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File 132176786390.jpg - (470.77KB , 800x500 , the_lover_behind_mask_yaoi_by_a1040280-d4go99w.jpg )
81056 No. 81056
>>58210 Last one finally autosaged.

This artist, all my hnnnnggggs
270 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 87935
IKR?! Makes you wonder what that self-righteous anon was doing here in the first place...
>> No. 87938
Uh, anybody with more Bruce/Clark hurt/comfort recs?
>> No. 87947
File 134223706272.jpg - (113.19KB , 900x743 , Bruce x Clark.jpg )
I really love this pair *-*
>> No. 87951
oh yes we need more like this <3
who's the artist?
>> No. 87952
I think Cycnus39 on LJ had some. A series with the fic Etude. Was really good.
>> No. 87956
Not really hurt, but lots of fluffy comfort:

>> No. 87969
Woah, no kidding on the hurt. Thanks for the rec. Bruce was really put through the wringer! And the angst! Mmm...
>> No. 87986
Hope Youtube embed works:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pBkAi-giu-g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

If not: Super Golden Friendsyoutube thumb

"What happens when four superfriends retire and move to Miami to share a ranch style home?" Superman, Batman, Aquaman and Robin!
>> No. 88117
File 134293439165.jpg - (101.82KB , 600x740 , 26391037_p0.jpg )
Sorry to mention the Jiro drama again, but why did s/he take down even all her art relating to Batman and Superman from pixiv? Those things were intended to be shared on the net anyway. I read in the thoughts on pixiv that she may put them back up on a blog? But I don't fully understand it...

Also to those wondering where us gaijin can buy doujinshi, it's rather troublesome, you may have a chance here:
Doujins are sold it limited quantities and mandarake only usually gets used items.
Mandarake is the cheapest, but you could also get a middleman shopping service to forward to you new doujins from a japanese doujin shop such as:
But they usually sell out pretty quick and hardly get reprints, so it's more hard and more expensive to get doujinshi if we are overseas from japan. So final option mostly is even more overpriced ebay or small shady english sites.
For these reasons I only have a few doujins myself, mostly large anthologies that I really wanted, but I hope to be able to find any westaboo doujins on mandarake, they are always more unique than other general yaoi/hentai and I'd love to own them.
>> No. 88118
I wish I knew the answer to that myself. I just recently discovered Jiro's work. There was also a crapload of troll drama over at the /2d board on baraspot when anons posted Jiro's DC art in a thread: http://www.baraspot.org/chan/2d/res/68091.html

I think Jiro took down the DC art due to the situation being blown *way* out of proportion. She probably thinks DC is after her just because the doujin was posted online, which I *very* much doubt. They have far bigger fish to fry that a lone doujin artist who made a financial *loss* producing said doujin.
>> No. 88274
I think she's more concerned about her being in trouble for underage readers since there was an issue like that recently in the Japan Doujin scene.They've been cracking down really hard on ID checks at comiket and other events.I'm guessing she loves what she does but is afraid of being prosecuted.

I wouldn't blame her. The sentence for that one doujinshi artist because a minor got a hold of their stuff was brutal... I'd be scared too.
>> No. 88327
To the anon asking for h/c recs, give the following stories a try:

>> No. 88328

If you want more of what that came from post a request here.
>> No. 88366
Anyone noticed how much more Superman h/c there is compared to Batman h/c?
>> No. 88391
Ugh, why is 99% of the batman/supes fics crap
>> No. 88392
mithen's one of the most prolific writers for bruce/clark. i think her fics are better than most in the fandom. if hers are crap, then what's your idea of good? :p
>> No. 88404
File 134357034093.jpg - (535.86KB , 1024x1560 , wf-030.jpg )
Check out this page from The World's Finest GN. Clark's comment in the middle panel is priceless. *g*
>> No. 88406
I didn't like that Batman said he and Superman were 'hardly friends' in that book, when on the other hand, Superman was concerned about his safety. It was strange considering they greeted each other in a friendly "wink wink nudge nudge" way in their "normal" persona.
>> No. 88407
File 134357718444.jpg - (522.42KB , 1024x1560 , wf-105.jpg )

If you think that moment was bad, Superman was quite an a-hole to give Batman what he did for Xmas. The Zorro movie Bruce watched the night his parents died!! I rationalized to myself that maybe Clark didn't know. At least he actually got Batman a gift?
>> No. 88408
File 134357751392.jpg - (457.98KB , 1024x1560 , wf-106.jpg )
Their relationship in this story is so weird. They're buddies who know each other's secret identity yet are so awkward and keep each other at a distance. Like here, even after the gift, Bruce invites Clark to the manor for Christmas and Clark instantly puts his foot in his mouth...
>> No. 88409
File 134357776289.jpg - (517.80KB , 1024x1560 , wf-110.jpg )
But this page redeemed that somewhat. Clark's spending Xmas with his Metropolis friends, all right...but he's sullen and standing away from everyone and staring out the window.

I tell myself it's because the person he really wants to be with isn't there.
>> No. 88411
wow that was a dick move, superman. i wanna think it was accidental but superman is smirking as batman glares at the dvd. or is that just a badly drawn innocent smile?
>> No. 88415
File 134367085987.jpg - (49.66KB , 207x1024 , 1318406-lol__super.jpg )
It...it has mpreg in it and yet...it's so CUTE.
>> No. 88419
File 13436887932.png - (603.86KB , 1024x898 , supermanbatmanorclarkbruce_by_manofbatz-d5906kf.png )
>> No. 88423
So...is there any DC canonical way for Batman to actually get pregnant with Superman's baby? :P

Aww! I needed that. Thanks.
>> No. 88425
File 134373232676.jpg - (81.93KB , 403x525 , supermanbatman062211.jpg )
Speaking of mpreg, brace yourself! And your eyes!
>> No. 88427
File 134373301149.png - (256.70KB , 900x1272 , superbats_lolidk_by_manofbatz-d599qcf.png )
I'll be over here pretending mpreg doesn't exist NOPE.
>> No. 88428
good god almighty. chibi mpreg, i could still handle. but this?

you'd think bruce would make the effort to wear a batsuit that fits! how did he get into the suit? the teeny black underwear?? are they posing in the watchtower??? how does kryptonian and human dna merge into a baby???

i am thinking this too much.
>> No. 88429
File 134374563494.jpg - (106.62KB , 500x577 , tumblr_lz08qiOQ7J1r44iufo1_500.jpg )
Something cute to cleanse our brains, yes?
Look at Clark's expression! He is practically on cloud nine just giving Bruce a hug.
>> No. 88436
>how does kryptonian and human dna merge into a baby???

You'd have to ask Lex Luthor.
>> No. 88437
File 134378948467.jpg - (154.67KB , 800x554 , 25248588.jpg )
Test tube science. If Clark and Lois can't make a baby then Clark and Bruce sure as hell can't.
>> No. 88439
According to All-Star Superman, it's possible for a Kryptonian and a human to have a baby. Fortress of Solitude tech or something. If I remember right, Clark succeeded in doing it.
>> No. 88441
File 134379169785.jpg - (870.77KB , 2599x2000 , pic019-20.jpg )
>> No. 88447

Huh. Canon evidence that a baby is possible between a kryptonian and a human being. How is it that there isn't fanfic of such a thing happening between Bruce and Clark? And I mean in a sci-fi sense, not Batman growing a giant belly bump and birthing via the ass.
>> No. 88448
File 134383392485.png - (131.20KB , 500x438 , tumblr_l3hf62FQZv1qzl89so1_500.png )
>> No. 88470
File 134387916988.png - (500.42KB , 450x3500 , superbat_wedding_dress_by_yellowsprout-d59emy8.png )
Superman in a dress = hilarious yet adorable
>> No. 88759
-pokes head in and brushes the dust off- Helllooo~? Anyone home?

Well I guess I'll just leave this here for now then!


I just wrote that last night. Hope everyone likes it. Just the start of things!

Also I found some more h/c fic recs that I highly recommend!

http://archiveofourown.org/works/192990 Here's one! Called "Snowed In" by FictionalKnight


And here's another one called "When it Rains" by RileyC, lotsa flluff here! XD
>> No. 91264
Dying for someone to translate please!! ⊙︿⊙ And also where did everyone go? >.>
>> No. 91265
Dying for someone to translate please!! ⊙︿⊙ And also where did everyone go? >.>
>> No. 91266
Dying for someone to translate please!! ⊙︿⊙ And also where did everyone go? >.>
>> No. 91267
Dying for someone to translate please!! ⊙︿⊙ And also where did everyone go? >.>

p.s sorry forgot how this works ^^ apology for the repeats
>> No. 92769
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