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One Piece

 Posting a reply to post #6923

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6923 No.6923
I find your lack of Hancock disturbing.

35 posts omitted. Last shown. Expand all images
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Geez, who pissed in your cheerios?

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just sating an opinion.

don't be so hurt.

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>>6992 >>6989

>mary sue
Your opinion just got instantly disqualified.



Hancock's appeal isn't that she's any more attractive than any other OP character; it's that she's a comically exaggerated queen bitch who became a ridiculous fangirl who highlights Luffy's obliviousness.

comical? The whole "love's a hurricane" shtick is tiered

The fangirl thing isn't new to one piece, alvida is still out there. Oda tends to go in circles with females.

She's a token, and her fans are usually fanboys in cirlcejerks who can't take any criticism while fapping.

Well excuse me for enjoying the manga.

Sure is buzzwords in your shitty troll, bro. It's like you've read a self-help booklet on it.

so apparently a difference of opinion makes one a troll?

Here I thought it was just wasting people's time for the heck of it. Don't be so easily agitated in the posterior, bro.

No, using well-known buzzwords does. Or if nothing else it makes you look like a whiny teenager.

>agitated in the posterior
Like this. Even though you tried to camouflage it.

everybody and their mom's uses this type of vocabulary around here, "moar" and even various forms of fag. It's not a dead troll give away. And you'd be surprised by the number of people that cringe at the thought of Hancock joining.

I love one piece, but it's fanbase seems to have it's head up it's ass half the time. This guy's actually level-headed >>7002

The fact that you dismiss anyone that disagrees with you as a troll makes you seem really angry over an opinion. ease up.

No one ever said anything about her joining.
>ease up.
Take your own advice. You're the one who responded to someone's opinion with a tirade about what a shitty character you think Hancock is.

Incidentally, the biggest Hancock fanperson I know is a girl who happens to find the character's fangirlism cute and amusing.

>take your own advice
Yeah, and I have. I just brought up the whole joining thing to show that some people share distaste for her generally.

The majority of people responding just jerked back with "u mad" and labeling an opinion as troll bait. This thread needs to ease up as much.

and just cause this girl loves Hancock doesn't mean anything.


Mary Sue WOULD be a useful term if 90% of the time it wasn't code for 'Ewwww, vaginas'

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you do realize that girls use the term to?

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>Mary Sue WOULD be a useful term if 90% of the time it wasn't code for "I do not like this character."


Yeah, and? Some of the worst Fandom Misogyny I've ever seen has come from girls and women.

I'm guessing you're the same anon from >>6976

Make yourself a nice cup of chamomile or something and come back when you're feeling less PMS-y.

I like how the troll is hiding behind "well, my opinion makes me a troll?" when he's pretty much saying "anyone with an opinion different from me is a stupid fanboy."

God damnit, One Piece fans.

Eh Hancock is a pretty lame character, at least she's rather fapworthy


I can't fap to her because of her horrible personality

I suppose she isn't my number one choice from Onepiece to fap to either, but I'm just saying she can be reasonbly faptastic

I like how most people don't even know what an opinion or a troll really is.

>>Mary Sue WOULD be a useful term if 90% of the time it wasn't code for "I do not like this character."
Makes sense, most people don't tend to like those type of characters to begin with.

The term was made up for a reason and holds some true to it, quit associating it with people who just hate facts. Boa falls under the category to some extent.

nope, not him or her. But i guess it's just easy to assume.

I was pretty much saying that the people in this thread reacted poorly to an opinion over a character.
So really it was just how they reacted that snowballed to this.

God damnit, One Piece fans indeed.

>The term was made up for a reason and holds some true to it, quit associating it with people who just hate facts. Boa falls under the category to some extent.
Let's turn to Wikipedia, shall we?
>Mary Sue (sometimes just Sue), in literary criticism and particularly in fanfiction, is a fictional female character with overly idealized and hackneyed mannerisms, lacking noteworthy flaws, and primarily functioning as a wish-fulfillment fantasy for the author or reader. Perhaps the single underlying feature of all characters described as "Mary Sues" is that they are too ostentatious for the audience's taste, or that the author seems to favor the character too highly. The author may seem to push how exceptional and wonderful the "Mary Sue" character is on his or her audience, sometimes leading the audience to dislike or even resent the character fairly quickly; such a character could be described as an "author's pet".
I suppose the three aspects of Boa Hancock's character that seem the most "Sue-ish" are her near-universal popularity, her powerfulness, and her sympathetic backstory, but let's examine them within the context of One Piece.

Now, the biggest factor in Hancock's whole gimmick is that she's beloved the world over for her looks. All but the most stoic men and women happily bow down to her. However, she is largely indifferent to her worshipers, and uses their adoration to behave callous and cruel without reaping the consequences. The fact that no one (except for Luffy) calls her out on this is part of "the joke;" as the reader, you are supposed to think, "Ha, what idiots they are for fawning over her even though she treats them like shit." The author himself makes to attempt to convince you that her beauty outweighs her crimes.

However, a sympathetic element is introduced in the form of her tragic backstory. It serves the purpose of giving her a reason to ally with Luffy and also gives the readers an explanation as to why she is the way she is (beyond the level of corruption that idol worship likely caused). Such backstories are common in Mary Sues, but keep in mind that this is One Piece: every character, from Luffy to Brook to that little guard dog, has a backstory like that. Even Moria alluded to some past tragedy, and he was never supposed to be redeemed by it or anything.

Finally, there is the fact that she is exceptionally powerful, using a combination of her petrifying Love-Love fruit and defense-bypassing Haki to fight powerful characters like Smoker one-on-one and come out on top. The simple justification for this is: she's a Warlord. You can't earn a title like that without being scary enough for the World Government to want you on their side. Saying that a Warlord is too powerful is like saying that a bear is too hairy.

And, to repeat myself from other threads: I really do believe that she and Duval would deserve each other.

>makes no attempt

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>This thread
Goddamn, let's calm this shit down for a minute.

Glad to see that this isn't just some huge image dump, but can we stop with all the troll calling. Anon had an opinion, that's all. Honestly, I didn't like Hancock either when she was initially introduced. She's a bitch. I've gotten used to her being around, but I don't really see too much else in her other than being a way for Luffy to travel/hide from the WG.

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Holy shit Genome, you fucking rock.

The image of it in my mind actually made me giggle.

And of course he wouldn't be affected by her powers, because in his mind there can be noone more attractive to him...Than Himself!


j/k, but yeah. I had never had a problem with how you responded or reacted initially to my opinion. If anything I called you the only level headed individual who actually rebutted and commented fairly and without hostility. Thanks for not making the fandom out to be nothing but sheep.

you made some great points too, although I still stand by what I said. I'd like to talk more about them, but for the sake of this thread and most people we should put it to rest.

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That reaction image makes me feel all warm and validated inside.

If Oda did that my love for him would quintuple.

Thank you for your complements. My whole point is that it's okay for you to not like Hancock because she's not supposed to be a likable character, at least not any more so than, say, Crocodile. I like her, but that's mostly because I'm a big softy and because I find her antics (both as a Queen Bitch and as a lovesick fool) humorous.

Mary Sue is a dangerous word that gets used much more often than it should, especially outside of fanfiction which is where the term originated. I try to avoid using it except in the most obvious of cases, such as Edward Cullen.

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One of my favorites.

I find Hancock to be rather annoying. I mean, I just don't know what I'm supposed to expect from the character. Is she going to keep playing a big role in the storyline? Is she Luffy's romance option (for reals?)? Is she just another female figure floating around in the plot?

I just don't know what significance she's going to continue to play in the plot, and how to accommodate that in my reading of One Piece.

I kinda get what you mean. Going by my gut I think she'll stay a colorful side character and never become a main character, but you really never can tell. Who would have though Franky'd join the crew when he was first introduced?

Heck, when Franky was introduced, everyone thought he was the big bad!

As you might recall, when I first was introduced to Franky, I thought he was a badass villain, and then he morphed into my favorite supporting character of all time.


I was practically overjoyed when he ended up joining the crew. I especially laughed my ass off once I realized Franky looked EXACTLY like the goofy drawing the StrawHats made when they were trying to decide what a good ship-builder would look like.

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I love her.

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Our beloved Boa made it into an ad banner over at regular 4chan!

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Did Oda base Boa Hancock on anyone in particular? I know he bases his characters on real people sometimes (Sanji-Leonardo DiCaprio, etc.)

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oh god suddenly raging lady boner

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Hancock in a nutshell.

Lol she's so mean.

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