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File 136089632112.png - (22.95KB , 300x600 , 129067018875.png )
3933 No. 3933
Expansion welcome. Like, really. Why isn't there any goo girl expansion. I'll dump what I have.
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>> No. 3934
File 136089634243.jpg - (52.21KB , 800x572 , 1315423208177.jpg )
>> No. 3935
File 136089850785.png - (408.84KB , 640x701 , i am like.png )
>> No. 3936
File 136089857469.png - (584.99KB , 800x800 , a huge fan of this guys work.png )
>> No. 3937
File 136089860954.jpg - (294.53KB , 1416x1000 , 135495245897.jpg )
>> No. 3938
File 136089883572.png - (425.10KB , 1134x1101 , 1344674438311.png )
That was the end of the expansion. Now for some more standard stuff.
>> No. 3939
File 136089886748.jpg - (117.10KB , 800x1000 , 1330227716367.jpg )
>> No. 3940
File 136089942680.jpg - (870.18KB , 1050x800 , 135663781259.jpg )
okay why not namefag a little
>> No. 3941
File 136090008549.jpg - (146.68KB , 621x800 , 132613876895.jpg )
And that's pretty much it. Feel free to contribute.
>> No. 3943
I'm relatively new to this fetish. Does it work with the shapeshifting fetish? If so, I'm sold.
>> No. 3948

Pretty much. Slimes are usually just amorphous blobs or puddles of goo who take on the shape of women, but they can change into other stuff as well like a cube or whatever. They're often shown still attached to their "base puddles" but that's not always the case.
>> No. 3950

I'm sorry, GoOP, but I can never love a slime girl that isn't a cool, soothing gel inside a more viscous, gel-cap-esque exterior layer.
>> No. 3956
Surprisingly, I didn't answer that.
It really depends on your interpretation of the subject.
Artists sometimes disagree with other artists on what they'd be physically like, but, y'know, I think they usually respect each other.

Because, y'know, it's considered somewhat of a niche, they can't afford to argue.

So depending on the artist, and how you wish to interpret each piece, it could really go either way.
>> No. 3957
Just realized this guy and the last guy I responded to are two different people.

Again, it's up to interpretation by artist and viewer, but as usually they're interpreted as somewhat amorphous, due to, well, being goo-- usually, yes, they have limited shapeshifting a fair bit of the time.
>> No. 4277
File 136486079727.png - (334.48KB , 700x962 , 1364634823377.png )
>> No. 4278
File 136486084261.jpg - (287.86KB , 685x941 , 1364634736818 (1).jpg )
>> No. 4280
File 136486108165.jpg - (298.20KB , 900x1200 , 1364634885831.jpg )
>> No. 4750
File 136769015357.jpg - (775.34KB , 1033x1421 , 1367192318402.jpg )
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