What is plus4chan?

plus4chan is an imageboard started circa 2006, as a place for /co/ to post whenever 4chan was down, and to give its users additional boards and functions that 4chan did not or could not give at the time. Although these additions may not be unique anymore, plus4chan is still around thanks to its own, ever loyal community.


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►>>/honey/ No.18

by thirstposter ## VIP

>Honey gets her own board >Everything else Sonic-related has to share a single board This is a travesty!...

►>>/co/ No.466973

by Anonymous

>>466969 >My own worst enemy they tend to carry their sadness everywhere, they carry their regret, not knowing it is dragging them down, not knowing they could l...

►>>/co/ No.466972

by Anonymous

>>466970 >NTA Todd Howard is the head of Bethesda Studios, infamous for saying the line, "It just works" when his games are bug filled messes...

►>>/co/ No.466971

by Anonymous

>>466968 Long and thick ones. >>466969 Yeah that's kinda the other side of the coin, so to speak. When you can come up with cool ideas, but you just can't see...

►>>/co/ No.466970

by Anonymous

>>466961 I know who Jenny is. I mean the Todd guy....

►>>/baw/ No.431634

by Anonymous

>>431633 Because managers have taken over tech businesses, and they get their panties in a twist if you want to try something new and exciting. Refining the working...

►>>/co/ No.466969

by Anonymous

>>466967 It's weird. Because I do more or less the same. Except it seems I put less thought into whatever dumb idea floats into my head. For example, 5Ds Junk Warr...

►>>/co/ No.466968

by Anonymous

>>466956 What kind of stick(s) do you need to use to pound on her tail, Anon?...


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