, and the prawns saw Wikus' sloughing of his human flesh as a molt, i.e. an open invitation to mate?

Also hoping for more Knight!Christopher.


*seconding on both accounts with feverish enthusiasm*

I love this prompt. Come on, guys. I don't wanna see this place die!

File: 127319687048.jpg-(69.32KB, 600x746, Itzy_hates_the_MNU_by_DibManiac.jpg)
This thread will not die!

>>33319 >>38736

All right! Dang it, I tried to ignore the temptation, but I shall definitely be writing a smutty piece with that prompt!! XD


*jumps for fucking joy* :D

>>39067 I'M SO HAPPY 8D


Thank you ever so much!

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