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One Piece

 Posting a reply to post #8912

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8912 No.8912
It's out.

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First the war, now all these strong feelings... I don't know if I can take it any more. q_q

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2 things to note:

Ace was buried with the knife he used to try to kill Whitebeard with. I see what you did there Oda.

Also this scene proves that Luffy still has not learned anything since Arlong.

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Why are you counting to ten Luffy you don't have ten crew members.
Cut that out before people start speculating about it.



I liked this chapter. It was a good chapter.

I liked that it showed how seriously strong Jinbei is. Immobilizing a pissed-off Luffy, even a wounded pissed-off Luffy? Not easy.

Though, to be honest, I'm getting somewhat tired of Luffy failing. Discounting Amazon Lily, which wasn't a fighting arc, Luffy has now utterly lost for three arcs in a row. I hope next arc, he wins.

The last three arcs have really just been one big arc.

Oh god I am crying like a little bitch, I miss my crew augh fuck you Oda.

At least Luffy is back on track. Even if he can't count.

I'm happy that this flashback is over though. Now hoping for some progress. Both in story and characters.

Jinbei reached permanent bro status as far as I'm concerned.

I don't think all his fingers are up (you can't see his left hand very well). Or, like Beat Fu said, he just miscounted.

I need Luffy to smile again ;_;

And I want Dadan to bear-hug him the next time they meet up

and a giant group hug from the crew

This was such a good chapter but I am so sad now

This is why I love One Piece so much.

If almost any other shonen character angsts, it feels forced and dull. Luffy angsts, and a GIANT FREAKING FISH MAN BEATS THE CRAP OUT OF HIM AND TELLS HIM TO MAN THE FUCK UP.


mogu=one of the sound effects for chewing

Jinbei, stop eating that, it's still hot, look there steam coming out of your mouth, you're gonna ruin your tongue.

Also god damn it Oda stop messing with us just get the crew together please

>Jimbei's speech/flashback
>The grave scene + Shanks' speech
>Luffy being reminded of his crew

Goddammit Oda, I'm going to die of dehydration because of you.

I fell in love with Makino all over again, just that ittle scene where she's trying to teach Ace how to introduce himself...

And of course Dadan is awesome.

Well this makes certainly denies any massive long training timeskip with Luffy pissing about on the island.

I'm happy Oda avoided that.

I hate training arcs and time skips.


yeah man, what are the chances that someone that has never done training arcs or major time skips in 13 years would suddenly....continue this trend?

craaaaazy stuff. But seriously, One Piece fan wild speculation needs to understand that Oda has a set pattern he follows which they should really have noticed by now.


(apologies if this turns out to be spoiler-fail)


(yep, sorry)

Well, maybe he was counting the ship/Garp/Vivi/Coby as well?

You don't understand, people have been getting pretty feverent that training would happen, haki training from Hancock or whatnot, someone on thuis board was set on him being there for an entire year? That's why people are glad to have something rather ironclad against such speculative notions.


and over a decade of relative consistency is not ironclad enough? then again, they're probably just shippers that LIVE off of wild speculation over tiny little things. Especially in One Piece in which Oda said himself there would be no romace.

anyway, it just seems stupid to assume things like Boa, Perona, or Jimbei(apparently the /op/ favorites for new crewmember), or luffy will get "special attention" from boa or whatever. I try not to even look at stuff like that.

The people thinking there will be some kind of training arc, I can bet they were confident with Oda's consistency as well until he killed two major characters in the span of a couple chapters. Now I'm not saying I think there will be any training at all, but a lot of fans around are like "suddenly Oda is killing people!? What will he change next?" sort of reaction, and they've started awaiting One Piece to take a drastic change now.

I personally think it will go right back to normal when he sees the crew again. Which is CLOSE now.

use bbc

I don't think Luffy will ever learn to control his Haki during the actual series because then he would either use it so much it gets boring or hold it back for no reason.

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Look, the fact is that someone is eventually going to have to put Larry, Moe, and Curly here into a hurt locker...

Because there's no "Throw the Emperor into the new Death Star Core wins the war" scenario here.

I figure Blackbeard will be the one to do it, but lets not kid ourselves, we know they day is coming when the Straw Hats will be able to go toe ta toe with the strongest of the strong, however when that day comes, I believe the transition to it will be excellently handled. Plus it's a fucking huge way off.

Let me rephrase that: I don't think he'll master using Haki to the point where he can reliably use it at will during the actual series. So when he manages to it'll be suitably dramatic.

Either way, it'll probably be more a "learn through experience" thing as he goes along. I've heard that Oda avoids training arcs not for consistency or anything, but because he just doesn't like them.

>Kizaru looking at the artist's signature.
>Aokiji looking with discomfort at the black border.


people have died befo-
alright i'm not having this argument here too. What kind of war would it be if nobody died? and I think we all knew that this was going to be Whitebeard's last stand when he first got stabbed by squardo.

As I said, I wasn't talking about my opinions, but of opinions I've seen voiced around numerous times.

>Counts to 10
>8 crew + ship
>still counting Vivi
even though I hate her if this turns out to be what Oda intended I'll forever revel in his awesome.

No he didn't..

Brook's chapter was the 'Eighth'

The crew has 8 members not counting the captain. There are two more.

Every crew member get's a numbered chapter

a 'The No.' chapter, Usopp didn't get his until the end of Enies Lobby

You know, mentioning no training arcs also makes me realize that Oda has yet to have the cliche "Tournament arc" lots of shonens have, then again Bleach hasn't had a tourney arc, but it's still had training arcs. Huh

Davy Back Fight was... kind of a tournament

this is one of the big reasons I love One Piece and hate Naruto


I forgot about that.

Nnn it's kinda hard to consider it a "Shonen tourney" but I suppose it counts.

Oh well at least we havn't had any training arcs yet.

Chopper and Robin still haven't gotten them. But while the audience and book may not count Vivi as a crew member, Luffy still could.

and the ressurection cliche.


Gonna snipe across the thread to answer this. No, because Makino was a little (5-8) girl 20 years ago, while Kuina wasn't more than a year older than Zoro.

Also if you click on the question mark to the left of where you type your message you can get all the formatting for easy copy-paste.

I'm crying... Dammit Oda!

>Reddog staring through your soul

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