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31395 No.31395
So, when you started to draw, what style?
Anime? Realism? Cartoons? What were you inspired by? Was there a huge amount of something you drew?

I started off with anime and was obsessed with kawaii girly mangas. It still kind of shows, since I still sux at males.

The first drawings I can recall were cartoons. Primarily inspired by stuff such as the Mario and Zelda games of my youth. Minimalistic and simple designs were key. I even made some comics, god I wish I saved them.

After a while I started to drift towards anime, but that was a brief period, during which I watched a lot of DBZ. My greatest improvement here I guess was learning how to better convey motion.

Finally I got into webcomics, and my art has taken on a cartoon style from there, stealing bits and pieces from a wide variety of sources. My two earliest influences were Real Life and PvP. I've also taken a lot of lessons from Bruce Timm's style as of late.

My first drawings that weren't like pictures of me in a house were of the monsters from the 90s Godzilla cartoon eating people.

Oh dear god this was like [does math] SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO when I first actually started trying to draw for real. And it started with Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog comics. I started just doing freehand of stuff I saw in the comics, and went from there.

I picked up some bad habits out of this, though. I had a weird-ass amalgamation of anime/liefeld/overly sexualized 90's western comics proportions and no one looked right.

So... I guess a mix of old Sonic and anime. Which is a frightening combination, now that I think about it.

Started with copying sprites out of the Eternal Champions game for sega genesis.

When internet came around I used to chat to japanese people learning english and exchange art. My older "sister" was growing up during the 80's in japan so she started in an older style which I love. I don't draw much now but it shifted towards fine art and eventually when I get around to it I'll begin studying colour theory more often.

Dragon ball got me to start drawing comics and then a friend of mine who's talent was much greater then mine came along and he kinda spurred me on to continue until I got better.

I drew Sonic the Hedgehog and Gundams.

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