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 Posting a reply to post #84497

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84497 No.84497
How would bending, a power which is based on both selective genetics and distinct culture, react in a world where greater globalization has led to a jumbled dominant culture and these specific gene pools have mixed?

Personally, I'd see either bending to become diluted over time, unable to work in people under these circumstances, Or the exact opposite possibly the ability for people to use both a dominant bending ability as well as minor abilities in bending types that were less dominant.

I know it's been said that in the world of the Avatar we've seen, dualbending has been only available to the Avatar, but perhaps it was not possible due to the extreme seperation of the four nations, outside of the occasional trader. Now, with the existence of Fire Nation Colonies and the vast increases in technology that have been made by both the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom, maybe the borders will grow to blur.

Of course, I'm not talking about Korra's world, this would be centuries or even millenia down the line.

What do you think?

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I doubt anyone would be able to bend more then one element, but I think the higher degree of interaction between people would lead to an increase of "mixed arts."

Iroh had a special technique he claimed was learned from the practice of waterbending, while still being heavily based on firebending, the lightening redirection technique. This was a rare and one of a kind skill, a new created skill, which seems to be a novelty in the Avatar world. The only other example of a new technique being discovered is Toph's metalbending, with all the other bending being learned from scrolls, animals, or teachers.

With a more mixed culture, I think things like Iroh's custom made lightening-redirection would become more common, with each bending school perhaps branching out to other techniques that were inspired by the other bending styles. Such as the evasion-oriented airbenders picking up a more aggressive style by adapting firebending techniques.

Personally, I'd wonder how the spirit world and and past avatars would take this.

Depends on if one party is dominating the others. I suspect we will be seeing the OPs vision writ small in Republic City.

Odds are there will be concentrations based on the Four Nations, but instead of a trader's child heading across the world if he/she thinks they take after thier father bendingwise it is just heading to the nearest mid-sized city.

What if...? They stop being able to bend sinlge elements, but they develop telekinesis!

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What if they all turn into big, ugly girls!

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