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32942 No. 32942
Rise from your graves.
>> No. 32943
Kyros confirmed4nukumo
>> No. 32944
Oda, come on, you had Usopp give a big "trust your captain" speech in Punk Hazard, he should instantly just KNOW Soldier's the real deal.

Wow those Dwarves are gullible...
>> No. 32945
Nice thread pic.

Ok chapter, but more of a "needed to happen" kind than a "wanted to see" kind.
>> No. 32947
I enjoyed it overall but I mean really, Rebecca is that young?

I guess its a partial excuse for her being so weak but still
>> No. 32949
Kyros was a somewhat recent legendary fighter who nobody actually remembers seeing fight, and whose sword/shield style was noted as similar to "Ricky" (King Riku's somewhat uncreative disguise) and Riku's granddaughter Rebecca. Considering that we knew Soldier was Rebecca's father, I'm kinda shocked none of us figured that out 'til now.
>> No. 32950
Is that really a surprise? She was just a little kid ten years ago.
>> No. 32951
Well I knew she was young but not younger than luffy and usopp were at the beginning of the series
>> No. 32952
Its just weird her being that young with how tall she is for a girl. You don't expect it
>> No. 32953

What no. I may have gotten the family relationship wrong but I totally called Soldier=Kyros. In fact if it turns out the soldier's missing leg represents Kyros's "single injury" I would have called the entire thing exactly. In my defense I thought "Riku" was the family name so the Ricky=Riku thing didn't exactly pass me by. I'm still pretty embarassed about it, though.


Also, while thread spelunking I found that somebody had called Rebecca being Kyros's daughter even before all the memory wiping shenanigans were revealed. Congratulations, anon#whatever.
>> No. 32955
Not really too surprising considering that it's One Piece. Rebecca could become taller than Robin if not as tall as her in a few years.

Or it could be her sabaton. Nami is shorter than Luffy but the high heels make her taller then both him and Usopp.
>> No. 32956
Not really too surprising considering that it's One Piece. Rebecca could become taller than Robin if not as tall as her in a few years.

Or it could be her sabaton. Nami is shorter than Luffy but the high heels make her taller then both him and Usopp.
>> No. 32957
Not really too surprising considering that it's One Piece. Rebecca could become taller than Robin if not as tall as her in a few years.

Or it could be her sabaton. Nami is shorter than Luffy but the high heels make her taller then both him and Usopp.
>> No. 32959
wow not just a double but a triple repost, though the site is yet again shitting itself so I can't blame you entirely

It's kind of funny how Rebecca talked like Kyros was a fairy tale even though he supposedly stopped only a few years before she was born. Like is there no one she can talk to who is over the age 20 around her, seems doubtful.
>> No. 32960
...dude... he got turned into a toy, so everyone forgot about him.

But the statue exists, which is why they can talk about a legendary warrior that no one has ever seen this supposed gladiator, which makes it seem like just a myth
>> No. 32961
yeah I thought Sugar's mistake with him as her first toy involved his memory but rereading it its only his free will

I should read these chapters at after I wake up instead of before bed
>> No. 32962
Kind of ironic that the anime just got to the episode where they introduce Kyros and a few days later, the manga solves his mystery.
>> No. 32965
So what's been going on with Dellinger? He was summoned to help Lao G a few chapters back, but is still on his way over?
>> No. 32966
he's having hot sex with Bellamy in a closet
>> No. 32967
So what's been going on with Dellinger? He was summoned to help Lao G a few chapters back, but is still on his way over?
>> No. 32969
Lao G got lost, so who knows where Dellinger is now?
>> No. 32970
I just told you he's having sex. Jesus.
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