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 Posting a reply to post #18536

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18536 No.18536
Now /tg/ helped me form the crew, but I need some help on what ship they will pilot and what their names should be. I am trying to make a story or roleplay based in the Star Wars universe, but with a more Star Trek feel to it. Any ideas for names and planets locations for this version of Starfleet are much appreciated.

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I would assume Earth would be based in the Deep Core.

From what I understand of Star Trek, which is significantly less then Star Wars, The Trandoshans or the Noghri would make good stand ins for the Klingons, and the Vong would definately make a good replacement for the Borg.

I thought Wookiees and Twi'leks were Star Wars' Klingons and Vulcans, mascot wise.

Trandoshans = Gorn.
Also, I'm pretty sure the OP wants Star Trek Style in Star Wars universe not cut and paste names.

Twi'leks are the whores. Do they have whores in Star Trek?

I didn't mean a cut and paste thing. I just meant, if you're in deep space, and you wanna throw something weird and horrifying at the players, the Vong are a good choice.

If you want them to deal with an honor bound yet brutal warrior society, Trandoshans are a very good choice.

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>Star Trek

Oh yeah baby

Well, the Killik are basically the Borg, as in a hive-mind of aliens that have a habit of assimilating other races. I think that some early versions of the Borg actually had them as insectoids, like the Killik.

As Captain I would have all the non Humans spaced out an airlock. How can you possibly trust them?

Now do it with Mass Effect and Halo species.

Needs more Hutt Empire.
I want to see someone create a logical reason why they'd be able to take everything over - the only thing I've ever heard was someone say "I dunno, mech suits?" would love to see a hutt-mech.

Why would they be able to take everything over? They got loads of factors working against them.
If I had to give a reason in their favor, they are nearly immortal and super-intelligent. If they actually applied themselves to Science, they'd probably be the leading armaments makers in the Galaxy.


they controlled a large empire according to books, my point is - how? some drawfag explain it.

Oh. It's because they were a relatively advanced race, who are smarter then almost everyone in the world, live for ever so they accumulate vast experience, are chauvinistic enough to maintain political homogeny, and have a society based almost exclusively on accumulating power.

Also, it's not really that big of an empire. They claimed a small piece of backwater on the outer rim.

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