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 Posting a reply to post #55106

File: 128277222143.jpg-(500.93KB, 1280x1947, JL- Generation Lost 08001.jpg)
55106 No.55106
Old thread here -

This cover rocks. Also, Booster + tentacle monsters.

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Shiny fanservice from someone other than Booster, suprisingly.

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I love their postures at the top. Booster is sexy, Cap Atom is military and Jaime is adorable.

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D'awww, Bea made a new friend.

How many people actually call him Michael?

I want a big blond shoulder to lean on. Although from the way things are going with her and Red, she might be getting two of those. Lucky woman.

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And I forgot to post the image. ARGH.

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...Maybe not so lucky after all.


And where's his other holister? Is that even the same type of gun as the other one? THE ENTITY WANTS YOU TO STOP BEING SO TRIGGER-HAPPY DANG IT. GUNS DO NOT SOLVE PROBLEMS. And he seems to be wearing boots now as well. I HAS A CONFUSD.

Oh well. *ogles the sexy*

I think they started calling him Michael since the Kingdom, a one shot where he wanted to be called Michael Carter.

Notice that Max likes to talk about Booster?


Booster's his *favorite*.


Goes without saying. I just get a fannish or maybe slashish (?) glee at seeing it.

argh, fuck it.

>Silly code words!

Skeets's code name makes a lot of sense, given what he's disguised as.

Also (this one I didn't know, just googled on a whim that it probably meant something):,_Rube!

>And where's his other holster?
I kid you not, that was my exact reaction to that image.

D'aww, Heavy/Pyro.


Thank you! Fascinating. I love to see those little allusions.

Thanks for providing the definations. I knew fat man but not hey rube.

Re: Maxs' gun: Maybe it's a special gun to deal with metas? Or maybe Max has a serious gun kink? (Fic of this would be awesome.)

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and i am still incapable of writing something without illustrating it, turns out.


We're okay with that. <3

edit: not satisfied with the story, taking it down to revise. enjoy the illustration anyway, in the meantime.

It doesn't matter how much Ted talks about it, about having grown up and had a family, and how he must have become all domesticated in the suburbs, and how him and Booster probably don't hang out as much as they used to, he knows it's all a lie. He can see it in Booster's face, in the way Booster looks at him, in the way Booster talks to him.

Looking at Booster, Ted knows the truth but he doesn't have the heart to say it aloud, not without hurting both of them.

When he sees <i>his</i> Booster, he wraps his arms around him and gives him a tight hug, resting his head on the broad, golden shoulder.

"Hey, Ted, quit it. People are gonna talk," Booster protests, holding his arms up above his head, stiffening beneath Ted's touch.

Ted is quiet for a long while, holding on tight to <i>his</i> Booster, before finally letting go with one of his boisterous laughs, and he slaps Booster on the back. "I'm just messing with you, pal. Let's go grab a beer." he proclaims in a loud voice.

"You know I don't drink," Booster says, but he's following Ted anyway, the way he always does, like a giant, golden puppy - a giant, golden, stupid puppy.

When Booster is drunk, he's touchy, warm and close, and for now Ted indulges him, letting him get wrapped up in Booster's embrace, and he's laughing, and pressing his hands on Booster's chest, as if trying to push him away. Ted makes gay jokes the way he always does, and Booster presses on, getting closer, threatening to kiss.

"You're my best friend, you know that Ted?" Booster murmurs the words against Ted's ear, his breath hot. "I really care about you, I really, really care about you. I don't know what I would do without you..."

When Booster says that, Ted grows quiet, his laughter ebbing, and he thinks about that other Booster, about how tired, sad and worn he looks. He pulls away, pressing a hand over Booster's mouth. "Shut up. If you keep that up, people'll really think you're gay," he teases, and as much as he wants to close that distance between them and indulge himself in Booster's potential kisses, he doesn't have the heart.

It's hard to lose a friend, Ted thinks, but it's even harder to lose a lover. He knows that pain all too well.

When the Booster from the future shows up again, he looks stressed and thin, and he looks at Ted and gives him one of those long, tired looks, before he laughs and tries to play it off that he got into a fight with his imaginary wife. Ted plays along, and he tosses Booster a beer.

This time, Booster doesn't drink. Instead he lies down on Ted's bed and stares up at the ceiling. He asks questions about the time period, trying to reorient myself. He asks about Scott and Barda, and Ralph and Sue. He asks about Dimitri, Tora and J'onn. He asks about Max. He asks a lot of questions about Max, and Ted answers them all patiently.

"If I didn't know any better," Ted teases after the 20th question about Max, "but I'd say you're trying to get me jealous."

Booster sits up and looks at him; there's a flash in his eyes, and then he's laughing. "Don't be ridiculous."

"So stop asking questions about Max and spend time with me," Ted insists, and he's sitting down on the bed next to Booster, their thighs touching. "I have this great plan..." and he goes on, talking about some nonsenser\ about retrieving a missing box for some old woman, and he knows it will get them in trouble, and he knows it will be good for both of them.

Booster indulges him, playing along with the same old nonsense, and for their several hour long escape he looks happy and relaxed and when they're about to part, Booster thanks him with a tight hug.

"Same ol' Ted," Booster says, placing a hand on Ted's cheek.

"Same ol' Booster," Ted responds, slapping the hand away. "Except the hair's thinning in the back."

"It is not!" Booster presses a hand to the back of his head, and even though he's trying to scowl, the look of distaste gets interrupted by laughter. Ted is reaching for that hand, trying to pull it away, and their bodies are pressed close together.

Then there's silence, and they're looking at each other, their noses nearly touching. Booster parts his lips as if to speak, but he says nothing because Ted doesn't give him the opportunity and he's pressing their mouths together and they're kissing. They remain like this for several seconds, their arms tangled behind Booster's head, frozen in a moment of teasing and a moment of passion.

When they part, Booster looks confused, and then terrified. "Shit, Ted--" he starts, and Ted knows he's going to talk about changing the future, and Ted covers Booster's mouth with his hand.

"I promise I'll be good," Ted says, and he's smiling.

"But Ted," Booster says, his protest muffled behind Ted's gloved palm.

"You can trust me, Booster. I'll make sure the future happens the way it's supposed to happen. I'll let you get married and have kids, and I'll get married and have kids, and we'll be fatherly buddies in the suburbs of Chicago..." and Ted goes on, spinning some imaginary future for the both of them, and Booster is smiling and nodding and chuckling.

Booster disappears in a flash of light, and Ted is alone, and he's sitting on his bed. There are tears in his eyes and he's laughing and crying at the same time because he knows the future, and he wishes he didn't.

For years Ted manages to keep his promise, and he never sees the future Booster again, but he watches his Booster slowly grow into that Booster. It hurts him to have to play the straight man, despite all the moments where they get painfully close to kissing, to falling in bed together, to confessing their feelings.

When Ted is looking down at Booster, confined to that hospital bed, he feels the weight of an old promise on his shoulders. He wants to lean over and kiss him, a last kiss, but he doesn't, instead he turns towards the future and keeps going.

"Tell him, it's not his fault."

Christ, my heart.

Oh jeez, ow. Boooooyysss.



That was so beautiful, even with it hurting so damn much. For Ted to live knowing the truth and loving Booster... And for Booster to love him and never know until later, after Ted is gone... I guess that's what being a hero is about, though. Sacrifice...

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Vanishing Point time!

He's alt-universe Daredevil, apparently.

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Because your suit makes funny noises when stuff bounces off it! Weee!

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"Not you guys! Me!"

No you don't, jerks.

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Super-jerks. Go run into a branch, Hal.

Title drop! Space dragon! Why doesn't he use space dragon more often?

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Ha ha, he is too an awesome guy, Hal. Guy needs to punch him for this when they get back. Or maybe Batman. That would be sweet.

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UNF Rip in panel 2.


Oh my god. That was incredible. *cries*

Oh no, Black-Red Beetle plans on hurting Booster to get to Rip!

Superman: "We're more experienced in these matters than you are Booster. And even though we're clearly going against the expert of Time Travels' orders we're better than you."

And people forget why Booster didn't get along with him.

Hey isn't it confirmed in different books that Bruce doesn't even like Hal? That means even Batman thinks that Booster is better than Hal. Look back at when Booster first joins JLI, Batman praises him more than the other member.

No one's done tentacles kink by now? I'm rather shocked. More so that Rip gets more in comic tentacle attacks than Booster. That second panel with Claw and him dazed looks particularly suggestive.

I can't tell you how happy was was to see them get p'wed. Good thing you have more "experience" guys.


Batman should totally praise Booster for rescuing him and ignore the other two when they find him.

I'm actually kinda into tentacles, so this makes me very happy. Although I kinda want to see Max get tentacle-molested, just because it would be hilarious.


JLI: "..."


JLI: "BWA HA HA!" *point and laugh*


I was totally thinking Bruce would ignore the others too (although he might be interested in Rip) to focus on Booster.

I really thought that you wrote Max saying he wants them to get him off. 0=0

But yeah, I'm actually considering a tentacle porn fic although I have no idea how to write it or which Carter will star in it.


- Booster, and Rip has to save him. And explain that he knows how to beat them because he's had experience with those types of monsters...and it gets even more awkward.

- Booster and Ted, while exploring Kooey^3 or something, and afterwards they decide never to speak of it again.

- Rip, because we don't really have any porn of him. Although it is kind of weird to have porn of someone who we keep seeing as an adorable kid.

- Rip, and he's on some kind of mission and Booster's with him and Rip's all like "Please don't let him find me like this."

No tentacle porn with any other Carter around, PLEASE. That's my number 1 squwick. I wouldn't mind Bruce helping Booster deal with them.

Rip is seriously lacking porn, you'd think someone would pair him off with another superkid like Sin, Damian, etc.


porn-ish rip fic pending...

We still lack porn of tentaclemonster!Booster (from the Extreme Justice era) molesting Ted.

Just saying.


I saw one somewhere. But I don't like the EJ era so Booster w/out tentacles is preferred.

Ted is pressed up against the light blue of his bedroom wall, his arms wrapped around his best friend as they kiss. It's one of those sloppy, unpracticed kisses of two teenaged boys exploring their sexualities, and he can't control the sounds of his whimpers. His hands work their way through his best friend's buttery, blonde hair, pulling on the soft strands. Ted hears him gasp between kisses, desperate for air, and he stops kissing long enough to let them catch their breaths. Their foreheads are resting against each others, eyes closed and he can feel his best friend's hands grabbing handfuls of his shirt.

"Oh, Rip," Ted breathes against his best friend's lips. His friend's name really isn't Rip, it's Edward, but he insists on Ted calling him Rip. ("It's cooler sounding," Rip had said, when they first met as grade school students.)

"You taste really good," Rip whispers back at Ted, his tongue ghosting over the shape of Ted's lips, and he presses closer, their chests crammed impossibly close, enough to take their breaths away. His leg slides between Ted's thighs, pressing up and into him and Ted can't help but moan aloud at the pressure, his toes curling in his shoes.

"Hnngh, Rip..."

"Shhh, your brother will hear you." Rip silences him with another kiss, and Ted doesn't protest, he has no reason to protest.

Ted melts into the kiss, feeling like he could dissolve into Rip and into the kiss, and even the sounds of his brother's friends swearing on the otherside of the wall can't distract him from the intensity of this moment. His hands tighten in his best friend's hair, kissing back as hard as he can.

Their noses smash together, and teeth click against teeth when they can't decide which way to turn their heads each time they break for air. They break apart to laugh after umpteenth time their teeth hit, and Ted is resting his head on Rip's shoulder, shoulders shuddering as he laughs, boisterous and loud.

Rip has one of those quiet kinds of laughs, ones that you can't hear, but you can see and you can feel, and Ted can feel his best friend's body shaking beneath his own, and it makes him laugh louder.

A loud knocking on the wall behind Ted's back gets them to stop, and he can hear his brother yelling at them. "Shut up, will you!?"

"I told you your brother will hear you," Rip scolds and he slides his hands down around Ted's waist.

Ted squirms away from the touch, self concious of his weight. He unwinds his fingers from his best friend's hair, and presses hands against his chest, as if about to push him off. Rip is bigger than him, and harder than him, and Ted feels a moment of inadequacy. He stops.

Rip hesitates before removing his hands from Ted's waist and he moves them to cover Ted's hands with his own. His palms are hot. "Sorry," he apologizes.

Ted stares at Rip's chest for a moment, and then up at his face. Rip has extraordinary features: a strong jaw, a strong nose, high cheek bones, beautiful blue eyes - he could be a model if he wanted to be. "Do you like me?" Ted asks, sounding insecure.

Rip's eyes widen for a moment in an expression of shock, and then he's cupping Ted's face with his hands and pulling him for another kiss. At first Ted is upset by the silence, but then he remembers that Rip doesn't talk much, that he has a certain air about him that's a thousand times more mature than a boy his age should be, as if he's lived through a hundred years. Ted is reassured by the kiss, and when they part Rip whispers, "I like you."

Ted melts at the words, because it's the first time anyone's ever said they like him, and maybe he's falling victim to his desperate, childish need to be wanted and appreciated and loved, but in this moment he's convinced, absolutely convinced that Rip is his true love. This thought sends a chill down his spine, and he can't stop himself from bucking forward and he feels something hard against his hip.

They don't say anything for a moment, and then they're fumbling for their pants. Hands hesitant and unsure. The heads of their cocks nudge together, and Ted shivers from the heat. He swallows thickly, and he begins to stroke himself, his eyes fixated on his best friend's cock, dark and hard in Rip's large hand.

"Can I touch you?" When Rip asks the question, he sounds childish and unsure.

"Yes!" Ted blurts out the answer, eager, and Rip shakes with silent laughter.

Soon their cocks are wrapped in Rip's large, hot hand, and Ted is struggling to keep up with him, his hand covering Rip's in some awkward attempt to help out. Rip has an expert touch, at least Ted would consider it expert, because it feels incredible, and he never thought jerking off could feel so good. He clings to his best friend, his other hand pulling Rip's shirt out of shape, and his teeth dig into Rip's shoulder when he tries to silence himself.

He comes, suddenly and quickly and even his moan is loud around Rip's shoulder, and he collapses boneless against him. Rip makes a strangled sounding groan and Ted can't tell whose liquid heat is whose as he unwraps his hand from their cocks. He silently rubs his fingers together, feeling the stickiness, memorizing it.

The room is as quiet as ever, save for the sounds of their own breaths, and the distant sounds of Ted's brother and his friends.

Finally Rip moves, and he's pulling away, tucking his cock away and cleaning his hands off on the handkerchief from his pocket. "I should probably go," he says, breaking the silence and Ted deflates.

"So soon?"

Rip is hesitant for a second, and then he's cleaning Ted off, with the awkward motions of an amateur lover, and Ted doesnt push him off. "My dad's taking me with him on a buisness trip," Rip finally responds.

Ted only half understands. He doesn't have the relationship with his father the way Rip does, but whenever Rip talks about his father he has nothing but good things to say. Rip's father sounds like a hero, an adventurous man who travels around the world conducting his buisness. ("He's like an... international police officer," Rip had explained in the past.) Rip goes with him a lot, and when he does, he disappears for weeks at a time and Ted hesitates to say anything.

"I'll try and be back soon," Rip finally says, breaking the silence again.

Ted reaches out for him, grabbing Rip by his shirt, and he's pulling him close for another kiss. "You better," he threatens, and he's smiling.

"I promise," Rip says, and he's kissing him back, and Ted swears his heart is going to explode.


... Sweetie, you always leave the nicest surprises. Er. Did I say nice? ... Maybe I am a masochist. Doesn't change that I love them both. And oh, oh, Ted. Always so much love that it hurts a bit.


WOAH. That was an unexpected pairing. Very nicely written.

thanks! I wrote another fic that sort of extrapolated on this pairing (where Ted explains his attraction to Booster because he looks like his first love)

Are you going to post it? We'd love to read it.

I'd love to read it!


They started out as best friends, bonding over shared interests and similar attitudes about life and living. But eventually they became more than just friends... It happened by accident one night as they sat on Ted's bed pouring over blueprints and plans. They found themselves sitting closer together, thighs touching, fingers brushing. There was a beat of hesitation, the shyness of two teenaged boys suddenly aware of their nervous feelings for each other. Their faces were close, mouths slightly parted, and they could feel each other's hot breath against their skin. Soon they were kissing, fingers intertwining, chests pressed close. Paper crumbled and fell to the floor as they both tumbled backwards against the sheets, legs tangling.

They were breathless as their lips parted and their faces were flushed, foreheads touching. "Wow," Ted whispered in a soft voice as he looked at his best friend in disbelief.

"Wow is right..."

They were quiet for a moment longer, enjoying each other's warmth and presence: coddled by the comforting afterglow of a first kiss; unfortunately, that didn't last very long. Ted was sitting up suddenly as he heard a car door slam outside, and he was practically pushing his best friend out of his bed. "Oh my god!" He was awkward enough as it is, a little overweight, unpopular, and a nerd; his older brother didn't need another excuse to make fun of him.

Edward looked up at Ted from the floor, and he had to chuckle, but he understood the concern his friend had, so he didn't make any motion to reclaim his spot on the bed. "I should probably get going anyway, my dad's coming home tonight."

"Really? How long was he gone this time? A month?"

Edward scrubbed a hand through his blonde hair. "Just about. You really need to come by for dinner sometime, I know my dad would love you."

Ted sighed, laying back against the bed and staring up at the ceiling. "That would be nice. You only ever have good things to say about him. I'm jealous of that."

"Yeah... I'm really lucky. Even though I don't see him that often." Edward leaned against the bedframe, pulling his knees up to his chest. He never talked much about his family, except that he loved his father, even if he never saw him much, and that mystique was what drew Ted to him in the first place.

Ted reached a hand out for his friend, running his fingers through Edward's blonde hair, scratching his scalp the way one would scratch a dog. "So go home! I bet your dad's waiting for you."

Edward leaned his head back, closing his eyes into the scratching. "But I want to stay here with you," he murmured softly.

Carefully, Ted slid off the bed to the floor next to his best friend, and he resisted the urge to wrap his arms around him, and lean over for another kiss. Instead he did the next best thing: he leaned against him and rested his head on Edward's shoulder. "You're the best friend ever," he said with a smile.

"That's because I have you to be a friend to."

"I don't know what it is about you, Booster, but you remind me of my best friend."

"I thought I was your best friend."

Ted paused and then laughed, shaking his head. "You are. I meant my best friend from when I was a kid. Looking back on it now, he looked alot like you. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall..." He splayed his fingers, ticking them off as he listed each quality, and then he paused. "Except he was smart. Really smart."

Booster tried to look offended, but his lips were quirking into a grin. "Gee, nice to know my best friend thinks I'm stupid."

"Who needs brains when you have looks?" Ted teased, wrapping his hand around the back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.

The kiss was proof that Ted will always be the smarter of the two of them, because that stopped Booster from making any protests or smart remarks. Booster sighed into the kiss, defeated but happy.

Tangling his fingers in Booster's hair, Ted smiled at him as their lips parted. "I love you," he whispered.

"Whoa, so loving all of a sudden! What brought this on?"

Ted pressed their foreheads together, their goggles clicking. "I can't be loving when I want to be?" he retorted.

Booster wrapped an arm around Ted's waist, pulling him close as they collapsed upon his bed. "I'm thinking reminiscing about your best friend is what got you going. Did you love him?"

"Honestly," Ted's voice was soft, practically whispered against Booster's lips, "I did."

Edward knocked before entering his father's office, which was unusual because it was as much his study as it was his father's work room. He could hear his father bustling around, and the room had unfolded from it's average apperance of bookshelves and globes to reveal computer monitors and chalkboards scribbled with various notes.

"Come in, son," his father directed, gesturing to a large plush chair as something golden floated in his peripherial, making electric chirping noises. "Strange for you to knock like that."

"You can't blame me, I haven't seen you in a while."

"Funny, I saw you just yesterday."

"Dad..." Edward's brow furrowed, unamused by his father's attempt at humor.

With a sigh, his father got off his feet, sinking onto a wooden stool as he looked at his son, the expression on his face serious. Edward had forgotten how tired his father looked after travelling for so long, and he had almost forgotten how old he really was. "What can I do for you, son?"

"It's about Teddy..." Edward fumbled, his hands twisting into knots.

His father laughed, as he reached over and pat his son on the shoulder. "I already know."

"You do!?"

Michael moved and forced himself into the plush chair next to his son and gave his knee an encouraging squeeze. "Of course I do, Teddy told me all about it."

"He did!?" Edward was at a loss for words, somehow bewildered at the idea of his best friend being so open with his father.

"Rather," his father corrected, "he will tell me about it."

Edward leaned against his father with a sigh. "I'm going to hate it when he dies, aren't I?"

Michael put an arm around his son, and rubbed his shoulder comfortingly, "You're going to hate it more when you have to stop me from bringing him back."

There was silence between them for a while, and then Edward spoke, his voice soft and hesitant, "Sometimes.. I hate time travel."

"Me too, son. Me too."

Aww :'( Thanks for posting! Although I have to admit, I don't know how I feel about Ted being with both Rip and his DAD....

Weird random thought. What would you think if Black Beetle turned out to be Teds' son? Would you ship him and Rip?


Considering your other choice for a 2nd generation Blue & Gold ship would be Rip/Jaime...

Yeah Jaime/Rip doesn't work for me. *shrugs*

Can anyone who's familiar with Rip tell me if he and Ted have met before? Booster's comment about introducing them in BG #00 makes me think they haven't.

And now I'm imagining a scenario where they do meet, geek out and/or bond over science, and end up inadvertently annoying Booster. :)


It's iffy. Technically they haven't been formally introduced. Not long after Booster joined the JLI there was an event with the Manhunters from GL. Booster pretended to join the Manhunters' side to stop them from the inside. When the rest of the heroes arrived at the scene they thought Booster only switched sides at the last moment because the Manhunters were losing. (I think Booster stopped something from happening before they arrived.)

Distressed over that lack of faith they had in him, Booster took one of the people they were protecting with him to explain to her how much everything sucks. Thinking the JLI were going to throw him in jail for something he didn't do he ran to Rip to leave to another time but Rip didn't have a working time machine ready. The JLI arrived and talked Booster into staying while he was still in Rips' home. Ted was present and the one who basically convinced Booster to stay. Rip was never introduced to any of them on panel. Although it's iffy if this is still canon since Rips' backstory has changed since then.


Thanks for the info! Do you have any issue names and numbers? I'd be interested in checking out this arc. (The "Ted convincing Booster to stay" part also sounds like a contender for the Big Ol' List of Boostle Moments.)

I think it was Booster Gold #25 the last issue of his first series. Basically JLI ignored the fact they were in Rip's home. Sad thing is that Booster called them on how they acted. Something along the lines of "of course you believed it! You guys always think the worst of me!" J'onn denied this basically wanting Booster back because he found out he had an important destiny (he never told Booster this.)

Dinah was basically like "come on back already!" Booster wasn't convinced. Ted said Booster was acting like a baby running away when things got hard. Booster started to rethink things, J'onn returns the BG costume from his pocket cape and you know Rip has to be waiting for these people to leave his house off panel.


I just read the issue. God, the Justice League are jerks. Good job browbeating him back into the League, guys.

I wonder if DC ever plans to bring back any of the supporting cast from Booster's first series. They seem to be ignoring them thus far.


Don't recall ever hearing anything more about that chick (trixie, wasn't it?) but the dude that stole Booster's money whose name I don't remember right now was eventually tracked down in Extreme Justice and Booster force-armed control of the company- Lightspeed Entertainment -from him and asked Ted to be his partner in the business. Asides from that, no clue.

Trixiw showed up in Jurgens Teen Titans run as a business woman. She was reunited with Booster in Chase under a different writer. They greeted each other in a chilly fashion. Jurgens says he likes her and wants to bring her back but needs a story for it.


Interesting. On the one hand, I'd like to see her back to get some closure on her relationship with Booster. On the other hand, I'm digging the lack of romantic angst in Booster's series.


He's got Ted-angst and Max-angst and JLI-angst right now, he doesn't need any more of it.


Yes, it's actually kind of strange and awkward. Even in the Time Masters mini, you see the JLI, and there sort of an ethereal assumption that Rip is familiar with them and vice versa, but none of them ever really interact the way Rip/Booster do.

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gurh i keep trying to write things and not finishing them. can't decide: ted-had-a-rough-day story, max-gets-booster-drunk story, or should i fix and repost the booster-back-in-time one? or other? prompts?

picture unrelated to anything, i was drunk and doing art requests.


I think you know what I'm going to say - DRUNKS AND THREESOMES.

I had suggestions for how to continue that one, but they're all back in another thread now. I'm just going to suggest Max and Ted DP Booster maybeyesplease? So that we have a story to go with that nice picture you drew?

oh, hey, yeah, i forgot all about that one. ffuuu.


It didn't take long for Max to lose the thread of the movie. In light of the fact that it was exactly what its title had promised - there were mushroom people, and they were attacking - he didn't chase after it too hard. Booster and Ted had made a game of it, riffing on the worst bits of dialogue or the very...'special' special effects, constantly trying to one-up each other. Maybe Max was just buzzed still, but this felt right. Those two could be aggravating beyond reason when they got going, but it was familiar. He never would have guessed he'd actually miss Ted's banter.

And if Max found it distantly reassuring, Booster was outright soaking it up. He laughed at everything, funny or not, like it was just a relief to get the chance. They both looked the most at ease he'd seen them since he brought this ragtag team back together, and Max almost thought he'd been forgotten entirely when, with Ted distracted by laughter, Booster leaned over and whispered. "Thanks, Max."

And there it was. Max thought about the conversation in the Bug. He thought about how it had always been in the League - watching Booster gravitate towards Ted from day one, watching his clumsy and utterly blatant flirtations, watching Ted the genius miss it all completely until, finally, he didn't. Booster had smiled just like he was then, and Max had known instantly that he was out of the running.

"Any time," he murmured back.

He wouldn't let himself be bitter about this, whether it was just one night of getting along like in The Good Old Days or whether this gave them the spark to start it back up again. But he couldn't help his mind wandering. What if Booster had been the one to pick him up tonight, alone? (This being just a fantasy, he chose to ignore the fact that Booster didn't have a car, and Ted would never lend him the Bug.) He would have gotten Max, and they would have talked, and they'd come back here and it would be just them on the couch, and...

Max had the sudden, depressingly childish urge to put his arm around Booster. Just stretch and edge a little closer and let his arm fall around his shoulders, like something out of an old movie. If it was just them, he probably wouldn't even flinch; might look surprised, but then he'd smile, and Max would smile back and trail his fingers down onto his arm-

Something brushed Max's shoulder, and when he looked, there was Ted's hand. Ted's arm, snaked right across Booster's back - and Booster looked surprised, but then he smiled, and Ted smiled back, and Max had the sudden feeling that something had been stolen from him. His ideas? What, was Ted a telepath now? What if he thought, suddenly jealous, about the smooth slope of Booster's neck, the sinewy muscle and the short hairs that curled out just behind his ear, how they'd feel under his fingers - what then?

When Ted's hand crept back, just enough for his fingertips to skim up Booster's neck, Max nearly dropped his beer. Booster went tense immediately, a shiver rippling through him; his eyes stayed locked on the screen, as if looking over at Ted would break the illusion. Then they turned to Max, and went wide.

...You? he mouthed. Max let his look of confusion speak for itself. But then something dripped onto his lip, and he suddenly understood.

What he didn't understand was what he was supposed to do now. It had been wholly unintentional, alcohol and imagination getting the better of him - should he apologize? Push Ted into backing off? What if Ted didn't want to back off? What if all the forced maturity, the distance from Booster, was just waiting for an excuse to be dropped? What if -

Booster's lips moved again.

Don't stop.

There was something desperate there.


Max spent a long moment frozen.

Then, finally, he closed his eyes, resolving to deal with the ethical questions of this tomorrow. For now, doing that would mean saying no to Booster, Booster with his bitten lip and his pleading eyes, and that was more than Max was capable of.

It wasn't hard. He'd imagined this, and variations on it, more than enough times by then. And maybe this was as close as he'd ever get to living them out.

He thought of his hand creeping up from Booster's neck, weaving into his hair - how soft it would be when he raked his fingers through it. Next to him, Booster let out a shaky sigh, and Max told himself he heard gratitude in there. Even without looking, he could picture Ted's hand - his - Ted's, trailing up and down again, kneading gently at the back of Booster's neck, fingertips tracing out the collar of his shirt. He thought about how he'd move in closer, till he was right up against Booster, and as if on cue he felt the couch cushions shift. He didn't look; he didn't need to. Maybe he didn't want to. He could already picture Booster's face; a little guilty, but relieved, eager to get this back even for a little while, even if it took a little cheating to do so.

He could feel Booster tense next to him, and imagined what that would feel like under his hand as he soothed away all the stiffness in his neck, raked his nails over Booster's skin, and Booster's breath would go shaky and he'd touch Max before he could think better of it-

Max's eyes flew open.

Booster's hand was clutching at his thigh, and Max realized what he'd been doing a second too late.

"Excuse me a minute," he managed, trying to make it sound like something less urgent than it was, and barely kept his steps steady all the way to the kitchen. It was easier to breathe there, without Booster close and his breathing quick and shallow and god, what the hell was Max doing here? The seed was planted, and maybe nothing would come of it, maybe Ted and Booster would both act like this was just a slip and pretend it never happened. But knowing them, somehow, Max doubted it. For all he knew, they were already making up or something out there - when he strained his ears (against his better judgment) all he heard was the turned-down chatter of the movie and the murmur of voices, too quiet to make out.

Then Ted didn't understand yet, he supposed - or he'd have been more vocal. Righteously upset, and who could blame him? It'd be messed up even if Max were doing this solely out of compassion towards Booster, but the reality wasn't even that innocent - and there was no point in pretending otherwise, not with the impression of Booster's hand as good as burned into his skin, the warmth that had jolted out through Max at that simple touch, the low stirrings of something deeply inappropriate.

Max poured himself a glass of water, drank slowly, and tried to talk himself back down.

When he thought he'd managed it, he took one deep breath and stepped back out to the living room. Booster and Ted didn't notice right away.

That had nothing to do with mind-tricks, and everything to do with Ted practically in Booster's lap, tilting his head aside and sucking at Booster's throat. Even from where he stood, Max could see the way Booster clutched at Ted's shoulders, hear him panting and trying to drag him closer. Ted scraped his teeth just below Booster's ear, then glanced up, and his eyes were right on Max's.

And he was smiling.

Just found this blog - it has some pretty good reviews of Generation Lost, and also a 5-part character study of Max.

Oops, sorry.

And a quote from Winick on Booster in Generation Lost:
"Booster, if anyone’s been paying attention, is getting examined almost in every other issue. We’re not going to have an issue devoted to Booster. That character is an ongoing process. And he’s pretty much the heart of the book, which I’m happy to see a number of people have caught onto. That every turn has really been about him. I think, more than anyone else, this is personal to him."


Yeah please finish.
I just recently read that on the old thread.

I think everyone picked up on Boosters' importance. I saw in issue one.

Can someone draw or write Ted and Booster's first time fooling around for me? That would be wonderful.
Anywho, here's something I threw together in a few minutes of boredom. My buddy stumbled in the house drunk and was trying to be quiet. In a way, hope you enjoy it.

Ted lay awake in bed, his fingers interlaced behind his head and eyes locked on the ceiling. The sheets were down around his waist and wrapped slightly around him from all his tossing and turning. The warm air around him felt stagnant, the sound of his own breath the only sign of life in the room. Booster was late, very late, but Ted refused to admit his worry. He refused to admit that he had been tossing and turning for hours wondering where Booster was. Booster was a big boy, in more way then one, and he could take care of himself.

He groaned softly and rolled over on to his side once more, his arm snaking it's way under the pillow as the sheets become tighter around his waist. His fingers began to beat a soft rhythm against the sheets as sleep continued to allude him. Had something gone wrong with their mission? If he didn't get back soon Ted was going to go insane.

As if on cue Ted heard a loud thump from outside the room followed by hushed curses. His eyes, which were already pointed towards the door widened slightly as he sat up. The door cracked open just enough for Booster to get his body through and the man slipped in with his back to Ted. He closed the door slowly and carefully attempting to be quiet before he spun around, his movements loose and slightly wobbly.

"Ted? Are you awake?" Even if Ted hadn't been awake, Boosters stage whisper would have brought him around, but only if the loud thump that could have woken the entire embassy up didn't do the trick. He seemed a little unsteady on his feet as he peeled his shirt off... His shirt. He was wearing civilian clothing. He kicked his boots off and began unbuttoning his pants as he moved towards the bed. "Ted?"

"Where have you been? I thought you were out on a mission." His voice sounded accusatory, even to his own ears. Way to hide the worry Ted. After fighting his pants off Booster dropped down onto the bed with a soft 'hmph.'

"Max convinced me to go to the bar with him." At this close proximity, Ted could smell the beer on Booster's breath as he spoke. Booster reached out and grabbed the sheets, tugging them free of Ted's weight. He wiggled his hips, sliding his body in closer to Ted's. Booster wrapped one powerful arm around Ted's waist and lay down, pulling the other man with him. The smell of stale beer and peanuts coming from Booster mixed with the warmth in the air was making Ted feel slightly uncomfortable.

"You're drunk." It wasn't a question, and Booster's low hum of a response just made it obvious that he wasn't just drunk. He was wasted and he was about to pass out. "You need to go back to your own room." Ted would be lying if he said that he wasn't upset. He had laid there worrying for the past few hours, while Booster was out at the bar. Of course he was angry. Booster made a small groan of protest and cuddled closer into Ted, his hips pressing tightly into the brunette's, his legs purposely becoming tangled.

"Don't make me go." Booster's soft whisper was slurred and reeked of alcohol. The soft whining protest was really rather adorable, but it didn't fit in with the reaction that the blond was bringing up. Ted could feel himself getting hard. There was warmth and muscle everywhere around him. A broad chest pressed against his own, one powerful arm draped over his waist holding him tight, and a warm groin pressed against his own, only two thin pieces of material keeping them separated. No, that whining protest should have been a moan.

"You don't want me to go Ted. I can feel that much." Booster's warm breath danced across Ted's skin. He nuzzled his face into the brunette's neck, a small smile playing at his drunken lips. Ted inhaled and opened his mouth to speak, but Booster cut him off before he had a chance to say anything.

"Shut up and I'll suck your dick in the morning." Ted snapped his mouth shut. Telling Booster off could wait for now.


Dirk! I loved Dirk so much before his face heel turn. He always struck me as Max-lite - sleazy businessman who is genuinely fond of the superhero(es) he works for/with.

I did enjoy! Thank you!

I'd love to see how that ends. I just re-read it the other day, and was wondering if you'd ever pick it up again! :)

I liked this! One of my unfinished scraps right now involves Max taking Booster to a bar. Doesn't end quite as nicely as this, though.
You've convinced me. I'll get back on it.

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That is what I wanted to hear. I can't wait to read the finish.


*blows horn and throws confetti in the air*

Tora's outfit bugs me. Oversized tops are so 80's(Yeah I know Booster's an 80's poster child, but he can pull off the look. I just want to yank off the top.). Why does Bea lose her frizzy hair but Tora keeps the tank top? How about her DCAU look? I wish project rooftop did something on the JLI but they only do A-list and B-list heroes )<.

Aw, I like that Tora costume.

And heck, we could always do our own redesigns. Not for her, not on /coq/, but on /coc/ or /draw/ or something.

That sounds like a good idea. Perhaps I should make a thread when I can post images.


And you will link us to it, yes? And do other superheroes outfits too? (And maybe give Max one?)

I like the costume, but I'm a big 80s dork.


I love Tora's outfit too. The colors are great and I think the top (dated as it may be) helps make her outfit look unique. It's also not as form-fitting as other superheroines' outfits, which I think is a great fit for her personality.

Weird question, but...does anyone remember this one JLI/Superbuddies era-based fic? It's about the neighborhood Halloween block party for the street that Superbuddies headquarters is based in, and all the heroes have to come in costumes that AREN'T their superhero ones and Booster, well, I know I'm adhering to a trope here because his is the only one I remember, but I think he dressed up as Jareth from Labyrinth. I just remembered that fic, and that costume.
Anyone else think we need some illustration? Because Booster + tight pants = good thing? Maybe with Ted and/or Max in the background? Ooh, they could be fighting over who has to/gets to wear Sarah's dress...

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They did feature Fire and Ice once.

I like Ice's tank 'n bodysuit a whole lot more than that hideous figure skater leotard she was in for a while. (spoiler for boobs)

Well in my boredom I decided to do the prompt that I asked for. I would still appreciate it if someone else would write their own version of Ted and Booster's first time fooling around. I prefer reading someone else's work over writing it myself. I don't even like my own writing, but I can't draw worth poo and I want to contribute something. Oh well though, hope you enjoy it.


Booster and Ted were lounging back on a couch in the Justice League International headquarters. They were two of just a few members on the team that were not required to be out on this mission, the rest who were left behind were either asleep or out doing their own thing. These two happened to be drinking and watching a movie, well Booster had lost the plot long ago. Instead he had been sneaking glances at Ted who had been nursing the same beer for the past half hour. Ted, who was always oblivious to Booster's flirting, happened to be absolutely caught up in the movie, and was once again oblivious to Booster's desires.

Booster set his fourth empty beer bottle down on the table and got up to get a fresh one. When he returned, he sat purposefully closer to the brunette, now easily close enough to place his hand on the man's thigh if he so wished. He twisted the cap off his beer, the sound of air suctioning in to the bottle filling the momentary silence of of the movie. He squeezed the cap in between his index finger and thumb, folding it in half like a small aluminum taco, and dropped it in to one of his empty bottles. "I'm lost, what the hell is going on?"

He turned to look at Ted once more, who was taking a tiny sip of his beer. When the bottle left his lips, his mouth was spread into a small grin. "You see when they went into space, rather then going to a distant planet, they traveled through time and came back to Earth. Well not traveled through time as much as slept for thousands of years."

He had understood that much, he had tried to pay attention to the beginning of the movie. It wasn't until later that he gave up and just started stealing glances at Ted. "And now the roles of humans and monkeys are reversed and the main character is just freaking out?"

Ted snorted softly. "They're apes, but yes, that is essentially what is happening." Ted kept his eyes on the screen as Booster continued to stare at him. Since the beginning Booster had been drawn to Ted. It was Ted, who would always laugh at his jokes rather then stare at him like he was an idiot. It was Ted, who would actually show him some respect. It was Ted, who has that shaggy brown hair that falls onto his forehead just begging to be brushed back. Who has remarkably soft hands for their line of work. Who was, as cliché as it sounds, smart, and funny, and actually seemed to get Booster.

Booster's hand came to rest on Ted's thigh. Ted's body instantly went rigid. His knuckles turned white as his hand gripped the neck of dark brown bottle tightly. His mind began racing at a million miles per hours. Was Booster drunk? No, Ted had seen him drink much more and still be all but sober. Had there been a bug on his leg that Booster was trying to kill? No, he moved too slowly and his hand was still there. Should he ask Booster to remove his hand? It wasn't hurting anything, and the sensation wasn't bad, but Ted had never been interested in men.

"Booster I think--" Then Ted felt lips being pressed against his own. Lips that were much softer and more gentle then he would have expected. The cold glass of the beer bottle that Booster had failed to set down pressed against Ted's neck as the blond wrapped an arm around him. The sudden cold against his skin cause him to gasp against Booster's lips, which the man took as a sign that Ted was enjoying it. Booster pulled his lips away, his breathing still mostly even.

Ted sat silently, his mouth still slightly open, and a slight blush of embarrassment on his face.. He hadn't really kissed Booster back, but he felt that he should have. Ted may not be all that interested in men, but the thought of losing Booster was almost a physical pain. Ted kept his eyes cast slightly downward to avoid Booster's eyes. During the relatively short kiss Booster had moved to where he was standing on one leg, kneeling on the couch with his other leg. His wide muscular body hovering over Ted.

"Shit Ted, say something." Ted's eyes slowly drifted upward to meet Booster's, who's were filled with fear. Say something? What do you say after your best friend of the same gender kisses you? That wasn't as bad as I thought? Your lips are as soft as a woman's? I tried to tell you to stop before you kissed me? That one made the most sense, maybe he would say that... but he looked so scared.

"What am I supposed to say after that? You just kissed me! And that beer is cold on my neck." Ted decided to take a neutral path. He would act as if it didn't bother him, but not give Booster reason to think he wants more. Booster pulled his arm from around the man's neck and set the beer on the table. His hand came off of Ted's thigh, but he remained crouched over the man.

"I've been flirting and making small passes at your from the beginning. It's not like you didn't know how I felt about you." Ted's brow furrowed up. Flirting? Making passes? He had no idea that this was going on, and it was clearly evident on his face. "Fuck. You had no idea." Booster's shoulders slumped forward minutely in defeat. Ted of course noticed. Booster pulled his knee up off the couch and stood up. "I'm sorry."

"Michael wait..." The light around them became dark and flickering as the movie came to the credits. Ted reached up with his free hand and gripped the front of Booster's shirt, his other hand still tightly gripping the glass bottle. His hand was fisted in the blond's shirt just above the waist of his pants, causing the shirt to ride up slightly and expose a small sliver of skin. The small stripe of skin was painted with a trail of light blond hair leading down into the man's pants. It did nothing for Ted.

Booster stopped. He could feel a cool breeze dancing across his exposed skin mingling with the warmth of Ted's gaze on his body. He felt... guilty, but this was what he wanted. He wanted Ted to see him, to really see him, in the way he saw the brunette. He leaned forward, letting his hands come to rest on the back of the couch to either side of Ted's neck. Ted's hand released the all but empty bottle, the hollow thump followed by the faint smell of spilled beer filling the air.

"I... I want to try. I can't promise that it will... go anywhere, but I want to try. Is... that ok?" Booster's breath hitched slightly. Had he heard correctly? He leaned down, his body aching to feel Ted's soft lips beneath his own once more, but Ted stopped him. The hand that had held him there was now keeping him away. "Not here. What if someone comes out here?"

He hadn't thought of that. Really he hadn't cared about that. He hadn't tried to hide his flirting before, why should he care if they get caught? Really the thought of them getting caught was kind of arousing. "Right. Ok." He stood up and grabbed Ted's wrist, pulling the slightly shorter man to his feet. He turned around slightly, his shirt still in Ted's grip twisted and tightened on his torso, and with Ted's wrist still in his hand he began pulling the man towards his bedroom.

Ted let himself be dragged into the room, his free arm flying out behind him to push the door closed. In the next instant he was pulled against Booster's chest, his arm folded between their two bodies. It felt... odd. Not bad, but different. Booster's usually bright blue eyes were almost black, his usually playful face almost the most serious Ted had ever seen it. It was all very weird to Ted, but he wanted to do this for Booster.

Booster's lips were against his own once more, just as soft as before, but a little less gentle this time. This time, however, he kissed back. His eyes falling shut and his own lips moving hesitantly against the blond's. It felt... good, but if he wanted this to work he was going to have to stop thinking so hard about every little thing. At least that was the plan until he felt Booster's tongue glide softly along his bottom lip requesting entrance. He hesitated, he hesitated just long enough for Booster to slip his hand up under his shirt. His slightly callused hands sweeping across the small of Ted's back. Ted gasped softly into the kiss and Booster's tongue slipped into his mouth.

What a dirty trick, that ass. How far was he expecting this to go? Ted reached out hesitantly with his own tongue and brushed it against Booster's. He could taste the alcohol, and it made his brow furrow. What if he WAS drunk? Booster began waddling backwards toward the bed, pulling Ted along with him. Booster let himself fall back, pulling Ted down on top of him.

Ted pulled his lips free and sat up so that he was straddling the blond's waist. His face flushed up even more as he felt Booster's erection through both of their pants. "Shit Ted... get that shirt off." Booster slipped his hand beneath Ted's shirt and brought his other hand around to Ted's stomach. He began pushing the shirt up, his hands sliding up the man's stomach and then his chest. The hair beneath his fingers there was slightly more rough then the hair on Ted's head and it tickled his palms slightly.

"How far are you planning to take this Booster?" Ted grabbed his shirt and pulled it off, tossing it attentively to the floor. He felt embarrassed to be even this exposed.

"Only as far as you're comfortable with, of course." Ted's hands dropped back to his sides as Booster's roamed across the brunette's chest and stomach. Ted's face was adorable, his lips pouting slightly, cheeks flushing in embarrassment, and his arms hanging lamely at his sides. He didn't know what to do. There was a moment of near silence as Ted seemed to be holding his breath. Booster pushed lightly at the man's chest. "Lay down on your back."

Ted's eyes went wide for a second before he complied. He brought his leg up over Booster and let himself fall onto his back next to him. Booster got up on his knees and pulled his shirt off his body and tossed it aside. He figured that by pleasuring Ted, at the least he would have a memory to pleasure himself to later. He reversed their roles by straddling Ted with a playful grin. "All you have to do is lay there and enjoy yourself." His voice was deep and raspy with lust.

Ted lay there, his eyes now hooded slightly, as he tried to shut off his mind and just stop thinking. First it was Booster's hands, back on his chest once more, his thumbs lightly stroking his skin. Then it's his lips, kissing and sucking and nipping lightly at the skin stretched across his collar bone. That's when it just clicked. His thoughts faded away, the only thing he was aware of were the sensations that Booster was creating.

He felt hands sliding down his chest, palms slowly lifting off his body as fingers slowly come to a stop at the waistband of his pants. "Booster..." The name came off his lips like a sigh and did not have the intended effect. The fingers quickly had his button free. "Booster...?" Once again he didn't have what he wanted behind the plea as his zipper soon fell. "Michael!" The hands froze as on his hips with fingertips down inside his pants. "What are you doing?"

Booster's brow furrowed. Wasn't it obvious? "I'm taking your pants off?"

"Well I get that much, but why?"

"I was kind of hoping to... well to give you a blowjob or something along those lines. Of course I'll stop if you want me to though." Ted's face flared up. How could he say that with a completely calm face?

"It's just that... What should I do?" He bit his lip nervously as Booster let out a soft chuckle.

"You just lay there and remain delicious." Ted gasped softly as his pants were quickly pulled off of him, cool air rushing down on his warm skin. "Damn... I never would have thought you would be this big." Ted felt his entire body heat up at that comment. He looked down and his brow furrowed, was that a compliment or an insult? Against his tight blue and black boxer briefs pressed an erection that he hadn't even realized he had.

As he slowly came back up Ted's body, Booster playfully dragged his lips along the length of the prominent member, causing it to twitch against the thin fabric. Ted shuddered softly and let his head fall back. Booster's lips began kissing at the soft skin above the elastic waistband of Ted's underwear as his fingers playfully dipped in. Ted wiggled his hips slightly as his boxers were pulled down his legs and off his body.

Ted lay there completely nude, his face flushed and his bottom lip held between his teeth. He felt... exposed, vulnerable, like he was under scrutiny as Booster's eyes raked his body up and down. One callused hand fell onto his thigh and began moving upward. "Wait wait wait..." Booster's hand stopped, his thumb lightly touching Ted's scrotum. The heat emanating through that point and into Ted's erection was almost sinfully good. "I'm nervous."

Booster had to fight back a snort. "You put on spandex and fight crime, but your nervous about me sucking--"

"Yeah. I told you I wasn't sure... Just... go ahead. Continue." Booster's face split wide open into a playful grin.

"Yes master." His hand slid up and grabbed Ted's cock gently yet firmly. His lips fell down, kissing playfully around the fuzzy trail of hair just below his navel. He slowly stroked the man's rigid member, the tip already glistening with precum. He shortly decided that he didn't want to wait anymore, he wanted to see Ted squirm. He wiggled his hips and slid down so that his face was level with Ted's erection and grinned.

Ted had no idea what was about to happen when Booster dragged his tongue over his leaking slit. He griped the sheets tightly in his fists as he let out a soft gasping moan. It took all his control to not buck his hips up when he felt Booster's lips slowly envelop his head. Booster's lips kept going down and down until Ted felt himself press against the back of his throat, a moan tearing from his lips. Booster hummed softly causing a delicious vibration to go through Ted's throbbing member. "Fuck..."

Booster nearly laughed at Ted's cursing and he slowly began bobbing his head up and down, his tongue sliding along Ted's erecting the whole time. Ted's eyes were clamped shut as his hands released the sheets and his fingers found their way to Boosters hair. Somewhere in his foggy lust and pleasure filled brain he was shocked at just how soft the man's golden locks were, but he would wonder at that later. Now he was too busy tugging and pushing at Boosters head, trying to get him to go faster.

Booster of course complied. He relaxed his throat to take Ted in deeper, the whining moans that he could hear his best friend making were spurring him. It didn't take long until Ted pushed Booster's head down and held him down, his cock pulsing and throbbing as his warm fluids spilled into the blond's throat. He didn't mind, he was planning to swallow Ted's cum anyways. As Ted's quite moans subsided, Booster let the now semi-hard member slip from his mouth.

Ted's let his hands fall from Booster's hair and he felt the bed shift and sink as Booster lay down next to him. Booster lay in silence, waiting for Ted to talk first. As he lay there trying to catch his breath, everything came crashing down on Ted. That was Booster. His best friend. The tall goofy blond guy that convince him to do silly things. The one who prefers shenanigans over a deep conversation. The man that he fears losing. The man that feels safe with. He rolled over on to his side and opened one eye to peek at him.

"This sounds kind of like an insult, but you're good at that." Booster laughed boisterously, exhilarated that Ted didn't get up to leave.

"Yeah, I noticed you whining like a virgin." Ted's brow furrowed. Oh shit. "Oh damn, you're not a virgin are you?"

"No, no. It has... been a long time though." He propped his head up on his elbow, his free hand reaching out and stroking through Booster's hair. Booster smiled warmly at the casual way Ted was treating that little act of intimacy.

"Well, you don't have to go without for that long again if you don't want to." Booster's voice betrayed his vulnerability with that one sentence. He was scared what Ted's reaction to all this was. He seemed to have enjoyed himself and to even be comfortable now.

"We'll see." Teds mouth pulled up into a teasing grin. "We'll see."

>He hadn't tried to hide his flirting before, why should he care if they get caught? Really the thought of them getting caught was kind of arousing.
UNNF. This is one of my kinks. For some reason, imaging Booster and Ted getting caught is so hot!
>"Damn... I never would have thought you would be this big." Ted felt his entire body heat up at that comment.
This is another kink. Ted's reaction to that comment! :D

Well, now I have to request the two fooling around and getting caught

Well, I'm not a good drawer. That's part of the problem, orz.

I have a feeling that he's Earth-3 Ted Kord who came back and killed Jaime. The resulting blood colored the Scarab into a red color.

Knowing that Mr. Morrison is working on a Multiverse project, maybe.

By whom?
in before everyone says Max
which is just fine by me

Didn't Max have one in an issue he dreamed he was a superhero?

Yeah. It was pretty cheesy and had some sort of tube leading to his nose.

Hell. Yes.


Is that the evil opposites earth?


He needs a less cheesy one. With a mask covering the nose thing, and pouches of blood to refresh himself, and guns because that's apparently his thing now...and he's starting to sound like a Liefeld creation. POUCHES OF BLOOD! AND GUNS! WITH BLOOD IN THEM! Nevermind.


In his office. On his desk. Because they totally would.

As apology for derailing the thread the other day, I offer fic. It started out as wanting to write a Ted and Rip meeting, then got massively derailed from there. There's probably some continuity and character issues and the thing's obviously not finished, but I hope it's enjoyable nonetheless.


It took Booster a while, but he eventually figured it out. Actually listening to Rip instead of tuning the Time Master out when he started on his “we have to let dumb and horrible stuff happen to preserve time” rant for the 459th time helped. Bugging Rip to let him tag along on a few missions worked even better. And dissecting the details of his own “demise” provided the final key.

The first time he had tried to save Ted, he didn’t have a corpse. The second time, he came prepared. Booster’s hands wouldn’t stop shaking when he pulled Ted out of his casket, and he had to stop more than once to cry and cradle the body against him. Watching Max shoot his best friend over and over so he could *time* the switch exactly felt like having his heart repeatedly torn out. The brilliant flash of light would be suspicious and Booster knew he was probably relying too much on Max’s arrogance to help pull this off. His former boss was a man who was used to seeing what he wanted to see; so the bastard had better not let him down this time.

It lasted for a second stretched out to forever, suspended by unwavering hope and years of yearning. Then he had Ted standing in the Time Sphere next to him and even if the Blue Beetle was dirty and bloody and smelled like he could use a good shower or two, he was still the most beautiful sight Booster had ever seen in his life. Ted was looking at Booster with a mix of amazement and confusion. “I thought you were… the hospital,” he began, and Booster couldn’t stop laughing and hugging him and saying, “Long story, buddy. I’ll tell you later.”

Booster knew his plan had worked when he – no, they – returned to his time to find it the way he had left it. Rip had his arms crossed and was wearing his customary scowl as he watched Booster descend the platform. Then he caught sight of the second spandexed figure and his expression shifted into shock.

Booster flashed his boss a brilliant smile. “Ted Kord. Meet Rip Hunter. Rip Hunter… told you I could do it.”


After recovering from his surprise, Rip had snippily informed Booster that he would have to run a battery of tests before they could be absolutely sure that Ted’s presence had caused no significant changes in the timestream. Ted was to keep a low profile. No claiming his identity, no going to work, no driving, no credit card use, all public appearances were to be kept to a minimum.

And definitely no outings in the Blue Beetle suit.

Rip’s suggestion that Ted keep his movements limited to the lab and Booster’s apartment was met by ready agreement from Booster, who seemed unperturbed at being asked to take responsibility for his friend. After a brief discussion, it was decided that Ted would appreciate the relative privacy of the apartment more than the disorder and noise of the lab. Ted had taken the news of his temporary confinement with good grace, elbowing Booster in the ribs and making jokes about getting free food. He had been less pleased with having to shed his costume and don some of Booster’s spare civvies.

He tugged at the sides of his t-shirt, watching how easily the fabric pulled away from his body. The shirt was a size too big. “You really know how to make a man feel inadequate.”

Booster slung an arm around his pal. “Uh-huh. I’ve seen the stuff you used to wear. This is the best you’ve looked in years.”

“I can’t believe you have a shirt with your own face on it.” Ted fisted the edge of the shirt in his hand and watched Booster’s screen-printed grin stretch and contort.

“Aw, you’re just jealous because no one prints shirts for *your* fan club.” Booster swatted Ted’s hands away before he could fuss more at his clothing. “Don’t even think about tucking it in.”

“Yes, mom.”

Booster picked up a blue-and-gold sports jacket and draped it over Ted’s shoulders. “Put this on. And don’t forget the shades.”

Ted sighed. “I look nothing like myself.”

“That’s the point, genius. Going completely incognito makes people suspicious. They try to guess who you are. So we go kind-of cognito. Except we’re dressing out of character.” Booster zipped up his hoodie and pulled the hood forward to cover up his bright hair. He put on a pair of wire-frame glasses, then glanced over at Ted. “Wait. You’ve got cowl hair.”

“I do?”

“Yeah. Run your fingers through it.”

Ted patted his head uncertainly. His hair resolutely stayed plastered in place.

Booster snorted and stepped close to his friend. He ruffled Ted’s dark locks then brushed the strands back when they fell into Ted’s face.

Ted blinked. His eyes were very blue from Booster’s vantage point, and glinting with amusement. “Now are we done with the Queer Eye routine?”

Booster stepped back, gave him an appraising look. “Better idea. Why don’t I burn all of your clothes and pick out your outfits from now o-“


Booster turned around.

Rip was pointing to the Time Sphere. “Both of you, out of my lab. Now.”



Booster was cooking pasta in the kitchen when the knock came at the door.

The sound made Ted stop thumbing idly at the tv remote and get up from the couch.


Ted grinned as the high-pitched voice filtered in through the walls. Some guys had all the luck. Of course, it probably helped if you had male model good looks, a superhero’s physique, and your own line of cologne. The next chance he got, he would have to bug Booster to introduce him to eligible women.

He opened the door.

The girl – no, woman – in the hallway gaped at him. He gaped back. She was, frankly, gorgeous. Wide doe eyes, shimmering blonde hair, curves in all the right places and legs that went on for forever. Ted could only hope that Booster wasn’t serious about this one, because there was something he *really* liked about her. Something that was strangely familiar…

Ted smiled stupidly at her. Then he realized his current state of undress.

She seemed to regain her senses first and waved a hand at him, a broad gesture that seemed to encompass his bare chest, the borrowed sweatpants that rode low on his hips, and his wet hair. “Are you-“

Ted’s brain slowly kicked into gear. “Umm… oh! No! Not at all! I’m not- He’s not- All I did was take a shower! We’re not gay!”

He backed up from the doorway, waving his hands in front of him in a defensive manner. And bumped right into Booster.

“Hey sis,” Booster said cheerfully. “You here for dinner?”


Everything about this dinner was rubbing Booster the wrong way and he didn’t know how to fix it.

It was wrong the way Michelle smiled at Ted, how loudly Ted laughed at Michelle’s lame jokes, that the dining room table wasn’t big enough to enforce five feet of distance between them. Michelle’s irritating habit of tilting her head endearingly when she giggled had never *grated* like it did right now. And Ted! Ted was showing off – shamelessly flaunting! – his body at her, with his refusal to put on a shirt. Booster hoped he caught a cold.

Booster stabbed at a meatball and shoved it into his mouth. Stupid Michelle and her stupid big blue eyes that no guy could seem to resist and her luxurious sleek hair (his was still shinier!) and her girl body that all his football pals oogled when they thought he wasn’t looking and Ted was no better than the rest of them. What was so great about boobs, anyway?

“There was this one time in the fourth grade where Michael- OW!”

Booster had kicked Michelle under the table to stop her. She kicked him back. She kicked *hard.*

Ted looked like he was stifling a grin. “Tell me later.”

It was almost a relief when Rip appeared as the three of them were clearing dishes from the table. He tapped Booster on the shoulder. “You’ve finished dinner. Good. Got a mission for you right now.”

Michelle muttered under her breath. “Doesn’t he know how to use a phone like everyone else?”

Ted shook his head. “Looks like we’re on dish duty tonight, Michelle.”

Booster grabbed the costume that was hanging over the back of a chair and walked over to Rip. “Guys, I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“There’s no hurry, buddy.” To his shock, Ted winked at him.

Michelle giggled and interlinked her arm with Ted’s. “Don’t worry, Mikey. I’ll keep your friend entertained.”

Booster felt his stomach sink.

It was a good thing his mission involved dinosaur-riding Nazis. He spent the next three hours punching them.


In the face.

It didn’t make him feel any better.



Here's the thread for the JLI redesigns.

This is really great so far!

Requesting some other leaguer (preferably Bea) getting off while listening to Booster and Ted in another room.
Bonus: Booster is on top
Double bonus: Dirty talk from Ted


I like this so far. It's got me so worried how Booster and Ted will get together (They do, right? Right?) and how Michelle will handle it. Eeee! Please let it be a happy ending with no bad feelings between siblings? That would make me sad to see bad blood between Booster and his sister, especially over Ted. D: I'd still read the story and love it either way, though! lol

For those of you part of the JLI calendar, pop on over and claim your month(s)!

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