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 Posting a reply to post #264277

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264277 No.264277
The recommended amount of sleep for a healthy adult human lies around 8 hours per 24 hours.

How much sleep do you get?

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Actually isn't 5-6 better?

About 9 hours on average. Though that's with staying up for two days and sleeping 24 hours straight sometimes.

Anywhere from five to twelve hours. It's not been very consistent lately, what with me going to bed anywhere from 3:00 to 8:00 A.M.

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On average about 5 hours. Some nights I get 8 and others (like last night) I get 2 or less.

In bed at 10:30. Wake up and 6:15

So...7 hours and 45 mins?

What if you only sleep 4 hours a night?

No clue, I go to bed at inconsistent times, but I doubt I sleep more than eight hours.

Between three to five hours most nights, but I usually wake up every hour or so and can't get back to sleep for a while, so it's pretty much a disjointed mess.

With marijuana, on the other hand, I sleep soundly for anywhere from six to nine hours.

I have no sleep duration patterns anymore. I sleep at 2 and wake up whenever I can handle it.

Oh, and it takes me at least a couple hours to fall asleep.

Should probably see a doctor or something I guess.

I get about 7 each night, and I know it's not enough because I'm usually tired enough to want a nap by midday. But it's all I can really get if I want to get my day done.

During the Summer I get a butt fucking ton usually, between 8-12, but during the school year I usually run on about 4-6.

I get around 10, easily.

Or at least, I used to before I met you guys. Fuck you, people I talk to on AIM, living in different time zones and being night owls. <3

8-10 hours during the summer, anywhere from 3 to 6 hours during school nights.

I alternate between six and ten hours, depending on whether I need to get up early or not. I find it hard to go to bed before 2AM. I'm usually pretty quick to rise in the morning when I have someplace to be, so it's not a huge problem.

6 hours and i always feel like I'm dying

in b4 hibernation jokes.

My sleep schedule is totally fucked up and I've been struggling to get it back to semi-normal again. I am a night owl. I have a hard time going to bed before two or three, and before midnight is just crazy, yo. But everybody else I know is diurnal, so if I want to hang out with them, I have to start going to bed earlier. It doesn't help that I have occasional bouts of insomnia either. I'm also a VERY light sleeper, unlike one of my siblings who could sleep through World War Three. For a while the past couple months, I would just stay awake the entire night if I had to be somewhere early in the morning. I'd be awake for about thirty hours or more, then crash and sleep for about twelve. I've finally stopped doing that as it's really unpleasant. If it's a bad day, I get maybe four or five hours. If it's normal, about six to eight. I usually prefer nine to ten. Sleep schedules have been a problem for me since junior high/high school and I've gotten a lot of hassle for it from some of my family members.

Bottom line is: If I'm awake, I want to stay awake. If I'm asleep, everything else can FOAD and I'll get very angry if something other than my alarm or phone wakes me up unless it's an emergency.

  Interesting documentary

>I'm also a VERY light sleeper, unlike one of my siblings who could sleep through World War Three.
And now I know why. Damn thalamus.

I'm a heavy sleeper who grinds my teeth heavily, so I tend to get a lot more sleep than whoever is in the room with me...

Mostly around 7 hours.

I make the strangest noises when I sleep (or so I've heard, apparently). Its like a mix of a purring cat and a creeking door.

I go to bed between 3-6am and wake up at 11am, so about 6 to 9 hours.

7 and a half hours

Almost there....

20 minutes every 3 hours.

I wet my bed almost every night. No, not pee, just sweat.

Fun fact: If you don't sleep you die.

You're not real. I don't believe you're real. It's the uncanny valley of awful.

>wet bed. with sweat.

Uh. Dude, I think you should see a doctor. I have a friend who complained of just that. When I asked them about it, they said it was because of their diabeetus.
Unless you like the idea of them lopping off a foot or going blind.

I try to get seven or eight. I can get by for a couple weeks on six, but I feel like death all the time by the end of it.

My doctors say it's caused by my fucked up CNS. But it's the least of my symptoms. My digestive system and "the shakes" are my main concern. I sometimes tremble more than my 100 year old grandma.

On a related note, I once had a teacher who had extreme armpit stains. Most people get a dark, wet circle around their armpits in summer, but the circles on this guy were actually intersecting.

Between 4 and 8 on a good night. 0 and 2 on some of my worse days.

I average around 7. Some nights I gets as little as five, and I've slept for a solid 14 hours once after pulling an all-nighter (or...all-dayer, really, since I work nights).

Yeah, I can't imagine what the grinding must sound like. I hear it's terrible, like viscerally awful for people to hear and to think about my teeth moving like ill-fitting clock gears. But I sleep like a baby rock, so who's losing?

I sleep about 6 hours a night and it's ok for me; in high school I got a lot less and so I would literally doze off whenever I sat down during the day.

Your teeth will be seriously fucked if you don't get a mouth guard.

9 hours


Usually 9+ when I'm not working. But this new full time thing mixed with a family visit is killing me with just 6 or less. I'm not used to this anymore...

The most I've gotten is around 15 hours. The least I've gotten is 30 minutes. Usually it's around 5~9, though.

Usually about 4 hours a night, and then like 12 on my day off. I've slept for 25 hours before which was depressing, but I've pulled enough all nighters to make up for it. I can't nap because I get damn confused. Always winds up with me looking at the clock, thinking its 7am instead of pm, and rushing through my morning routine or at least most of it before realizing what's up.

How do you sleep that long without needing to piss?

Excellent bladder control? I dunno. I have to go really bad when I wake up though.

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