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One Piece

 Posting a reply to post #583

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583 No.583
Good day ladies and gents.

How about a Devil Fruit idea thread, I wanna see what your minds can come up with or what powers you expect will appear.

I myself think that there will be Insect type Zoans, mainly cause that one Vice Admiral, I think Onigumo, seems to have a Spider Zoan, so that means Arachnid types. Speculation though.

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Just words, dont be a penas nitpicker

And you felt the need to break them out because people hurt your delicate feelings?

your idea was marysue bullshit level anyway.


Cut the kid a a bit of a break. He somehow interpreted a "think up some cool fruit" thread into a "this are my original power dont steal" Mary Sue, uses completely irrelevant slurs to show how ~*hardcore*~ and ~*edgy*~ he was when people called him out on it, and actually used a "u just hate cuz u jealouuuusss" in all seriousness. He's like, what, 12? 13? Give him time and he'll realize that xbox live bullshit doesn't fly around here.

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Portal portal fruit - the ability to create portals from one place to another, maybe limited by line of sight or something. Needs a catchier name though.

Flying fish fruit - gives the user the ability to fly, but only over water.

Doll doll fruit - ability to turn people into dolls, or maybe the ability to make voodoo dolls of people. Only works on people you've seen though.

Shrink shrink fruit - ability to decrease your size at will.

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>Shrink shrink fruit - ability to decrease your size at will.


damn you filler

Considering that all filler powers are run past Oda ahead of time to prevent redundancy, the shrinking fruit would not have been implemented in the original series. So... congrats on finding a power canonically not in the series! Pym would be proud.

See, this is why I try to make whimsical shit like >>3093. It fits a lighthouse motif, has obvious weaknesses in application, and could be conceivably useful if basic logic is thrown out the window. The time manipulation power sounds like The World mixed with the gimmick abilities in Singularity and completely disregards the previous existence of a time-slowing fruit (Foxy).

You're like a guy who uses a Salamence and a Blissy against someone with all Quagsires. Totally missing the point.

Haha I like this guy! a giant with the fruit ability to shrink, which he uses to shrink down to human size to interact with them, that's just fantastic!

Isn't that a Teen Titan character? A guy who's a member of an alien race who are all the size of a building, and his power is to shrink down to human size.

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>Doll doll fruit - ability to turn people into dolls, or maybe the ability to make voodoo dolls of people. Only works on people you've seen though.


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>Portal portal fruit - the ability to create portals from one place to another, maybe limited by line of sight or something. Needs a catchier name though.


I do like the flying over water one, though. The user could exploit puddles and such.

Pretty sure that was a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes

We still need a Golden Balls fruit.

Chopper needs to face off against a blue-nose reindeer zoan type.

You know it's coming.

The Mantis Shrimp has fists that can punch through inch-thick aquarium glass and has the most powerful eyes in the animal kingdom.

Would that be a type of Zoan devilfruit or would it be a type of fishman?

You know, this just made me realize the reason the series has Fishmen is so Oda can have people with aquatic animal powers even though Devil Fruit makes you sink and thus there probably aren't any fish Zoan fruit.


Ah, out of four ain't bad, I guess?

(And the thread's back on track now, so my evil plan worked.)

With the flying fish one, I was trying to think up ways that you could have a fish/marine life-based fruit without it being some kind of power that would only work underwater, and therefore be useless. Like maybe the dolphin dolphin fruit let's you use echolocation or something?

Gim Allon is Colossal Boy/Leviathan/Micro Lad a member of the Legion of Superheroes.

It wasn't till the 2004 threeboot (yea, a third reboot) that they generated the concept of him being a giant that has the power to shrink and insisted everyone call him "Micro Lad".

Basically the best part of the Legion is that it became a sort of testing ground for crazy ass superpowers that you wouldn't EXPECT to be useful but are in the hands of a good writer.

Tiki and I were talking, and I think I know a way Time Power Devil Fruit could work, by only allowing him limited travel like a few seconds back or forward or so, and allowing him to make pockets of time and space that move rapidly or move slowly, such as trapping a person in a Time Capsule for about ten seconds, but to them is a couple hundred years, effectively killing them.

But in that power, there'd be the weakness to exploit. Time and space are in constant change, in differing rhythms and patterns. BUT, a fixed time bubble with a fixed parameter would have that property, the borders to its existence are fixed to prevent things from leaving it. And fixed things have a single pattern, a single rhythm, and give it, in a way, a form, a shape.

Zoro's away learning to cut things of the ethereal, of the abstract, SO, what if, thanks to giving time rhythm, the user makes time able to be CUT, like all things with rhythm.

And of course, maybe tack on that the enemy's a swordsman, but is so used to cheating with time hacks, he's a terrible swordsman, and once Zoro figures out the flaw to his power, the guy's a pushover.

So he's just absolutely broken to everybody but a swordsman, and then he's only still absolutely broken for the ability to move back a couple seconds and predict every single move ever?

Stupid and overpowered fanfic shit, add in that he kidnapped your OC who is Zoro's lover while your at it.



I see what you mean about the time travel part being TOO broken, maybe replace with a way for him to speed up or slow down time slightly enough for him to either deal with long waits or slow down a fight for him to give him more of an advantage in a fight, not an incredible amount mind you, just enough to make a noticeable difference.

As for the broken except to swordsmen part, well, I'm okay with that. We've had people who've basically been spamming an end-all attack and winning easily before meeting a strawhat counterpart it doesn't work on, like with Eneru and his 10 gabillion zillion volt attack, or Perona's depresso-ghosts. This just means that the trump card can't be played in this fight, and make it a lot less one-sided.

The point is, Time Power Devil Fruit can be done, provided you make sure that there is a major weakness to its power, as well as severe limitations that could be more prone to what wish its based off of, (like the wish to make a boring event go faster, or an exciting event to last longer.)

>add in that he kidnapped your OC who is Zoro's lover while your at it!

Pulse Pulse Fruit.

User gains the ability to produce sonic waves from his whole body, such as a shockwave clap, a wall-cracking slap, and even "belches" that can blow holes in ships.

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Dunno if anyone else has mentioned this:

What about a set of Kaiju based Devil Fruits?

That'd be cutting it a bit close copyright wise, wouldn't it?

DF's affect giants just like anyone else right? Maybe if you got a giant to eat a dinosaur type Zoan Fruit.

Stupor Stupor Fruit.

Can slap users into a semi-drunken state, with all the loss of balance, slowed reaction time, and impaired judgement, without all the fun giddyness and painkillers.

Also, if Zoro gets hit, the further impaired sense of direction actually gets so low it reverses and gives him an absolutely clerical sense of direction. He still thinks he's lost, though.


Kaiju aren't copyright, as far as I know. I'm more talking about the general idea of Zoan Fruits based on giant creatures like the Kaiju (which have been seen in lots of media, such as Pokemon and Final Fantasy 7).

Has there been a Lightning/Electric devil fruit user yet?


New reader, are you? Oh just you wait my friend.

no i forgot about the faggot
has there been a water user, i'd imagine he/she would almost be one of the strongest considering every devi fruit users weakness is water, in a way

Non canon movie 2 villain had a liquid fruit. Oda made a point of making them say that the liquid was not water.

So either he's got one planned, or he's absolutely sure there won't be a water fruit.

would be pretty contradictory but i think it might be pretty interesting also

That reminds me, why hasn't anybody done a Wapol vs Matter Eater Lad thing?

Not sure if this has been mentioned yet (Don't feel like reading through the entire thread)

Luffy's voice actor, Mayumi Tanaka, stated that the fruit she would eat would be the "Tsu Tsu No Mi".

Further Explanation:
In Japan they make key chains and other such small objects that make the noise of a flushing toilet, so that you can hide the "noise" when you're in the bathroom (one could just flush the toilet, but this is Japan). The 'Tsu' in Tsu Tsu No Mi come from the first syllable of the sound of a flushing toilet, and the power would be to be able to make that sound at any given point in time in order to hide other noises, such as farts.

While fun, Tanaka-san pointed out that there would be a flaw with this fruit, as every time you used it everyone would know you were trying to hide something.

That fruit made me think of the Censor Censor Fruit.
It would allow the user to censor anything. For example, if someone had a gun to their head they could turn it into a weird hammer thing.
The fruit's strength depends on the imagination and mental strength of the user. None of the changes made are permanent, and the less realism or the less concentration the user puts into it the shorter the effects will last. For example if you changed a sword into a club the effect would last longer since a club isn't all that improbable for someone to have, but if someone died, and you changed it so they didn't the person would not remain alive for much longer than half an hour.
There's also an effect that the fruit's ability to censor depends on the environment. If the user is in an especially violent or moral less place, then they would be nigh useless, if they were in a media watchdog or nanny state, they would be extremely powerful.
Basically, it would make the user a low tier reality warper, whose power depends on the sensitivities of their enviroment.

had a short lived One Piece message board game, but not without my share of DF ideas.

Zoku Zoku fruit (or clepto clepto). the user can absorb anything into his body by touching it, releasing it at high speed. the user can catch bullets through his skin just to shoot them back, or store an entire boat inside of him for emergencies. may be limited that they can only take in their mass worth of objects

Horu Horu fruit (sculpt sculpt). the user excretes a gel from their body like sweat that softens objects it touches. they can take swords and bend them in half or squash them into balls of worthless metal, grab the earth and sculpt it into a barrier, or pull a hole in a wall. no use on people though

Dolphin Dolphin fruit: the user can become a full dolphin, or a mermaid-like form (the girl i had planned actually believed she was a mermaid with a human fruit, despite making zero sense). the uses are somewhat limited as they cannot swim, but they can hold their breath for extended periods and their body is aerodynamic enough that with proper dives, the user can slip through the water for brief periods. mainly, the tail is incredibly strong for bashing

rhino rhino fruit. self explanatory

inku inku fruit. logia. the user can become a living mass of ink, able to harden into brittle edges or force themselves inside of their foe to hinder them with ink poisoning. the user is weakened or trapped when in contact with paper

Ink would wreak absolute havoc in the manga, especially when you consider the fourth wall-breaking ramifications of it. "Fuck the logias, I can reach across the panels and smudge out your face. What's that, word balloons? Well, now it's blood."

The only problem would be an inability to translate it to the anime.


This here reminded me of something I saw once, but I can't recall where. Anyways the power was that everyone within a radius fixed upon use had their perceptions of time and space messed up. At any given moment they might be seeing a few seconds into the past, or a few hours into the future, and anything they were seeing was almost certainly not where they were seeing it. The wider the radius, the less powerful the effect. At a radius of a few feet, everyone inside might be seeing a whole day into the past and maybe six or seven meters off. With a radius of a quarter mile, the difference would be less than a second and a centimeter off.

Eki Eki (Lizard Lizard) Fruit: Zoan type fruit, with several sub-categories. Chameleon, Monitor, Gecko, etc.

Chameleon would probably be the perfect zoan fruit for Usopp, since it would allow him to blend in (so it wouldn't give away his sniping position) and give him 360-degree vision (so things can't sneak up on him so easily).

I know it would be impractical to have all the crew be DF users, but my mind goes weird places and speculates on which fruit would help them out the most in battles.

If nothing else it would make for a good adversary for Usopp.

Sounds like it could be hella fun, but there's the animation issue. Maybe the anime can go with slightly different attacks that work in an animated setting as opposed to a drawn one? Or they can go all Fooly Cooly and start showing things in terms of panels?

So the "Find-find fruit" is basically the Deathnote without the whole "killing people" part, amirite?

I'm seriously against any of the other crew members eating devil fruits. It would be a huge weakness (sink their ship, they all die), and plus, they're already getting "special training". It would just be completely hectic, like when the CP9 people ate those fruits, and were all mighty and shit with their giraffes and the CP9 powers (forget wat they were called >.>)

pretty universally agreed on, i think, about the fruits. the ones who can beat up fireball-chucking nigh-immortal devils fruit users are all the cooler because they have some crazy thing to them that's not even a real power, just something odd about them

You don't need a DF to be strong in one piece.

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...but it sure helps!

This is going to sound a little DARK LIKE MY SOUL but I didn't see anyone else suggest it so here goes:

I think it would be cool if there was a fruit that allowed the user to control their blood, completely. Separate and disperse like a logia, or, say, focus all the iron in their blood to a point to block/launch an attack, or bleed into other people's wounds to run amok from the inside.

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