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File 128659770387.jpg - (86.09KB , 252x505 , LUCTUS.jpg )
36448 No. 36448
So, I'm starting my search for co-op placement and one of the places I'm applying to wants work samples. So, among the usual magazine layouts and whatnot I've also decided to include a collage of some of my sketches (Illustration and sketching ability were among the skills listed in the job description) so that means I've scanned a bunch of stuff...
Expand all images
>> No. 36449
File 128659773310.jpg - (159.55KB , 357x543 , Aldo1.jpg )
>> No. 36450
File 128659776558.jpg - (160.66KB , 369x468 , aldo2.jpg )
Pose shamelessly stolen from Prof Rattigan.
>> No. 36451
File 128659780369.jpg - (173.28KB , 475x491 , dfsaf.jpg )
>> No. 36452
File 128659788621.jpg - (183.23KB , 442x445 , diabloroja.jpg )
This is the space boat Felix and Lucy lives on; El Diablo Rojo. I'm worried the design is too similar to the Thousand Sunny...
>> No. 36453
File 128659791976.jpg - (144.30KB , 312x546 , hiii.jpg )
>> No. 36454
File 128659793982.jpg - (156.11KB , 330x667 , lilu.jpg )
>> No. 36455
File 128659797437.jpg - (202.17KB , 456x484 , lufel.jpg )
>> No. 36456
File 128659799717.jpg - (164.71KB , 392x543 , tada.jpg )
>> No. 36473
File 128667508048.jpg - (162.41KB , 380x484 , kukuku.jpg )
Wooo! Just finished my first batch of co-op applications. I managed to apply to three places so far and there'll be more coming in the next few weeks.

Have some more sketches to celebrate!
>> No. 36474
File 128667510241.jpg - (239.21KB , 628x603 , flucy.jpg )
>> No. 36475
File 128667518629.jpg - (172.10KB , 374x576 , lllllcccy.jpg )
>> No. 36476
File 128667526958.jpg - (179.04KB , 460x495 , aldo.jpg )
>> No. 36477
File 128667572126.jpg - (300.93KB , 534x802 , feelu.jpg )
>> No. 36478
File 128667579887.jpg - (273.66KB , 569x563 , jackem.jpg )
>> No. 36479
File 128667581667.jpg - (200.50KB , 396x729 , wrench.jpg )
>> No. 36480
File 128667585982.jpg - (312.50KB , 569x838 , plucy.jpg )
>> No. 36481
File 128667588359.jpg - (182.28KB , 459x567 , pocy.jpg )
>> No. 36482
File 128667594813.jpg - (139.21KB , 292x556 , nin.jpg )
This one is an old character I used to draw called Nng-Nng (Pronounced not unlike a gnawing sound) or Nin for short.

I hadn't drawn her for over a year and was just sort of inclined to redesign her.
>> No. 36483
File 12866759803.jpg - (114.71KB , 792x576 , other lucy.jpg )
And finally: My half of an art trade for a friend.
>> No. 36484
This shit is fucking adorable.
>> No. 36503
The best part is how quickly he's been improving. His older stuff was stylish but kinda cringeworthy, so I just kinda gave him an A for effort. Now? His stuff is fucking adorable.
>> No. 36541
You're getting better, good to see!
>> No. 36579
...wait you draw this or the other guy?
>> No. 36580

Thanks everyone, I've been working real hard to improve! Glad to hear I'm getting somewhere


That one I drew. The other fellow's half of the trade can be found here: http://somesortofrobot.deviantart.com/art/No-not-THAT-Lucy-179980996
>> No. 36581
Hey, you're back! Can't wait to see more!
>> No. 36654
Kim Possible in Lara Croft's outfit?
>> No. 36660
With Lara croft in bed behind her, hair and sheets rumpled. Maybe with Shego trailing a finger seductively down Lara's tummy.
>> No. 37174
File 128874282942.jpg - (687.56KB , 1100x800 , worksample3.jpg )
Woo! Just got me two job interviews in the next week! My first one's on thursday so everyone wish me luck

Here is a piece I submitted as an art sample to one of the companies.
>> No. 37179
Good luck, dude!
What sorta place is it you're looking at?
>> No. 37213
Hey, EP, could you make a gif of Lucy? I want to see her animated, even if it's just a simple walking loop or something. Your style begs for it.
>> No. 37239

Thanks, most of the positions are in design firms or printing agencies. I actually just had an interview on Thursday (Had to miss classes for the day to get out to The City) but I don't think it went very well; I wasn't very prepared and they weren't thrilled by my design work (Though they did think my illustration was excellent, too bad they weren't looking for an illustrator) but I did get some good advice from the men who interviewed me and I'm using what they said to fix my portfolio for my next interview.

Next interview's on Tuesday and I'm a little nervous after futzing my first one. Thankfully this place seems to be looking for someone a bit more illustration oriented so it seems a little more geared towards my skillset


That's an awesome idea! I'm not sure when I'll get a chance but as soon as my scheduale frees up a bit I'm definitely gonna try that,
>> No. 37285
File 128934881617.jpg - (304.36KB , 1000x800 , desert.jpg )
So my second interview went a little better than my first. I'm not sure if I got the job or not, but they wanted to see more examples of my work so I'm going to have to do a lot of sketches of cars and products and stuff over the next few days to send off to them. Here's hoping

Have a picture I made a month ago and forgot about
>> No. 37296
Looks kinda like a combination of The Little Prince and Neverhood.
>> No. 37313
Remember that scene in the Neverending story where he's in the desert? There you go.
>> No. 37318
File 128943256328.jpg - (696.85KB , 1997x1496 , steem.jpg )
>> No. 37328
Oh look, it's the black girl from Atlantis.
>> No. 37330
I like the new coloring style. Can't wait to see more!
>> No. 37644
File 12912514032.jpg - (208.49KB , 546x590 , sketches.jpg )
Not dead yet. I'm back and I have some new sketches.

I've been copying poses and expressions from other drawings a lot lately as exercises, but I forgot to label which ones were which, so if you're a person who draws things and you see something of mine that looks like something of yours I am not trying to steal from you, I just have a horrible memory...
>> No. 37645
File 129125141810.jpg - (217.15KB , 518x659 , sketches2.jpg )
>> No. 37646
File 12912514739.jpg - (225.24KB , 576x554 , MO.jpg )
And I think I've finally come up with a design I like for Mo. I saw some pictures of Nox in the last Wakfu thread on /co/ and the way his head was designed inspired me to do something similar with Mo.
>> No. 37649
'Ello gov'nor!
>> No. 37876
Got some more sketches I'm gonna try to scan and upload later today.

Sexy pictures coming soon
>> No. 37877
I forget, what role is this guy gonna play in your story?
>> No. 37878
File 129227129384.jpg - (213.88KB , 720x576 , sxe2.jpg )
And here is sexy sketches part 1
>> No. 37879
File 129227132153.jpg - (294.00KB , 600x802 , sxe1.jpg )
And part 2 (For the ladies)
>> No. 37880

Alternates between an antagonist and an ally. Sort of a general rival figure.
>> No. 37885
File 129228713815.jpg - (98.31KB , 720x576 , boardwalk2c.jpg )

Decided to colourize one of these instead of doing real work...
>> No. 37890
Nice. I know it's obvious, but I like how you do smut.
You got a look that's not like anyone else.
Kinda like noodley 30's cartoon characters combined with 90's animation aesthetic.
>> No. 37960

Hey thanks. I try to do what I can

I figure the whole style thing I have going now is mostly a result of my own backlash against that weird noodley phase I went through...
>> No. 37962

Sorry, that was me, I forgot to turn my name back on on this comp...
>> No. 38201
File 129429290278.jpg - (296.79KB , 800x1000 , Lucyturnarounds.jpg )
Working on turn-arounds for a set of character sheets

Felix is next
>> No. 38232
File 12946145179.jpg - (293.96KB , 576x846 , SMUTTT.jpg )
Guess who's got smut

Me, I do
>> No. 38233
File 129461456323.jpg - (198.92KB , 576x498 , SMUTT.jpg )
I would like to deidcate these two fat chicks to TommyB
>> No. 38238

No one's ever dediated anything to me before.

>> No. 38239
Nice. Wouldn't mind seeing more of the girl with glasses.
>> No. 38275
File 129505374689.jpg - (618.13KB , 939x993 , claw'screw.jpg )

I present to you a group that seeks to antagonize our friends Felix and Lucy: The crew of the sinister Captain Claw...Well, they're less sinister and more jsut kind of jerks. Going counterclockwise starting with the big bearded fucker:

Grgd (Pronounced not unlike a gutteral growl): The chief engineer on Claw's flagship. He's a grouchy and gruff old codger with a hidden soft side. Being of the alien species known as Mamazons he has fantastic strength and size far surpassing that of a human

Tortuga: Claw's most trusted warrior. He joined the crew after being freed from the spice mines of planet Argot (And when I say spice mines I'm talking about things like Paprika and Cumine because the universe these bozos live in is retarded) when Claw's crew raided his mining camp. He decided he had one of them life debts to repay to Claw and has loyally served him ever since. Despite the life debt he's not above taking digs at his captain and always has a sarcastic quip ready when Claw fucks up. He's super badass and fights with a knife made from the tooth of a space shark. His hobby is sewing doll's clothing

Shmoadly: Claw's accountant and general sycophant. He comes from a species of frog like humanoids. He's in charge of managing the finances of Claw's armada and is always concerned with profits and figures. However he knows who's in charge and will always comply with Claw's wishes no matter how ridiulous. Despite his small stature he's an excellent fighter thanks to the inherent abilities of his froggy species: He can jump many times his own height and move at crazy fast speeds.

Nng Nng (Pronounced not unlike the sound one makes when gnawing on a bone) aka "Nin": Grgd's peppy and silly teenage daughter. She might be a little ditzy but she's always in the best of spirits. Due to her mother dying when she was just young Nin has accompanied her father on Claw's crew since she was little. She helps him out in the engine room and does odd jobs around the ship. She's sort of a general morality pet for Claw and his crew as they're all very protective of her. However it's not like Nin needs much protecting: Despite her petite frame she's even stronger than her father and can rip apart a bulldozer with her bare hands. She loves fashion, dancing meat.

Captain Claw: The leader of this group; one of the most feared space pirates in the galaxy he commands an armada of space ships and has almost a thousand men under his command. Despite this he considers himself a man of intelligence and class and loves classical literature (particularly from his homeworld of Earth), fine dining and music (He is quite skilled at the piano...Though only at pieces that don't require him to use his right hand very much). Unfortunately Claw thinks a bit too highly of himself as he's quite vain and pompous and tends to belittle those around him for what he considers their inferior intelligence. He's also a bit of a germaphobe and hates to be touched. Despite his neurosis' he's a powerful combatant thanks to his already prodidgious strength and the various mechanical pieces integrated into his captain's outfit. For some strange reason he's taken quite an interest in Felix and Lucy and will stop at nothing to fulfill his nefarious plans involving them.
>> No. 38276
Neat lookin' bunch. I like 'em.
Just two kinda trivial things that stick out to me.
Grgd looks tough, but I don't get a villainous feel from him.
Shmoadly looks like the first evil ex from Scott Pilgrim as a midget.
>> No. 38277
>>Grgd looks tough, but I don't get a villainous feel from him.

Hmm, you've got a point. He's mostly only villainous because of who he works for, to be honest. I'll have to work on this...

>>Shmoadly looks like the first evil ex from Scott Pilgrim as a midget.

I noticed that too, which is really weird because I came up with him years before I read Scott Pilgrim and his design has remained pretty much the exact same since them.
>> No. 38916
File 129999958239.jpg - (60.18KB , 648x360 , bigbutt2.jpg )
>> No. 38920
Lucy Mk.III?
>> No. 38968

Closer to Mk XII at this point I think...
>> No. 38983
File 130050446575.jpg - (158.21KB , 1368x462 , bigbutt5.jpg )
Lucy goes coconuts remix
>> No. 38984
Also, I like this look for Lucy and Felix.
>> No. 38994
Bit of advice, and this might just be personal preference, but I'd make Lucy's freckles either smaller, or hollow. They're just to large and/or dark too look natural right now.
>> No. 39001
Naw, make them grayer. They're too large, but hollow might be weird?.. Experiment!
>> No. 39250
File 130343862056.jpg - (132.23KB , 612x792 , page2bb.jpg )
Okay peeps, I'm working on a comic and I need your expert advice:

Which of these two layouts looks better?
>> No. 39251
File 130343863640.jpg - (119.33KB , 612x792 , page2bc.jpg )
Or this one?
>> No. 39252
Truth be told, either one is kinda hard to read, I kept going from the small panel to the larger panel on the right before I ever went to the one in the lower corner, making me read the whole bit wrong.
>> No. 39253
File 130345464363.png - (340.60KB , 612x792 , HOW_TO_TypoGRAPHICATE.png )
Something closer to this. Remember, words go into the least busiest space you can manage, while still keeping it readable, and keeping the flow of the eye. The eye needs to follow what is going on and the word bubbles.
>> No. 39258
File 130354738281.jpg - (161.82KB , 576x720 , temple1a.jpg )
A finished page
>> No. 39294
File 130423209241.jpg - (305.01KB , 576x721 , page2.jpg )

And another
>> No. 39311
These are pretty good, but I think the four panel template you're using is too constricting. Lucy especially feels kinda smooshed in those tiny panels.
Maybe try a page in a different format/style?
>> No. 39327
File 130439036661.jpg - (164.69KB , 576x720 , page3b.jpg )

And another! I'm on a roll!
>> No. 39352
File 130464524842.jpg - (292.62KB , 576x720 , page5b.jpg )
And now a plus4chan exclusive sneak peak at page 5 (I skipped four)

I have also printed up about a hundred copies of these and will be passing them out at TCAF. So if any of you knuckleheads are gonna be there this saturday and want a silly mini comic try to find me
>> No. 39354

>> No. 39358
The expressions here are marvelous.
>> No. 39369
I get a very 90's cartoon feel from this. Which I would like to stress is not a bad thing.
>> No. 39579
File 13072468461.jpg - (670.72KB , 1872x720 , lucyaging2.jpg )
So because that age reference I did for Lucy like, a year ago, is my single most popular piece (Goddamn age progression fetishists...) I've decided to redo it so it doesn't suck balls like whoah

Here's the rough sketches. Looks like I'll have to do the inking in Illustrator with the pen tool because my tablet is being an asshole
>> No. 39588
Read this. Maybe it'll help.
>> No. 39704
File 130845969357.jpg - (314.70KB , 1300x476 , lucyage.jpg )
Tablet's finally fixed and I have a new thing to show
>> No. 39708
Did Lucy start playing rugby when she turned 16 or something?
>> No. 39814
File 131034049588.jpg - (262.83KB , 400x1600 , tokemon2.jpg )

Nah, she was more into track. The rugby sweater was actually based on one of the options my old high school used to have for uniforms.

Also: Pokemon getting high
>> No. 39848
File 131061168268.jpg - (69.84KB , 432x529 , LucynFelix.jpg )
Boop, it's a thing
>> No. 39855
Hair doesn't grow that fast. No basics, loomis, etc.
>> No. 39903
File 131129977583.jpg - (348.95KB , 504x939 , onfiresm.jpg )
>> No. 39904
File 131130035965.jpg - (352.13KB , 504x939 , onfiresmfix.jpg )

Have a better version
>> No. 40048
File 131260527494.jpg - (2.01MB , 850x3200 , oitspagerough24.jpg )
thing I'm working on
>> No. 40050
This one I like.
You got a good buildup with more claustrophobic panels, then a good pay-off hinting at a larger world.
>> No. 40066
File 13128562185.jpg - (440.13KB , 425x1600 , deadplants.jpg )

Hey, thanks man. This is the first comic I've worked on where I really feel I've been using the panels to my advantage

Also I finished it.
>> No. 40137
File 131397440274.png - (349.47KB , 1276x876 , Screen Shot 2011-08-21 at 8_52_52 PM.png )
Work in progress
>> No. 40145
File 131406459526.jpg - (340.40KB , 612x792 , coversmall.jpg )
Cover of a mini comic I'm doing for Fan Expo
>> No. 40152
So why do you change the female character so much? I actually liked her a bit less chunky.
>> No. 40489
File 131640026594.jpg - (918.30KB , 650x3671 , klefnizzywebsmall.jpg )

You know, I don't really have an answer to that. I guess I just had a lot of trouble finding a design for her I really liked. She looks a little pudgier in that picture than she actually is

Also comic
>> No. 40500
Shmodely's a woman now?
>> No. 40659
File 131749440273.jpg - (175.84KB , 1000x479 , THEFIST.jpg )

Nah, Izzy is independent of Shmoadly. I've actually been playing with the idea of making Shmoadly a bird

Also digital painting
>> No. 40704
File 131855864282.jpg - (1.48MB , 850x3437 , kleffnizzy2.jpg )

Ha, page two. And it only took me 3 weeks...:|
>> No. 40705
Your backgrounds have gotten so much better; they really mesh well with your figures now.
So do you ink digitally or traditionally?
Also, if you don't mind me asking, why did this take three weeks?
>> No. 40732

Hey thanks, I've been working on trying to integrate the two. Right now I'm doing everything digitally, I just find it's a much more streamlined process that way

As for why this took me so long...Well...I really wish I had an answer for you. I think I might be having motivation issues. The good news is page three took me considerably less time (Should be finished tomorrow night)
>> No. 40733
File 131950024986.jpg - (1.01MB , 612x3028 , klefnizzy3.jpg )
Boom! Part 3!
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