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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 138946497268.png - (22.98KB , 750x598 , kosh.png )
43701 No. 43701
I just got through Season 2 of Babylon 5.

Why doesn't our Kosh reference the bit out of the encounter suit? Or is it because of the tentacles he's pretending to be the fake one from season 2?
>> No. 43716
>implying /draw/ isn't just me sitting here pretend other people post still
>> No. 43757
I didn't understand anything said in this thread outside of Kosh.

/draw/ doesn't give much incentive to post since posting requests don't often yield any results. This seems more like a board where people post doodles of things they're working on.
>> No. 43758
It once was, ghost of Christmas past
>> No. 43774
And /draw/ cannot be revived why?
>> No. 43775
That can be said about Plus4Chan in a whole. /draw/ was one of the least posted in boards in the first place, and now that most people are either gone or lurking, I don't see it making a comeback.

We've tried.
>> No. 43776
Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who posts outside of the Grieve-tan and wakfu threads on the /coc/ board.

I come back to /draw/ sometimes to see if there's any new doodle dump threads.

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