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File 137228370776.gif - (971.98KB , 245x184 , tumblr_mouyccnP3T1qa70eyo5_250.gif )
176928 No. 176928
So Steam Train is a huge ball of shit but Grumps is still pretty good.

TBFP as usual is the best.
255 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 181124
>barely know anything about the parts past the first three
>think Hermes is a villain
>didn't realize characters are unlocked in story mode and campaign mode is mostly for optional things
>assume it's a pay-to-play game even though you really don't have to and apparently the problem's mostly been patched out anyway
>mostly fumbling around for a big chunk of the video

I don't have it so I can't judge it for myself but even I can tell they got so much stuff plain wrong about the game and the series. Sounded more like an episode of Game Grumps RE: Sonic Episode 134 still learning how to to jump than their usual stuff. I hope they realize all the mistakes they made and address them since a lot of people don't actually know what the Jojo series is like and this might turn them off of it.
>> No. 181125
Yeah the annotation said they fucked up, didn't do their research, will be doing an apology on the cast tomorrow, and putting up a new video later.
>> No. 181134
I think I understand why Pat and Woolie don't like doing videos together now. They really can't play off each other that well.
>> No. 181139
>think Hermes is a villain

To be fair, if you don't know part six, this is a very easy mistake to make from the promotional videos.
>> No. 181143
Pat and Woolie's Bizarre Apolo…youtube thumb
Apology accepted.
>> No. 181164
Holy fuck that was awful and retarded, goddamn even with the apology that gave me a fucking headache.

They should have left it at "Great Jojo game, okay fighting game because HOLY SHIT do they look fucking dumb.
>> No. 181168
When the line is "this video is garbage and we're going to do another one" you really shouldn't bother watching the video.
>> No. 181218
Isn't that apology enough for you?

But anyways, The Shittening... It's happening...!
Outlast - Shitstorm 2: The Shitteningyoutube thumb
>> No. 181219
File 138068216310.jpg - (417.58KB , 849x565 , little-girl-embarrassed.jpg )
I, for one, appreciate the facecam, because when it felt like something scary was going to happen I could just focus on Pat's face and watch out for whatever was coming up in my peripheral vision.
>> No. 181228
I dislike facecam immensely. I still like a bit of immersion, even when watching LPs. Or rather, I really like to enjoy a game's aesthetic and atmosphere. Having a face just plastered on top of the game takes all of that out of it.
>> No. 181229
>Jeff says he doesn't care for the GTA Online stuff
>makes a big live show for it
You just know he wanted an excuse to play some Windjammers. To his credit, it looked incredibly fun to play. Also, holy crap Vinny is surprisingly good at that game.
>> No. 181254
Kuon - Shitstorm 2: The Shitteningyoutube thumb
>"You need to take care of J Jonah Jameson!"
>> No. 181274
Too many vidya game videos today, but life leaves no time to watch them all, so just this one for now:

Super Best Friends Play Indigo…youtube thumb
This LP has been a therapeutic experience for me, like I've had this tumor of anger festering in me for years, and it's finally been cut out. Thank you best friends, truly you have died for our salvation.
>> No. 181279
Funny, I have the pal spaniard PC version of Indigo Prophecy (got in on a computer hardware store), but never got around to play it.
And now that I finished with that LP, I don't know what to do with it...
>> No. 181280
Make a video of yourself burning it and tweet it at Quantic Dream/David Cage.

I am completely serious.
>> No. 181286
Very temping Rodyle, I always wanted to do a LP, and was thinking to begin with either Shogo Mobile Armor Division (a 90's animesque fps) or Duke Nukem Forever.
>> No. 181288
Pat's Final Ripple?
>> No. 181290
Oh I wasn't talking about an LP. I meant literally take Indigo Prophecy and set it on fire.
>> No. 181294
Well, I can do both.
I was originally planning on giving it away on a raffle or something similar.
>> No. 181302
God I hope TBFP do Beyond Two Souls as their next game.
>> No. 181305
Knowing them, most probably after Shitstorm 2.
Betting around the second half of november/december.
>> No. 181306
they gotta space it out a bit before diving back into the land of Magic Hobo Networks and Mystic AI's.
>> No. 181314
I don't! I hope that neither the Best Friends nor anyone else subjects themselves to David Cage ever again.

And of course if they do that means I'M going to end up seeing more David Cage.
>> No. 181315
oh god of course they did that fucking titan unity game

Best Friends Titan Challenge!youtube thumb
>> No. 181329
File 138100019968.jpg - (128.30KB , 1280x720 , TN10jiO[1].jpg )
So this is an image from Beyond: Two Souls.


Also Unprofessional Fridays was great, Vinny played Second Life.
>> No. 181331
I honestly have trouble accepting that's real.
>> No. 181334
>> No. 181335
I'm hoping we get some more Danny and Ross Steam Train eventually.
>> No. 181336
watching a bit of Jessie Cox play the Two Souls Demo oh yea it looks to be high frustration
>> No. 181354
We're running through the surplus of Arin and Ross from when Danny was on a trip, there is a ton more Danny in the wings.
>> No. 181358
Giantbomb Unprofessional Frida…youtube thumb
Giantbomb Unprofessional Frida…youtube thumb
You guys really are missing out if you don't pay that 5 dollars a month to Giant Bomb.
>> No. 181381
Curse The Eye of Isis - Shitst…youtube thumb

How many times have the best friends had the best/worst Sailor Scouts discussion? And gotten the who is off brand of Venus/Moon wrong?

Also why does it seem like Pat thinks tank controllers are in any way a good thing?

This is truly a confusing shitstorm.
>> No. 181391
File 13811429391.png?nsfw - (851.70KB , 1024x698 , 1381100938001.png?nsfw )

(No nudity, but marked nsfw anyway for coming close. And for being weird.)
>> No. 181563
Gas Guzzlers Extreme: Giant Bomb Quick Lookyoutube thumb
>How would you describe the Simpsons to the kids of today...
>It's like that Spongebob Squarepants show, except for people who can't let go.
Vinny da best.
>> No. 181573
Digimon Rumble Arena (PSX) - Continue?youtube thumb
>> No. 181583
I remember Matt actually posted this on the TBFP Facebook. He was clearly amused. Said something like "Obviously, I'm the hottest one!"
>> No. 181609
Goddamn, that latest Breaking Brad. There is no bottom to the unfathomable depths that is Brad Shoemaker. It's always the nice and polite ones.
>> No. 181636
I wasn't going to watch originally because my interest in Vulgarr was limited (the parallels to Dark Souls have raised that though), but I was curious as to what you meant by this. For awhile, it all seemed pretty standard...

and then it became VERY OBVIOUS what you meant.
>> No. 181650
Speaking of which...

Fan Friday! - Volgarr the Vikingyoutube thumb
>> No. 181665
>new Scoops and the Wolf
>Patrick: Oh boy FF6 on iOS
Oh god here comes with FF6 worsh-
>Patrick: I only ever got to the "final world in the sky where you split into teams."
>> No. 181690
X-Files Resist or Serve - Shit…youtube thumb

"Rising from the dead and then they are taking cheap shots from behind, that's just bullshit." Greatest Fox Mulder line ever.
>> No. 181697
File 138171805827.jpg - (54.47KB , 470x269 , jason_7.jpg )
Aww yeah TBFP, I love you and how little you know about everything.
>> No. 181700
> how little you know about everything.
you mean "how they know a little about everything" because otherwise I don't know why you'd love them for what you said
>> No. 181707
File 138175489328.jpg - (22.68KB , 400x320 , JasonVoorhessF13Part7.jpg )
It's a little of both really, for instance Pat said the only one he watched was 9, That's like saying the only the only Star Wars movie you ever watched was Phantom Menace, literally the worst.

But they managed to skirt it by almost completely avoiding the movies, which is semi-miraculous if you think about it.
>> No. 181713
Been awesome if they talked about Friday The 13th The Series since that had fuck all to do with the movies but they could lead into Tales from the Crypt talk.
>> No. 181715
I was always waiting for the ep where they head down to Crystal Lake for a demonic item, but it never happened. I think 'Friday The 13th The Series' would have made for a ok game.
>> No. 181721
Afterfall Insanity - Shitstorm…youtube thumb

Holy fucking shit. I think the last time I saw a game this bizarrely interesting was the very first time I saw Deadly Premonition.
>> No. 181728
>LPer's doing the new Stanley Parable demo

Welcome to the show
>> No. 181745
>Parrying is pretty hard. I would probably practice it with the skeletons.
Oh Rorie, you and your amusingly ignorant half-truths.
>> No. 181823
Jurassic Heart - Dino Datingyoutube thumb
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