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File 139604409215.jpg - (866.48KB , 2481x3508 , axel_rosered_s_gwen_300_by_fan2000-d65p97d.jpg )
9938 No. 9938
Here we go again.
330 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 10665


>> No. 10666
This is almost the Keiji fiasco verbatim
>> No. 10667
Don't know if you're aware of this or not, but you're the biggest faggot on the planet right now.

Also Fappo, not the guy who's reporting the "illegal imagery" or whatever, but I do report pay-for content. I contribute OC to these threads sometimes and I can't stand when people just post these image packs, people work hard on this shit, even if you don't fucking like it. Why would you share an axel image pack if you hate him so much? I don't get it. I just don't get it.
>> No. 10668
File 139961013572.jpg - (22.41KB , 400x277 , 1621951_428121463998376_6247970234059102280_n.jpg )
Money, get away
Get a good job with more pay and you're okay
Money, it's a gas
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash
New car, caviar, four star daydream
Think I'll buy me a football team

Money, get back
I'm all right Jack keep your hands off of my stack
Money, it's a hit
Don't give me that do goody good bullshit
I'm in the high-fidelity first class traveling set
And I think I need a Lear jet

Money, it's a crime
Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie
Money, so they say
Is the root of all evil today
But if you ask for a raise it's no surprise
That they're giving none away
Away, away, way
Away, away, away
>> No. 10669
File 13996154893.png - (492.67KB , 1350x1500 , big_sin_by_ray_norr-d7h1m0u.png )
I don't think I'm ruining anyone's livelihood by posting this, since it was on his DA for free and all.
>> No. 10670
Holy shit, some people here are ungrateful fucks. I hope you guys are happy when your "real job" boss decides to not pay you for all the work you did because he thinks you should be working for him for free and simply appreciate that you can put the job on your resume.

And no, I don't have a pay site nor do I charge enough for commissions to be able to make a living from it. Yes, I have sought out pics from paysites without buying a membership. I'm not proud of it and I would have no ground on which to defend myself if the artist called me a piece of shit. I completely understand why those who draw for a living are protective of their work. If you have so little respect for artists as to call it not a real job, you are either just a price or are secretly ashamed of your toon fetish.
>> No. 10671

I'm literally jewish and even I think you're an asshole.
>> No. 10673
You must really be emotional because boy was this reply stupid.
>> No. 10676
I hate people like you.

I don't mind artists making some cash off their art (whether it be commissions or whatever), but when you're making it your only source of income, there's something wrong here.

One person said it quite good:

"I've been on the internet long enough to be able to draw parallels between niche fetish art and video game piracy. "

>studio jews out and completely polarizes the fan base
>makes getting the content the legitimate way a pain in the ass
>pirating it works flawlessly, however
>studio gets upset over the loss of potential customers
>the word "entitled" starts to get thrown around a lot

"Yeah, he's legally entitled to do whatever the hell he wants to with his stuff but honestly trusting the internet with your lively hood on an honor system is a retarded idea."
>> No. 10678
As opposed to figuratively?
>> No. 10679
>artists are not allowed to make art their only source of income
>> No. 10680
Whether you want to accept it or not, the way I see BannaGalactic.com is Jed basically giving most of his DA fanbase the middle finger and jew-ing out on them, knowing that they simply wouldn't have the time to pay monthly fees through his cringe-inducing payment methods.
>> No. 10681

If $6.50 a month is considered "jewing-out", I don't want to know what kind of rat-shit heap you're living in. What the hell has welfare done to this country? Average fap-site membership is $22 bucks these days, and no one is crying about them LOL! Whaaa artists want to make money from art WHAAA! Man-babies. It's time to stop sucking on mommy, move out, get responsible, and PAY for what you want to see. Earn it.
>> No. 10682
>but when you're making it your only source of income, there's something wrong here.

Why? Because it doesn't fit into your idea of a job consisting of slaving away doing something you hate and being bored from 9-5? I will admit that it is a risky venture, but there is nothing "wrong" with it. Do you think people who animate for television should also be working at WalMart night shifts so that animation isn't their only source of income?
>> No. 10684
File 139967319533.gif - (343.24KB , 500x279 , giphy.gif )

Ah yes the ye olde classical:


Lovely how you advo-Nazi-cate that we should all earn a living by contributing to a society that is rapidly turning to shit no matter how fucking oblivious you guys are towards it.

Go swivel on it.
>> No. 10686
They can, it's just unless you're good enough to command a high enough price to live off of and have the clientele to pay such a price, it's just not feasible.

Fap art can only go so far.
>> No. 10687
>Average fap-site membership is $22 bucks these days, and no one is crying about them LOL!

>comparing real life women with photos as well as videos to drawn fap material

This is just silly.
>> No. 10688
I can barely tell what point you are trying to convey. I would respond, but I think I am entirely missing what point you are trying to make. If you are saying that art isn't a real job, I have to ask why you are looking at drawn porn if you have so little respect for those who make it?
>> No. 10690

I'm trying to convey that some artist shouldn't just desert their fanbase just for that extra buck.

In case you haven't figured out, there aren't a lot of people who even have the means to go on paysites at all, yet YOU think it's the easiest thing in the world to do.

Guess what? It ISN'T.

Just as these artists are trying to make a living off their livelihood, most of their fans can't even buy much other than the food or clothes on them, and trying to find a good credit card is easier said than done as well.

And many other circumstances excluding the horseshit assumption here at >>10681. Seriously, fuck the person who wrote that. Fuck him.
>> No. 10691
>woe is artist
>woe is fapper

Look, if you've got your own place, computer, and internet connection, you're not doing THAT badly.
>> No. 10695
"Why would you share an axel image pack if you hate him so much?"

Uh, because I hate him so much?. It's not that hard to understand. Hating someone doesn't mean I'll refrain myself from posting links to paid art packs. What kind of logic is that?
>> No. 10697
I guess I see where you're coming from now. But if they feel the need to make money off their work and that money is what keeps them motivated to draw, then that is what helps them to make more works at all. Similarly, they don't really "owe" their fans much. Why would they owe anything to random people on the internet who do not pay them and at best say "Good pic" every once in a while?

Mothers and fathers are also capable of providing internet to underage posters and adult dependents, so some probably legitimately do not have the money to spend on subscriptions and such.
>> No. 10701
You do not need porn.

You can't fucking complain about not having enough money to buy food and other essential shit at the same time you complain about having to pay for porn. You are not entitled to free porn. You should be happy there's any artists out there that are generous enough to put free porn on the internet for you to look at. They don't have to do that.
>> No. 10702
To be fair the internet has kinda fucked up people's perception of things and led to an increase in feelings of entitlement. People on the internet tend to go into complete rage mode when they find out that someone has a rare bit of data that cannot be readily found for free online and that said data holder isn't willing to give it away for free.
>> No. 10703
>implying that bannagalactic has actual porn in it

Are you born ignorant or did you have to work hard on it?
>> No. 10705
Re: Bazoogle Gastroenteritis,


Here's an easy way to report his making money off Disney content. It won't save him even if he removes the Disney images from the site.
>> No. 10707

Oh yeah, go ahead and report, and watch Disney come after THIS site for his leaked Disney images that end up here. Good call! Maybe aim that gun a little further off the foot?
>> No. 10709
nice try Jedidiah
>> No. 10712

Joke's on you, chump. I don't even go to this site regularly. Plus, the watermarked images I have will pretty clearly show who's responsible for 'em.
>> No. 10713

You realize that we can just submit your watermarked images directly to Disney and avoid getting plus4chan involved, right? Besides, I'm sure they'd be far more interested in going after the guy who's taking subscriptions and making repeated transactions over their stolen intellectual property.

>> No. 10714
So because you people either don't want to or can't spend what amounts to a number 1 combo per month for a temp membership/per pack for images or a full tank of gas once per year for a full membership you want to destroy ALL artists ability to draw any charcter thats not an original creation including the ones that do it completly free? ( Not that you could, the grasp of parody, satire and first admendment laws is borderline childish) Hey autistic poors, it's bad enough you people are ruining the country, keep your grasping, unwashed, failure paws off fatty porn.
>> No. 10715
As I said:
To be fair the internet has kinda fucked up people's perception of things and led to an increase in feelings of entitlement. People on the internet tend to go into complete rage mode when they find out that someone has a rare bit of data that cannot be readily found for free online and that said data holder isn't willing to give it away for free.

It is really funny to watch these kids think that they are showing that dang, dirty internet artist who's the boss because he dared to charge anything for his work.
>> No. 10716

The problem people have with Soriano is that he closed regular commissions to go down this road. Regular commissions would have been fine, but he chose to take a "you'll pay for what we want to provide and you'll LIKE IT" approach.
>> No. 10717

Nice slippery slope fallacy, buddy! Really though, if that was going to happen en masse, it would have happened already years ago. Your argument holds no water.
>> No. 10718
Isn't that how most businesses work?
>> No. 10719
You don't even understand how the site works, but then again I wouldn't expect any dumb shit on this site to take the few seconds of research to figure anything out. The site is 100% user generated Jed has little to no say on what goes up on that site. Jed also works 9 hour days making art on that site there is no way he would have time for commissions. Here is another good point you poor fuck keep overlooking making anything cost money added a level of quality control thats why something awful is one of the best forums on the internet. I am happy to pay 6.50 cus it keeps the site from being clogged up with peoples shit tier OC's like everyone else who opens commissions, and it keeps me from having to here shit from you self entitled picks who would try to actively destroy someones livelihood just cus you can't get your free fatties.
>> No. 10720
Yo mods, can we IP match >>10628 versus >>10719 ?
>> No. 10721

>says Jed has little to no say on what goes up
>Jed wastes two days a week on some poorly written sci fi schlock no one cares about and expects people to pay for that shit
>some retards actually DO pay money for that shit

Fuckin' lol.
>> No. 10722
You guys are throwing a giant fucking shitstorm about porn that you don't like and don't want to pay for.

There is a fatty thread a little ways up from here on the first page. You could be sharing free shit and fapping right now. Instead, you're threatening to involve legal action.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?
>> No. 10723

Do you not know what it means to have fun?
>> No. 10724

They are trying so DESPERATELY to justify why they are entitled to free art. The fact that they want to leaks at all clearly suggests the art isn't as bad as they claim it to be. They want to see it. Seriously, who bitches about shitty art NOT being free? No one would care! They can't get over the fact that in the adult world the things they want come at a price. I also love how they call themselves "fans". Very loose term these days. Typically, if a fan likes something, they also support that something by, you know, purchasing it! That's how companies can track who their "fans" are. This is so blatantly obvious in every other market of entertainment. Sorry, if you claim to love someone's art, but choose not to support them, you are NOT a fan. You may not like it that fact, it may "offend" you, but that's the reality. Keep your money, and leave these people to their business.
>> No. 10725
Never did I want a thumbs up button more then now!
>> No. 10726
You'd want someone with art you don't like to be leaked so that they'd lose money.
If you're a fan that doesn't like what's being done with something you'll let them know by not supporting them, it's how the world works. Hell, no one really bothered to leak Seriojas stuff til he closed off his sites gallery to paying customers. Axel on the other hand has just been acting like an incredible douche. When you mess with your customers and their money, don't expect them to play nice with your stuff.

If you don't speak up and show you don't like what someone's doing, nothing will ever change and with both of them having their heads shoved up into the darkest regions of their own ass, you gotta speak louder.

Oh god, will you stop being such a cock sucking pussy for once in your life and develop some semblance of respect for your parents money?
>> No. 10727
If you pay and get objectively screwed, then obviously you have every right to complain. I doubt any one disagrees with that. However, I don't get the feeling those are the people who are complaining based on the lack of complaints to that effect. Most likely they come from people who watch his gallery, never buy a membership or a commission, never give constructive critique/redlines/meaningful advice, and idly fave pics or say "Nice" on every other submission. Artists really owe nothing to this variety of fan. They should be glad that they support their work in some way, but it doesn't rise to the level of owing them something.
>> No. 10728
Oh my, I am so sorry I didn't know you where on such a righteous quest let us sing from the highest mountain that anon is taking a stand against the big bad artists who took your fap art away. Cry some more you baby, Jed didn't wrong you in anyway, I know change is hard but its all about of growing up which is something this "community" really needs to try doing.
>> No. 10729

We're all still waiting to hear where this approach to leaking content from artists you hate is viable in any other real-world market. This is all still expos-fact o justification, and has absolutely NOTHING to do with how civil people do business. I'd love to see the day where people who HATE Apple so much decide to buy their products, then give them out for free in order to cause the company to "lose" money. People already had an effective way to show their disapproval for something: boycotting. Where are you being educated?? The level of your short-sightedness is truly fascinating lol! This is one of those rare moments when we can see the Dunning-Kruger in all it's wonder xD
>> No. 10730

At least I'm not the only sane free-thinker here unlike these assholes:

>> No. 10731

Wow. Please don't describe yourself as a sane "free-thinker", and then provide no counter-argument (or THOUGHTS) towards any statement anyone has made. Calling someone as asshole is not an argument. That's what we "thinkers" refer to as an emotional response, and they add virtually nothing useful to a conversation, and only reveal how poorly you truly are at thinking.
>> No. 10732
>implying we can't openly disagree at all
>> No. 10733
What the ever-loving fuck. Locking thread, it's gotten out of hand. Feel free to continue fat content/discussion on new/cod/ (https://boards.plus4chan.org/cod/t10511.html)


You've probably seen that we have new boards; I will add you to the DNP list this evening or tomorrow when I get around to writing up the rules. In the meantime, please e-mail me (anonymoose.chan@gmail.com) a list of infringing images in this (or other) threads. Note that I will only respond to takedown requests that originate from the domain you gave (BannaGalactic.com) and where the images in question either have a discerning watermark or you can otherwise prove they originated on your site. Thank for you taking the time to approach us before involving a lawyer.

>In the interest of legality, the initial leaked images could have only been perpetrated by members of the site, who have all signed an explicit terms of service contract expressly forbidding them to share my images on any other website.
Be that as it may, when the reason for reporting is "Illegal content" we interpret that as something like "Child Porn", not "copyright infringement", hence the confusion (and usual ignoring of said report). If you need to report more content in the future, please be clearer with your reason.

Oh, and if you're going to continue replying, please put on a tripcode next time:

If he can rightfully claim ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL in at least some cases, then the best recourse is to add him to the DNP list. We absolutely do not have the funds nor the time to fuck around with lawyers or DMCA claims (legit or otherwise). Now, if all the art in question is derived from copyrighted properties of other entities, then he doesn't have much of a leg to stand on and I'll figure out how to proceed at that time.

Not the same IP address. No idea if it's the same person.
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