What is plus4chan?

plus4chan is an imageboard started circa 2006, as a place for /co/ to post whenever 4chan was down, and to give its users additional boards and functions that 4chan did not or could not give at the time. Although these additions may not be unique anymore, plus4chan is still around thanks to its own, ever loyal community.


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►>>/honey/ No.18

by thirstposter ## VIP

>Honey gets her own board >Everything else Sonic-related has to share a single board This is a travesty!...

►>>/co/ No.467136

by Alicefag

>>467135 >Stockholm Syndrome was not nearly as bad as you were expecting >You had considered running away a couple of times, but Alice’s silent threat hung ov...

►>>/co/ No.467135

by Alicefag

>>467134 >Hours passed before you woke up again, your hands and feet tied behind your back >The pitch darkness made it impossible to see where you were, but t...

►>>/co/ No.467134

by Alicefag

>>467133 >When you got back home, you dreaded the conversation you would have with Alice >A million thoughts ran through your mind, ranging from “Of course no...

►>>/co/ No.467133

by Alicefag

Reposting from /trash/ >Looking back at it, growing up in Austin was something that molded your way of life >So when you married Alice, a so called "hick&quo...

►>>/sssr/ No.1624

by Anonymous

>>1602 >Sonichdel test I kekked. >I guess I just like the idea that Sonic, Tails and Knuckles hang out together even when the world doesn't need saving Whil...

►>>/tnt/ No.127232

by Anonymous

>>127231 But Goku you're married to Chi-chi Actually now I know why you'd be horny for the cat...

►>>/sssr/ No.1623

by Anonymous

>>1590 >Frontiers You could definitely accuse it of having too much expository dialogue, but I did like how Sonic himself was portrayed as being a little more ma...


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