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File 136974199571.jpg - (149.61KB , 631x426 , IMAG0002.jpg )
378688 No. 378688
ITT anything pet related.

Pictured is my cat, who drools when he's happy.
Is that normal?
49 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 379952
File 137140964370.gif - (1.84MB , 304x268 , love bird loves.gif )
Any bird owners? Love birds are wonderful. Messy, destructive little imps, but wonderful.
>> No. 380427
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Boxes especially.
Though I suppose that boxes are more explicable, as they may feel safer and naturally drawn to small enclosed spaces.
The minute I put down a box they hop in it and sit contentedly.
>> No. 380534
I'm looking after my aunt's Burmese cat Cleo. She's awesome, so cute - she's champagne and really small even for a Burmese. She's really talkative and cuddly with a total attitude, she'll indignantly yowl at you until you pick her up and carry her around like a baby. Luckily she's small enough to perch on my chest.
>> No. 380605
My cat likes box and the other usual stuff. He also likes stealing your seat the second you leave the dinner table (we're guessing he likes a warm bed).

Even more frustratingly, he can get downright suicidal in where he decides to nap, continually sitting on things like the bottom step of a flight of stairs and directly behind a roller chair.
>> No. 381010
Lucy, you've got some 'splaining to do!youtube thumb
>> No. 381077
I am blind with elation.
>> No. 381079
That dogs soul is crushed, you can see it in his eyes.

>why are you doing this to meeeee
>> No. 381091
File 137307969232.jpg - (1.63MB , 2592x1936 , IMG_0362.jpg )
This is Jasper. He is one of the dumbest cats you will ever meet. He farts a lot and raises hell around dinner time and picks fights with our other cat. He has three nicknames: Buddy, when he's good, Buster, when he's bad, and Mr. Knuckleboy, when he's REALLY bad. We love him to pieces.
>> No. 381092
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This is our other cat. She came to us with the name Gypsy, but we've sort of taken to calling her Princess because she is a BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS. One of the most enchanting cats I've ever known. So dainty and proper. That is, until she spies a bug, when she becomes a bloodthirsty hunter. She used to be in a gang of ferals at a zoo until the shelter picked her up. Now she mostly sits in a rocking chair by the window or in her cushioned basket and waits for people to pat her.
>> No. 381093
File 137308078184.jpg - (1.20MB , 1235x1653 , IMG_0368_2.jpg )
>> No. 381152
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Whenever our cats would sit in this position so their paws aren't visible, my sibs and I would call them "cat loafs" or refer to it as "loaf position."

I had no idea that everyone else called it that too.
>> No. 381186
File 137318446534.jpg - (110.37KB , 697x457 , stolenfromwikipedia.jpg )
I call them slippers.
>> No. 381191
I like to imagine they're small cat-shaped topiaries.
>> No. 381216
File 137323225862.jpg - (25.41KB , 640x480 , Photo_00223.jpg )
this cat is awesome, i want one
>> No. 381217
Have you considered catnapping that one?
>> No. 381228
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>> No. 381261
oh god is she the kind that purposefully hunts out your hand and does her best to get patted by it oh man i have one of those shes the patootiest.
>> No. 381296
Read it poetry, maybe it comes home with you.

Felis catus is your taxonomic nomenclature,
An endothermic quadruped, carnivorous by nature;
Your visual, olfactory, and auditory senses
Contribute to your hunting skills and natural defenses.

I find myself intrigued by your subvocal oscillations,
A singular development of cat communications
That obviates your basic hedonistic predilection
For a rhythmic stroking of your fur to demonstrate affection.

A tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents;
You would not be so agile if you lacked its counterbalance.
And when not being utilized to aid in locomotion,
It often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion.

O Spot, the complex levels of behavior you display
Connote a fairly well-developed cognitive array.
And though you are not sentient and do not comprehend,
I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.

>> No. 381298
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She began purring when I spoke to her then just meowed throughout, but left at the beginning of the last verse. Maybe she's not ready to take it that far.
>> No. 381301
I tried singing this to "Modern Major General", it almost worked.
>> No. 381302
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In a very round about way you and your cat got me to re-watch Love Affair, or the Case of the Missing Switchboard Operator and for that I thank you because this movie is fantastic.
>> No. 381456
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Do your cats like being followed? My cat will meow for me to walk behind him around the house, and after a while he'll go off satisfied. If I stop before he wants me to, he'll meow until I follow him again. We walk around in circles sometimes. Or maybe he just wants something and I'm incapable of deciphering him.

Also, he sleeps funny.
>> No. 381516
Cats know how to relax better than most aminals.
>> No. 381793
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She looks like Soviet propaganda here.
>> No. 381795
File 137404181070.jpg - (43.37KB , 539x960 , 942339_626062753599_822738791_n[1].jpg )
So at the rescue I think I'm starting to fall in like with a pair of cats from a group of 18 we took in from a hoarding situation. We've adopted a lot of them out (including one I named Cheezburger), but six of the poor things are still here, and likely will be for some time as it is kitten season (and 95% of the people that come in want kittens.)

Anyway, I forget their actual names, but I call them Stocky and The Catfather. Stocky (shorthair tabby) is larger than your average cat, mostly in skeletal terms. But he is incredibly sweet; if you get down close enough to him, he will stand up and latch onto your shoulders and just rub his face all over you. Doesn't try to get you to hold him or anything, he just wants to hug. When he's not hugging, he has this cool pose where his front paws kind of dangle off when he lays on his favorite stool.

The Catfather (longhair... uh... gray) just reminds me of Don Corleone from the Godfater; its puffy, slightly sagging cheek hair and overall demeanor just fit so well. He's not as vocal or affectionate as Stocky, but he still loves attention and chills even more.

Fuck me I wish I had my own place so I could adopt these guys. ;_; Picture is Stocky, though in a different room than they're in now; that might be The Catfather in the back, but without seeing the face I can't be sure. Look at that damn cat just chilling.
>> No. 381798
Oh my shit I want to snug that cat so bad.

My grandfather adopted a pommie that came from a hoarder recently. She's really sweet but obviously has the doge equivalent of PTSD. 80 dogs in one house. How.
>> No. 381803
>The Catfather

need pix plz
>> No. 381822
Ouch; it's bad when that happens to cats, but most dogs are far larger so I can only imagine how much worse it is.

These particular hoarded cats were "hoarded" in the technical definition only; all of them are well socialized and well cared for. When they came in they had ear mites and no other health problems (a cold or two, maybe.) The owner had a large garage (barn?) she kept them in (161, custom-built cages with 5-8 per), but never spayed/neutered, so we figure there was a lot of inbreeding. But they're all fairly happy, extremely friendly. She only got found out because she was moving and realized she couldn't take them with her, so she put an ad on Craigslist.

We did have another situation where a family had 36 cats in an 8x8 room. Threw in whatever slop they had on hand, never cleaned it, no litter boxes. When we took them in they had all sorts of health and personality issues, and we ere only able to find permanent homes for about 14 of them; the rest will be permanent residents until we can figure out how to get them acclimated to a new environment.

I'll try to remember to get pics when I do my shift this weekend.
>> No. 381854
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Honestly, the only fitting punishment for people like that is to do the same thing to them.
>> No. 381887
>that moment where your pet is clearly about to die any moment now but it never gets sick enough that putting her down feels right so you get more and more worried about her and secretly hope that she finally pushes herself too far and makes putting her down necessary just to get it over with
Fucking pets, man.
>> No. 381941
Last summer my very elderly cat died the way she lived: trying to sit somewhere. She was pulling herself up into a chair when her heart gave out. No vet trip necessary. She lived much longer than anyone expected and we were happy to have had her.

On a much, much happier note, here is a video of a pug watching Homeward Bound.
Pug Watching Televisionyoutube thumb
>> No. 381970
File 137446519666.jpg - (1.31MB , 1456x2592 , 2013-07-21_12-45-59_994.jpg )
Catfather haet pictures, this is the best I could do.

Also the cheeks are not as fluffy as I thought.
>> No. 382051
And when I went to take pictures of the Catfather, Stocky did his normal "come over here" meow, and I obeyed, and then he did his "stand on my hind legs and hug you" thing. But, in the middle of that, he went ahead and climbed up my shirt and laid across my shoulders. He didn't want to get down until someone started handing out treats.


Also, I just realized that if I was able to adopt them, I would re-name them Stocky and Bullwrinkle.
>> No. 382340
So say there was a cat that visits our front porch every night that is extremely friendly and is aching to come inside our house. Also say that I am seriously considering bring up the option of adopting this cat.

What would this entail?
>> No. 382347
We randomly had a dog come up to our gate and whine, pawing at it like he wanted in. He wagged his tail and looked happy to see us when we went to the backyard and tried to shoo him away, he looked confused. He had no collar and we asked around everywhere, nobody claimed him so we took him in and named him Jack.

When the hell does a dog think they live somewhere else?
>> No. 382352
Well, if the cat is just wandering up and has no collar, you can just sorta claim him up front. Take him to a vet, make sure he's not chipped, and put up fliers in the neighborhood that you found it (if it had a good owner, they're devastated it's gone.) Check local shelters for "missing" posters and so forth. If you due diligence and no one replies in 30 days or so, he becomes yours for good (AFAIK; local laws may be different.) Make sure to check local laws in general.

While you're at the vet, do a wellness checkup. It's good for your vet to know how an animal is in a "healthy" mood versus sick. Once it's yours, get it chipped.
>> No. 382359
File 137514418153.jpg - (155.22KB , 1080x720 , Photo on 7-14-13 at 2_54 PM.jpg )
Seconded. Our cat just found her way into out backyard, and we claimed her for ourselves.
>> No. 382650
Well, our dog just died.
I was woken up at 1am by a call from some craigslist idiot asking 'were you dat one that done be selling da Fo- two fiddy?' and after ressauring I was not dat one, I saw my dad's text.

I was expecting it, to be honest. Our dog's been getting weaker for a while, and I left for Shanghai with the assumption she would pass on. She lived a good long time, 15 years of dog, and we drove her two hours north twice for special hip operations when she was seven that others would have put her down for.

I can't tell if me not feeling too emotional is just me accepting it or just being bad with emotions again. Death is a bit easier when you're expecting it and you don't have regrets, I suppose.

You know why her name's Katherine? This was when Power Rangers was huge, and the new Pink Ranger was being announced, so I named her after that. Not really sentimentalmeaning, but an intres- oh there wwe go theeers the tears
>> No. 382727
Sorry about your loss.
I was more of a Kimberly fan.
>> No. 382787
Well this was when I could still remember being in London outside of a few things, so a British Power Ranger was a big thing for me.
>> No. 382788
My deepest condolences for your loss. :( I know how that feels, especially when it happens when you're not around...
>> No. 383027
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This is Gally.
>> No. 383028
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Gally loves everyone. Except for cats he doesn't know.
>> No. 383033
Why would you name your male cat after an octopus robot girl?
>> No. 383036
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Because she was named after another character's cat

>> No. 384885
I feel a bit slow for just finding out that kittens from a single litter can have multiple fathers.
My two cats are siblings from the same litter, and I was curious as to why they looked nothing alike and appeared to be different breeds, and had completely different temperments--one is demure and needy, and her (half) brother is all friendly and crazy, and I love them both to pieces.
>> No. 384910
Cats have no standards when it comes to mating.
>> No. 384934
File 13800821489.jpg - (115.61KB , 960x717 , 1240114_10102202487628939_1419370463_n.jpg )
Spamming him everywhere, but I adopted this ridiculous animal last month.
>> No. 384961
From the thumbnail, I thought that was a dog.
>> No. 385043
All the cats I want to adopt keep getting adopted at the rescue I volunteer at.

It's kinda depressing. ._.
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