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File 138084047666.jpg - (558.06KB , 765x1189 , megaman34.jpg )
217183 No. 217183
Previous Thread >>216658

Main point of discussion for this thread, Mega Man X is going to be backups in Mega Man starting in Issue 34 http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/10/03/mega-man-x-returns-as-a-comic-book
173 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 217727
...What gap? Near the end of Prototype you have a scene from earlier in the comic. Unless you mean how much time passed between Blues running away and Wily trying to take over the world. In that case it's intentionally vague.
>> No. 217728
File 138203973183.jpg - (46.67KB , 262x400 , archie-conservation-corps-issue-1[1].jpg )
Anyone remember "Conservation Corps?"

I wonder what Ian and company could do with it?
>> No. 217730
Sky Shark was one of my first waifus
>> No. 217770
File 138213399773.jpg?spoiler - (56.02KB , 300x461 , sonic257.jpg?spoiler )
Solicitation time; Sonic The Hedgehog 257

The 'Countdown' is over, the 'Chaos' has just begun! 'Damage Control': The shattered world is causing chaos everywhere, and Station Square is about to implode! Sonic and the Freedom Fighters must spring into action to save the day, unless someone beats them to the punch. Cue: Dr. Eggman. Will the evil doctor be the one to save the world? Or will his newfound power give him ultimate control? Covers by Rafa Knight and Lamar Wells!

Just posting the variant since the normal one is already in the thread.
>> No. 217771
File 138213407262.jpg?spoiler - (49.60KB , 300x461 , sonicuniverse60.jpg?spoiler )
Sonic Universe 60

Shadow and Team Dark versus an invading alien army! 'Shadow Fall' Part Two: The mission to save humanity is falling to pieces! With Rouge, Omega and G.U.N. are on the run from murderous aliens and Shadow battling for his life - and his free will - against the malicious Black Death and Eclipse, the world is running out of time! Loyalties are tested, aliens are blasted, and NEW characters make their debut in this space-faring new issue! Featuring cover art from Tracy Yardley! and an Alien Invasion Variant from Vincent Riley (Native Drums).
>> No. 217772
File 138213418667.jpg?spoiler - (47.33KB , 300x461 , sonicuniverse60v.jpg?spoiler )

Variant Cover.

No Mega Man solicitation at this time.
>> No. 217773
Regarding the mystery SatAM character, well played Ian.
>> No. 217774
Indeed. Never would've guessed it. Now I'm curious.

For anyone who hasn't heard and wants to know, it's Muttski, who is now a Mobian named Ben "Mutt" Muttski. Seriously.

Antoine also remembers his marriage, which some people were worried he wouldn't, and Sonic calls Chuck his Uncle, which people were worrying about too. So it's all good, gang.
>> No. 217776
Is Sonic all "what the fucking shit" when it's revealed?
>> No. 217779
He and Tails both.
>> No. 217788
File 138219846134.png - (201.75KB , 500x368 , sonic_regular_show_tumblr_inline_muwxjnPczG1qdb0x8.png )
You guys like Regular Show?
>> No. 217798
So, Muttski, the eager kid assistant to Uncle Chuck? I like.

I always hated the notion of Sonic having a pet dog, never mind one so generic.
>> No. 217803
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Can we all agree to not post stuff like that?
>> No. 217805
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>she's also more of a Southern Belle than a cowgirl.

She's not though. The occasional use of the term by fans remains quite an awkward fit. Southern Belle is a pretty specific archetype, a stereotypical upper class woman from the Antebellum/Plantation South, extremely aristocratic in her genteel manners, charm, mannerisms, and dress, and above all far-removed from the working classes. Even when it's used a bit loosely to refer to "modern day" Southern Belles, lacking the hoop skirt, hat, and gloves of Gone with the Wind, there's still a built-in assumption that this is someone too high-class to normally get their hands dirty. Depending on where you are in the country and your own background it might be considered complimentary or insulting (is it a reference to the spoiled and self-centered Scarlett O'Hara or the genuinely noble Melanie Hamilton?), but any way you dice it, it's meant to be a sort of aristocratic label. Blanche DuBois was showy and snobby even when she didn't remotely have the means to justify it.

You could definitely argue that Bunnie wasn't used to physical labor in the cartoon and first comics (she got tied up with rope a few times...), and the origin she eventually got shows that she came from an Antebellum-inspired aristocracy. But Bunnie herself has become too much of a scrapper for the term to make sense applied to her. She might've been a Belle once, and it'd be interesting to see her past explored a little, but these days she's probably more of a loose "cowgirl" archetype than a Southern Belle.
>> No. 217815
If they aren't from Mobius anymore what are the populace called?

Just... furries?
>> No. 217819
Lifeforms of Sonic's Planet!

...Yeah, I'm sticking with Mobians myself. It's Mobius, they're just not allowed say it. Sort of like how Shang-Shi's dad is Fu Manchu, but since Marvel doesn't have the rights creators can't say so openly in the books. But fans can say it all they want.
>> No. 217820
Little glimpses at Bunnie's past might be interesting, but given what real-world stuff is being referenced, I doubt Archie would sign off on very much exploration. Bit of a minefield there.
>> No. 217822

For what it's worth, her origin depicted her working a field of crops when the Swatbots came and began roboticizing her. Of course, that could be different now...
>> No. 217824
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I like that "mildly irritated Air Man" is a thing
>> No. 217825
File 138227257088.jpg - (2.12MB , 2696x3172 , SonicDash_Sonic_ring.jpg )

My vote is for Torus. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torus) It looks like a ring, but if you flatten it, it becomes a mobius strip.

BAM. I'm a genius.
>> No. 217826

I don't think it's that SEGA hates Mobius really, it's more they want the planets name intentionally left vague.
>> No. 217828
Eh. If they want to give it a new name, they will. Otherwise it becomes Earth-Furry. At this point, I don't mind using Mobius to refer to pre-WC events and "Sonic's World" for post-WC events.
>> No. 217829
The comic called them furries before.
>> No. 217833
File 13823114729.png - (683.82KB , 600x913 , gotf_issue_11_page_4_by_evanstanley-d6r72i4[1].png )
Why is Nicole a villain in Evan's comic?
>> No. 217834

Because elseworlds get to be fucked up.
>> No. 217835

Howabout just call it Earth and the inhabitants Earthlings?
>> No. 217836
>> No. 217837

Again I'm pretty sure SEGA just wants the planets name left vague like it's been in the games for years now.
>> No. 217839
Because fuck any kind of worldbuilding and lore.
>> No. 217840
Names are so far down on the list of things that are important to world building and lore.
>> No. 217841

Which is why I spent sixty seconds on wikipedia for a replacement name.
>> No. 217842
SEGA's not fond of worldbuilding and lore, no. Don't ask me why, but they're not.

And it bears repeating: the other year SEGA gave serious thought to not renewing Archie's contract. The discord between Archie and SEGA was cited as one of the reasons Archie sued Penders. Right now Archie is almost certainly in full make-nice-with-SEGA mode, not pushing their luck. I'm not saying there's necessarily mandates or anything, but I reckon that compared to a few years ago, everyone working at Archie feels a little more pressure now to avoid ruffling SEGA's feathers.
>> No. 217852
> If they aren't from Mobius anymore what are the populace called?

In Tiny Toons, what did the human toons call the animal toons?
>> No. 217854
There's a joke in there, but I can't think of a good punchline.
>> No. 217878
Because people think an evil/corrupted Nicole is the coolest shit ever.
Unfortunately the way Evan did it was kinda lame. Pity.

I just say it's Earth v.4.0
>> No. 217882
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It didn't occur to me that since the Sabrina ongoing ended, there hasn't been any new Sabrina works outside cameos in other ongoings.
I forget sometimes that the digests just reprint old content.
>> No. 217884
Dude, they're getting rid of Betty and Veronica (lol they'll be gone as long as Superman). Nothing is sacred any more.
>> No. 217887
How did Evan do it?
>> No. 217938
Autosage hit, new thread: >>217934
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