What is plus4chan?

plus4chan is an imageboard started circa 2006, as a place for /co/ to post whenever 4chan was down, and to give its users additional boards and functions that 4chan did not or could not give at the time. Although these additions may not be unique anymore, plus4chan is still around thanks to its own, ever loyal community.


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►>>/honey/ No.18

by thirstposter ## VIP

>Honey gets her own board >Everything else Sonic-related has to share a single board This is a travesty!...

►>>/tnt/ No.129317

by Anonymous

>>129287 >DDOSing plus4chan over schizo assumptions Some people unironically need to take their meds...

►>>/co/ No.469579

by Anonymous

>>469556 She's dashing towards death. What a way to go....

►>>/tnt/ No.129316

by Anonymous

>>129293 >>129295 >>129307 Nuh uh Vivian was grandfathered into Queen back in 2020. Anyways remember to vote for Beldam...

►>>/tnt/ No.129315

by Anonymous

>>129314 >I don't think it worth risking having a massive shitshow if a trans character won either male or female tournaments. That was never going to happen. Ch...

►>>/co/ No.469578

by Anonymous

>>469573 If you're talking about AMC, pic rel. >>469574 Why thank you :3...

►>>/co/ No.469576

by Anonymous

>>469573 Physical exercise helps with depression. I have a 1cm x 3cm x 1m piece of pvc plastic that I am swinging to train my arms and get my mind off of things. Yo...

►>>/tnt/ No.129314

by Anonymous

>>129309 My argument is that people are going to make a big stink about it no matter what. Like look at Jpeg dog for example. I think banning trannies would just s...


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