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 Posting a reply to post #269804

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269804 No.269804

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I'd switch Middle and High School around.

I had a shitty 8th grade experience.

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3AM puddin' goes in mid tier

I'd move college down a tier and switch middle and high school.

Because middle school was kids failing to act like high schoolers no matter how hard they try.

High school and college are identical, everyone's just older. Middle and elementary school are identical, only everyone is a complete dick in sixth grade because puberty is an ass.

Ranking them is silly.

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Middle school is millions of times worse than highschool.

High school owns.

so true.

it probably varies from school to school and person to person

but in general the other students seemed to mellow out and stop giving fucks as the years progressed, improving my shoolgoing experience steadily

I don't know about you guys, but my time in high school was fucking awesome. I traveled all over the place, hung out with popular kids and nerds, skipped class, still made decent grades, and spent nearly my entire senior year either in French (parlez-vous français, garce?) or in the art room. High School and college are God Tier.

>ITB (InThisBoard) are you me?

Primary school > secondary school.

The first three years of my secondary school were hellish and the last three so far has been boring.

Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?
I also used to know how to say you had a big head.

Tu as une grande tĂȘte?

For me.

High School > Middle School > Primary School

our College is University.

Heh, that's the one.
Say, is there any reason you have not accepted my friend request on XBox? Just asking.

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I will when I can afford a goddamn wireless receiver for my bawks, but motherfuck, those things are still so expensive. Why are they still so expensive? it's not fair.

I still have the wi-fi adapter from my old 360. You want it?

You know what's really not fair? They stopped making WiFi adapters for the Wii and DS.

>>I don't know about you guys
You know that stereotypical awkward geek who eats lunch alone? Not a single other person around?
Three years.
Every day.
Same location.
Even in the snow.

:< I am sorry, anonymous. We used to call guys like you over to our table. I was alone at lunch for freshman year, so I understand. It's no bueno, dude.


If you have a wireless enabled laptop, you can just hook an Ethernet cable between the laptop and the Xbox360 and allow the Xbox to share a network with the laptop, and then go on Xbox live using your laptop as the wireless adapter. I've been doing it for more than a year and it works swimmingly.

Also, I didn't finish high school. Got my ass kicked out before the end of my freshman year for entirely retarded reasons, and my entire family pretty much reached the consensus of 'fuck this shit.'

Wh-what!? Are you serious!? Holy shit, dude, I love you. Thank you!

You're winning today. At life.

u gaiz~

College > Middle School > Grade School > High School

I kinda feel bad for people who's lives peaked in High School.

I liked high school more because it was easier to make friends. College, I feel out of place and out of my element. Hopefully, I'll get friends soon. It doesn't hell that I'm taking classes with peers who are younger then me. Even though it's only two years it feels kind of horrible.

Everyone turns into an asshole during middle school. Fuck that shit.

Kindergarten has nap time, put that shit in GOD TIER.

Anyways, I went to Catholic School for grades 1-12, so for me it was all SHIT TIER. There weren't many good teachers, skipping class ended in a suspension and a week of detention, every month we had to have a mandatory school mass fucking sleep, funding for anything was utter shit, and FUCKING UNIFORMS. So for me, everything after Kindergarten and before college was horrible crap. And I'm going to a community college. That's how bad Catholic School is.


nothin wrong with uniform

I used to think uniforms were horrible, but now I'm of quite a different mind. I still dislike the idea that everyone must wear the exact same thing, especially because those can be pricy, but I think that a uniform requiring clothes of a certain color and style is alright. It adds a cohesiveness to the student body while still allowing some individuality.


in the uk school uniform is p. cheap

Middle school is gr 6-8 right? Like, ages 11-14? I didn't have that shit, I went to a French school that went from kindergarten to 8th grade and then high school was 9-12. But we had a bunch of kids who would join us in sixth grade to be the third class because all the anglo schools end at 6.

Middle school was worst for me, because it's when all my supporters left, leaving me with just the people that hated me from earlier, some bad shit went down, and I pretty much spent the rest of the time waiting for high school so I could get the fuck out of the cornfield.
But Pokemon came out, so it wasn't all bad.

Grade School and high school were equal tiers, because gs I got everything I wanted and was a top student, and hs I just hung around and played hooky with my friends. My HS was nothing like the schools on TV, it was about 1800 students and half of them were ESL. Although, thinking about it, a lot of 'very special episode' stuff happened to people around me: rape, paralyzing car accident, HIV, drug addiction, death in a gang war, suicide and boning a teacher. But no teen pregnant, weirdly.

And then in College I made friends with the quietest people in the class who also were the biggest perverts and we had a fabulous time as the dynamic trio.
College was best I miss it so much.

Urgh, I still have to wear uniforms.
Fuck it. Fuck it so hard.

I have almost no recollection of middle school, most of grade school, and a lot of high school as well. I cam remember senior year, a few flashes from before that, and even those feel like they happened to someone else.

That's kind of odd.

I kind of have that, and the few memories I do have are very negative and embarrassing, mostly of weird things I did or said and people reacting in a way that made me want to hide in a hole forever. I was basically straight-up socially retarded until the summer after high school something just snapped that said "you are fucking retarded and you need to get your shit together". And then I went to college and got jobs and made friends and joined clubs and was invited to parties and people's houses and stuff. Though I still hate whenever something brings up a memory of pre-college me and I cringe because I think it'll come back to haunt me one day.

So for me College = God Tier, Everything Else = Don't Even Talk To Me About That Shit Tier.

Can you mod them at all? Like, wear a vest instead of a sweater or things like that?

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Not entirely sure why I felt compelled to do this.

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