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File 137578731819.jpg - (336.12KB , 1280x834 , 134822784222.jpg )
38419 No. 38419
August 11th.

It is returning.
Expand all images
>> No. 38451
I should get to finishing cruising through Breaking Bad on Netflix.
>> No. 38484
Tonight is the night.
>> No. 38488
how do i watch without TV help
>> No. 38489
It should be up a couple hours after it airs on sites like Dare TV or Tv-Release. I actually miss having cable during season premieres or when a new show starts up.
Remember to buy the DVD/Blu-ray releases if you can afford them.
>> No. 38496
File 137627313443.gif - (1.09MB , 300x169 , 1334814508672.gif )
>That last fucking scene
>> No. 38508
>> No. 38515
Holy fuck, was not expecting Hank to confront Walt so soon...but then, I don't think Hank was planning to, either, it just sort of happened.
>> No. 38525
File 137640527293.jpg - (36.75KB , 512x353 , why.jpg )
>Jesse throwing all his money out the window in the poor neighborhood while bawling
>> No. 38527
File 137640905370.jpg - (91.63KB , 400x1050 , 1374206295479.jpg )

>Jesse's face when heretake itit's ok
>> No. 38588
So /mtv/, how is Walt going to die?
>> No. 38603
>> No. 38604

Surrounded by his friends and loved ones when he finally succumbs to the cancer, and rather than seeing love and sorrow in their eyes, all he sees is their pain and resentment, for all that he's put them through, that they can only just barely hide.
>> No. 38610

>> No. 38625
I can't tell if Skylar was sincere about not being able to turn himself in without giving up the money, or she's just trying to keep her own ass out of the fire.
>> No. 38638
File 13769512702.gif - (826.93KB , 245x175 , todd saying hello.gif )
>Lydia hiring Todd and his uncle to kill everyone
Fucking Todd.
>> No. 38643
She's absolutely right, if Walt goes to trial his money becomes a legend, no one would stop looking for it, hell the family wouldn't be able to buy an ice cream cone without suspicion of funneling off the family fortune.

Todd is the worse kind of evil. Banal. Like literally banal about murder.
>> No. 38645
I'm thinking of finally getting into Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones.

I have a couple of questions, though:

1. Is it too late to get into them?
2. Are there seriously people who think BB is advocating drug use?
>> No. 38646
I've only watched up to Season 3 of Breaking Bad, personally--I intend to get back to it eventually, but I'm not there yet. From what I've seen, I find it hard to believe people think it's advocating drug use. For all Walt is presented as a character we are supposed to identify with, I don't see much room for interpreting him as a role model, unless it's because they did such a good job at making him sympathetic in the beginning that people haven't twigged to the fact that he has steadily been morphing into a pure villain with sympathetic traits rather than an anti-hero.

I don't think it's too late to get into Breaking Bad. You could probably catch up with the whole series in a weekend if you have Netflix.
>> No. 38648
1. Considering that Game of Thrones is currently through two and a half books out of five (and eventually, possibly seven), it's not going to be too late for a long time.
2. I dunno. Maybe it's a Mobsters love Mob Movies thing? (which tends to come into effect no matter how seedy/unromantic the tone of the work.)
>> No. 38649
Most likely. I honestly think Pineapple Express was also pretty anti-drugs, but stoners and people who buy marijuana-scented shit at Urban Outfitter's still love that movie.

I don't have Netflix, but I'll do my best.
>> No. 38659
Is there a legal place where one can watch Breaking Bad? Netflix? Some other online service?

Or do I need to visit Scalleywag Cove?
>> No. 38660
And I mean these new ones, not prior seasons.
>> No. 38661
AMC has the first episode up for free.


Looks like the second one requires a cable login though which means you're going to have to download or stream somewhere else.
>> No. 38662

Check out Amazon Prime Video and Hulu. Don't know for sure, but it's a start. Maybe itunes?"
>> No. 38719
File 137748715936.gif - (453.47KB , 160x120 , 131465953537.gif )
>The "confession" video
>The hug
>Jesse picking a location
>The ending
>> No. 38722
>> No. 38724
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>> No. 38725
File 137751729449.gif - (608.40KB , 500x383 , tumblr_mrho0fGgn51qmvy8zo1_500.gif )
This episode

"The King Beetle on the Coconu…youtube thumb

Dead Milkmen - If you love som…youtube thumb

Andrew Jackson Jihad - Brave As A Nounyoutube thumb

Andrew Jackson Jihad - We Shal…youtube thumb
>> No. 38727
"There are still too many people saying Walt is a badass. Let's use this episode to remind everyone just how despicable he's gotten." - Breaking Bad writers
>> No. 38731
Jesus, this is happening so fast I can't believe we still have five episode left.

Which pretty guarantees Jesse is screwed.
>> No. 38736
File 137761137745.jpg - (16.80KB , 320x231 , frank-costanza-meets-the-fusilli-jerry.jpg )
oh god oh god
Not Jesse, BB writers, please anyone but him
>> No. 38737
File 137761447988.jpg - (250.36KB , 1456x1038 , koroshiya_ichi_v10p058_59_copy.jpg )
>Next episode called "Rabid Dog"
>> No. 38742
File 137763618012.jpg - (23.24KB , 515x515 , pancake.jpg )
Shit, I didn't even realize...
rip in peace Jesse, enjoy your pancakes in the afterlife
>> No. 38793
They obviously wouldn't have much trouble with the murdering, but what could Todd and his uncle do to find Jesse that Walt and his guys couldn't do already?

It's hilarious how insanely vague the episode synopses have to be to avoid spoilers:
>Rabid Dog: An unorthodox strategy begins to produce some surprisingly positive results; people's lives are put in jeopardy as a new set of plans are carried out, which could also affect the balance of power of a number of different...
>To'hajiilee: An unexpected turn of events leave the normally tranquil Walter White struggling to maintain control of the world around him, which leaves him having to resort to desperate measures in order to ensure that...
>> No. 38798
Thinking back on the second question and what I've seen in various fanbases, I think at least a part of it has to be the show's attempts to make everyone have good sides and bad sides. So for the people that have to view things as strictly black and white (and there are a surprising amount of them), every time a DEA character does something not great or a dealer/addict character has a moment of poignancy, the conclusion they reach is, well, drugs good.
>> No. 38805
"Nice try, asshole."
>> No. 38806
File 137822615854.png?spoiler - (139.17KB , 615x693 , 1378223752249.png?spoiler )
Here's what /tv/ got out of the last episode. What does "I'm going to get you where you really live" mean to you, /mtv/?
>> No. 38809
Not sure if you guys have been this already, but: Dean Norris spoils the ending to Breaking Bad.
>> No. 38841
Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!!
>> No. 38844

I can't fucking believe it.

>> No. 38845

I so fucking knew it was coming, too, that whole last scene I was just like NO GET OUT OF THERE


>> No. 38846
>I love you

>> No. 38847
rip Myheart intopieces
>> No. 38852
>I so fucking knew it was coming, too, that whole last scene I was just like NO GET OUT OF THERE

Same here.

Yeah, they're fucked: it's two guys with no armor and pistol and shotgun vs. six guys who all have armor, two with rifles and one with an autoshotgun.
>> No. 38853
That they lasted this long is miraculous.
>> No. 38868
They might have armor on under those shirts, they did come here expecting a possible firefight with Walt, after all...but yeah, they're fucked. Their only advantage is that their vehicles are perpendicular to the line of fire whereas the nazis parked their trucks facing them, so Hank and Gomey have better cover...but not THAT much better, holy shit are they ever fucked.

The way I see it, though, the flash forwards - the White House in total disrepair with Heisenberg spray painted on the wall, the way Carol looked at Walt - indicates that Walt is going to get caught somehow. If Hank, Jesse and Gomie all die here, he's super in the clear. Apart from Marie they're the only ones who know, and Marie doesn't have the hard evidence. So I figure one of them has to get out of here alive somehow. But which one? Everyone seems to be assuming that Gomie is dead for sure, but I think it might be him.

>> No. 38872

Huh, could be cool.
>> No. 38889
I couldnt even deal with tonights episode holy fucking shit
>> No. 38890
Hoooooly shiiiiiit, that EVERYTHING

I'm so preemptively annoyed that shitheads are going to use that last phone call as validation of their WALT IS AWESOME SKYLER IS THE WORST mindset
>> No. 38891
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Next episode is called "Granite State" (i.e. New Hampshire, where Walt's fake ID in the opening said he was from), so it's probably going to start off showing us Walt's new identity.
>> No. 38892
I know he crossed the point of no return a long time ago but... Especially after what happened, he can't go back. Ever. And the way he just...

He completely destroyed Jesse before sending him off to be tortured and murdered.

"I watched Jane die. I was there. I watched her overdose and choke on her own vomit. I could have saved her... But I didn't."

Like, fuck, that got me. especially Jesse's face afterward.

I don't know how anyone can defend Walt after this. What good may have once been in him is long gone.
>> No. 38893
File 137930966248.gif - (2.94MB , 256x195 , 2nauteg.gif )
I don't even
I can't
>> No. 38895
That was almost impossible to watch.
>> No. 38896
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>> No. 38897
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>> No. 38899
You sick fuck.
I laughed.
>> No. 38900
I don't know man. Bouncing titties are pretty great.
>> No. 38915
File 137946890425.jpg?spoiler - (24.13KB , 620x348 , gf5sfyd.jpg?spoiler )
There's just so much comedy shoops for this episode.
>> No. 38916
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MEANWHILEyoutube thumb
>> No. 38945
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>> No. 38946
File 137990284923.jpg - (96.49KB , 500x317 , 134305705047.jpg )
>Everything's coming up Todd

>> No. 38947
What was the song that was playing during that pseudo-preview before the credits?

Don't have anything to say about the episode, because WHAT'S THERE TO DISCUSS?
>> No. 38948
is this real or photoshop
>> No. 38950
Half of those I think aren't even photoshop, just taken out of context from earlier scenes.
>> No. 38951
All those callbacks
It actually is a vacuum store
"Flynn White"
Flynn refusing to be complicit in his father's crimes
That last scene

Up until that last scene, I thought I had a pretty good idea where the series was going. Now I have no fucking clue and I both dread and anticipate finding out.
>> No. 38953
File 137993992732.png - (212.35KB , 620x348 , Todd-breaking-bad-spider.png )
>Up until that last scene, I thought I had a pretty good idea where the series was going.
That last scene pretty much rode home to where it was going the entire time. They said they wanted to make "Mr Deeds goes Scarface" and that's exactly where we are heading. But holy shit, yeah. That last scene.
Also, Todd is the best villain of Breaking Bad (you know, apart from Heisenberg). It's incredible how he managed to surpass Gus Fring in cold, uncaring menace without ever coming off as grandiose evil mastermind. He just kills women and children without a second thought, because it seems like the most logical thing to do. That boy is scary as fuck.
>> No. 38954
Yeah, Todd if you met him you might even kinda like him or at least think he was harmless but if he wanted to he could shoot you and you'd not see it coming.
>> No. 38956
File 137995191337.jpg - (62.74KB , 1038x552 , here ill help you maam.jpg )
The worst part is that he's almost nice even when he does horrible shit.
When he gave Jesse fucking ice cream I almost died.

"Hey there, I got you some ice cream, sport. Get some rest, you got a big day tomorrow!"

>> No. 38957

The dude is an utter sociopath. If not an actual sociopath, he's definitely got some serious impairment in his moral and social centers. Like, when he said "sorry for your loss" after Hank died? Holy shit, that is the actions of a guy who really doesn't get why people say that, and just knows it's what people say when people they know lose somebody.
>> No. 38958
It's from one of the Dean Norris Funny or Die videos (the other one being the "Dean Norris spoils Breaking Bad" video upthread.) It pretty much has only one joke, but I did chuckle at it.

Gomie, I'm under a domie.

>> No. 38988
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I'm surprised it took me so long to find this thread, I guess I don't venture off my regular boards often enough. Anyway, who's ready for the finale episode? I'm filled with anticipation and dread. Some characters are going to die, that's a given, but at this point I'm wondering if anyone will survive at all.
>> No. 38989
I will stand by my statement like 4 threads ago that optimal ending is Flynn holding Holly standing next to Marie while everyone and thing else burns to the ground around them.
>> No. 38990
How is Marie surviving optimal? She needs to die too.
>> No. 38992
What's the worst she's done? Take money she honestly thought was gambling winnings and have kleptomania?
>> No. 38995
Just broke all the bads. I was looking forward to Walter being the one to tell Flynn about his drug problem and seeing Flynn explode, how he actually found out was underwhelming. Although, that confrontation between White, Skylar, and Flynn was fucking insane.

I don't have AMC, I got the half-season off of Amazon, so I'm seriously hoping they release the last episode as soon as it's done airing on TV.

Also, I wonder if Jessie realizes that almost everything bad that has happened this season is directly his fault. If he'd just gotten in the van, Hank and Gomie would be alive, Brock wouldn't be an orphan, his face wouldn't be cut to shreds, Walt would still have his "ideal", Huell wouldn't be waiting in a motel room, etc.

Yeah, Marie is super low on the "bad person" scale. I have no problem with her surviving.
>> No. 38996

Oh, I'm absolutely certain Jesse's aware of that. If there's anything Jesse's better at than cooking meth, it's self-recrimination.
>> No. 38999
"All the things that I did... You need to understand...
"I did it for me."

The best show.
And now it's over.
>> No. 39001
A fitting swan song, though it lacked the heart-thumping tension of some other episodes. I have to say, I'm happy that Jessie was able to make it out. I bet he goes on to adopt Brock and become a woodworker.

Do you guys think that Walt giving Jesse the gun was his way of atonement? The way I see it, either Jesse kills Walt, empowering him, or he refuses to do as Walt says, releasing any control Walt had over him. It will probably do better for Jesse in the long run to let Walt live a bit longer, especially since he did notice that Walt was already shot.

Indeed. But it needed to end, because otherwise we'd wind up with Breaking Bad: The New Class.
>> No. 39003
>Second spoiler
It definitely was. Especially when considering the "I want this." This is a broken Walter. This is a Walter that is just trying to make things right as much as he can when he knows he's fucked up so much. This is the most human that he has been in a very long time.
>> No. 39004
>A fitting swan song, though it lacked the heart-thumping tension of some other episodes.

It was much more subdued than the build up lead me to expect, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. We see what Gilligan meant by "actions have their consequences" for most of the cast, and though we only saw the final end for Walt it's not that hard to fill in the blanks for everyone else.

I especially liked how Todd's death was a direct result of his own obliviousness to how much everyone hates him.

One thing that confused me though, is how Walt was wounded in that manner: the bullet seemed to have penetrated all the way through, but then why didn't it hit Jesse if they were piled on top of each other? To a lesser extent, so does how Lydia could be so lucid but still past the point where she could possibly survive (I'm assuming Walt wouldn't tell her if treatment was possible). But I'm not a toxicologist, maybe ricin really works like that.
>> No. 39005
Baby Blue - Badfingeryoutube thumb

Man, that was great. You know, it's funny, but when Walt had those lasersights pointed at Gretchin and her husband, I couldn't help but think "Man, I bet they just had a couple of P.A.s stand out there with some laser pointers..." and then fucking Jesse's methhead friends hop in the car and I couldn't help but be amused.

I just want to say I'm really happy with how Todd died.

Fuck you, Todd, you piece of shit.

Fuck you.

I'm glad you're dead.

You were the worst.

Fuck you.

>> No. 39008
I didn't expect this amount of cathartis. Some of his future plans don't really seem that foolproof and he's not around to ensure that they succeed (which in some way might be a blessing), but he did cut off the loose ends that way. And I love that the only time he was truly at the top of the food chain was when he had nothing left to lose. It's the only time we've ever seen him be calm and collected, not driven by ego or fear.
I also wonder who called the cops in the end. It's a derelict airport, I doubt it was the neighbors. Was it Walt himself?
>> No. 39009

It had only been like a day, if she bolted to a hospital like she almost certainly did she had an okay chance of survival...but then she would have to answer the awkward question of where she got ricined. Either she dies or goes to jail, either way works for Walt.
>> No. 39010
I wouldn't be surprised if Lydia did. Realizing what happened, wanting to make sure Walt went down with her, she called the police with an anonymous "tip" after she got off the phone with Walter.
>> No. 39011
In addition, if it was Lydia that called the police, I bet she full out told them that she was poisoned by Walt and then just allowed herself to succumb to the poison. Even if she got to a hospital and survived, her entire operation was now completely destroyed, meaning that her Columbian "friends" would likely take her out to tie up loose ends. Better that she just die than risk them coming after her daughter as well.
>> No. 39012
Weren't her "friends" Czech?
>> No. 39014
Yeah, you're probably right; I couldn't remember the actual country so I just threw one in.
>> No. 39015
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>> No. 39016
Holy shit. I know people that had or attended Breaking Bad "parties"/viewings last night, too; I doubt those were isolated incidents, so that number is at least 25% smaller than the real number of viewers (including those who got a live stream from friends, commercials and all.) Even just that number is about 1/30 of the nation.

NPR said that AMC was able to charge $250,000 per commercial during the airing, in addition to a promise to advertise on other AMC shows. http://www.npr.org/2013/09/30/227698487/the-last-word-in-business That's approaching Superbowl-level commercial fees.
>> No. 39017
Good on them. Even beyond the cast and crew deserving those accolades, that should give AMC a lot of leverage when negotiating for increased ad revenue on high quality shows in the future.
>> No. 39028

>JESSE PLEMONS (Todd): I would have liked to ride off into the sunset with Lydia on a crystal blue unicorn.

Based Todd.
>> No. 39029
"Lydia, someone put a horn on your horse."
>> No. 39045
You know what the best part of Jesse strangling Todd was? The fact that right before it happened, you just KNOW he was going to gush at Walt about how cool that was.

Fucking psycho.

>> No. 39048
I thought he was going to say "Mr. White, someone put a gun in your trunk." Because he is that thick.
>> No. 39049
OH RIGHT I JUST REMEMBERED. So in the final episode, Walt took his watch off and put it on top of a pay phone after calling the secretary about Gretchen and her husband. Why? Was he laying a trail of breadcrumbs for the DEA?
>> No. 39051
Actually I recall Gilligan pointing out that specific shot was to clear up a continuity goof. Notice how Walt doesn't have his watch in the flash-forwards of "Live Free or Die" and "Blood Money"
>> No. 39056

This, but if you want to pretend you can always justify it as he no longer needed time since he knew he was going to be gone soon.
>> No. 39078
>guns & sex
>> No. 39213
Damn I miss the show
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