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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 135681250538.png - (185.51KB , 768x855 , 1356740820703.png )
2911 No. 2911
Despite plus4chan having a nervous fucking breakdown we must persevere in the pursuit of fattiness.
Also a helpful hint, if you get a 503 or gateway timeout after making a post, don't refresh, it'll just make duplicates.
Expand all images
>> No. 2912
File 135681453921.jpg - (87.74KB , 645x768 , JadeSolutionGouly.jpg )
Source, please?

Also, have a fat Jade
>> No. 2915
File 135682205895.jpg - (323.43KB , 700x700 , 1356736815844.jpg )
it's from /co/
>> No. 2918
File 135682939364.jpg - (272.02KB , 980x983 , 1356326628792.jpg )
seems like we're mostly back to normal now.
thank goodness
>> No. 2919
Dustin, you really need to get a devianart art or someplace where we can acess all your art easily. Please?
>> No. 2922
File 135683329022.png - (245.05KB , 750x900 , kpbm.png )
They told me I should come here
>> No. 2923
File 135683341364.png - (861.94KB , 1272x928 , tumblr_mfddowzTbH1rks3sgo1_1280.png )
good to see you made it Cube
you'll fit right in
>> No. 2924
File 13568380952.jpg - (294.03KB , 1754x1241 , cm___kitty_wants_her_milk_by_axel_rosered-d4jzuv9.jpg )
Happy Caturday !
>> No. 2925
Hooray it's Cube!
>> No. 2926
>nobody on /cod/ will surprise us with a glorious picture of stuffed cats one magical caturday

feels bad man
>> No. 2927
the board has been hovering between dead and alive for several days now, I can't say as I blame anyone for not drawing anything.
>> No. 2928
File 135684443761.jpg - (134.65KB , 700x700 , 1356780509050.jpg )
That'd be mine, thank you

Here's the semi-completed version. Hope he plans on finishing it.

Good to see you here Cube. I've seen your drunk stuff on inflatechan. You're one pretty awesome dude! Hope to see more!
>> No. 2929
File 135684456790.png?spoiler - (414.05KB , 1023x750 , paluslob.png?spoiler )
the unfortunate thing is my mo is mostly video game girls and not really cartoon/comic girls

case in point
>> No. 2930
File 135684506564.png - (158.36KB , 640x480 , toot_huge_gut.png )
As long as you draw some more drunk stuff here, I don't mind at all.
>> No. 2931
It's all good bro, a couple vidya girls won't hurt anyone. Just remember to do more cartoon or comic ladies when you can!
>> No. 2932
I'll try to finish it when I get a change, how could I possibly turn down Toot? Just gotta fix up the gas, gotta find a way to make it look good.
>> No. 2933
File 135685085947.jpg - (350.59KB , 1920x1200 , 1333775188103.jpg )
All those annoying Spinerette threads on /co/ reminded me of how Greta gets more powerful the fatter she is
>> No. 2934
>Spinnerette Annoying
>> No. 2939
Zelda had a cartoon!
>> No. 2940
He does, he just doesn't update on there often
>> No. 2941
That's not Zelda, that's Palutena.
>> No. 2943
File 135688760041.jpg - (333.17KB , 1280x1024 , a_surplus_of_starfire_sketches_by_hewhite-d57zogd.jpg )
>> No. 2944
aw SHIT son that's kawaii
>> No. 2947
he's right

they're threads full of people screaming to high heaven that Spinerette isn't a blatant fetish comic and is a legit superhero story
>> No. 2952
File 135691884383.jpg - (307.20KB , 1920x1200 , 1333775123450.jpg )
Don't care for the comic myself but more Greta is never a bad thing with me.
>> No. 2958
File 135693693273.png - (189.47KB , 512x384 , toot_fat.png )
So who's ready for the New year then?

And anyone willing to draw some drunken fatties for the special occasion?
>> No. 2965
Draw them all in explicit detail so I can make a pin up calender and email it to Matt Silverstein and Dave Jesser!
>> No. 2976
I remember this was from yet another thread that was spammed to death with futa. And yesterday there was a Power Girl thread that had ONE picture of her fat that was deleted entirely.
When did /co/ become such a shithole?
>> No. 2980
File 135697680767.png - (469.46KB , 1536x2048 , maleficent_by_kawaiidebu-d5k10zb.png )
I'm pretty sure the futa-spammer is just one obsessive sociopath (likely the same one who killed those drawthreads earlier in the year), but yeah, as of late the mods and janitors on /co/ are ridiculously incompetent.
>> No. 2986
more of these please?
>> No. 2987
File 135699670489.jpg - (86.31KB , 650x919 , 1291968346635.jpg )
There's never enough.
>> No. 2988
File 135699687725.jpg - (536.64KB , 1280x2630 , 1330645176251.jpg )
>> No. 2992
File 135699751058.png - (716.27KB , 1266x720 , Jenny.png )
Thank you. That stuff doesn't really belong here.
>> No. 2993
Who is this lady? I like her large bottom. Post moar of her!
>> No. 2994
File 135699781430.png - (130.10KB , 279x230 , brandy_bloated.png )
Some woman named Jenny from American Dad. It's just an edit I made.
>> No. 2997
File 135700933547.png - (147.67KB , 1280x720 , butt_stuck.png )
Since someone already posted my New Year's pic, have two more edits.
>> No. 2998
File 135700946430.png - (482.78KB , 1000x569 , 135587748360.png )
>> No. 3006
Just wanted to say AGAIN that your edits RULE so hard, especially that Tina Hellman one. My favorite cap made even better!

You rock, Mr. Mystery Man.
>> No. 3007
Happy New Year you lovable ole fat fappers
>> No. 3009
File 135702048823.png - (138.34KB , 616x567 , 134862398358.png )
Thanks Dustin. Unfortunately, I'll be taking another unexpected long break. For the past few months, I've been focusing too much on this kind of stuff and I definitely need a break from it to sort things out. Sorry if this disappoints anyone, but I hope all of the edits and pics made it worthwhile. I'll chime in once in a while, but not as often as I used to. Anyway, hope you all have a great New Year's and see ya'll when I see ya.

Here's a re-post of one of my favorite pics I've done, hope you all enjoy again. And Dustin, I'd LOVE to see your take on this in the future.
>> No. 3012
File 135705692524.jpg - (1.25MB , 3000x1686 , you_sound_familiar__have_we_met__by_tubbytoon-d5q0.jpg )
>> No. 3019
File 135707281355.jpg - (882.15KB , 1240x1754 , new_year__s_in_ooo_by_axel_rosered-d5q26cs.jpg )
>> No. 3025
File 135708677836.jpg - (133.38KB , 1554x611 , Helen WG.jpg )
>> No. 3027
File 135710963030.png - (149.05KB , 616x567 , 3jxczzop.png )
>> No. 3037
File 135717225160.png - (325.35KB , 640x359 , 1357168704403.png )
Should've been pancakes.
>> No. 3038
File 135717413766.jpg - (516.92KB , 1600x1300 , BBW Ilana.jpg )
We never did get her bursting out of her armor.
>> No. 3039
File 135717779781.png - (255.50KB , 640x359 , S1e5_Wendy's_reaction_to_the_Lamby_Lamby_Danc.png )
Well, how about we have both? Anyone willing to take on the challenge of drawing a pancake-stuffed Wendy?
>> No. 3040
Dipper's helping train Wendy for a pancake eating contest. He's had the weirdest boner throughout the whole experience.
>> No. 3041
>> No. 3043
So you were the one who suggested that in the Wendy thread? Cool

Now we just need someone to draw it (and the aftermath of the contest). I'm kind of surprised there isn't more fatty art of her.
>> No. 3044
File 135718322783.png - (123.54KB , 695x576 , peejwip2_zpse6e69be2.png )

I'm in talks with a guy for a whole bunch of OC for this thread. Sit tight and I'll see if I can get him to do this next.
>> No. 3045
File 135718367647.png - (118.72KB , 406x356 , french_kitty_bloated.png )
Aweseome! In the meantime, have one last Kitty edit.
>> No. 3046
File 135718481313.jpg - (147.45KB , 720x720 , 1357180450543.jpg )

oh gee oh golly
>> No. 3047

I thought the idea was that her armor form also became sympathetically fatter, because Advanced Metalunan Technology?
>> No. 3077
>Greta gets more powerful the fatter she is

...and this ISN'T a fetish comic?
>> No. 3078
File 135727015632.jpg - (249.46KB , 606x1100 , SupportPlease.jpg )

Oh, it's a fetish comic. But there's no weight gain or BBW content. That would be GUH-ROSS because it's not what the author's "into."

You know it to be true.
>> No. 3080
File 135727076731.png - (391.83KB , 963x642 , everyone is shaggy.png )
A hypno thread on /co/, of all places, yielded a new WG scenario for us to play with.

There IS Heather's fat suit. It's kind of an off-shoot of the BBW fetish.
>> No. 3081
File 135727133844.png - (66.18KB , 1197x464 , sofa bender.png )
what's with all the fat stuff in /co/ today?
there's also a thread about fat sumo Korra

Fess up, who's doing it?
>> No. 3082
File 135727289359.jpg - (247.91KB , 895x2000 , SUE-Lonely2MR.jpg )
Huh, I thought I was the only one who liked this guy's stuff. I just wish he would fatten up the women more
>> No. 3083
Well, I admit I posted the Scooby image in the hypno thread, and added this scenario to a Lilo & Stitch thread, but I had little to do with Sumo Korra.
>> No. 3084
File 135727414219.jpg - (138.92KB , 942x804 , lilo the bbw model.jpg )
THIS scenario, I mean.
>> No. 3085
>population-wide weight gain through subtle social manipulation

Right in the ridiculously specific subfetish!
>> No. 3086
File 13572825217.png - (267.89KB , 768x772 , korra_wip.png )
Still taking a bit of a break, but after seeing the recent Korra thread on /co/ I couldn't help myself.
>> No. 3087
File 135729506310.png - (315.12KB , 1160x1100 , Stuffed_Korra.png )
And it's done, enjoy!

Now back to that hiatus
>> No. 3088
Oh DEFINITELY want to see this.
>> No. 3089
Goddamn man you get better every time I see you.
The detailing on the navel there is fantastic. Your hiatus is well deserved.
>> No. 3090
File 135730775291.jpg - (571.64KB , 1256x1600 , ice cream.jpg )

I think I'm going to need sunglasses to handle fat of this magnitude. . .

Did you study the still of her belching in the show to get her face accurate in this one? I rather think you did.
>> No. 3091
File 135730888938.gif - (0.99MB , 500x632 , 1357276432013.gif )
Clearly, but I like his better because of the way her right eye is kinda only half open.
>> No. 3093
Thanks very much!

Yep, that's right. Went with that face since it shows how much of an"airbender" she can really be
>> No. 3099
Speaking of said Korra thread, I'd say the Foolz link to it would be rather welcome here, no?

>> No. 3102
Can't believe it lasted so long.
I think sometimes the janitors fucking fall asleep.
>> No. 3103
Well how else do you explain the Jane and Lilo threads still staying up?
>> No. 3104
That and the other one disappeared after midnight
it's becoming more and more obvious the resident fun hating mod/janitor pops in around 11:30-12:30 and deletes threads that are sexy (not just our brand of sexy) or fetish related in any way if they see them.
>> No. 3105
I don't think the janitor got it. I went to bed around midnight, and it was on page 10 at that time.
>> No. 3107
File 135743505091.jpg - (282.35KB , 900x1400 , 1357434252025.jpg )
needs some amazing world of gumball...
>> No. 3109
File 135743708578.png - (153.21KB , 695x432 , peejsequence_2.png )
Hey there! I'm that someone he's referring to. I posted a few things in the last thread and I plan to post a lot more in this one.

Here's a preview of a sequence I should have done for you guys soon.
>> No. 3110
File 135743951261.jpg - (937.74KB , 2960x1752 , 1357433748647.jpg )
great work. can't wait to see more. any chance we'll see some burps/hiccups in it?
>> No. 3111
There's a VERY high chance of both those things.
A 100 percent chance, in fact!
>> No. 3113
File 135744166865.jpg - (18.40KB , 640x480 , 1354079607698.jpg )
Everybody commission this bro, you'll get good stuff for dirt cheap and won't have to deal with DA prima donnas bleeding you for an arm and a leg for something you have no idea will turn out the way you want.
>> No. 3114
File 135744255649.jpg - (116.91KB , 600x600 , 1356824547067.jpg )
>> No. 3115
Ohhh, man, I'm looking forward to it already.
>> No. 3116
Fat Cartoon Girls "Badonkadonk" - Tubby Toonsyoutube thumb
>> No. 3118
Been way too long since we had some fat Peej. Looks cool!
>> No. 3119
File 135744949761.png - (201.84KB , 835x374 , 135363092797.png )
Well, let's repost some good ones then.
>> No. 3120
File 135744965928.png - (618.58KB , 1400x980 , 135365141110.png )
>> No. 3123
Do you have a DA or a tumblr, dude? I love your work so far.
>> No. 3124
File 135746683685.jpg - (182.76KB , 900x1165 , too_much_female_growth_hormone_by_tg4life-d5qgu51.jpg )
>> No. 3129
File 135749782694.jpg - (235.99KB , 1000x737 , 135735999950.jpg )
Because /co/ drove the very idea of fat Power Girl into the ground over the years. But more power to anyone who can squeeze any more life out of it.
>> No. 3138
File 135751646453.jpg - (200.11KB , 638x928 , 31636175.jpg )
Even Japan's doing it!
>> No. 3140
Can they do it well, at least?
>> No. 3142
Ooh, where'd that pic come from?
>> No. 3143
a bad place
>> No. 3157
Loving these fatty threads. Some of the edits and original drawings here serve as great idea inspiration and general reference material for creating quality fat toon bellies.
>> No. 3161
File 135759793435.jpg - (1.31MB , 2279x1080 , 1357534072509.jpg )
>> No. 3163
Sure. Does he have an e-mail?
>> No. 3169
File 135761908262.jpg - (112.52KB , 722x556 , 1357536290877.jpg )
>> No. 3179
File 135764151163.jpg - (91.11KB , 354x582 , 08-20-09 01 05.jpg )

Anyone interested hit him up there, hands down best I've ever worked with.
>> No. 3182
is there a nicole watterson version of this?
>> No. 3184
File 135766885911.jpg - (8.40KB , 278x210 , _______.jpg )
how is this even possible!?
>> No. 3185
File 135767169926.png - (3.95MB , 1536x2048 , commission___galacta_by_kawaiidebu-d3884cx.png )

>Astronomers have discovered what appears to be colossal belch from a massive black hole at the heart of a distant galaxy.

First thing I thought of.
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