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26398 No. 26398
I had a dream about One Piece last night.

Franky was piloting the Going Merry in oddly calm waters at night, (yeah yeah, it's a dream, it's not really good at continuity,) and he slowly pulls up to a boat run by like twenty Kumadoris in various outfits, all droning on about inane shit.
"Wheeeerrrees iiissss the roooooopee for theeeee lifeboooaattts?"
"IIIIIII maddeeee guuuumboooo, eveerryyooone!"
"I donnn't like gumboooo, can I haavvve, canI havee"
"Who leeeeft thiiiis on the deeeeck!"
And then they all get fed up at their failure, and go 'I MUST COMMIT SEPPUKU!" and then block their attacks like in the show, and the whole thing starts over.
The dream went on to other stuff involving Kamen Rider, but the point is... I want to believe, somewhere on the Grand Line, that thing exists. Just, a boat of twenty Kumadoris going nowhere, all in a cycle of stupidity. No one knows where it came from, no one knows what would happen if it ever left its location, it's just there.
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>> No. 26399
>various outfits

>> No. 26400
One Kumadori was a chef, one had a hardhat on, one was wearing pirate gear, one was in a dress... I can't remember the rest...
>> No. 26401
Very weird you make this thread, since I had a somewhat One Piece related dream last night, too. I was in some sort of cheaper-looking Toys R Us store and ran into a bunch of toys of One Piece. What I distinctly remember most were three sets of masks they had of the admirals. Aokiji's looked nothing like him.

I ended up buying a plastic ring of Akainu's head.
>> No. 26403
Anonymous of /op/, you have a great desire to crush dreams and enforce justice. Welcome to the Akainu Corps.
>> No. 26526
So basically it was 20 Kumadoris playing TF2 together?
>> No. 26563
I had a dream about One Piece this morning. Nami shaved her head. Franky was like "Girlie, you look ridiculous." Then he did a SUPER pose.
>> No. 26673
One Piece dream thread? I like it! Here's the scoop fresh from my brain this morning...

The Strawhats were out and about, and they were talking to some people (I don't know who, but I think they were normal citizens). The subject of marines and admirals came up, and Luffy says, "Oh, yeah, we met Aokiji." The citizens gave a spit-take, of course, and Luffy goes on to say, "He even gave us his pen." (As in a sort of proof that they had indeed met.)

So he holds out this really nice ballpoint pen that is blue with dark blue stripes and the name "AOKIJI" written on it in white letters. (Now that I take time to think about it, I highly doubt such a high-ranking official would have such a blatantly silly writing utensil.) The citizens are very impressed that the Strawhats were given such a significant token from such a significant man. One person cannot help but wonder, "Holy shit, do you know how much could you sell that for?!" At the mention of that, you could practically see the beri signs in the air. So without delay, everyone-- citizens and pirates-- got straight to working on plans to make bootlegs of the pen to sell on eBay.
>> No. 26674
This dream means there's great suffering in your future.
>> No. 26686
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Much of it self-inflicted.
>> No. 26687
File 134006026464.png - (468.15KB , 1280x720 , Op2.png )
What the bloody hell do you think you're doing? Go back to your own board, old woman. There can only be one.
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