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File 135460507619.jpg - (495.22KB , 1607x2178 , 162896.jpg )
130546 No. 130546
ITT: NSFW drawing tutorials

Boobs, genitals, and sex positioning. All for the sake of improving promotions! And fapping to.

I know /draw/ has a sticky for all tutorials but I was thinking a specific one for this board would be useful as well.
Expand all images
>> No. 130547
File 135460663364.jpg - (66.43KB , 858x428 , tumblr_m88qqb1Qug1qc5bvxo1_1280.jpg )
>> No. 130549
File 135460920618.jpg - (317.65KB , 1856x1534 , 1332363023272.jpg )
>> No. 130550
File 135461610870.jpg - (136.01KB , 337x2048 , A19ZYHjCAAEAGlj.jpg )
>> No. 130551
File 135461690579.jpg - (273.10KB , 1200x1200 , 1352587248613.jpg )
I regret having these specifically but I regret not having them sooner at the same time. Helpful, but... well it is what it is. 1/2
>> No. 130552
File 135461697881.jpg - (224.10KB , 1280x1280 , 1352587326635.jpg )
>> No. 130553
File 135461736593.jpg - (118.94KB , 500x496 , 1349509060539.jpg )
Here's some related material.
>> No. 130554
File 135461740515.jpg - (450.71KB , 1280x586 , 1349509161919.jpg )
>> No. 130555
File 135461746681.jpg - (707.85KB , 1280x586 , 1349509253732.jpg )
>> No. 130556
File 135461750224.jpg - (644.20KB , 1280x586 , 1349509290577.jpg )
>> No. 130557
File 13546175661.jpg - (778.05KB , 1125x750 , 1349510519594.jpg )
>> No. 130558
File 135461760854.jpg - (638.34KB , 1125x750 , 1349510566703.jpg )
>> No. 130559
File 135461767434.jpg - (723.67KB , 1125x750 , 1349510623191.jpg )
>> No. 130560
File 135461772373.jpg - (601.54KB , 1125x750 , 1349510678336.jpg )
>> No. 130575
File 13546474944.jpg - (343.52KB , 1226x1545 , 165152.jpg )
I would say at least make it fappable or /34/ related. Tutorials in general can still be found on /draw/ but I'd like to have a more promotion-focused thread here.
>> No. 130576
File 135464773173.jpg - (735.86KB , 841x6136 , 138975.jpg )
I'm also hoping to have this thread contain tutorials that /draw/ doesn't have.
>> No. 130578
File 135464785443.jpg - (448.16KB , 720x3600 , 109118.jpg )
>> No. 130580
File 13546482261.png - (269.01KB , 1280x1265 , 51858.png )
Finding more penis tutorials than I thought I'd come across. Might as well throw in a vagina tutorial to mix things up!
>> No. 130581
File 135464882036.png - (553.11KB , 1600x1367 , lesson_in_boobage_by_mleth-d4nsapn.png )
>> No. 130582
File 135464902195.gif - (108.61KB , 1139x1400 , howto.gif )
>> No. 130586

how does he actually manages to make his "fix" look worse
>> No. 130741
File 135482658399.jpg - (144.85KB , 1280x944 , 135381428834.jpg )
Hip/waist tutorial
>> No. 130900
File 13550903006.jpg - (137.05KB , 454x1497 , nipple tutorial.jpg )
>> No. 130945

You don't really get the point of that pic.


This is great.
>> No. 131096
I hate such tutorials. If you're a beginner, everyone slaps this shit in your face, and that you have to draw some kind of 3D model before you can make good art, and that you have to end up as some kind of Michelangelo to be a good artist. That's NOT true. Also, if you are that good at art, why waste your talent on porn? Seriously, if I had the skill to draw that well, I'd use it to get laid!
>> No. 131100
File 135535459127.jpg - (160.78KB , 746x1110 , self1.jpg )

I think every artist should know as much as possible about drawing a realistic person. Sometimes it's the simple breakdown of muscles that open you up to something you weren't full aware of. You're not going to see everyone drawing all the muscles and details but the general outline of the legs, for example, should be closely inspected. If you know how a real body works and looks, you can better depict it in your drawings.

The problem with some artists and their "style" is that it's the closest they can get to accurate anatomy or that they don't want to learn more. Picasso is best known for his cubism but he can paint very realistic pictures, though some of them look a little derpy.

As for being an artist, wasting their time on porn, that depends on how much of their art is dedicated to porn. Bruce Timm is a big time artist and animator but he does more cheesecake and nudes than many other artists.
>> No. 131104
The idea is to develop an understanding of the figure, even if you rarely give them detailed anatomy. Whether using a real person, photograph, or posing software as pose reference, or especially when drawing entirely from your head, having an understanding of how stuff works helps you to stylize effectively. Now, some hose-limb characters might not have too much in common with a real person, but even the forms of flat Flash designed cartoons like TDI are closely based on real person anatomy.

Just to back up the point, I think you will be hard-pressed to find a good animation program that does not include the study of real figures and real anatomy.
>> No. 131139
If people tell you "don't draw until you study this shit!" then you can ignore them, they're just being assholes. But almost no one is going to forbid you from drawing until you learn figures, its actually the opposite. Anatomy and art tutorials in general are there to help, they're like resources.

The most important thing to being an artist.... is to produce art. Draw anything and everything you like and do it constantly, everyday. Thats whats really important. Now, say you want to draw something, but you aren't sure how, or you can't get it to look how you want it.

Thats what tutorials are for, they are references or maps for how to get something to look the way you want it to. Tutorials don't exist to get you to draw like Michelangelo or perfectly mimic what is in the tutorial... but to give YOU the tools to create what you want.
>> No. 131140
I like you.

I mean that in a budding way like that awesome bro-level teacher/professor or boss that gives food for thought in a firm but valid manner.
>> No. 131141
Fantastic. This thread is helpful. Hopefully it'll show up in my future artwork of Danny Phantom's ladies.
>> No. 131188
File 135542074775.jpg - (374.16KB , 1000x1500 , 1342670032676.jpg )

you know what's the problem with your post?

that isn't a tutorial, it's a reference. it's not supposed to help you any more than what you can help yourself with it.
>> No. 131232
I imagine the idea is to have believable looking man and lady parts should they decide to draw porn for like commissions and such.

I know some people that draw like 5 year olds and attempt to draw porn. One has a Pixiv for that exact reason.

You have to consider that tutorials and firm-handed references will use extremes to get their point across. You don't have to do ONLY what the example tells you but they do encourage budding illustrators not to fall back on a safety net that ends up cheapening up the potential of their work.

Some people draw horribly proportioned/positioned boobs, some draw stubby feet, some draw man-hands on delicate female bodies, some fail to have the right female proportions/body shape and just tack on boobs to a blocky male figure.

Yes, it is better to just draw and move on but some artists don't pick up cues as they go along that could improve their work drastically. Drawing for the sake of drawing may be a repetitive action but being complacent with your skill level is a horrible deathtrap.
>> No. 131233

Then you're missing the key to art in any medium:

You have to know the rules, so you can break them.
>> No. 131243

No, you learn them to know *when and why* you should break them. Time and a place, and all that. That still doesn't preclude you from ignoring them because you feel like it.
>> No. 131244

No, you learn them to know *when and why* you should break them. Time and a place, and all that. That still doesn't preclude you from ignoring them because you feel like it. That's why so much fanart sucks, they think they don't need to bother learning in the first place.
>> No. 131246
Art isn't about following rules.

Art is about using techniques to create what you want.
>> No. 131276



Only when we're talking about true expression. /34/ doesn't actually fit that. Still, it's to every artist's benefit to know as much about anatomy as possible.
>> No. 131304
File 135552954156.jpg - (21.36KB , 600x338 , csi_miami_cancelled1.jpg )

That's what I said. Adding more words is being asinine.

Leave to a porn board...
>> No. 131306
File 135552957610.jpg - (25.49KB , 430x300 , horatio-caine.jpg )

To be totally anal.
>> No. 131320

...y-yeeeeeeaaahh ah?
>> No. 131853
>a tutorial about shameless tracing, Bioware style

Greg land would be proud.
>> No. 131854
the guy who made it did not even bother to change the boobs...
>> No. 138828

considering how balak drew for the last 2 years until recently this is ironic
>> No. 138849
>>Art isn't about following rules.
>>Art is about using techniques to create what you want.

Go read some Clement Greenberg or Charles Baudelaire or Rosalind Krauss, come back then.
>> No. 138852
Is this sarcasm?
>> No. 138876
File 136955103784.jpg - (281.57KB , 640x786 , anatomy_loli.jpg )
>> No. 138897
never was a big fan of those mapped CGI models, they seems to miss the point of muscles, that is giving volume under the skin. I hope modern CGI delivers us a model that actually does that soon.
>> No. 144377
File 137828709852.png - (794.41KB , 854x1280 , tumblr_logb14QMp31qap1xk.png )
>> No. 144400
File 137832904961.jpg - (445.66KB , 740x4868 , YrI5Mt4.jpg )
>> No. 144401
File 137833256669.png - (40.06KB , 383x147 , how2ass.png )
>> No. 144402
File 137833262491.jpg - (293.15KB , 900x1312 , 1376804494992.jpg )
>> No. 144404

isn't that a way to detect breast cancer
>> No. 144416
any loli related stuff? doesn't have to be sexual.
>> No. 144418
That's the weird thing about getting reference for kid anatomy. It is hard to look for something useful without feeling like you're gonna get van'd.
>> No. 144419
anyone know where to get more of ovens tutorials? she has like three on her diviant page and thats it. but i see more floating around and i dont see them on the tumblr.
>> No. 144421
kid swimsuits/leotard pics aren't that hard to come by. Gymnastic is a good source since the girls are fit and you can see the few muscle they have well. Beach or pool picture will give you a more diverse panel of body types which is important. naked chest can be found rather easily, and you can use boys as models anyway. The only hard detail will be genitalia. But well, I guess that's what hentai is for.
>> No. 145624
File 137999853910.png - (151.59KB , 785x1920 , vags1.png )
Saw this on tumblr and thought I'd share. Not enough Vagina tutorials out there.

>> No. 145626
File 137999863756.png - (254.52KB , 985x1920 , vags2.png )
>> No. 151079
File 138838928313.jpg - (476.45KB , 1500x868 , 1388148036680.jpg )
>> No. 151107
File 138848990747.jpg?spoiler - (262.12KB , 1226x1545 , 247234[1].jpg?spoiler )
New one by Rina Yun.

Spoiled because it's all man butt.
>> No. 151141
anyone know the sourse for these?
>> No. 151597
File 138912061798.png - (642.47KB , 2000x992 , lip_sync___mouth_reference_by_darkmanethewerewolf-.png )
>> No. 152656
>CIS vagina
dear mother of god
>> No. 152810
You don't want to offend the wrong person. Shit becomes harassment central if you get THAT ONE PERSON pissed off.
>> No. 157385

I think the funniest part is the artist barely made a passing mention of it and you guys react like they shoved it in your face for the whole tutorial.
>> No. 157390
Why does it need to be mentioned at all, really?

does a CIS vagina look different from a non-cis vagina?
>> No. 157392
Who cares in the first place?
They're only a problem if you respond and feed their delusions.
>> No. 157401
Like a man-gyna?
>> No. 160145
File 139852066190.jpg - (1.14MB , 880x2000 , BOOBIES.jpg )
>> No. 160146
File 139852092756.jpg - (1.21MB , 1000x3932 , cw30_breast_study_by_justiraziel-d6h1fjo.jpg )
>> No. 160147
File 139852104598.jpg - (2.80MB , 1000x4500 , cw31_breast_study_2_by_justiraziel-d6lrjp4.jpg )
>> No. 160148
File 139852112132.jpg - (1.56MB , 1000x4696 , cw_29_perfect_lady_curves_study_by_justiraziel-d6e.jpg )
>> No. 160151
File 139852204197.png - (2.92MB , 1215x6652 , breasts___understanding_the_dynamics_2_by_nsio-d68.png )
>> No. 160152
File 139852219130.png - (550.85KB , 2121x772 , breasts___understanding_the_dynamics_1_by_nsio-d67.png )
>> No. 160153
File 139852228474.png - (677.92KB , 1200x4290 , How_to_Draw_Boobs_by_ragingtofu.png )
>> No. 160155
if only stick body parts in a different positions that count as a drawing?

sob, i cant draw...
>> No. 160592
File 139883314392.jpg - (216.94KB , 1536x1868 , stick figure.jpg )
This isn't really helpful if you don't provide a basic description or at the very least some tag words for each image.
>> No. 161416
>> No. 161458
most people don't consider this a stick figure though.
>> No. 163367
File 140295957329.jpg - (340.38KB , 872x3525 , doxyvajayjaytut.jpg )

With all the detailed dick and boob tutorials, It's nice to see something about vags.
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