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 Posting a reply to post #268220

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268220 No.268220
So what does /baw/ major in?

Computer Science here.

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>mid tier

>shit tier

Did you base this on talent or amount of effort required to get the degree?

Don't know, it's an old 4chan troll list. I thought it might stir up some good discussion.

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I bet we could make a better list

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>implying all skilled trades are shit tier

What criteria would we use? Prestige? Money? Difficulty?


If we were to be entirely fair as a general tier list, every profession would be in the same tier.

Except maybe politics.

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>a job is a job is a job is a job is a job is a job is a job is a job is a job is a job is a job.


B-but before you mock me for it, I want to be a teacher! And an author! So I have a plan for it.

Having a plan is good.
I weep for dumb apes who are psychology majors because it's what all their friends are doing.

Or the baseball players that get a minor in business so that they have enough credits to stay in school.

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>wanted to be computer science major
>can't do the math
>information systems major instead

Pissing my life away

Well it is History, but I think I'm going to change to Mathematics. I realized I'm not very good at history, it's more of an interest than an actual desire, and while I'm not that excited about math, I'm damn good at it when I try, so I guess I'm gonna go with what I know.

needs to zoom out to show the philosopher at the far end flipping the mathematician the finger.


>Anything but a waste of life

Mathematics is hard. And serious. Either you have to be really smart or you gotta like sitting at home working on proofs for hours. Prove me wrong by finishing with that major. Prove me wrong.

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>>you gotta like sitting at home working on proofs for hours
>>Prove me wrong.
>>working on proofs
>>PROVE me wrong

Oh, I see what you did there

Also, Microbiology major here. Fuck yeah viruses!

Philosophy is guesswork
Unless you meant on the far left

I hope you get XL2-Blue MRF

Wait, that's ecoli, never mind

Honors Bachelor in Arts
Major in Low Tier
Minor in Shit Tier


Math won't save you when your plumbing is fucked, astronomy won't fix your car, medicine won't build a road, and law won't serve you a five-star meal.

Any gainful employment that pays for your living and keeps you out of debt is god tier.

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Majored in general Biology.

Thinking about going for a PhD in that right here. Shit owns.

Remember how Einstein was kicked out of university and went on to become a genius? From experience I can say that one can learn more from reading a good book than by attending classes. Heck, spend an hour researching a subject using google and wikipedia and you'll know just as much about the subject as somebody who spent half a semester.

But then that doesn't get you an expensive piece of paper with your name on it.

You're ignoring learning that requires practice and experience over memorization and categorizing ideas.

Your expertise on the subject is otherwise correct and is duly noted. Please excuse me while I try to wipe your smug from my brain.

Cut it out, yous mugs.

Moved from comp sci to anthropology to linguistics where I am now. Probably going to grad school for library sciences.

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>I don't understand the concept that people learn in different ways.

If only you had paid more attention in class, you might have learned that some people learn better by reading information, some learn better by hearing information, and some learn better by getting to physically apply information.

>Heck, spend an hour researching a subject using google and wikipedia and you'll know just as much about the subject as somebody who spent half a semester.

No, NEET. No. You are so fucking wrong about this I can't believe it. I am literally awestruck at the stupidity of this statement.


>Googling a topic is equivalent to a semester in college

What --



what no. Even if you change half an hour to hours, weeks, months, or years, still no.

I've been into cars for years. I've read all the books, studied plenty of cars, spent most of my spare time learning all I possibly can on my own, and there is still so much for me to learn from an experienced instructor, someone with years of knowledge behind them.

You can teach yourself a lot, but there's always someone who knows more than you. And contrary to popular belief, not everything is on the internet.

To be fair to neet, there is no such thing as practice or experience in university, most people go through by memorization.

>not everything is on the Internet.
For the love of God and all things good, may no one here forget this.


I am glad you were banned for this.

Yeah, I was trying to be nice. I disagree with your statement to a degree (lol) since I went to a research university and had lab classes, etc. Plus learning to program, analyze problems, and do advanced mathematics was fairly non-trivial. I use that stuff at work all the time.

why isn't neet permabanned

my hatred today knows no bounds


Because /baw/ likes rage threads.

I don't like the thought of idiocy bans. It's bothersome.


i will ban you for disagreeing with me!!!!

i would never :D


>Baseball Players
>Make more money in one year then you will probably see in your life
>"I weep for them"

Computer Science/Information Technology


>dumb apes
>psychology majors
>just because their friends are doing it

You do know that's the first thing you learn not to do in psychology, right?

That's if they make it

And they only make that money for a few years, lose half on a stupid wife, lose more on various criminal charges, spend the rest on blow, die a lonely old man whose picture some kid has in his pocket

I'm majoring in Film and minoring in Art.

Even people who end up in the minor leagues for their entire career usually make enough to live a decent life off of it.

lol I guess you don't like food and housing
Or are you actually good at it?

Please consider an emergency room doctor. Now please consider what it would be like to die of blood loss while your doctor browses wikipedia to find out how to tie a tourniquet properly.

Human society, by and large, knows what the fuck it's doing. There is a sound, thought out, useful reason we invented standardized curriculums and teaching methods, and that reason is that it works and is not the useless piece of paper you keep claiming it is. If we dropped formal education, the result would be widespread death and intellectual stagnation.

And yes, I do know that the idea is that the doctor would already know how to perform expected procedures. But, one of the other reasons we have standardized curriculums is that they allow us to have reasonable expectations of the level and breadth of knowledge someone has attained. Degrees aren't just about what you learn, they're also about proving to other people what you've learned.

Without degrees we would have to interrogate people about each skill they posses and their proficiency in each of the same. With degrees, we can assume without asking that they have a certain skillset. Degrees increase the efficiency of conduct in the professional world.

There are other reasons, but I'm not exactly feeling up to explaining them. Maybe later.

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"He who knows two languages is worth two men".

I've just started my third.

Getting my History on up in here. Be in my last year when I go back next month! Scary shit...

I dunno what I wanna major in, I enjoy just about everything.

I feel the same way, except I don't enjoy anything.

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People who hate on humanities and art majors are adorable.


I'm a math major, a bad one but still. once you get into ti it is all just philosophy. you assume a set number of axioms and then just go on from there.

>bad math major who doesn't know how philosophy works
Get out of your "philosophy is the study of logic" bubble.


haters gonna hate etc


Shit sux.



What field?

Social-cognitivefag here.

I'm good at it. I've had to take a break from selling my photography (no camera at the moment). Haven't had time to doctor a script in awhile, either. But I'm shooting a short film this fall.

>widespread death

Solve the problem of overpopulation.

I was thinking about culinary arts. If I need something more practical, computer repair.

Or both, who knows. I'm barely interested in it, although I'm well aware of how important it is.

Don't go there, girlfriend.

People who specialize in the social, political, and economic are much more likely to change the world.

Just ask Adam Curtis.

Journalism :)

I'll go there. Too many dicks on the dancefloor, Ram.

Ferrous Fellow is always where the dicks are.

One of many reasons I do graduate level science, lol...

we need more women in science grad school, dammit. you girls are some of the best scienticians i've met in my undergrad. WHERE THE FUCK YOU AT?!

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>32 people in my social psych lab
>only 3 dudes

I'm not jealous.

Overpopulation is a misnomer for the problem. The true problem is misuse and mismanagement of resources and not applying technology as efficiently or as mindfully as can be had. The West is actually in something of a baby bust, with under 1% population growth/year in America since 2004. Yes, even despite the media blitz of multiples, homes broke by TEH TURRABLE teenage pregnancies and crazy Mormon families.

You give a land birth control, a middle class, hospitals and access to livable wages, you reduce the hard pressed desire to pop out babies like pez. One of the reasons immigration is so attractive to western countries is because there's just not enough dummies. 2-3 kids per nesting couple is almost required just to maintain numbers.

Come the age of space colonization, dat dance floor is going to be bigger than anybody will ever need, anyhow. Until then, the Nuclear Family's problem is not the number of people in it, but the gross abuse of resources just to have it. :X

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English, motherfuckers, I do major in it.

Fuck your shit-tier.

>The true problem is misuse and mismanagement of resources and not applying technology as efficiently or as mindfully as can be had.

Jesus Christ, THANK YOU.

Yeah, there are a lot of girl in my school who plan to major in psychology.

>Women trying to understand men thinking they have depth or something

I find this agreeable, and here's a fun paradox.

People like me who are trying to make our impact less terrible on the world are just finding pathways for people to destroy it more easily.

It's a bit of false-causality that I'm stating here since a lot of research that's been done over the last four decades has slowed down the rate at which we increase the use of resources, but given the way our economy works, so long as we keep putting things out there for people to use easily, people will keep using them. I think that at some point if we haven't already reached it, it would require a reduction in people in first world and industrializing countries to maintain the "increasing quality of life" that we have. Advancement generally means more use of resources and more pollution per person with the exception of a few innovations here and there. Either we cut down on people, DRAMATICALLY change the way we distribute resources and technology, or stop innovating the way we have been and thus killing the modern economy. None of those are going to happen without some catastrophic world changing period, since you can't easily convince people to stop driving so far to jobs, using so much packaging, wasting so much energy (like chatting online on imageboards), etc etc, or using cheaper but more polluting methods without major incentives.

I dunno, lol. I'm actually a little sad that there's no "the man" that we can fight to fix this. So much of our current predicament is derivative of human nature, persistent ideologies, and technological evolution.

>not efficient
>not wise

Welcome to human nature.

Only solution is to change humans into something different like robots to make them more efficient or kill of a whole bunch so the rest can survive.

>you can't convince people

You can force them do it. Force them to be more efficient, allot only enough food as needed, provide clean public transportation etc.

Or you can virus bomb the third world to sterilize it, so that without actually killing anyone their population is reduced.

At least you have a school that offers IT. My choice was between Computer Science and Management Information Systems, which is really business plus programming lite. I have zero interest in business, plus the business campus is downtown for me.

So now I get to do math, math and more math. Ugh.

Ya know, I dabble. I don't study subjects much personally, but I wheel in circles with folks. Arty folks. Engineery folks. Sentiments I get tell me that everybody is capable of so much more in all aspects of their respective industries, but what holds them back is the status quo and the norm as how we do business, and the incentives that the whole has to aspire to more.

The solutions for every problem to resource management exist right now. Similar to how the electric car exists. What's in the way is a lot of ill gotten profit sponging off of the mismanagement. As soon as we figure out a way to deal with the retardation that rewards stifling new technology in the name of profit, such as rewarding people who embrace and market it, we'll get rid of many of the problems associated with resources. New technology and measurement standards, more rigorous testing.. etc.

Any misanthropic "solution" is not a solution by any means. The only solution is to decentivize reproduction the way it is in the west- you simply can't afford to raise 8-10 kids plus encourage them to get a REAL job (higher education tuition) and unless you have a vested interest in doing so, you don't even have to have any thanks to birth control.

From using fly ash for masonry and concrete to algae that eats sunlight and makes clean petrol, the solutions are there. Now what the fuck you gon' do with them?


It seems, from my perspective, it's more about a social predisposition put upon American girls to be tuned in to that kind of stuff. The industry is overwhelmingly female, but we still find that its dominated by males for some reason.

Most of the girls I know are set out for social work and therapy. Almost none of them are going into research :/

I mean, power to them and all. They're helping a lot of people live happier lives, but...why not research too?

>what you gon do with them?
try to make them viable and make sure they're functional, safe, and ready for market is what. and you're still talking about going against human nature on a large scale in order to mitigate waste. it's difficult, not impossible, but like i said, it will require some huge change in the way things are done in order for there to be a move toward those new PARADIGMS - OH GOD I SAID A DIRTY WORD I'M SORRY.

As long as there's a way to arbitrage or gain profits off something that's out there, people will find a way to make money out of it and protect that cash cow. A lot could be done with policy but getting policy to change means swaying lots of people. Again let me emphasize this: making change requires swaying the minds of lots of people. That mind changing stuff may happen on its own in the future, but I'll save that for the end of my rant.

I'm not trying to be a naysayer about the innovations that are out there right now. Hell, the electric car was invented in the early 1900s but never picked up because competitors wanted it dead and oil was plentiful.

If you've done any chemistry or thermodynamics, hopefully you'll be familiar with this concept. To go to from one state to another, one must both make the next state more favorable thermodynamically (lower energy/cost) but also you must have enough energy to get through the transitional period (the kinetic barrier/cost of changing systems). We have kinetic barriers that are preventing us from moving into using newer technologies like the lobbies and policies that you mentioned. That doesn't change the fact that changing to new technology is more expensive than existing technology (which has had years of optimizing and embedding in our daily lives). In order for the those new technologies to be able to last beyond the news stub and display room, we not only have to make sure that the new tech is cheaper/more favorable in some way, but we also have to find a way to transition out of our current infrastructure including getting past those fucking powerful lobbies. It would take energy to not only get us out of our current state, but also time/investment/a change in circumstance to advance the other technologies to be viable.

As for people garnering profit, that is one of the biggest market forces we have, and it's a devil we have to keep in line. Greed is impossible to tame.

So yeah. You can talk about management and misuse and complain that people aren't using new technologies, but if we're going to maintain the way we live we're going to need oil to become prohibitively expensive (and less subsidized goddamn), ocean levels to rise high enough to flood coastal cities, or technologies that you mentioned to be ready to take the pressure off our current foundations.

tl;dr people are incredibly hard to push. it's easier to let gravity pull them.

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major in


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have a pretty picture
lobbying and policy tends to push the "kinetic barrier" up

advancements in technology "lower the energy" of the new technology.

This is how change occurs on the large scale. :I

o oversimplification

I came up with a theory for that, but it's a little misogynistic.
Bluntly, psychologists and therapists pick up and put down their work at the end of the day, outside a few paged contacts from their patients every so often. The impacts of their work are noticable, often immediate and beneficial to the health of people, and there's a steady paycheck involved. Responsibility is limited, and there's a limited amount of the unknown. Coincidentally this helps if you're also a mom.

Research science, as far as I can tell, is the territory of Reed Richards. Half your attention and awareness on earth, half of it pursuing theories, and experiments and the questions that prevent progress. Feelings and attention is married to the project at the time, you take it home with you and the noticable positive impact is not material or measurable. Failure is important to research science, but failure itself is an undesirable outcome to many. There are no apparent directions for success, no text book guides outside trial and error and the scientific method for breaking new ground.

I've never actually sought any out for their thoughts, though. The closest similarity would be why more women aren't doctors, and why so many are almost exclusively nurses. Though I wouldn't dare suggest being a doctor is like being a researcher.



Fuck yeaaaaah English.

Majored in History, currently in law school, so it averages out. Really, I don't know why History is so low. Yes, you can't do much with it except teach or go into graduate school of some sort, but it is very helpful in understanding the world and humanity. Unless you take some bullshit history courses like "The history of disabled left-handed gay black women in South Carolina".

Also, God tier is all math-based. Fuck math. >:C

Math is the current key to technological or societal advancement. History and communication have only taken us so far, and now math is doing the legwork. Get used to it.

Technological, yeah, but societal advancement? Splain.

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Only in economics. I doubt anyone is stupid enough to apply math to social issues or personal relationshi- OH WAIT THEY ARE THAT STUPID.

Social development has always been a matter of communication. Now we're making auto-translators and easy long distance communication to spread ideas faster. Language is still important, it's just now a barrier to overcome rather than build off of more than ever before. Not that it's halted or anything.

Animation...Though I'm becoming more apt to character modeling than actual animation itself...

It's a growth experience.

Except game theory has some useful applications in law and policy.


>psychologists pick up and put down their work

Actually they have the second highest burnout rate of any industry because it's almost impossible to separate work life from home life when it comes to what they actually do.

>a few paged contacts from their patients every so often

Hollywood/New York therapists see maybe 5 or 6 patients one day of each week for 1 hour and they usually have light self-esteem issues or nervous disorders. The vast majority of others process upwards of twenty utterly miserable people daily for five days a week, take their case files home with them (including weekends).

>Responsibility is limited

Actually there aren't many professions with MORE responsibility than psychologists. The mind is as complex as it is fragile and there are more ways to irreparably fuck shit up than to patch up existing holes. You're constantly treading on thin ice and it never, ever gets easier or safer for you. You are accountable for your patient's thoughts and feelings and behavior. Burnout rate is seriously insane. Most therapists spend about 30 hours talking with a single patient before formally evaluating and there's a growing minority that thinks this isn't anywhere near enough time.

In regards to the nurses vs doctors thing, I'm almost sure that's a cultural thing and I'm also almost certain that it's changing. There are more women in college now than men, including med school. Won't see much for a few more years, though.

Medical and even dental schools are at about equal enrollment for each gender right now, and while the numbers aren't the same for nursing school, I know a lot of dudes who either are currently in or planning to attend nursing school (something pretty unheard just a while back).

There was also a distinct female majority in my science classes, but the same went to the whole uni.

So maybe these professions won't be so skewed by gender in the future.

Psychology is almost always a clambake, though.

>all that stuff you said
Right. My therapist told me that her first job after school was with the navy, and she had to do evaluations on guys who said they were suicidal in order to judge whether they were really suicidal or just faking it to avoid going to war. If that's not a big responsibility right out of the gate, I don't know what is. My personal theory on why women are attracted to psychology is the compassion element (desire to help people) and the emphasis on skillful interpersonal interaction. Some women really enjoy grappling with emotions. An uncharitable way to say this is that they thrive on drama and gossip, but you could also say that a difficult emotional situation is like a puzzle to solve. Why do people do the things they do? Not for logical goals, but for reasons not easily understood at first glance.

A few of the girls I've talked to just want to be able to read and manipulate people.

I have a lot of shitty friends.

That's like becoming a doctor in order to learn how to stab someone with surgical accuracy. :(

Major in psychology with a focus on mustache-twirling.

Or studying forensics to learn how to dispose of bodies.

... brb, learning psychology, forensics, and medicine.

Dexter ITT

This may come as a surprise to everyone. But I'm a history major.

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>A few of the girls I've talked to just want to be able to read and manipulate people


What emphasis/focus? Mine was kinda medieval Europe, but I kinda got into Early Modern Britain, did some 20th century stuff, some Islamic and Japanese history, I was all over the place.

I started out doing 20th century intellectual history, then did a brief stay in medievel Ireland, now I'm veering towards history of sport.

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For now: English.

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Political Science: International Studies major Asian Studies minor
Going to teach English in Japan and Korea, maybe China. Starting wage for this profession in Japan: ~$25/hour. I am 21.

Now how about lending your old pal Zoidtrain a few dollars, ey?

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I'm not going to college, I'm going to be a professional cook.

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Child psychology.

I read that in Nappa's voice.

Animation/Illustration, and considering a minor in Humanities

Dub Nappa or Abridged Nappa?

Abridged of course.

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>have never thought about what I wanted to be when I grew up.
>Started undeclared (they stuck me in Liberal Arts)

Feels bleh, man. I have no idea what the fuck to do with my life.









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I'd actually love to be a farmer. It's just not a profitable job, unless you're getting subsidies or growing a high-end cash crop or growing drugs (which is illegal).

Me, I'm gonna either end up in theatres working backstage as a gaffer or do something that's just as heavy lifting/hard work that's actually considered blue collar, like carpentry, logging, or as a butcher.

If I'm really lucky, I'll follow my family's footsteps and be either a cop or a spec. ed. worker.

House painting and insulation. (In another country) Studied to the point where I know enough to start my own company.

You know what feels great though? When you go help friends paint their house, everybody but you is using masking tape, you finish way before anybody else and you've done a much, much better job.

Working on History. My ultimate goal is to become a librarian, which will require a Library Science degree and some extra years put in.

Drop out and become an electrician or a plumber. You will make as much, if not more, than most of the people who graduate.

To be honest, America is short on tradesmen, and a good trade can get you a HUGE starting salary.

It's not a bad idea.

I wanted some of that sweet, sweet paid tuition construction job stuff at Cianbro...
but they weren't hiring. :(

plus you can apprentice and get paid to learn! You have to apply though, and they only take apprentices when there's job openings/the business is going well. But if you find a union or whatever that will take you, it's pretty much a win-win situation.

What's a good trade right now?

Electrician, plumber, BMET, mason, lineman, welder, and instrument mechanic are all good trades.

Oh good, my dad's an electrician. Maybe I should follow in his footsteps. Y'know, except for the living his kids to suffer for 10 years thing.

Find a city with a lot of good building projects going on, and there'll be plenty of room for painters, electricians, etc. And automobile mechanics will always be needed anywhere.

If you live in an area with a lot of trucking I recommend looking into diesel mechanics. Big rigs require a lot of tender loving care, and a lot of old mechanics are out of work or going back to school due to newer models being made with more and more advanced computers, so young and fresh students are always needed. Truck mechanics are more specialized, get a chance to work for bigger companies and corporations than the local garage down the street or whatever.

If there aren't apprenticeships around, the Universal Technical Institute is a great school. And if you get into a post-grad program with BMW, Ford, Porsche, or whatever company they pay for your tuition and hire you pretty much straight out of school. It's expensive, but worth it. I'd be there right now if culinary wasn't my primary dream.

The thing about the auto industry that if you're on the repair side of things, you basically have no job security at any point in your life. You're constantly no more than a day away from unemployment.

I went straight into the workforce and I'm living it up!

Sup culinary career buddy. But yeah trades are awesome, I would've hit up TVA for their fine instrument mechanic apprenticeship if I didn't want to be a cook

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