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File 133898043853.jpg - (187.86KB , 800x1165 , Frobin Confirmed.jpg )
26383 No. 26383
Fine. Hmph.
Tashigi fanservice when Smoshigi is fighting Luffy is delicious.
Expand all images
>> No. 26384
thank you
>> No. 26385
Oh guess the arc's over.

Good game, everyone.
>> No. 26386
that was kind of that last thing i expected to happen
>> No. 26387

>> No. 26388
>"Row" instead of "Law"
gg MP
But really, I can't be mad at anyone for a line like "Mysterious something is doing something mysterious".
>> No. 26389
Man, I really hope that Oda takes over Toriyama's job designing video game monsters when he finishes One Piece. Everything has some special charm, even things from every japanese video game ever like slimes.

Also, love that the too-cool-4-school, Uchiha-looking, backstory-spouting, monologuing douche got Luffy'd instantly. HE DOESN'T CARE
>> No. 26390
>Mysterious something is doing something mysterious

Jesus Christ it's horrifying.

Not much happened, though.
>> No. 26391
>> No. 26392
holy shit that explosion
>> No. 26393
Welp that's one way to stop a monologue.

Smoshigi and Tashmoker are pretty adorable, not gonna lie.
>> No. 26394
Also, this chapter was kind of... sparse?

I mean, all that really happened was that team Luffy learned about Smoshigi/Tashmoker and we all learned Slimething explodes when burned.
>> No. 26395
the Tashigi/Smoker body switch won't stop being funny
>> No. 26396

Well, its' probably because it's only 16 pages without the cover. It's usually 17 or 18.
>> No. 26397
File 133901060381.gif - (854.94KB , 245x115 , 1336362274168.gif )
>Chapter 671
>> No. 26402
Oda's been stretching this arc out a lot. Don't get me wrong, it's still a good arc, but I get the feeling he's buying time for something. Things that could have easily been covered in one chapter are being stretched into two or three. He's also added a lot of stuff that could arguably be taken out with no difference at all.
>> No. 26404
Luffy is OP.
>> No. 26405
Luffy was One Piece all along?

>> No. 26406
I think you mean OG.
>> No. 26407

>the Tashigi/Smoker body switch won't stop being SEXY

>> No. 26408
No one says it can't be both.
>> No. 26409


Who says it ain't Row. (sure hope nobody thinks to check how his name is spelt on merchandise)
>> No. 26410
>The Shrubberies
>Chirgwin Rd
>Whirlwind Sports Lemon Quay

Why is the UK so uncool?
>> No. 26411
what's uncool about shrubberies?
>> No. 26412
Hasn't his name been specifically spelled out at least once or twice in roman characters in both the anime and the manga? Oda seems to be pretty good on spelling out names he's got in mind. Still, someone could always just write him a letter for the SBS section of the book. I'm pretty sure that'd clear it all up.
>> No. 26413
It's Law. Only people that use "Row" are Engreesh b-rate translators.
>> No. 26414
I don't understand why Oda makes Tashigi so weak. She had so much room to grow, especially because we haven't see her for a long time since Alabasta, she fought in the war and because she had a lot of training over the time skip and even developed Haki. Yet she keeps failing.

It's like Oda hates Tashigi almost as much as Hachi
>> No. 26415
>I don't understand why Oda makes Tashigi so weak.

He doesn't, Her abilities rely on skill and precision, which gets thrown off when you suddenly have a body twice your original size, a penis, no breasts and can't figure out how to prevent yourself from turning into smoke.

She's just fucking up by the body switch, everyone is, just her especially.
>> No. 26416

Also even with her training she's still no match for Luffy.
>> No. 26417
Even when she's in her own body she's a joke and something of a hinderance to her boss, almost all she does is lose horribly
>> No. 26418
Were you honestly expecting her to beat up Luffy or throw him into a bloody, 4-chapter fight? She's undoubtedly gotten stronger, she's just up against people who have always been and continue to be stronger.
>> No. 26419
Wait, how much have we seen her do in her own body since the time skip? I remember she deflected a cannonball, and then tried to swordfight Law, which he used his power to fuck her up.
Keep in mind that Smoker wasn't able to beat him for as long as they fought either.
I figure she's probably somewhere a tier below the strawhats level, not a joke, but not somebody you expect them to lose to.
>> No. 26420
>It's like Oda hates Tashigi almost as much as Hachi

Okay the rest of your post is dumb (not being able to beat Luffy certainly doesn't make you worthless), but why would Oda be seen as hating Hachi?
>> No. 26421
File 133918013057.png - (234.30KB , 810x1150 , IT'S RIGHT HERE YOU STUPID BITCH.png )

Jesus christ, did you not even read this chapter?

Notice how strong Luffy said "four eyes" is. And that was Smoker, in a body he was not familiar with.

That means normally Tashigi is even stronger than that.
>> No. 26422
Ehhhh, no. Going by the logic just on that page , he's saying that Tashigi is even stronger than she should be because it's Smoker actually fighting, while Smoker is weak because Tashigi has no idea what she's doing with his Devil Fruit. She isn't weak like she used to be, but Smoker IS the better of the two (no shit) and it's showing in their fight.
>> No. 26423

Obviously. Tashigi is stuck in the body of a devil fruit use and Smokey is in the body of a normal human.

But all that was switched was their souls, nothing more. The strength that Smoker was attacking Luffy with was Tashigi's.
>> No. 26425
Not how it works if you consider Sanji was worried about damaging Nami's body by using his usual strength.
>> No. 26426
Sanji was kicking with the speed and energy he'd normally use. Nami's body wasn't trained to take that kind of contact. His physical strength was lowered because he's in Nami's body, but his mind tells him to kick the same way he would in his own body.
>> No. 26427
Apart from cutting up a cannonball and beating a couple of nameless mooks what has Tashigi actually done?

She loses quickly to every named character she goes up again, Robin, Law... Zoro would cream her if she didn't have the unfair advantage of looking identical to his dead friend.

She doesn't really have any credibility as a fighter.
>> No. 26428

And Smoker wasn't afraid of going all-out in Tashigi's body, so that means her body is strong enough to take it.


>Tashigi lost against someone who can sprout limbs out of nowhere and break bones no problem.
>Tashigi lost against the guy who beat Smoker; Smoker only lasting as long as he did because of logia hax.
>"Gaiz she's so weak omg"

Getting the short end of stick in all her fights doesn't make her weak. It means she has terrible luck.

Honestly, put an individual Strawhat in both those scenarios. Do you really think they'd be able to win so easily?
>> No. 26429
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So she's a rock Lee? Tries her hardest but never really amounts to anything no matter how much she improves.
>> No. 26430
Except the part where Tashigi herself was really weak in a strong logia body like Smoker's, whereas smoker was still able to hit luffy hard in Tashigi's 'normal' body.
>> No. 26431
More like Smoker can fight better in her body than she can
>> No. 26432

Pretty much. Both of them are always stuck with opponents out of their league.

Though Oda's not the type to leave her hanging forever and ever.


Tashigi was trying to use Smoker's fruit, said fruit not exactly being the most offensive from the getgo (like Ace's, for example). And she was using for the first time in a chaotic battleground.

Luffy wasn't able to control the gum gum fruit when he first ate it. Franky couldn't control Chopper's fruit when he was in his body either. What makes you think Tashigi would be just fine with it right off the bat?


How does this make sense. at all.
>> No. 26434
>How does this make sense. at all.

Knowledge of fighting techniques, lack of her usual clumsiness, etc.
>> No. 26436

>Implying she doesn't know how to fight.

Anon pls.
>> No. 26438
Ouh, my God.. Who. The fuck. Cares.

Smoker sucks, Tashigi sucks, they're minor shit; whatever.
>> No. 26440
You must be new to this One Piece thing.

Everyone matters.
>> No. 26441
No they don't. Fuck Tashigi. Fuck your retarded arguing about stuff that does not matter. Nobody will give a fuck in three chapters.
>> No. 26442
You should really calm down. It's not that serious.
>> No. 26443
Sorry I meant more techniques.

You know, considering the YEARS of experience he has on her.
>> No. 26444
No, YOU calm down! I don't need to calm down!

Stop talking. Stop talking! STOP! No one cares! STOP!
>> No. 26445

But all he was doing was stabbing at Luffy with his jutte.

And he has to work with the fact he can only work at short range now.

Are you saying short-range compramised stabbity stab is better fighting than precise swordsmanship?
>> No. 26446
Haha, you're pathetic
>> No. 26447
Haha shut the fuck up.

>> No. 26448
Sorry bro, but Smoker's the best character in the show. He's better than the Luffy and the Robin combined.
>> No. 26449
Which is why he's done so much. And beaten so many people.
Jee, bringing in Buggy and Alvida. I hope you're proud of your accomplishments, you sad joke.
>> No. 26450
You know there's more to fighting than just using the weapon you have right?
>> No. 26451

Yes, but both Tashigi and Smoker's fighting styles mainly use their weapons.

Smoker used to have his devil fruit to go with it. But now? Nope.
>> No. 26457
File 133944986362.jpg - (32.76KB , 640x480 , Luffy26.jpg )
I'll just be glad to finally see someone that actually stands a chance against Luffy.

It's starting to get boring seeing him beat everyone with just a couple similar techniques.

I miss the days where Luffy had to come up with an uncommon strategy against a powerful foe.

Now he just kinda haki punches and speed blitzes the shit outta everything.
>> No. 26470
Luffy overpowers people easily for about 80% of the series. It's actually rarer for him to have to come up with a bunch of new shit to beat an overwhelming opponent.
>> No. 26471
Hell the series begins on the note of him just being like "Yup, wrecking everyone here while being almost completely unopposed."
>> No. 26473
I honestly rather have Luffy beat everyone's shit than that tiring anime cliche where they beat one villain and automatically get beaten by the next. As if it was some sort of level-system fighting game.
I'm looking your way, DBZ

One Piece, in all its goofy craziness and magic, has always been very realistic in its fights. If there's a villain who's weaker than Luffy, he's going to get beaten by Luffy. Simple. And most of the villains he faces have their real danger coming from other stuff besides their raw strength anyway. See Arlong, Spandam, Moriah, Hody, etc.
>> No. 26477
true. Sometimes it does follow the next villain is stronger method, but oda set the world up before hand. We know who is stronger and who isn't. And the forward progression makes sense here too actually, because the further down the grandline you go, the stronger your opponents. Crocodile chilled in early paradise and wasn't a very strong warlord because of it. But hawkeye sometimes travels out of the danger zone, so we get a glimpse of powers to be early on in the series. It's good storytelling, and it's missing in a lot of shonen.
>> No. 26495
I've always loved that One Piece isn't afraid to make its characters broken for perfectly logical reasons.
Like how Enel is presented as being entirely as unstoppable as a person who can control lightning on every level should be, and how Luffy only outmatched him through the SHEER LUCK of being the only person on the planet naturally immune to his powers.
>> No. 26496
To be fair he was a shark in a paddling pool.
He wouldn't be so unstoppably unmatched further along the grandline
>> No. 26498
Enel is easily Admiral-tier powerful. This is a man who's not only a Logia and has extensive knowledge of haki, but can revive himself through completely broken means using his powers. I wouldn't call him unstoppable, cause I'm sure there are people out there who could have wiped the floor with him, but he's definitely one of the strongest characters so far seen in the show.
>> No. 26500
We'll see just how strong Eneru is when he comes back.

>> No. 26501
>Like how Enel is presented as being entirely as unstoppable as a person who can control lightning on every level should be, and how Luffy only outmatched him through the SHEER LUCK of being the only person on the planet naturally immune to his powers.
Which, on its own, is a common Shonen trope "the chosen one can beat the villain" and all. But in One Piece's case, it wasn't something like "he has a pure heart that evil can't touch" or "his willingness to forgive overcame the villain's cynicism," but "His powers, which he's had since Chapter 1 give him the advantage without requiring a leap of logic to realize would be the case."

It's not even one of those "I have been training and developed a new technique for JUST SUCH AN OCCASION," it's "oh, right, rubber can't be electrocuted!"

I liked that even then, he wasn't ENTIRELY immune to Enel, just like how rubber in reality isn't magically entirely unaffected by lightning--it's just got enough of an advantage to let him beat someone who's way out of his league as long as he tries hard enough.
>> No. 26502
Didn't Oda say rob lucci would beat enel in a fair fight?
>> No. 26503
Depends on what you call a fair fight.
>> No. 26506
I wouldn't say Ener's THAT strong. It's easy to forget, but all of his truly WTF powerful feats were when he was powering himself up with his ship and all the gold in Skypiea. If he didn't have that, I'd say a well-trained Haki-user (Vice Admiral and up) could take him. And citing his ludicrously-high hypothetical bounty as an argument doesn't hold much water anymore, as Ace was higher (and thus more dangerous) and he was only average for a Logia.
>> No. 26507

>Bounties as powerlevels.

>> No. 26508
.. No? I really doubt Lucci could have lasted against Enel.

The man is lightning itself. He could teleport all over the place and was (quite literally) untouchable. Even if you somehow got past his haki training, his skin was still lightning. I'm really not exaggerating when I say he would have been a fair fight against one of the Admirals. But you're right; you also have to take into account he surrounded himself with advantages, so seeing him out of the Skypeia setting is tricky.
And no, bounties =/= real power.
>> No. 26522
No, not power levels, DANGER levels. The Government thinks Ace would be more dangerous than Enel would hypothetically be.
>> No. 26523

No shit. But which one is on Whitebeard's crew?

Ace has his Oyaji. Enel's flying solo.
>> No. 26525
Right, right.
>> No. 26527

It doesn't really work that way. I've noticed that, across the series, the captain's bounty is always inflated compared to his crewmembers, regardless of strength. The best example of this is probably Tiger and Jinbe: when Tiger was captain Jinbe's bounty was in the 70 mils, while Tiger was at 200 mil despite the fact that Strawberry reported the the two were pretty much equally dangerous. However, once Jinbe became captain his bounty shot up all the way to 250 despite no real change in his strength of danger level. It makes sense, I guess, since incidents are usually reported as "the X Pirates did so-and-so," so the captain gets a boost for having his crewmembers under his command. There's also cases like Robin where she had a high bounty when alone, but once she became a part of a group she lost the spotlight. Since then her bounty increases stagnated despite doing things like putting the CP9 director in a full-body cast.

What I'm saying is that I'm sure "Ace, captain of the Spade Pirates" would have had a higher bounty than "Ace, Whitebeard Pirates First Division Commander."
>> No. 26528
Not to mention, Roger's son. That instantly bumps you up a good amount of zeros.
>> No. 26547

If you remember Rockstar, the case seems to be different for yonkou. Rockstar was a newbie on Shanks's crew, and the gubbermint gave him a hundred million beri bounty because of it (and from the looks of it, he wasn't anything special beforehand).

Also, see >>26528
>> No. 26551

Judging by the way he acts and what we know about him, I wouldn't be surprised if Rockstar really did earn his 90 mil the hard way before he joined Shanks. His attitude just reminds me way too much of the people that wanted to join the Strawhats back at Sabaody. Unfortunately for him, we all know now 100 mil is pretty much the absolute minimum for having a yonkou even begin to give a shit about maybe paying attention to the small talk of some of his scrubbier crewmembers are having about you.
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