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240081 No.240081
Let's talk about dreams.
I had a fucked up one last night.
I was a cowboy wandering around a deserted school. Eventually, I was staking out a bathroom from behind a bush as a man was giving me directions over a headset. Then, what I assumed was a fat midget in a suit of very nice looking armor rode in on a mount that resembled an almost fully developed chicken embryo that was the size of a raptor and entered the bathroom. I followed in after him cautiously, preparing to slit the man's throat. I snuck up behind him as he was standing at a urinal and tried to but it failed(the suit of armor wasn't protecting his neck though), so I ripped off his helmet which revealed his hideous chicken face. I then bashed his head into the wall, and instead of blood, egg yolk was getting everywhere. But like, I guess he had a mental-link with his mount because it was pressed up against the other side of the wall, screeching in pain and staring at me with the most horrifying face I have seen in awhile. That was the fucked up part because it was so surreal. My headset fell off and landed in yolk. That was also gross.

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Cyborg Muppet Babies singing to keep an evil world sealed in a toilet. And then Garfield and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles try to stop the Holocaust. I thought it was a great idea, so I told myself to remember it when I woke up.

Then I notice I was aware that I was dreaming, and that's when I realized I attained THE NEXT LEVEL.

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Did you also invent the Internet?

I dreamed one of my brother's friends showed up in a panic and hid a body somewhere on the property. The next four hours realtime in my own head revolved around poltergeistian shit, like inanimate objects bleeding and electronics badmouthing people.

Only towards the end did the dream persona people think it may've been a good idea to go investigate what the fuck his friend buried in our yard. So we went and check. It was the brutalized and mutilated body of some pointy eared nymph-like creature.

Dreams don't mean anything. I hope.

Dream I had the night before last night: I watched a movie directed by John Waters that was about a pedophile with Down syndrome that got mixed reviews. Apparently Waters himself was a pedophile with Down syndrome too and that was the last film he made before he became homeless and insane.

Dream I had last night: Went to a -Mart and they had bins full of toys, some of which were Mighty Max action figures of fine quality. Also something about Spider-Man 5, which I had a dream about once--4 and 5 were released to make up for 3, but they still didn't succeed on that front.

Dude I had a fucked up dream just now. I was sitting at home reading a newspaper and my parents let in these flies inside from the front door (or more like the flies had unlocked the door and let themselves in), they were bigger than regular flies, like the size of a fist, and they both had little clothing garments and one had a notepad. The elderly female voice coming from the fly with the notepad projected like a regular human voice and they started to buzz about the living room. It turns out they were some sort of inspectors going about each place to check up on things and report anything that might be hazardous, and my parents were bending over backwards to appease them, and that fly with the notepad kept marking shit down and speaking in this haughty one point it found a chip in the wall near the bathroom and looked at the other fly and was like "this needs to be fixed as it can lead to the black hole"...then they buzzed into my room, and my parents stayed there while the flies came back in the living room and started crowding me from my recliner, both buzzing at eye level.

The fly with the notepad was like "Why is there a mattress on the ground next to another bed in your room?" At this point this is the first time I look at the flies head on, and I've been tactfully trying to ignore them...the one speaking to me has this severely morose grandmotherly face with a missing left eye, and there is no patch or anything hiding it while the other one looks just like a regular fly one bigger. I say, "Oh yeah, someone was sleeping over the other night, this guy Mike." And the fly snaps back, "and what is he to you..a roommate, a boyfriend, a friend!?" And I go, "he is not a roommate, and the rest is none of your fucking business!". And the fly just stares point blank, like it's affronted I would dare to speak anything but obediently to its intrusive questions, and then it makes a thread and goes,"You better watch what you say, or I will come here and look for the tiniest excuse to evict your family!", and I get off the recliner and start walking towards them, now rolling up my newspaper, until their backs are against the screen by the porch door and for some reason what I say next is from their POV, so I see my face in beaded sweat yelling with malice," If you EVER kick us out for some petty reason, to get back at me, I will NEVER REST. I will come AFTER YOU and sue you for every clause I can find, I will make you pay until you don't have a fucking penny, OR WORSE!"...and at this point I can't hold back the rage and I swat them both with the paper as hard as I can and I see their crippled bodies both hit the floor with the little notebook...

And right at that moment I wake up.

Some friends and myself were having a chill Q&A session with Bryan Lee O'Malley in my living room. I asked if he thinks it's right to make something successful out of a parody, and he went on to talk about how every cat has a story.

Dreamt I went to East Korea last night. The Wizard of Oz was really popular there for some reason, and when I asked a girl why it was, she responded, "Isn't it popular all over the world?" And I said yeah, but wondered why it was so popular there in particular. I stayed at a hotel and had dinner, but didn't eat anything. Went back to my huge hotel room, and the room was leaking.

Watched an episode of Superman: the Animated Series where Superman was also in a similar hotel (I was either watching or I was him) and trying to escape from Darkseid. I thought the episode was called "Legion" and thought it was the best one, but then it turned into something lame with it being the wrong Superman, the wrong Superman leaving a trail of black ooze to weaken Darkseid or something, and going in this elevator.

Then I had a dream within a dream where I was at this old, abandoned movie theater that was turned into something else. There was a fence there someone was guarding with a bunch of mad dogs behind it, all standing on what looked like mud or coal. The guard revealed the black stuff to be the corpses of dogs, which he laughed about, saying he cared so little about them that he didn't even know what diseases they carried.

It was at this point that I had a brief, lucid moment where I was able to realize that I was in a dream, and started running across walls and flying up in the air. The moment lasted briefly, and somehow, I just got consumed in the dream again. I even said to one person in the dream, "Dude, I just had control of my dream!" And then they started describing something else and I said, "Yeah, that was what it was like when I lost control of my dream."

In the middle of the dream was something involving me visiting a friend's house, and they had a dog.

Weird mindfuck of a dream.

I have a lot of bizarre dreams. That might be part of why I liked Yume Nikki so much.

But I have to share this one first. The other night I dreamed I had been turned female. I was okay with this. I didn't do anything pervy I was actually quite happy to be walking around and living life being female. In fact, later in the dream I discovered I had been changed back and had boy parts again and I remember getting upset about it to the point of tears.

not sure what this entails and i was very confused when i woke up and thought about it

Last night I dreamed that my entire house was lifted by crane and dropped into a new location. Apparently this was going to be a thing that I should've known about, but no one ever really told me it was happening. Also, we were in the house while it happened, so that was pretty cool. Upon being dropped off, our house was in front of a much bigger, nicer looking house. And then we set upon the process of moving everything into that nicer house.

This is not the first time I've had dreams about moving. And in fact, I told my mom this in-dream. "Y'know, I've been having a lot of dreams about the family moving out. It's weird that it's actually happening now."

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I was a prisoner, or at least in prison working on the landscaping of a hill (which in hindsight reminded me of some part of a former school's grass area). Eventually a Gee Bee R-1 comes falling from the sky in smoke, and crashes very near us. An SR-71 then slowly moves closer to the hill. This repeats at least once.

I also had a standup comedy routine (in my dream) about how people piss in their dreams but not shit.

So I'm flying on a plane with my girlfriend And this crazy redneck mofo (Though the plane looks a lot more like a spaceship, probably because I've never actually been on a plane before) and we're all riding in this little booth like the ones they have on trains. Then something goes wrong and cabin pressure begins to drop and a bunch of people are being sucked out of what I presume is a hole in the hull. So, the redneck mofo has apparently stowed one of those ATVs under his seat (I don't know) and he's trying to make sure his precious four-wheeler is safe while my girlfriend is sucked out of the room by the air pressure (Now, in this dream my girlfriend is pregnant for some reason and at the time I'm accepting this at face value but it becomes important later on).

So I'm despairing and yelling at the redneck for not helping my girlfriend and I hear that only five people have survived whatever went wrong with the plane. Then my girlfriend pops back into the room, completely unharmed and I'm overjoyed and the entire first part of the dream is rendered pointless. SO we start hanging out at some sort of airport or something apparently to celebrate the fact that she didn't die. So it's at about this point that the strangeness of her being pregnant hits me and I'm like:
"Wait, this doesn't make sense...Whose baby is that?" And then she explains to me that the dude who played Rorschach in the film adaptation of Watchmen wanted to have a kid and she's being the baby-carrier-lady (I forget the actual term). So this makes perfect sense to me in dream logic and I'm all:
"Yeah sure, I'll buy that...Wait...Is he paying for this baby?"
And she's like "Yeah, of course"
And I'm all "Woo! Free baby!"

So then she pulls out this weird stone mask and tells me we should stare at it and something awesome will happen. So we do. Then she has to hit the washroom and tells me to watch the mask while she's gone. So while she's away the mask comes to life and asks me my name. So I act all formal and give the thing my full name (First, middle and last). Unfortunately this mask is apparently part of one of those ritual creepypastas where you have to do things exactly the right way or you get raped by a monster. Fortunately there was no monster raping in this dream, unfortunately I was supposed to be more casual with saying my name and the mask declares me a square and tells me to go screw myself.

Some other jackoff, who was apparently watching the mask with me, tells the mask his name the right way and gets to look into eternity. So he's describing how awesome forever is to me and how it's too bad I can't see it and I'm all "Man, this bites". Then the mask turns back into a regular mask and my girlfriend comes back and ask if anything interesting happens.

Feeling embarrassed about missing out on the secrets of the universe I lie and say the mask just made farting noises. Anyone know what all this is supposed to mean?

That your dream was fucking awesome?

I had a beer with Albert Speer at a pub. What.

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Squid was leaving my house, apparently ready to drive all the way back to CanadaTown. I was trying to say goodbye, but my grandparents just got to my place for some reason and were all "WELL HEY, PAL, WHO'S THIS." "Uh, just a sec, guys, I have to say goodbye." Yet for some reason Squid already knew who they were, and thought they were incredibly wealthy.

Then she drove off and I had dinner with the folks.

Now I ain't sayin' she's a gold digger, but she ain't messin' with no broke viking.

I just had a dream that played out like a low-budget horror movie. It was fun, once I realized I was dreaming and just played the role.

I had like, four or five younger siblings with me. We were shopping at a huge, five-story Wal-Mart in the Great Plains somewhere. But then the sun started to set, and were looking at the garden center up on the roof when I saw some generic black-hooded floating thing, and I was like, hey, kids, they found us! Then the lights started flickering, shut off and on a few times and when they came back on to full power, almost everyone else was gone from the Wal-Mart except for employees, but they were all possessed or zombiefied or whatever, and while I couldn't see any I knew they would be hunting us down. We were on the top floor, too. It was a huge challenge with so many children, but after a lot of running and ducking and shooting (I had a submachine gun in my diaper bag, the two older kids had a sawed-off and a crossbow each), we made it to the ground floor of the Wal-Mart. The employees had gotten motorcycles from somewhere, and huge searchlights (we managed to cut the power so they couldn't find us on camera feeds), and used magic along with weapons, but luckily in such a huge shopping center there were plenty of places to hide, and when we ran out of ammo we grabbed chainsaws, and then we found the gun counter and got more bullets. None of the kids got shot, luckily, and the baby just ducked down into the little sling I was carrying her on and stayed put. The front doors were locked so one of my little sisters just drove a huge riding lawnmower through a glass window, and we were out.

Outside there were all these black-cloaked figures after us. We sprinted through the parking lot - it was a full, bright moon and the black-cloaks didn't need sight anyways, but the employees were still after us. They chased us out of the parking lot, across the highway and down into a ravine, but we had to get back out and back to our car, a huge green SUV to be safe. The kids were crying, and these black-cloaks were just hurtling after us in the air, it was hell. One younger sibling had his arm cut off by an employee tossing a chainsaw, and another got shot with something like an arrow and just melted. After some quick tourniquet action I ran off as a distraction while the kids snuck to the car, and then circled back around to them, got in the car in the nick of time to find all the kids safe. The employees and black-cloaks were shrieking, smashing into the car but I just drove like mad. They chased us for hours, still screaming and attacking, until the sun started to rise, and then I was just curled up in the front seat, cold mug of coffee in my hands, the car parked by the side of a field with the kids all asleep in the back seats and I took them to a little diner for breakfast. We were safe in the daylight, I knew, but then as we payed our bill I looked out from our booth, across the street into the hills and just over the horizon, just standing there, was a black-cloaked whatever the fuck.

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I was dressed as Harley Quinn and robbing a bank with the Joker. The cops were coming, and he decided to book it and left me behind. Lady Gaga was nearby and offered to let me stay at her place until the heat cooled down.
Her apartment was really nice, but there were clothes EVERYWHERE. She instant bolted to her balcony and started staring out into the city. I tried getting attention from her, but she just ignored me.
This annoyed me.
So I grabbed her and threw her off the balcony to her death. I felt very accomplished and strutted out of the apartment. Then I heard about her death on the radio and saw someone crying. I felt sad that there wouldn't be anymore of her music until I remembered I was the one who killed her. Oops.
So I went back in time so I wouldn't kill her. The end.

Had a dream about that scene in Scott Pilgrim where after Scott landed from a huge paunch he said something along the lines of "Is it ok if I pretend it just rained on my pants" and Ramona responded "It's not raining", except with Superman in Scott's role and Lois in Ramona's.

Can I derail this thread slightly by asking "Why do we dream"?

Glitches in the Matrix.

Just had a lucid dream where I woke up in a Silent Hill hospital on th 4th floor instead of my work. I verified in my dream that it wasn't a dream and escaped by waking up only by using a totem. It felt so real, so vivid. Usually when I'm stressed I dream of missing a deadline. Now I'm dreaming that I'll enter a nightmare world.


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No seriously. Why?

Make a habit of frequently looking at numbers or words. Look at them, then look away, then look at them again. If they remain unchanged, you're awake. If they change, or don't make sense in the first place, you're dreaming.
This is because the part of your brain that's responsible for processing that sort of information is shut down during sleep.

>Make a habit of frequently looking at numbers or words. Look at them, then look away, then look at them again.
The numbers are now diamonds.

I was eating, dammit!

Thanks, Batman. I'll remember that.

Also, >>266779
fucking lol'd.

Some researchers say that there is absolutely no reason for dreaming. Others say that dreaming is important for maintaining emotional, mental, and even physical well-being.
In short: idk lol

Research has shown that almost all mammals dream, and even a few birds. Why? they don't know.

Darn that Batman episode. You can too read in dreams. He lied to me!

And considering I had it between waking up to feed and the animals and grabbing a few extra z's, I was pretty aware of it, remember most of it, and it lasted a long fucking time!
It was also the first dream in eons that I had from a first person perspective. Usually I just watch my dreams happen.

Anyway, I'm writing it down here:
Part 1
I'm at a party - I think it was New Years - and we're running low on booze so I'm set out. It's winter outside and dark as fuck, but I run over to the LCBO, but I'm drunk or retarded or something and I grab this small bottle. On the way back I meet a girl I don't know IRL, but know in the dream, and we go back to the party.
I bought cheap, shitty champange and not nearly enough, so the party goes through it in seconds, so I'm sent to go get more. I leave with my best friend and this blonde girl I'd just met who keeps trying to drag me off somewhere and I'm 'dammit I'm busy'. At this point we're not in the suburbs or in an apartment building, we're in some giantass space-ship like ship, but it's not weird.
We find these wine vending machines in the hallway and I'm trying to insert coins, but I have no loonies, just a fuckton of quarters and dimes, and I'm trying to dump them all in. At this point I'm thinking 'this is the dumbest fucking dream ever, what does this represent' while I pick what I want the wine to taste like. Then this guy, Shane, from the studio comes by, all drunk and loud and he starts fiddling with the wine machine too.
Then the dream shifts in mood and suddenly my best friend and I are sober and the girl is gone. We're looking out one of the huge windows of the ship and we can see all these giant military helicopters which mean red lights flying and landing on the ground below. At first we're like 'wait, the fuck' and then the ships start shooting at things on the ground and we're like 'HOLY FUCK' Shane is all 'what, is it a hologram' And we're freaking.
At first we tried to leave the giant ship, because we thought the military was raiding us. So we get out and on the ground and we realise what's really happening - there's some sort of virus or something, straight up Japanese body horror style, that's turning people into either monsters, or sentiant vegetation, and the military is shooting up this giant moving mass of vines and branches and leaves. The ENTIRE SURFACE that's visible in the night isn't snow and houses anymore, it's teeming grass and leaves and ferns and vines and there's no way I can describe it to do the horror justice. And then they shoot it so much it explodes and then shit gets unreal.
The grass ball explodes and all these dinosaurs leap out. Not 'regular' dinosaurs, but these brightly coloured lovecraftian things. They start charging everywhere and I lose my friend and Shane and just start to panic and think I need to get the fuck out of here. So the dinosaurs aren't attacking, they're just running around, and I try to jump on the back of one.
When I say lovecraftian, I mean these things have no eyes, but several holes in their heads, their flesh keeps moving and morphing on them, their teeth are constantly melting and their bones grow and shrink like the pistons of a fucking steamtrain. They were horrorfying.
I manage to get on the back of this bright yellow, melting Parasaurolophus and start running it around, trying to avoid the military guns. I run around outside for a bit, and then decided it's probably safer back i the ship, so I ride the dinosaur there and ditch it and it just MELTS. I run back inside, see my friend, Chris, and Shane and we're all like 'what is HAPPENING'
And then the entire ship starts to turn from metal into straw and I pass out.

Part 2
I wake up and it's sunny and quiet. The entire ship is now this giant woven basket of straw and it's half broken down - there's all these bizzare plants poking through the holes, plants of all these different colours. Shane's gone, but Chris is still there and I wake up him up and we go outside. The entire world looks like Dr Seuss was given LSD, thrown into the Amazon and then drew for ten days after being bitten by a spider. It's fucking freaky - plants everywhere of every psychedellic colour imaginable, trees that bulge and shrink and are too tall to see the tops, flowers that are too big, bugs that are too big, and everything is so oddly shaped. Chris and I stick close together and are almost instantly attacked by an animal I can't even describe. All I remember was that it was this bright pink sin against god. We fight it off, but now some more small monsters are after us, and even some of the plants are trying to kill us. Then these little machines come out, I don't know where from, and kill all the wildlife, and then tries to kill us. And suddenly we're aware that the straw ship is mecca to all these hyper-evolved machines, most of which are small robots, some are animals that have been taken over borg style. We can't stay there, so we get the fuck out of dodge.
At some point we meet up with Shane again, and this is where the dream starts to get fuzzy. The machines are still chasing us, even while other things are trying to kill us, and we try to take refuge in the water. We find a pond with nothing trying to kill us, and we hide in there. Eventually the machines leave and we resurface.
Then we notice this group of animals, normal animals except brightly coloured, are just sitting together and eating calmly. There's a purple gorilla, a blue alligator, a red deer, a green giraffe and a light blue cat. Without even looking at us, the gorilla tells us that we don't belong here anymore, the world has reclaimed itself. We need to leave.
Then the blue cat starts arguing with it and the blue alligator gets fed up and attacks us. The cat stops him suddenly she's not this cat,, but like this humanoid cat-like creature. Not really anthro, but overall she feels wrong. She takes me and says I need to put the world back
at this point I lose the boys and don't know what happened to them.
The cat-girl-thing, who's name I don't remember, takes me through more horrible bright jungle to a place that's a bit more muted and pastel coloured. There's a bunch of other animal-people-things there too. She holds a meeting and tells me that I need to talk to the mayor to get a special key to defeat the horrible machine god that lives in the straw ship. So she packs my things, and we get weapons, and we venture off to find this mayor.
I don't remember the journey well. I remember fighting off a bunch of monster animals and robot search drones and after a while the forest stopped looking horrible and started to feel normal and nice, and once you learned where to step and what to avoid, became a fairly nice place, despite still looking like a 60's album cover.
Finally, we reach the mayor, and here I noticed that these animal people things are starting up a society like regular people, and they've carved a little place in the jungle with little roads and buildings. The majoy turns out to be insane and looks like someone mixed Bonkers with a moose and a nightmare, and after tons of babbling, gives me some grenades, guns and some EMP mini bombs.
So I'm taken back to the giant straw ship, where the machines have grown to be even worse and there's a few borg-ish animals with giant machine spider legs and oh god it's awful. With nothing but my few grenades, guns and bombs, I run in like a stupid crazy motherfucking. I'm blowing things up, I'm shooting EMPS at hordes of tiny robots, I'm killing everything that moves in my field of vision, while I'm weaving my way through the straw maze. Finally I come up to the robot god king, which is Shane. And he's borged to this 8-ft-tall godzilla like body, and he's standing on a ledge looking out over the jungle. So, in a ballsy move, I run up and push him.
And anticlimatically I'm done. He's dead.
There I hear movement behind me and it's the girl from the start of the dream, only now she's all borged, like properly borg. And she starts talking to me about something, but I just shoot her.
And as she's dying she just goes 'you idiot. I would've given up for you.' And I just stare at her like, huh, sorry.
Then she says 'I guess the dreams over' and she dies, and the whole ships starts to move and collapse and then I woke up.

And that's the craziest fucking dream I've ever had.

I dreamt I was a little girl (like 8-12 years old or so, I'm also asian) and my dad was taking me this really nice chinese restaurant. There was this great plasma screen TV on the wall and there was a movie I really wanted to see that was coming up. So I order the food and wait for the movie to start. The food arrives, but my dad suddenly decides to leave and meet up with somebody at the movie theater for the same movie. He gets up and leaves for the door and I follow him trying to tell him the movie he's going to is here in the restaurant. He ignores me and leaves anyway, leaving me by myself in the restaurant but it's okay because I'm here to meet with my mom later.

As I get back to my table, the movie has already started and I missed out on the beginning, but more importantly my food was taken back and I haven't even gotten a bite! I go up to the lady at the counter and tell her it was a mistake and that I wasn't leaving and I would like my food back. She gives me this stern business look, but she understands and serves my food once again. My mom arrives at the restaurant for a bit, but she's looking a bit distressed. She says she can't stay long and that she has to go back to work soon. I'm disappointed, but I understand completely and I tell her it's okay to leave me here. I reassure my mom I'll be okay alone and that I have enough money in my little wallet to pay for the food I ordered.

My mom leaves and I start eating. During the dream, there are these two wacky criminals in the back of the restaurant. They're low class criminals who really mean no harm. Just as I start eating, a small family of white people join the table across mine. They see me eating alone and try to cheer me up and we ended up bonding together! I stayed there hours with them and I was really having fun. They even managed to befriend the two criminals who were suddenly crossdressing in these really badly coordinated cheerleader outfits (it was some part of their plan somhow) and I found some the same outfits my size but decided to mix them up and I turned out fabulous. The family and the criminals were all amazed at my coordination and we all had a great time together.

For some reason, I think I went off somewhere alone, like the restroom I think, and I came back and everyone was gone. I looked out the window and the family was already getting into their ride to leave and the two guys were nowhere to be found. I was ready to run out the door to chase the family but I was stopped by a lady handing me a bill for the food. I see the check and I'm shocked to see it's actually more than I originally thought! Apparently, I stayed there for so long I had ordered an extra drink than I had planned to.

I think I was barely able to pay the bill until this other lady comes up and hands me another bill, it's for the same order! They gave me another bill because of food they had brought out the first time was taken back and since I came back again, they had started a new check. She tells me it's my check and I try to explain to her it was a mistake and I should've been charged only once because the original food was given back to me.

We get into an argument and in the heat of the moment, I started crying my heart out because I never knew what it was liked to be truly loved and appreciated until that family of white people came and showed and now they're suddenly gone and they just abandoned me like everyone else had in my life. And on top of that I was being charged twice for a meal and I didn't have the money for it at all!

But then the original lady at the counter sees me crying and fixes the problem. After that I just woke up feeling sorry for myself as the little girl inside the restaurant. I seriously have some family issues.

I had a strange dream again last night.
tl;dr: Ram imagined himself opening a monastery for skilled laborers and tech geeks. Rent free and free food, because the skilled workers built all the housing and grew all the crops.

The Monastery would reward individuals who donate time/money/tradeskills towards its own expansion, but never hold any policy that puts one into debt. You contribute, or you leave. Simple as that.

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Last night I dreamt that I was walking to my last day of high school (which in reality occurred several years ago), and everyone in town sang "Blackbird" in our honor. If you didn't know the words, you hummed. Literally everyone on the street sang as they went about their morning business -- sweeping storefronts, standing in line at the bank, sitting in their cars on their commutes -- and everyone had great voices. Woke up with a spring in my step and a song in my heart.

I got home from a week in the field and found out my cat died through my sister's update on Facebook. The eventual 12 hour nap and resulting dream was a combination of these events.

I was part of some sort of odd Narnia dream; except it was a giant library/bazaar that could be moved, and to get in you needed what I guess was like a keyport from Harry Potter and the password to use it. I, my mom, and my sister went, and a cousin was going to join us later. Apparently her keyport took her into a secret dance room that was hidden behind a Coke machine, and she thought that was the entire complex so she stayed there and we found her at the end of our stay there.

Right before it was to close it became really quiet and empty, and when we went downstairs we found a bunch of people murdered and I set out Holmes-style to find the murderer. I went around old castles and woods and weird stores with moving glass-animals, and eventually I found my cat (though it wasn't dead in the dream). I gave up on the hunt and spent the rest of the time in the dream lounging with my cat.

My dream last night was about some get-together I went to and one of the guys there accidentally left a couple of plastic bags with me. I remembered this guy went by the name of BrikHaus online and he had a livestream that I frequented on the occasion, so I figured I'd contact him there.

I looked inside the bags, and in them were these comics detailing people he wanted to torture and how he wanted to do it. They looked like something off of gurochan. I ended up seeing him on my street with a friend, and they were torturing another person by forcing bees to sting his tires until they were flat. I ran away in case they noticed me and had plans for me. I ended up praying everywhere that I wouldn't be killed in that manner and threw coins in fountains with this wish.

There was also some chase involving Rittz from Boxer Hockey and guys from another webcomic, but I can't remember the details of it exactly. It took place on a couple of motorboats, I think.

Zombie apocalypses never truly seem scary to me until I dream about them.

I was staying with my family at my grandparents' house and we heard on the news about a zombie break out. We took our sweet time packing everything up and raiding grocery stores. I saw some holiday-themed Oreo's, but they were also expired.

It all eventually led us to the mountains...and then it turned into an episode of the Rugrats where they found this great cabin/restaurant that served pancakes. Apparently an abominable snowman followed along and then he said "Screw this" and turned around.

Then Go Nagai died before I could get his autograph ;_;

The only thing I remember from my last dream was that the moon turned into a popcorn.

2 dreams, okay

In the first dream their is an altar with horns above it. People are praying in pews and on the altar is a fox pelt. Like a whole fox pelt, except for the nose. And the eyeholes look at me. And the fox is a man, now. It's just one of those things you know in a dream.

Then, last night, I'm exploring one of those recurring dreamscapes. I have those often enough to draw maps. Except this time, there are some tunnels, and there are tons of people down there. Kids, homeless, drunks and we're all on the run from some guys in worksuits, maintenance probably, headed through flooded rooms and tunnels.

had a couple weird dreams lately
in one i was in some kind of club complex or cruise ship and kept getting into trouble for being in places i wasnt allowed, security goons chasing me to and fro - until i escaped into a suburb and lived in some people's attic but fell into the backyard and got mauled by a giant dog

another one i was on the run from aliens who could shift reality or something, they kept shifting it to frame me for things or to trap me in places, so i always had to keep moving fast - eventually managed to steal some kind of sphere-ufo and jet off to parts unknown after a sidescrolling shooter section

I've been dreaming about sex and war more than usual. It's pretty awesome. The latent symbolism is quite funny in some of them.

...And I've been dreaming of empty stadiums.
See -- Mexico's Omnilife stadium has only been full in the game vs ManU. And it's been getting less fans every game since.

So I dreamt I was there, and there were only 20 other people. And they were all korean-asians.
Also, I dreamt I stole cellphones and iPods and shite from supermarkets.

I had a dream that I met MF Doom, but he was deaf. Probably listened to Rap Snitch Knishes too many times yesterday.

I had a dream where i got everything that i wanted and i felt really happy.

Then i woke up.

  My dream today was rad. It opened up with some kind of preview trailer or somesuch for a dating sim game that was also somehow Pokemon-related, and I'm pretty sure the theme song was Chant This Charm. My subconscious was trying its hardest to make me happy.

The next step, I was working at a small game devloper, but there were only six of us and we were getting behind on work. So I made a deal with the Grim Reaper (the one from the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, very specifically) for him to raise a bunch of harmless zombies to act as employees if I'd help him wrap chocolates in tin foil. The zombies started wandering around and decided where they'd work at, and predictably all the high-ranked ones started making bad decisions. "Let's just rehash our last title while adding a few features." Then Rob Zombie attacked us in his custom helicopter for cheating him out of an appearance in a game we just released.

Also we had the worst couch ever. There were motion-controlled spray nozzles attached to the back of it, and anyone who sat down on the couch got sprayed down with acid. There were other nozzles nearby that sprayed cancelling gel, though, so nobody got hurt. Just annoyed. "Ugh, my computer is ruined!"

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Went to Japan Town and there was a store for toys, comics, and anime/manga. When I checked the DVD shelf there was an End of Evangelion DVD there with a cover I hadn't seen before--the spine of it had the bulging eyes of ZOMG TEH REI staring at me, and the DVD cover, likewise, had her there staring up at me. It was freaky as hell.

I dreamt I was making peach pies, and then I took them to the top of a mountain in Wales where a bunch of druids or something traded with me for a milk crate of puppies. And I took the puppies home, and they were crawling all over me and licking and falling asleep on my shoulder, and I ended up on the couch watching a lightning storm through the windows in my pile of puppies. The house was shaking, thunder was crashing and trees were getting set on fire but I knew the puppies would protect me, so I just poured a mug of hot mead and settled down to watch Bob Ross with the puppies.

When the storm was over I went outside, and the streets were flooded. I had a kayak, and I loaded it with supplies and paddled around helping out the neighbors, making sure everyone was okay. I knew the puppies had protected my whole town, but I just wanted to check up and make sure 'cause you never know. But everyone was okay, so the puppies and I went to Wales again, and we were at the white cliffs of Dover (I've never actually been to Wales, okay) eating hot cross buns when the druids showed up, and I thought they wanted the puppies back but they just wanted to hang out, we drank more mead and they did their freaky druid shit and we had a bonfire, it was cool.

Then we went to Romania, and I kind of forget what happened there but my old girlfriend was there, she was doing something at an orphanage there and I gave her and the orphans most of the puppies, but kept one with me. Then the puppy and I found a Ferrari 458 and drove on the transflglaranenen-whatever highway and spent the night in some old castle, and then I woke up and was all sad 'cause I didn't have a puppy by my side.

so yeah.

I had about three dreams that I can remember last night. I was trying to sleep in two of them. WTF, dreaming about trying to sleep? That's boring. I usually have really weird, crazy, out of nowhere stuff going on. Well, there were Scientologists in the last one. I have no idea why. Maybe I was trying to sleep then because their little meeting was just that boring.

Get a puppy. It's a sign.

I dreamt that a child was trying to kill me with a jagged piece of a broken mirror. Blood... everywhere...

I'm getting tired of these dreams where I go through the entire day before waking up.

So I just found out puking in a dream means a ball of drool just bursted out of your mouth.

Reminded me of when I was younger. Dreamt I went to a loo at McDonalds when in reality I was pissing myself.

Funny how our brain interprets real life actions into our dreams so we don't wake up.

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